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The Metal Thread

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It's a great album, but I do feel it does kind of pale in comparison to the prime works of Kreator, Dark Angel, Vio-Lence, Morbid Saint, and Sodom, for one. I also think that South of Heaven and Seasons in the Abyss are much better Slayer albums as well.

South of Heaven is a really weird album to me. I mainly listen to that album just for Dave Lombardo as I think it's his most "drum focused" album. Araya's singing and phrasing on it sounds like he got the full Def Jam influence by almost "rapping", but whatever. It took me a long time to get used to that album.

Show No Mercy > Hell Awaits, in my opinion.

I love Show No Mercy. It's basically early Judas Priest in hell.

Filler? When RIB came out, it made most everything else seem lame in comparison. Slayer leveled up hard, and it smoked their other stuff. It's probably the only one I'd go back to now. Seasons in the Abyss was a disappointment and it was all downhill from there.

Dark Angel's "Darkness Descends" would like to have a word with you.
Filler? When RIB came out, it made most everything else seem lame in comparison. Slayer leveled up hard, and it smoked their other stuff. It's probably the only one I'd go back to now. Seasons in the Abyss was a disappointment and it was all downhill from there.


Filler? When RIB came out, it made most everything else seem lame in comparison. Slayer leveled up hard, and it smoked their other stuff. It's probably the only one I'd go back to now. Seasons in the Abyss was a disappointment and it was all downhill from there.


PS: Hell Awaits and Show no Mercy blow Reign in Blood out of the water.

I love Show No Mercy. It's basically early Judas Priest in hell.

Dark Angel's "Darkness Descends" would like to have a word with you.

My man!
RIB was like one long song, when it was done you just flipped the tape and repeat throughout the day. It was perfection.

That DA song isn't in the same ballpark.

RIB was like Justice and RIP, when it dropped it raised the bar.


RIB was like one long song, when it was done you just flipped the tape and repeat throughout the day. It was perfection.

That DA song isn't in the same ballpark.

RIB was like Justice and RIP, when it dropped it raised the bar.

FACE, I have to admit man, your replies are baffling. Justice was one of the most influential progressive metal albums ever made, ahead of it's time, and easily one of the most important metal albums ever recorded. It was Metallica at their most adventurous. It was a god tier riff factory.

That should never have to be explained.
I never knew And Justice For All was a given. I always remembered it as being very trite. If we're comparing riff factory albums released in 1989, one has to mention Sabbat - Dreamweaver and Coroner - No More Color.


I never knew And Justice For All was a given. I always remembered it as being very trite. If we're comparing riff factory albums released in 1989, one has to mention Sabbat - Dreamweaver and Coroner - No More Color.

I think it came out in 1988, same year as Eternal Nightmare and the title track from that album has more riffs than the entirety of AJFA.

Edit: Punishment for Decadence also came out in 1988 and Metallica wishes it had made an album that good.
I'm not that into Opeth either, but to disrespect Justice is to disrespect your metal roots, FACE. That's a nice way to put it I guess, lol.

I never knew And Justice For All was a given. I always remembered it as being very trite. If we're comparing riff factory albums released in 1989, one has to mention Sabbat - Dreamweaver and Coroner - No More Color.

Justice was a phenomenon. It ignited the metal guitar world, and elevated metal to new heights. Not only was it beyond legit as a serious metal album that even the most cynical, die hard metalhead revered, 'One' made metalheads of kids around the world. It was a statement that metal could be so much more than what it was- a statement that metal in the coming decades was going to blow minds for reasons beyond just being fast and heavy. It would be a totally different world without that album, and there are very few metal albums that are in that class.

Just in case anyone else didn't know, heh.
I think it came out in 1988, same year as Eternal Nightmare and the title track from that album has more riffs than the entirety of AJFA.

Edit: Punishment for Decadence also came out in 1988 and Metallica wishes it had made an album that good.

Eternal Nightmare was 1987.
No More Color was 1989.

Just realized that R.I.P., Punishment For Decadence, and No More Color were all released in 3 consecutive years. Thats fucking impressive for one band at that extremely high level.

Justice was a phenomenon. It ignited the metal guitar world, and elevated metal to new heights. Not only was it beyond legit as a serious metal album that even the most cynical, die hard metalhead revered, 'One' made metalheads of kids around the world. It was a statement that metal could be so much more than what it was- a statement that metal in the coming decades was going to blow minds for reasons beyond just being fast and heavy. It would be a totally different world without that album, and there are very few metal albums that are in that class.

Just in case anyone else didn't know, heh.

