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The Metal Thread

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new Exivious song is pretty unreal.. http://www.ztmag.com/blog/news/?p=17750 for fans of jazz, progressive instrumental metal.
it's from their upcoming album Liminal which was crowd sourced (I can't wait for my shirt and cd!) coming out in November.


So many albums released recently that I've been waiting to hear for aageeess....


Protest the Hero, Volition - Just like last time, I didn't think it was great at first, but it's getting better with every listen. I've listened to it about eight times today, and not just in the background. I'm so glad I was prepared for this album with decent speakers and earphones, because the production quality destroys their other records. Favourite track is probably "Without Prejudice".

Dream Theater - Better than I was expecting, and I'm glad they've 'regressed' a bit more towards some older prog metal sounds. It doesn't have much top-tier song writing, but it's more enjoyable to listen to than most of what they've done for a while.

Trivium, Vengence Falls - Pretty standard Trivium fare: a consistent stream of great songs, but not different enough from In Waves that I'm particularly excited about it. They deserve a lot of credit for the sheer number of killer metal songs they've written in the last decade.

A Day to Remember, Common Courtesy - Yep, it's got some sick breakdowns.

Breakdown of Sanity, Perception - Bassdrops? Check.

Also been listening to: Deathember, Corelia, Vader, Wintergatan, Haken... and DJ Quik.
Next up (if I ever stop listening to Protest the Hero): Arkaea, Dead Letter Circus and Above This.
My Arms Your Hearse is Opeth's best album.

There I said it.

Have you heard the song from which the title of the album spawned from? Comus is one weird band, but damn is it a good listen. The title is taken from the song Drip Drip. Apparently their actually playing with Magma in the Roadburn Event.


I would personally rank it as my third favorite Opeth album, behind Deliverance (2) and, of course, Blackwater Park.


Have you heard the song from which the title of the album spawned from? Comus is one weird band, but damn is it a good listen. The title is taken from the song Drip Drip. Apparently their actually playing with Magma in the Roadburn Event.


I think I might have listened to this once, perhaps back when I was a little less adventurous with music. I should check it out again.

I would personally rank it as my third favorite Opeth album, behind Deliverance (2) and, of course, Blackwater Park.

Yeah, for a while I had my order looking pretty much like that. BWP then Deliverance. Then I started really liking Ghost Reveries quite a bit for a while. But MAYH has been there solidly since the beginning and I always have this tug towards it every time I listen. I feel like it's a better complete idea and album than anything else they've put out. I guess the only thing you could knock it for would be production, but I think it works for the story. Otherwise I feel the songwriting is most solid, the lyrics are some of his best, and as a flowing piece both the lyrics and songwriting work better than any of the other albums.


The new Protest the Hero album is unbelievable, it's so good. They delivered, big time. I hope this "succes" will get more bands to use kickstarter.

It starts out really strong, the first 6 songs are some of the best work Protest has brought out. Started to loose a bit of focus during the second half, so I have to relisten it. The little tribute to Sequoia Throne in Animal Bones was neat too.

For anyone who wants to listen


Just stumbled across a really good Atmospheric Black Metal band. It's a side project of members of Fallujah, Arkaik, and Sidian, and whilst i'm only really familiar with the first of that trio the quality of this ep makes me want to investigate further -

So I just had to deal with some arrogant douche try to pass of Helloween as Hair metal. His response? I can call it whatever I want, I don't care about genres! Then why the fuck did you use the genre in the first place? Moron.

Jesus christ people. Learn your fucking sub genres. They most certainly DO matter.
I've been listening to Svartsyn a lot lately. Despite being one of the few black metal bands to consistently release good albums in the late 90's/early 2000's they've managed to fly under most peoples radar.

Most of their albums seem to be on youtube in their entirety so I might as well post some of them here.

Timeless Reign

Destruction of Man

...His Majesty

I only have the re-recorded version of their debut, which is good but I much prefer what I've heard of the original recording.
Under the Devil's Moon (re-recorded)
Goatthrone (original, for some reason this is not on the re-recorded version of the album)

Don't really care for what I've heard of their 2 latest full-lenghts. They've got a bit of a Deathspell Omega thing going on and the sound is much cleaner.


I've been listening to Svartsyn a lot lately. Despite being one of the few black metal bands to consistently release good albums in the late 90's/early 2000's they've managed to fly under most peoples radar.

Most of their albums seem to be on youtube in their entirety so I might as well post some of them here.

Timeless Reign

Destruction of Man

...His Majesty

I only have the re-recorded version of their debut, which is good but I much prefer what I've heard of the original recording.
Under the Devil's Moon (re-recorded)
Goatthrone (original, for some reason this is not on the re-recorded version of the album)

Don't really care for what I've heard of their 2 latest full-lenghts. They've got a bit of a Deathspell Omega thing going on and the sound is much cleaner.

This is good shit. Thanks

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
cant wait for the new warbringer album, heres a song from it. comes out on october 28th


reviews so far


“IV: Empires Collapse” is an album that is out to prove a lot, and boy, does it do the job. Maybe finally WARBRINGER will get the credit and respect they deserve for reviving the Thrash scene and doing more with it than most of their counterparts in the modern Metal scene do. This is one of the essential albums of the year and it may very well influence the way musicians take on the Thrash genre from now on: with more balls, creativity and finesse.

