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The Metal Thread

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The new Warbringer album is all sorts of awesome. Excited to spin the new Toxic Holocaust too, which I will do right after I finish this Candlemass album.


Now let's all pump our arms up and down in the air and DO THE DOOM DANCE LIKE WE JUST DON'T CARE
Well, it looks like I found my first Power Metal album I can REALLY sink my teeth into (not superficially). I'm really feeling the magic for this one.



Have you given Nightfall in Middle-Earth aka Their Best Album a spin yet? My opinion is biased, because it was the first album by them that I found out. Even after all these years, it still works.


How about some epicness, friends?
Now fetch a copy of Tokyo Tales and ready yourself for ~70 minutes of excellent live speed/power metal*

*Except for the last song, it's a silly beach boys cover.
Man, lot's of Blind Guardian fans on Metal-GAF!

It seems to me that Blind Guardian, from all of the other Power Metal albums I've listened to so far, sound much different in comparison.
Yessir. Power metal is by and large one of my least favorite subgenres, but Blind Guardian is able to bring out the best elements of the style while also not sounding like they are singing cheesy fan-fiction.

The other honorable mention for excellent power metal goes to Virgin Steele.

ONE NATION, ONE KINGDOM, ONE CHILD SURVIVES! I'll meet you again through the eyes of our son, remember to tell him the price we had to pay... AND CRY FOR POMPEII!

I friggin' loooove the lyrics in that song
Now fetch a copy of Tokyo Tales and ready yourself for ~70 minutes of excellent live speed/power metal*

*Except for the last song, it's a silly beach boys cover.

Awww, I love The Beach Boys. Pet Sounds is one of my all time favorite albums. So fucking good.

I dunno man, I hate where they went after Somewhere Far Beyond. I miss the simplicity of Speed Metal era Blind Guardian :(

Just listen to this fucking song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTXsfX3RiCY

I knew they were a Speed Metal band, I'll give them a listen and see if I enjoy it. Someone else who has a soft spot for Blind Guardian says they were better off after they left it behind, but I'll see for myself.

Yessir. Power metal is by and large one of my least favorite subgenres, but Blind Guardian is able to bring out the best elements of the style while also not sounding like they are singing cheesy fan-fiction.

I friggin' loooove the lyrics in that song

So they are Power Metal, not Flower Metal, Gotcha.

I hate Flower Metal alongside Nu and *shudders* Glam Metal.
I knew they were a Speed Metal band, I'll give them a listen and see if I enjoy it. Someone else who has a soft spot for Blind Guardian says they were better off after they left it behind, but I'll see for myself.
They are undoubtedly better as a power metal band. Instead of being a pretty good speed metal act (which they were), they are now the benchmark for the entire subgenre of power metal. I'm obviously biased, but you'll find tons of other people that share that same opinion. They didn't create power metal, but they certainly refined and perfected it to the point where aspiring power metal bands look up to them as the leaders in the field.

While I have really grown to love their first two albums (Particularly "Follow The Blind"), Giant Robot's opinion is definitely in the minority.

Though I still love you, GR.

EDIT: I've never heard "Flower Metal" used as a descriptor before, but it sounds unpleasant
Nothing against Beach Boys, but I'll never understand why they've decided to end Tokyo Tales with that song instead of another awesome speed metal track.

I'll give it a listen, but I honestly don't think that The Beach Boys are really suited for Blind Guardian, now that I think about it.

Flower Metal is this? He mentioned it as being so in his title for the review, so if you disagree, attack him, not me =)

Ao Me Akuma said:
There are some bands whose lyrical content might be described as "cheesy," but who write songs that show that they KNOW they are being cheesy and having fun, and have the musical chops to back things up. Case in point, Iron Maiden. Yet on the other hand, there are bands whose music is huge mounds of processed dairy product, yet they are blissfully unaware of just how over-the-top and cheesy they are. Italian Power/Epic Metal group Rhapsody is just such a band.

I've never seen a band use cheese and bombast as a crutch as much as Rhapsody. This is a band that is ALWAYS on; ALWAYS at full throttle, never letting up with the sheer cheesiness, and no, power metal fans, that is NOT a good thing. One can only take so much cheese, so many wild guitar solos, anthemic, uplifting choruses and keyboard defecations before one gets sick of it and vomits it all up. Like so many bad metal bands, Rhapsody know no concept of subtlety. I honestly had difficulty remembering any distinct tracks at a later time, simply because they all blended together into one big mass of Power Metal cheese. When it comes to overdoing things, Manowar has NOTHING on these guys. Needless to say, if you've heard one Rhapsody album, you've heard them all.

Lyrically, you've got plenty of epic battles, mighty warriors, and elves, fairies, unicorns frolicking in the forest. It's like they had all read Dragonlance, Wheel of Time, and Lord of the Rings far too many times and decided to write metal music about it. Did these guys ever watch "This is Spinal Tap?" I can seriously imagine Rhapsody performing "Stonehenge," complete with the undersized Stonehenge and dancing dwarves. They are that cheesy. The band describes themselves as "Hollywood Metal," yet I don't remember any Hollywood scores as overindulgent as this, nor did they feature the laughably bad spoken-word narrations as found on this album.