I'm going to have to disagree there. Late 80s was the beginning of a huge downturn for Thrash Metal around the world. By that time we already had a ton of thrash bands putting stuff out one after the other around the world for years, especially the tape trading scene who saw and just heard about everything Thrash Metal had to offer. Late 80s was certainly not the year that had an explosion of metalhead kids, let alone And Justice For All. It had been cemented for a long time since the early 80s.

I think you need to check out Coroner's first three album. That guitarist was way ahead of the curve on mostly everyone else. He was on Freidman/Skolnick/Becker level of guitar playing. Shit, the whole band is, the RUSH of thrash metal.

Same with Watchtower - Control and Resistance. IMO that is the quintessential "progressive-thrash" metal album. Ron Jarzombek is fucking nuts on that album. Same with the bass player Doug Keyser and that goofy drummer.


Eternal Nightmare was 1987.
No More Color was 1989.

Just realized that R.I.P., Punishment For Decadence, and No More Color were all released in 3 consecutive years. Thats fucking impressive for one band at that extremely high level.

Metal-Archives lied to me. Fix this shit, Morrigan!

Coroner was on a fucking roll(Purple Haze cover aside).

I'm not that into Opeth either, but to disrespect Justice is to disrespect your metal roots, FACE. That's a nice way to put it I guess, lol.

Justice was a phenomenon. It ignited the metal guitar world, and elevated metal to new heights. Not only was it beyond legit as a serious metal album that even the most cynical, die hard metalhead revered, 'One' made metalheads of kids around the world. It was a statement that metal could be so much more than what it was- a statement that metal in the coming decades was going to blow minds for reasons beyond just being fast and heavy. It would be a totally different world without that album, and there are very few metal albums that are in that class.

Just in case anyone else didn't know, heh.

I, uh, what?

You are like every metal forum member I have ever encountered rolled up in to one person.

Ironically, I've never participated in any metal forums.
All Time Favorite Metal Band: Death
Runner Up Favorite Metal Bands: Opeth, Carcass, Cynic, Mastodon
Favorite Metal Genre: Death Metal

Favorite Metal Vocalist: Mikael Akerfeldt

Favorite Metal Album: Death - Human
Favorite Heavy Metal Album: None
Favorite Power Metal Album: Iced Earth - Horrorshow
Favorite Thrash Metal album: Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Favorite Death Metal album: Carcass - Necroticism – Descanting the Insalubrious
Favorite Black Metal Album: Opeth debut
Favorite Doom Metal Album: Saint Vitus - Born Too Late
Favorite Sludge Metal Album: Mastodon - Leviathan
Favorite Progressive Metal Album: Opeth - Deliverance
Favorite Industrial Metal album: None
Favorite Grindcore album: Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness
Favorite Metalcore album: None
Justice was a phenomenon. It ignited the metal guitar world, and elevated metal to new heights. Not only was it beyond legit as a serious metal album that even the most cynical, die hard metalhead revered, 'One' made metalheads of kids around the world. It was a statement that metal could be so much more than what it was- a statement that metal in the coming decades was going to blow minds for reasons beyond just being fast and heavy. It would be a totally different world without that album, and there are very few metal albums that are in that class.

Just in case anyone else didn't know, heh.

i'm gonna assume you're on crack or LSD or some shit and let you be.

"it ignited the metal guitar world"... lol, the things you read.
Same with Watchtower - Control and Resistance. IMO that is the quintessential "progressive-thrash" metal album. Ron Jarzombek is fucking nuts on that album. Same with the bass player Doug Keyser and that goofy drummer.

Ah, Watchtower. Both Blotted Science and Spastic Ink are absolutely insane bands. Check em out.


The problem with those instrumental highly technical metal bands is that whilst it's obvious they have a great deal of skill, it's not so obvious that they're using it to write decent or memorable songs. The last Arctopus album i heard was forgotten pretty much the minute it stopped playing.
What I've heard from Blotted science was just pure techinical wankery, not a huge fan.

It is a bit wankery and less accessible I guess. Spastic Ink is just cheesy as fuck based on ridiculous music ideas/theories.

He did have some interesting guitars:




On the same theme as above, Behold the Arcotpus is pretty crazy as well.

Transient Exuberance

I was into the Nano Nucleic Cyborg Summoning ep. Hated everything else after. On related noted, I was a fan of Dysrhythmia up until Colin Marston joined and fucked everything up to sound like Behold The Arctopus.
i missed this gem...

