So many albums released recently that I've been waiting to hear for aageeess....
Protest the Hero, Volition - Just like last time, I didn't think it was great at first, but it's getting better with every listen. I've listened to it about eight times today, and not just in the background. I'm so glad I was prepared for this album with decent speakers and earphones, because the production quality destroys their other records. Favourite track is probably "Without Prejudice".
Dream Theater - Better than I was expecting, and I'm glad they've 'regressed' a bit more towards some older prog metal sounds. It doesn't have much top-tier song writing, but it's more enjoyable to listen to than most of what they've done for a while.
Trivium, Vengence Falls - Pretty standard Trivium fare: a consistent stream of great songs, but not different enough from In Waves that I'm particularly excited about it. They deserve a lot of credit for the sheer number of killer metal songs they've written in the last decade.
A Day to Remember, Common Courtesy - Yep, it's got some sick breakdowns.
Breakdown of Sanity, Perception - Bassdrops? Check.
Also been listening to: Deathember, Corelia, Vader, Wintergatan, Haken... and DJ Quik.
Next up (if I ever stop listening to Protest the Hero): Arkaea, Dead Letter Circus and Above This.