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The Metal Thread

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Diseased Yak

Gold Member

\m/ \m/ Fuckin' A!

Star Falcon said:
The Deicide self-titled was one of the first DM albums i owned, and i also agree it holds up pretty well now. Its pretty consistent throughout but Dead by Dawn is one of my favourite tracks on the album also.

Can't really say the same for the rest of their stuff though, aside from a couple of songs here and there (always liked Satan-Spawn, The Caco Daemon) they don't really do it for me anymore.

Yep, agree, though Legion has some redeeming value. They fell off after that for me. It was one of the first DM albums I owned as well. In fact, it might have been my first exposure to it. I was mostly into thrash back then, but I remember getting Deicide's self-titled and a tape by the group called Sabbat way back then. That started my slide further into metal :).
Acid Bath are really cool. That album and When the Kite String Pops are both pretty unique. The harder songs have a bit of a punk rock element to them i thought, which worked really well. And the mellowed out, stoner stuff is 'easy listening' lol.

They did a spin off band too (i think it was called Agents of Oblivion) which had more good stuff in the vein of Acid Bath's mellow songs.

The Deicide self-titled was one of the first DM albums i owned, and i also agree it holds up pretty well now. Its pretty consistent throughout but Dead by Dawn is one of my favourite tracks on the album also.

Can't really say the same for the rest of their stuff though, aside from a couple of songs here and there (always liked Satan-Spawn, The Caco Daemon) they don't really do it for me anymore.

I love Acid Bath. Both of their albums are classic material to me, and are both still in regular rotation.

Deicide's a tough one. Their first 3 albums all have at least a couple pretty great, catchy tunes. Everything after that, not so much though. When I caught them live years and years ago, Glen was being a total douche and refused to play because they weren't provided with bottled water. We wound up having to wait like half an hour with him on stage bitching the whole time, and then he basically stuck his nose up at everyone who paid to see them afterwards too.

I don't forget stuff like this.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Deicide's a tough one. Their first 3 albums all have at least a couple pretty great, catchy tunes. Everything after that, not so much though. When I caught them live years and years ago, Glen was being a total douche and refused to play because they weren't provided with bottled water. We wound up having to wait like half an hour with him on stage bitching the whole time, and then he basically stuck his nose up at everyone who paid to see them afterwards too.

I don't forget stuff like this.

What a cock, I remember hearing things like this about him years ago. I'll never understand people in bands, of any genre, treating the very people that are the reason for them being able to have the career they have like shit. Boggles the mind.

Personally, I've never had a bad experience with a band like that. The ones that stand out as the best were The Sword, who took all the time you wanted to talk and just hang out, and also Anvil, who were the best dudes I've met in metal yet. They took picture after picture with fans at a small venue I saw them at, and hung out to eat next door with fans who followed them over there, and were obviously just the most gracious ever.
What a cock, I remember hearing things like this about him years ago. I'll never understand people in bands, of any genre, treating the very people that are the reason for them being able to have the career they have like shit. Boggles the mind.

Personally, I've never had a bad experience with a band like that. The ones that stand out as the best were The Sword, who took all the time you wanted to talk and just hang out, and also Anvil, who were the best dudes I've met in metal yet. They took picture after picture with fans at a small venue I saw them at, and hung out to eat next door with fans who followed them over there, and were obviously just the most gracious ever.

You know, it sticks out so much because I've never had an experience like that at any other underground metal show, EVER. And I've been to hundreds of them. This would have been in 1997 when they toured CO Springs for Serpents of the Light. Fact is, there's simply no excuse for the guy to act like a rock star. He isn't one. When you add that into the 4 or so hours I had to drive to catch them, simply doesn't add up.

The live experience with these types of bands being as intimate as they are is a huge, huge reason I continue to take the effort to seek this stuff out.

I'll share some stories later of GOOD live experiences later. There are a ton.


Currently I'm listening to The Ruins of Beverast - Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite (I sometimes wonders how people can come up with such weird titles). Death/doomy black metal, in hindsight a superb album ( I didn't like it that much in 2009). It reminds me a bit of Aeternus, the sounds of the guitars and the vocals, though Ruins is more oriented towards atmosphere. A creepy atmosphere that is, though it feels warmer than Unlock the Shrine. That felt like damp castle ruins, where dark things lurk. Apparently his next album is more death/doom oriented, I can't wait. Anyone know more albums like this?