At its core, IV: Empires Collapse is a fun album (despite the serious tone of its cover and title). This is extreme thrash with the fast and catchy riffs you expect, but again, it’s the Warbringer personality that sets IV apart: Take the wacky guitar solos in “Off With Their Heads!” or the Tom Araya shrieks on “Dying Light” and “Towers of the Serpent.” So we see that Warbringer’s self-awareness puts them ahead of the curve — as do their moments of progressive musicianship — and IV: Empires Collapse never comes across as a caricature of the genre. There’s at all nothing wrong with that.

So, if you’ve made it this far through this monolithic review, then I commend you and with that said, this is simply a fantastic album and one that I can see making its way on to many top ten lists this year. It has everything any metal fan would want. Plus, it still even appeals to hard headed maniac thrashers like me. This band restored my faith in them, and personally, I think their previous albums were just a warm up, this album is what Warbringer is all about, and personally I couldn’t be any happier. This album rules – plain and simple.



Blind Guardian is really who got me into the whole metal beyond Metallica scene.

Next thing you know you're going to have their entire discography.
I just found out, through exploration, that Spotify and Metal Blade must have worked something out. I can get my Whitechapel fix via my playlists instead of local content, woot.


Well, it looks like I found my first Power Metal album I can REALLY sink my teeth into (not superficially). I'm really feeling the magic for this one.


I generally don't like Power Metal unless it's Extreme Power Metal like Wintersun or Bodom (they have more of an edge), but Blind Guardian is one of the few pure Power Metal bands I can listen to.

I have that album, along with the proceeding two.
Have you given Nightfall in Middle-Earth aka Their Best Album a spin yet? My opinion is biased, because it was the first album by them that I found out. Even after all these years, it still works.

Well, once I'm done fully digesting this one, I'll be moving on to both Nightfall in Middle-Earth and Imaginations From the Other Side. I completely forgot about Stravarius's Visions, so this is probably my second album. Regardless, I'm glad I'm starting to truly understand the Power Metal sound, which is what I wanted in the first place.
As a German who was introduced to Metal in the mid-nineties it was inevitable to listen to Blind Guardian back then. And I don't regret it at all. I especially love "Imaginations from the Other Side" and "Nightfall in Middle-Earth". Two albums that are still amongst the very best Power Metal ever made.

I watched Metal Evolution the other day and was pretty astonished how alien bands like Blind Guardian, Sonata Arctica or Hammerfall were to many Americans. But judging from forums like GAF this seems to have changed over the last couple of years.
I watched Metal Evolution the other day and was pretty astonished how alien bands like Blind Guardian, Sonata Arctica or Hammerfall were to many Americans. But judging from forums like GAF this seems to have changed over the last couple of years.

As somebody who pretty much slept through Deathcore and Metalcore, I'm not sure what the demographic for Metal was back when I was in High School. I was pretty much dedicated to my Death Metal albums. I listened to more sub genres around my Junior year, which is where it really started to take off.
Well, it looks like I found my first Power Metal album I can REALLY sink my teeth into (not superficially). I'm really feeling the magic for this one.

Welcome to the bardship, my friend!

Blind Guardian is the band that got me into quality music. Thousands of metal bands and every subgenre under the sun later, they are still the kings. Majestic, glorious, masterful.

You have a helluva ride ahead of you with their discography. Literally every album of theirs is worth listening to (though you'll likely not find their first two as compelling since they are more speed metal than power metal)

Speaking of which, Hansi just posted an update on the Blind Guardian website a few days ago. The long and short of it is that they expect to have their new album finished by May of 2014. He also went pretty in depth into each song. Seems like it's going to go back to the heavier side of the band, which sounds fantastic.

Also one of the tentative song titles is "Winter is Coming". Hell yeah \m/
Welcome to the bardship, my friend!

Blind Guardian is the band that got me into quality music. Thousands of metal bands and every subgenre under the sun later, they are still the kings. Majestic, glorious, masterful.

Man, talk about an awesome fan base, heh. The meaning and the effectiveness of Power Metal will certainly become my own soon.


I'm usually mostly into hip hop and 70s rock, but I'm listening to black metal today. Two hours ago I said it sucked, but I just finished Immortal's At The Heart of Winter and Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger and I'm kinda feeling them.

I hate a metal phase in high school but it was mostly melodic death metal.

edit: I meant I had a metal phase. I guess the kvlt is already in me.
I'm usually mostly into hip hop and 70s rock, but I'm listening to black metal today. Two hours ago I said it sucked, but I just finished Immortal's At The Heart of Winter and Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger and I'm kinda feeling them.

I hate a metal phase in high school but it was mostly melodic death metal.

Well, just a couple months ago, I think I remember being less interested towards Black Metal, as I remember I wasn't quite a big fan of it. While I understood the genre's approach to music and what it ultimately means, and I had albums in the genre that I certainly enjoyed (Storm of the Lights Bane, In the Nightside Eclipse, Far Away From the Sun, At the Heart of Winter, Dead as Dreams), I wouldn't actively seek out numerous bands and artists in the genres. Now, that I've warmed up to it, I find myself understanding numerous bands in the genre, from all sorts.

I don't feel I really am into the genre until I find myself doing that. Now Black Metal is doing that for me, like how Death Metal did the same for me nearly seven years ago. Power Metal is up next on the chopping block, it seems.
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