Justice was one of the most influential progressive metal albums ever made, ahead of it's time, and easily one of the most important metal albums ever recorded.


dude, do you write the album descriptions for Metallica's website? that level of stanning is off the charts.
I think too many people are looking back on Justice the same way someone would play on SNES game today and say it sucks because the graphics are bad.
I think too many people are looking back on Justice the same way someone would play on SNES game today and say it sucks because the graphics are bad.

That doesn't make any sense. If it's good and you liked it either back then or now, then it's good to you.

I disliked it and disregarded it immediately when it came out, but I still listen to the first 3 Metallica albums.

The more I listen to AJFA the more I hear the early echoes of the black record.

The more I listen to AJFA the more I hear Newsted's bass lines....I think.
Two questions for you folks.

1. What media do you prefer your metal? Me? I personally prefer purchasing physical copies over digital. Much better sound quality for one, and having a physical copy is always a plus for me any way. Besides, iTunes has that "you can only have your music on up to five computers and if you lost those computers you lost your music", and I'm just not a fan of that. So I don't purchase music from them, I usually use iTunes for listening to metal albums right then and there.

2. Where do you usually purchase your metal music? I'm fortunate that there is a record exchange, and they have quality metal albums. I have not had to order music online, but I suspect that this may change.


1. What media do you prefer your metal?
Digital and FLAC if I can get it. I'm sick of storing and hauling CDs around when I move.

2. Where do you usually purchase your metal music?
Bandcamp is always preferable because they give a lot of format options. Unfortunately, the catalog isn't there (although it's gotten much better). I've used other digital services, but nothing is really quite as good (in Canada, anyway).
Two questions for you folks.

1. What media do you prefer your metal? Me? I personally prefer purchasing physical copies over digital. Much better sound quality for one, and having a physical copy is always a plus for me any way. Besides, iTunes has that "you can only have your music on up to five computers and if you lost those computers you lost your music", and I'm just not a fan of that. So I don't purchase music from them, I usually use iTunes for listening to metal albums right then and there.

2. Where do you usually purchase your metal music? I'm fortunate that there is a record exchange, and they have quality metal albums. I have not had to order music online, but I suspect that this may change.

1. Physical media all the way. Vinyl and CD's, whatever album i find available at the moment. I still in fact listen to my old cassettes because my CD player in my car broke. There's a lot of charm holding a physical album, putting it on a turntable/cd player, looking at the artwork, reading the liner notes, thank yous, shout outs, where it was recorded/engineered, etc.

2. Record shops in San Francisco, I'll actually be at Amoeba and Aquarius Records this weekend. Anywhere I travel I make sure I stop by the city's known record shop. If I can't find it locally I'll try online straight from the label, band, or some metal specific site.


Two questions for you folks.

1. Physical as a first preference but if there's no alternative to ludicrous pricing (or tapes...i hate cassette tapes) i'll settle for lossless digital. There's no comparison for me between actually owning an album and having some files that make up the album.

2. Primarily i check online prices and go with them (which i know makes me a terrible person) although if i'm heading into London i can trawl for what i want. On occasion though i've been on band sites and sourced CD's/DVD's directly from the band (for instance for Quo Vadis and Our Man in the Stone Age)
A little late but I wanna do this, too! My favourites are like a little family, obviously.

All Time Favorite Metal Band: High on Fire
Runner Up Favorite Metal Bands: Black Sabbath, Cathedral, Pantera
Favorite Metal Genre: Sludge/Stoner-Doom
Favorite Metal Vocalist: Ozzy (runner up: Phil Anselmo)
Favorite Metal Guitarist: Matt Pike
Favorite Metal Bassist: Al Cisneros
Favorite Metal Drummer: Bill Ward

Favorite Metal Album: High on Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis // or BS - Master of Reality
Favorite "Traditional" Metal Album: Judas Priest - Unleashed in the East
Favorite let's fuck shit up album: Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Favorite Thrash Metal album: Metallica - MOP // runner up: Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Favorite Power Metal album: I don't really listen to it much but...Helloween - ..Seven Keys
Favorite Doom Metal Album: Cathedral - Carnival Bizarre (not their doomiest, though)
Favorite Stoner Metal Album: Sleep - Dopesmoker
Favorite Southern/Sludge Metal Album: Down - NOLA


Two questions for you folks.

1. What media do you prefer your metal?

2. Where do you usually purchase your metal music?

1. I prefer just having a physical CD. If it's something I really adore I might get it in vinyl. Or if there's a cool deal I'll grab the vinyl, too. That's why I have Watershed on vinyl. There was an awesome deal when that came out. I mostly buy prog rock on vinyl, though. Not as much metal.