And I want to know what you guys think of the following albums. I haven't listened to any of them, Carcass is high on my list after all these years. I read that !T.O.O.H.! made a radical shift with their (final) release and that some really lament that. I'm kind of hesitant to try it out, as I adore Rad A Trest and hoped they could produce a similar gem.

!T.O.O.H.! - Democratic Solution
Watain - The Wild Hunt (I recall that people here seemed to like it? How does it differ from the last two?)
Ulcerate - Vermis (I quite like Everyhting is Fire and Destroyers of All, but I do think they are a bit similar)
Jesu - Every Day I Get Closer to the Light From Which I Came (Is this any good? I love the self titled, and dig Heartache & Silver, but the rest not)

This thread would be much better if people would just ignore FACEs "this sucks" comments :)

Holy shit! Thanks for sharing that Ruins of Beverast! Is Foulest Semen... a good album to start off with? I'm about to buy it on ebay.
One of my best friends is in a black 'n roll band, and next week they are playing with freaking Exhumed. The show is only ten minutes away from my house too, whereas I normally have to travel two and a half hours to Chicago in order to catch any good metal shows.

Exhumed's reputation precedes them, but I've never actually listened to a full album of theirs. I'm assuming they will be playing a lot of stuff from their newest (which I've heard rivals the new Carcass album [which I love]), so I'm going to start there. After that though, what other Exhumed albums are essential listenings?

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
The live experience with these types of bands being as intimate as they are is a huge, huge reason I continue to take the effort to seek this stuff out.

I'll share some stories later of GOOD live experiences later. There are a ton.

Def do share those stories, I like hearing them.

I also go to small venues to see these shows just as you say, because it's a way more intimate way to see them. My favorite so far is Valient Thorr. If any of you haven't ever seen them, go ASAP, because it's amazing.
Lately, since I've been so out of the loop with the current Metal scene (trying to listen and bolster your knowledge of a whole type of music that's been around since the late 60s/early70s hasn't been easy, and I listen to it constantly), I've been wondering. So far (2010-present), what albums do you feel will end up making your own best of the decade list around 2019? Any genre is fine.
One of my best friends is in a black 'n roll band, and next week they are playing with freaking Exhumed. The show is only ten minutes away from my house too, whereas I normally have to travel two and a half hours to Chicago in order to catch any good metal shows.

Exhumed's reputation precedes them, but I've never actually listened to a full album of theirs. I'm assuming they will be playing a lot of stuff from their newest (which I've heard rivals the new Carcass album [which I love]), so I'm going to start there. After that though, what other Exhumed albums are essential listenings?

I have no idea what the line up consists of nowadays, but I was friends with the main guy of Exhumed, Matt Harvey. They have LOTS of stuff released in the 90s and I think the split they did with Hemdale called In The Name Of Gore is their best, followed by Gore Metal.

They started out pretty much as an early Carcass worship band in the early-mid 90s, but started to take shape around Gore Metal. Everything after that sounded way too sterile and clean for my liking. They are a fun band to watch live, very rock star antics.

Exhumed - Septicemia
Exhumed - Limb From Limb

You should also check out Matt Harvey's other band he had, Dekapitator. Pretty much an Exodus/Sodom/Destruction worship band thats silly and fist banging metal:
Dekapitator - Release The Dogs

Lately, since I've been so out of the loop with the current Metal scene (trying to listen and bolster your knowledge of a whole type of music that's been around since the late 60s/early70s hasn't been easy, and I listen to it constantly), I've been wondering. So far (2010-present), what albums do you feel will end up making your own best of the decade list around 2019? Any genre is fine.

Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats - Blood Lust
Vektor - Black Future
Serpent Throne - White Summer/Black Winter
Deafheaven - Sunbather
Lately, since I've been so out of the loop with the current Metal scene (trying to listen and bolster your knowledge of a whole type of music that's been around since the late 60s/early70s hasn't been easy, and I listen to it constantly), I've been wondering. So far (2010-present), what albums do you feel will end up making your own best of the decade list around 2019? Any genre is fine.

The only ones I pretty much guarantee would be there in 2019 are:

Agalloch-Marrow of the Spirit
Between the Buried and Me-The Parallax II: Future Sequence

Meh, three pretty well known albums I'm sure you've heard about; there are a ton of albums I love in that short time span, but lofty standards require short lists.
The only ones I pretty much guarantee would be there in 2019 are:

Agalloch-Marrow of the Spirit
Between the Buried and Me-The Parallax II: Future Sequence

Meh, three pretty well known albums I'm sure you've heard about; there are a ton of albums I love in that short time span, but lofty standards require short lists.