Despite the incredible bombast and flair, Rhapsody's music is like cotton candy. It's light, fluffy, and sickeningly sweet, with no real lasting flavor. If you like metal music that sounds like something from your local Ren Fair, then by all means buy every Rhapsody album there is. But for me, I'd be embarrassed to own this stuff.

Basically what I expected based on the context clues then, haha. I figured it would be the likes of Rhapsody and Sonata Arctica and Edguy and such.

I wonder if anybody here would make a case for Manowar falling into that category. I certainly wouldn't, because they are some badass mofos who know exactly what they are doing, but I bet one of you fools is crazy enough to make the argument.
I wonder if anybody here would make a case for Manowar falling into that category. I certainly wouldn't, because they are some badass mofos who know exactly what they are doing, but I bet one of you fools is crazy enough to make the argument.

Manowar's my favourite band, and while they're musically very different from Rhapsody and similars, they are indeed 100% pure cheese. no other way around it.
Basically what I expected based on the context clues then, haha. I figured it would be the likes of Rhapsody and Sonata Arctica and Edguy and such.

I wonder if anybody here would make a case for Manowar falling into that category. I certainly wouldn't, because they are some badass mofos who know exactly what they are doing, but I bet one of you fools is crazy enough to make the argument.

Manowar is awesome. For the record, I think this is an example I used just to show what I meant, even though I disagree with him. At least I agree with him on Nickelback.

Ao Me Akuma said:
It's become somewhat fashionable of late to bash everything within the mainstream, as well as everyone who listens to it. After all, is mainstream music nothing but soulless, factory-assembled tripe churned out for consumption by the uneducated masses? However, one might be tempted to wonder if the mainstream is really all that bad. Surely some bands are popular simply because they are great songwriters and musicians, aren't they?

Then one listens to Nickelback, and is instantly reminded just why the mainstream is so reviled by listeners of "real" music.

I often criticize electronic music for being soulless, repetitive, and utterly lacking in artistic value, but when it comes to hard rock, Nickelback proves that that genre can be just as bad. NOTHING on "Silver Side Up" is original. NOTHING shows any sign of creativity; NOTHING shows a band that is willing to experiment creatively or a desire to express themselves artisticly. As another review so eloquently put it, Nickelback doesn't write songs to say anything; they write songs to make hits.

The songs on "Silver Side Up" are so formulaic, that they could have been generated by a mathematical formula. To such a degree, too, that to describe individual tracks would be folly. "Never Again," "How You Remind Me," "Too Bad,"...can anyone remember how these songs differ from one another? Every song sticks to the same tired versus-chorus-verse pattern with the guitars getting heavy in the chorus, lead up to by annoying and cliched "chug-chug-chug-chug" palm-muted guitar sweeps. Once you've listened to one or two songs off "Silver Side Up," you have literally listened to everything Nickelback has to offer in the whole album, and indeed, their entire discography. Their sound, if I could describe it with a single word, would be "safe." There's nothing remotely dangerous or experimental; just formulaic Top-30 hard rock designed to chart. And chart their music has.

Lyrically, too, "Silver Side Up" is cliched beyond cliched. Every song deals with the same tired, unoriginal "abused child/broken home/angry man" theme that was old ten years ago. Chad "I look like Jesus" Kroeger tries to come off as menacing and intimidating, but instead sounds only flat and pitiful. "Father's a name you haven't earned yet / You're just a child with a temper / Haven't you heard "Don't hit a lady"? / Kickin' your ass would be a pleasure?" Gee Nickelback, it's like someone broke into my house and assaulted me with originality! "Silver Side Up" features some of the most clumsy, unpoetic, and just plain awful lyrics ever put to paper. There's nothing here that will make you stop and think, I assure you.

"Silver Side Up", as a CD, is not worth the polycarbonate it's pressed from. Another review described how their radio DJ remarked that "Never Again", despite it being a "serious" song, sounded funny. You know what's funny? Nickelback five years from now. Now THAT'S funny.

Listening to this album, I constantly asked myself how anyone could possibly enjoy it. It seemed so shallow, predictable, and lifeless compared to anything else in my CD collection. But after some rumination, I've arrived at an explanation. Allow me, at the risk of sounding incredibly pretentious, to present the allegory of Plato's Cave. Suppose a group of people are raised from birth inside a darkened cave, chained to chairs facing a wall. Now, on this wall shadows of forms are projected. Now, given that these people are raised from birth inside the cave, these shadows and forms are all they know of the world; in their minds, they ARE the world. But suppose one of them is dragged to the surface, and sees for the first time what the world is really like, full of color and life. And if they went back down into the cave, they'd never be able to look at the pictures on the wall as anything but mere shadows.

So it is with music. For most people, their only experience with music comes in the form of sanitized, corporate radio-rock, typified by Nickelback. But once you listened to music beyond the mainstream; been "dragged out of the cave" so to speak, you never really look at the mainstream with such fondness as you did before.