2. I usually order from wherever the band has a preorder (usually their merch page or something), or I'll go down to Exclusive Company. There's a smaller record store in town, and they're cool but they're a bit more expensive and have a more limited, odd selection. I do buy quite a bit of used albums, too, at places like Half Price Books. They've usually got a great selection around here (and it's right next to Exclusive Company, so... SCORE!)


For anyone interested the Flenser have a 20% off everything sale on until September 3rd (expect for pre-orders and the recent Panopticon vinyl releases)
All Time Favorite Metal Band: Cult of Luna
Runner Up Favorite Metal Bands: Neurosis, Converge, High on Fire and Crowbar

Favorite Metal Genre: Sludge/Doom and Crust/Hardcore/Dbeat
Favorite Metal Vocalist: John García
Favorite Metal Guitarist: Kirk Windstein (runner up: Matt Pike)
Favorite Metal Bassist: Al Cisneros
Favorite Metal Drummer: Ben Koller (runner up: Gabe Serbian)

Favorite Metal Album: Neurosis - Through Silver in Blood
Favorite "Traditional" Metal Album: Black Sabbath - S/T
Favorite Thrash Metal album: Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Favorite Power Metal album: I despise this genre but I like Judas Priest - Painkiller a lot
Favorite Traditional Doom Metal Album: Paradise Lost - Draconian Times
Favorite Modern Doom Metal Album: Cult of Luna - any of them
Favorite Stoner Metal Album: Kyuss - Blues for the red sun
Favorite Southern/Sludge Metal Album: Crowbar - Odd Fellows Rest
Favorite Industrial Metal Album: Godflesh - Streetcleaner (almost tied with Selfless)
Favorite Progressive Metal Album: Tool - AEnima
Favorite Death Metal Album: Bolt Thrower - Mercenary
Favorite Black Metal Album: Xasthur - Telepathic with the deceased (but maybe soon Deafheaven's Sunbather)
Favorite Harcore Metal Album: Converge - Axe to Fall
Favorite Crust Album: His Hero is Gone - Monuments to Thieves
Favorite Grindcore Album: Nasum - Human 2.0

Added a few genres that think are missing in my case.


Two questions for you folks.

1. What media do you prefer your metal? Me? I personally prefer purchasing physical copies over digital. Much better sound quality for one, and having a physical copy is always a plus for me any way. Besides, iTunes has that "you can only have your music on up to five computers and if you lost those computers you lost your music", and I'm just not a fan of that. So I don't purchase music from them, I usually use iTunes for listening to metal albums right then and there.

2. Where do you usually purchase your metal music? I'm fortunate that there is a record exchange, and they have quality metal albums. I have not had to order music online, but I suspect that this may change.

Physical whenever possible, otherwise I search for lossless versions of the albums.



All Time Favorite Metal Band: Cult of Luna
Runner Up Favorite Metal Bands: Neurosis, Converge, High on Fire and Crowbar

Favorite Metal Genre: Sludge/Doom and Crust/Hardcore/Dbeat
Favorite Metal Vocalist: John García
Favorite Metal Guitarist: Kirk Windstein (runner up: Matt Pike)
Favorite Metal Bassist: Al Cisneros
Favorite Metal Drummer: Ben Koller (runner up: Gabe Serbian)

Favorite Metal Album: Neurosis - Through Silver in Blood
Favorite "Traditional" Metal Album: Black Sabbath - S/T
Favorite Thrash Metal album: Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Favorite Power Metal album: I despise this genre but I like Judas Priest - Painkiller a lot
Favorite Traditional Doom Metal Album: Paradise Lost - Draconian Times
Favorite Modern Doom Metal Album: Cult of Luna - any of them
Favorite Stoner Metal Album: Kyuss - Blues for the red sun
Favorite Southern/Sludge Metal Album: Crowbar - Odd Fellows Rest
Favorite Industrial Metal Album: Godflesh - Streetcleaner (almost tied with Selfless)
Favorite Progressive Metal Album: Tool - AEnima
Favorite Death Metal Album: Bolt Thrower - Mercenary
Favorite Black Metal Album: Xasthur - Telepathic with the deceased (but maybe soon Deafheaven's Sunbather)
Favorite Harcore Metal Album: Converge - Axe to Fall
Favorite Crust Album: His Hero is Gone - Monuments to Thieves
Favorite Grindcore Album: Nasum - Human 2.0

Added a few genres that think are missing in my case.

Blues for the Red Sun has been my go to album lately. Just a fantastic collection of jams.
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