Both Agalloch and BTBAM I've heard, but I haven't heard Deafheaven yet.

Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats - Blood Lust
Vektor - Black Future
Serpent Throne - White Summer/Black Winter
Deafheaven - Sunbather

Now I haven't heard of these bands, aside from Deafheaven.

At least we can all agree that Morbid Angel's new release is a piece of shit, right?
new song from Code:

old vocalist from Resplendent Grotesque is gone, but the new guy holds his own

Interesting. I was saddened by Kvohst departure, as I love his vocals and they fitted code's music wonderfully. I not so sure what to think about that song overall, but the vocals are pretty good!

Lately, since I've been so out of the loop with the current Metal scene (trying to listen and bolster your knowledge of a whole type of music that's been around since the late 60s/early70s hasn't been easy, and I listen to it constantly), I've been wondering. So far (2010-present), what albums do you feel will end up making your own best of the decade list around 2019? Any genre is fine.

I just went over my old lists and picked the following. Although 2011 was a pretty good year overall, there weren't any metal releases that felt like best of decade material to me (semi related to metal pick of 2011 would be The Devil's Blood - The Thousandfold Epicentre)

- Triptykon - Eparistera Daimones (2010)
From the new band by Thomas Gabriel Fischer of Celtic Frost. A continutation of CF's Monotheist.
Anyway, it's really, really good. Dark and powerful doom metal mixed with a bit of black and thrash. My favourites are so far Goetia and In Shrouds Decayed. Goetia is one of the fast, more aggressive tracks. In Shrouds Decayed is a slower, really haunting track, with a brilliant 3 minute long intro and really nice female vocals. The softer tracks like Shrine and My Pain are excellent interludes that give the listener some room to breathe. Also noteworthy is the last track, The Prolonging that just doesn't seem to want to end. Incredible album. Without a doubt my favourite of 2010 so far.

- Deathspell Omega - Paracletus (2010)
A huge improvement over the imo too chaotic Fas. Paracletus keeps some of the style of Fas, a furious, almost tech death like sound. But the songs are shorter, more digestible and a lot more memorable. This album is one of DSO's best and a wonderful addition to the Deathspell discography and the black metal genre as a whole. It has some amazing tracks, I especially love Epiklesis II and Apokatastasis Pantôn.
Amazing album. It further cements my opinion that Deathspell Omega is one of the best black metal band of the last decade.

- Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind (2012)

- Deafheaven - Sunbather (2013)
Great hybrid of post-rock, shoegaze and black metal. I didnt really enjoy their debut Roads to Judah for some reasons, but this really hits the right notes.
Def do share those stories, I like hearing them.

I also go to small venues to see these shows just as you say, because it's a way more intimate way to see them. My favorite so far is Valient Thorr. If any of you haven't ever seen them, go ASAP, because it's amazing.

Since Melt Banana will be back in Denver in about a month, here's a fun one for you:

I saw them at a tiny dive bar when they toured for Teeny Shiny. Yasuko and I wound up having a conversation about Pokemon because I was playing some stuff on my GBA. She had a Pokemon key ring doodad she was fiddling with the whole time. It was a tough conversation because she doesn't speak more than a few words of English, but it was SO ADORABLE. Can you say KAAAWAAAAIIIII?

Dave Witte filled in with them on that tour as well. I marked out for that so hard... and it turns out he's super nice. Wound up having a few beers with him and found out he's a super down to earth guy. Talked about various stuff including the kit he uses, old Human Remains records and East West Blast Test.


Since Melt Banana will be back in Denver in about a month, here's a fun one for you:

I saw them at a tiny dive bar when they toured for Teeny Shiny. Yasuko and I wound up having a conversation about Pokemon because I was playing some stuff on my GBA. She had a Pokemon key ring doodad she was fiddling with the whole time. It was a tough conversation because she doesn't speak more than a few words of English, but it was SO ADORABLE. Can you say KAAAWAAAAIIIII?

Dave Witte filled in with them on that tour as well. I marked out for that so hard... and it turns out he's super nice. Wound up having a few beers with him and found out he's a super down to earth guy. Talked about various stuff including the kit he uses, old Human Remains records and East West Blast Test.

Yeah, stuff like this is why I LOVE seeing bands in small venues. Big name bands or not.

I got to meet the dudes from Pallbearer last year. I went out to smoke a cigarette and was talking to some big dudes with beards who turned out to be the band themselves. This was right after their album came out and they were riding the hype train from Pitchfork and other outlets. Seemed like really down to earth guys and were super grateful for all the good press they were getting. I actually talked to them for quite awhile about the current metal scene in general.

I also got to talk briefly with Matt Pike at a High on Fire show this year which was cool. The guy seemed a little uncomfortable because there were a couple guys being super fanboys around him but he was still cool and we talked about how the current tour was going and other random shit.
Since Melt Banana will be back in Denver in about a month, here's a fun one for you:

I saw them at a tiny dive bar when they toured for Teeny Shiny. Yasuko and I wound up having a conversation about Pokemon because I was playing some stuff on my GBA. She had a Pokemon key ring doodad she was fiddling with the whole time. It was a tough conversation because she doesn't speak more than a few words of English, but it was SO ADORABLE. Can you say KAAAWAAAAIIIII?

Dave Witte filled in with them on that tour as well. I marked out for that so hard... and it turns out he's super nice. Wound up having a few beers with him and found out he's a super down to earth guy. Talked about various stuff including the kit he uses, old Human Remains records and East West Blast Test.

Melt Banana is one of the most funnest consistent bands. Seen them lots of times when they come to SF or Berkeley. For a band like that, the smaller the venue, the better.


I've reached the St. Anger portion of my Metallica journey.

You know, it'd be interesting to see what a re-recording of St. Anger would do. Like, mix it correctly (and take the trashcan away from Lars), and add some guitar solos. It'd probably be a pretty fantastic album then.


I've reached the St. Anger portion of my Metallica journey.

You know, it'd be interesting to see what a re-recording of St. Anger would do. Like, mix it correctly (and take the trashcan away from Lars), and add some guitar solos. It'd probably be a pretty fantastic album then.

They already re-recorded it:

St. Anger Live in Studio:


Recorded after Robert Trujillo was recruited into the band, so this edition has full bass. It was released as a bonus disc with the album.....they also got rid of the trash can.


They already re-recorded it:

St. Anger Live in Studio:


Recorded after Robert Trujillo was recruited into the band, so this edition has full bass. It was released as a bonus disc with the album.....they also got rid of the trash can.

Yeah, I remember when I bought the album back in the day watching those rehearsals and thinking "Damn this sounds so much fucking better on the dvd."

I need to either rip my dvd or track down the audio of it. Don't know if I have the DVD audio ripping softward anymore, though.


Yeah, I remember when I bought the album back in the day watching those rehearsals and thinking "Damn this sounds so much fucking better on the dvd."

I need to either rip my dvd or track down the audio of it. Don't know if I have the DVD audio ripping softward anymore, though.

An audio rip is out there, or you could just watch that youtube video.
I have no idea what the line up consists of nowadays, but I was friends with the main guy of Exhumed, Matt Harvey. They have LOTS of stuff released in the 90s and I think the split they did with Hemdale called In The Name Of Gore is their best, followed by Gore Metal.

They started out pretty much as an early Carcass worship band in the early-mid 90s, but started to take shape around Gore Metal. Everything after that sounded way too sterile and clean for my liking. They are a fun band to watch live, very rock star antics.

Exhumed - Septicemia
Exhumed - Limb From Limb

You should also check out Matt Harvey's other band he had, Dekapitator. Pretty much an Exodus/Sodom/Destruction worship band thats silly and fist banging metal:
Dekapitator - Release The Dogs
Excellent, I'll work through these recommendations today. Thanks my friend.

So how would you all rank the new Carcass in comparison with their previous work? I've only heard Heartwork and Necroticism from their earlier catalogue, but as fantastic as those two are, Surgical Steel may be my favorite of the three.


An audio rip is out there, or you could just watch that youtube video.

I'd rather have it on my mp3 player for future use/listening. Technically I suppose I could rip the audio from that youtube video mostly pretty easily. Not sure I want to go through all the effort to separate the tracks, though.

And youtube sucks for me, for some reason.

Also, it kind of sucks that Through the Never didn't have a St. Anger song in there somewhere. Would have been cool to hear it with that live sound they had.


Also, it kind of sucks that Through the Never didn't have a St. Anger song in there somewhere. Would have been cool to hear it with that live sound they had.

I don't know what they would have done. There isn't really a hit from that album to include in a Greatest Hits set. I kinda feel like they should have replaced Fuel or Memory Remains with a Load song though...Hero Of The Day would have been awesome given the premise of the narrative, but again it's not a heavy rotation song so it wouldn't be considered a big hit.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
So, somehow, I only now discovered Katatonia's Brave Murder Day, what a fucking awesome album. Specially the first song "Brave" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5tW9fekzJo


Can anybody recommend me similar stuff?

I listen to Katatonia's Night Is The New Day and Dead End Kings every week, they're two of my favorite albums of all time, especailly Night is the New Day, give those a whirl!

As for bands like them, check out Insomnium and In The Silence.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
lol Metallica... saw 'em on Colbert, and they performed For Whom the Bell Tolls. Terrible performance all around. >_< It was painful.

Can't believe we have people actually advocating something positive with regards to St.Anger, what the hell :\ the shitty sound was the least of its problems...
So how would you all rank the new Carcass in comparison with their previous work? I've only heard Heartwork and Necroticism from their earlier catalogue, but as fantastic as those two are, Surgical Steel may be my favorite of the three.

I'm still digesting it, but it's what it would sound like if it was released after Necroticism and before Heartwork. It's really hard to rank Carcass albums since there is a huge improvement/style from album to album.

If I had to, it would be:
1. Necroticism
2. Symphonies of Sickness
3. Heartwork
4. Surgical Steel

Swansong is garbage, with the exception of the Bill Steer songs off the "Wake Up and Smell The Carcass" compilation. Reek of Putrefaction is low on my list because it's a complete mess.

EDIT: Actually, i take that back. Surgical Steel sounds like what it would sound like in between Heartwork and Swansong.


lol Metallica... saw 'em on Colbert, and they performed For Whom the Bell Tolls. Terrible performance all around. >_< It was painful.

Can't believe we have people actually advocating something positive with regards to St.Anger, what the hell :\ the shitty sound was the least of its problems...

Yes...we know there are people like you who hate Metallica here. Thank you for reminding us of your existence. We've heard it all 1,000 times. Terrible performance all around? Check. Lars can't drum worth a shit anymore? Check. Kirk fucks up solos constantly? Check. James's voice has gone to shit since he learned how to sing? Check.

We've heard it all, yet there are still millions of fans who sell out arenas worldwide.

Troll Metallica all you want, we don't care.


lol Metallica... saw 'em on Colbert, and they performed For Whom the Bell Tolls. Terrible performance all around. >_< It was painful.

Can't believe we have people actually advocating something positive with regards to St.Anger, what the hell :\ the shitty sound was the least of its problems...

Meh, I'm the kind of person that finds a positive in almost every album from most bands. Yes it had a lot of problems, but I still hear some positives on it. I think they at least somewhat captured what they were going for with it, and it was kind of fresh sounding after Load and Reload.


Yes...we know there are people like you who hate Metallica here. Thank you for reminding us of your existence. We've heard it all 1,000 times. Terrible performance all around? Check. Lars can't drum worth a shit anymore? Check. Kirk fucks up solos constantly? Check. James's voice has gone to shit since he learned how to sing? Check.

We've heard it all, yet there are still millions of fans who sell out arenas worldwide.

Troll Metallica all you want, we don't care.

Obviously it upsets you because you typed an 80 word response to a "troll".
I'm still digesting it, but it's what it would sound like if it was released after Necroticism and before Heartwork. It's really hard to rank Carcass albums since there is a huge improvement/style from album to album.

If I had to, it would be:
1. Necroticism
2. Symphonies of Sickness
3. Heartwork
4. Surgical Steel

Swansong is garbage, with the exception of the Bill Steer songs off the "Wake Up and Smell The Carcass" compilation. Reek of Putrefaction is low on my list because it's a complete mess.

My opinion on their earlier material is likely to change over time. Believe it or not, I had never even heard of Carcass until I saw some of you blokes mentioning their announcement of a new album after however many years out of the game. That is what prompted me to look into them in the first place.

It boggles my mind that, despite getting into metal in 2006 and listening to that genre exclusively since then, there are still a seemingly infinite number of excellent metal bands I've either never heard of or haven't checked out yet. The rabbit hole is deep.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yes...we know there are people like you who hate Metallica here. Thank you for reminding us of your existence. We've heard it all 1,000 times. Terrible performance all around? Check. Lars can't drum worth a shit anymore? Check. Kirk fucks up solos constantly? Check. James's voice has gone to shit since he learned how to sing? Check.

We've heard it all, yet there are still millions of fans who sell out arenas worldwide.

Troll Metallica all you want, we don't care.
The fuck is this? They sell out arenas, so they must be good? Are you for real? XD

FYI I'm a fan of the early albums, I'm not a "Metallica hater". But it's indisputable that they have completely lost it. They sell out arena not because their performances are good, but because they're Metallica.

Also, tell me, why is it okay for me to hear "1000 times" how much you fanboys love Metallica, but if I dare criticize an individual and terrible performance for being terrible, I'm a "troll"?

Obviously it upsets you because you typed an 80 word response to a "troll".
lol, true, just noticed the "we don't care". Well he sure sounds butthurt about me saying they sucked on Colbert... xD


Meh, I'm the kind of person that finds a positive in almost every album from most bands. Yes it had a lot of problems, but I still hear some positives on it. I think they at least somewhat captured what they were going for with it, and it was kind of fresh sounding after Load and Reload.

There are some good songs on there if you can get over the sound issues. The Live DVD helps that a bit.
We've heard it all, yet there are still millions of fans who sell out arenas worldwide.

Dude. Justin Bieber, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Lil Wayne, and thousands of other shitty "artists" sell out arenas worldwide. Are they any good as compared to the likes of a sort of obscure quiet performance of somebody playing Classical Guitar, such as John Williams?

Yeah, it can go both ways as many musicians are simply doomed to toil underground because they flat out suck (tell that to the thousands of shitty garage bands I've listened to), but come on, man.

EDIT: Whoops, beaten. I agree with Morrigan that I think Metallica has mostly became more of a name than anything else. I think Metallica has a place in the wall of Heavy Metal Hall of Fame, but they just aren't that good any more.


Dude. Justin Bieber, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Lil Wayne, and thousands of other shitty "artists" sell out arenas worldwide. Are they any good as compared to the likes of a sort of obscure quiet performance of somebody playing Classical Guitar, such as John Williams.

Yeah, it can go both ways as many musicians are simply doomed to toil underground because they flat out suck (tell that to the thousands of shitty garage bands I've listened to), but come on, man.

Actually I haven't heard of Limp Bizkit or Korn selling out arenas on a headlining tour in ages.

I just that as an example to show that there are thousands to millions of current Metallica fans out there, despite being one of the most trolled bands on the internet.
My opinion on their earlier material is likely to change over time. Believe it or not, I had never even heard of Carcass until I saw some of you blokes mentioning their announcement of a new album after however many years out of the game. That is what prompted me to look into them in the first place.

It boggles my mind that, despite getting into metal in 2006 and listening to that genre exclusively since then, there are still a seemingly infinite number of excellent metal bands I've either never heard of or haven't checked out yet. The rabbit hole is deep.

I'd like to think that Carcass were masters of each style that was represented on the albums they put out, with the exception of Swansong. If you like Surgical Steel, then start with Heartwork and work backwards.

And yes, there's an infinite number of good music out there. I'm still discovering gems from over 20 years ago. I rarely find any new bands exciting me as much as discovering something that went unnoticed 20 years ago, all part of the fun.


This was the last thread were I expected to see the "they're commercially successful, so they must be good" argument being used.


Apparently, being critical of a band = trolling. Who knew?

Metallica gets trolled often....and all people can say are the same things so being critical can be seen as trolling in that light.....I apologize if you weren't trolling.

This was the last thread were I expected to see the "they're commercially successful, so they must be good" argument being used.

Not the argument I was making at all, just using that to point out that there are still plenty of fans out there....

you know what? Fuck it, I'm done with this discussion. I'm talking in circles here.
The fuck is this? They sell out arenas, so they must be good? Are you for real? XD

FYI I'm a fan of the early albums, I'm not a "Metallica hater". But it's indisputable that they have completely lost it. They sell out arena not because their performances are good, but because they're Metallica.

Man, I completely disagree that their performances are uniformly bad across the board. I too am only a fan of early Metallica, but I saw them in '09 and they kicked all sorts of ass. Live performances are about so much more than technical prowess. While they may be lacking in many ways on the "objective skill level" front, they always bring so much damn passion and energy to their shows that it trumps whatever solo mishaps Kirk may have, for example. This doesn't necessarily translate as well when watching them on a show like Colbert, but I would gladly pay another $100 to see them in concert again someday. It was one of the most enjoyable nights of my life.
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