What's sad about "All The Right Reasons" is that Nickelback, either through a conscious decision on their part or by pressure from their label, refused to expand, develop, or otherwise alter their sound at all. Rest assured, if you liked "Silver Side Up" or "The Long Road" you'll love "All The Right Reasons." But if you found those albums to be soulless, manufactured and repetitive, you'll be able to say the exact same thing about this album, too. Nickelback exemplify 100% safe, watered down, exceedingly simplistic and generic Hard Rock. This is the kind of music you can imagine Soccer Moms "rocking out" to. Listening through ATRR painfully reminded me why I had left mainstream "verse-chorus-verse" rock behind a long time ago.

"All the Right Reasons" hits all the right cliches for generic, formulaic rock. We've got the more aggressive track "Animals" so that the band can establish some kind of hard rock credibility. We've got the made-for-a-hit-single "Photograph," the supposedly angry swagger of "Next Contestant" and syrupy, cheesy dreck like "If Everybody Cared" or "Far Away." By far the worst track has to be "Rockstar," where Chad brags about how good it will be when he's a big rock star, which is a pitiful attempt at being sarcastic and ironic, but only comes across as being unintentionally honest, given that the band clearly have their sights set on money-making and nothing else.

"All the Right Reasons" is yet another bland offering from the masters of mass-produced, corporate rock. Nothing dangerous, nothing new. The sound of Nickelback is not of a band wishing to express themselves artistically; it's the sound of a band who have found a very profitable trend and are going to milk it as long as they can. Spend your money elsewhere.


I'm usually mostly into hip hop and 70s rock, but I'm listening to black metal today. Two hours ago I said it sucked, but I just finished Immortal's At The Heart of Winter and Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger and I'm kinda feeling them.

I hate a metal phase in high school but it was mostly melodic death metal.

edit: I meant I had a metal phase. I guess the kvlt is already in me.

check out the first five burzum albums.
the pinnacle of norwegian bm imo
So I had somebody ask me if Evanescence are Metal, and I was stumped honestly, considering I hate that shitty band. I understand he knows nothing about metal in general (he knows, like three bands), but what am I suppose to tell him?


I've finally gotten some spins of the new Chimaira under my belt, and I'm very much enjoying it. I still like "The Age of Hell" and "Resurrection" better, they seem to have more of a melodic groove to them. "Crown of Phantoms" is more barreling through at a constant speed.

So I had somebody ask me if Evanescence are Metal, and I was stumped honestly, considering I hate that shitty band. I understand he knows nothing about metal in general (he knows, like three bands), but what am I suppose to tell him?

Tell him that it might be more to the hard rock side of the spectrum, but for convenience sake it's usually easier to find them lumped in with metal.
that they suck ass and aren't worth talking about?

Eh, sounds good enough. I guess I can just direct them towards better female fronted Metal bands, like Nightwish, Within Temptation, Therion, etc etc etc. I'm sure there are plenty of bands out there that I don't even know that exist, and they still would take a massive dump all over Evanescence. Doing them a favor I think would be what I'm doing, considering that the music itself is far more richer, lusher, and more creative than the backing band in fucking Evanescence. Seriously, they sound like Linkin Park, which is enough to put me to sleep.

There are plenty of quality metal bands out there that fuse Metal with female vocals, all of who deserve more attention than the media would give them credit for. Evanescence (who aren't even a metal band, any way) is certainly not one of them.

Speaking of which, I think Nightwish would be a perfect band to get my 12 year old sister into metal. If only I could bypass it pass my step mom, who's a Jesus freak of the highest order. If it doesn't have lyrics that. I mean, seriously, I'm sure she would object to the song Planet Hell because it has the world Hell. Seriously.

Well, have fun feeding my own sister shit like Selena Gomez for the rest of her life. Oh, that and fucking Christian Contemporary music.


I dunno man, I hate where they went after Somewhere Far Beyond. I miss the simplicity of Speed Metal era Blind Guardian :(

Just listen to this fucking song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTXsfX3RiCY

Well, as I tip my fedora to you and ponder my enlightened existence as an atheist, I'll just say that I'm a fan of pretty much every BG album.

I had a really hard time getting into stuff like Twist in the Myth and At The Edge of Time but I really discovered that I liked at least some of what those albums put out. That doesn't mean that Tales from the Twilight World and Follow the Blind aren't some amazing albums. Used to blast Goodbye My Friend all the time when I was in high school.
Death to all but metal.

Ok, thanks thread. Bye.

dstrdl pls

New Ruins of Beverast sounds pretty neat. More Death/Doom than black metal this time, I should listen to it some more. And god Sunbather is great.

I'm a bit bored, so I went through some of my files. Found the following, guess the bands names





My Dying Bride




The Vision Bleak




Reverend Bizarre


High on Fire


Revently I've heard the re-recording of a song by Dir en grey while I had headphones on and it was like my hears were assaulted by a wall of sound compared to the original version. I don't know if it's the instruments or mix or whatever but it sounded more powerful and definitely more loud.

Original -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB6yFZyKIcc

New, 'louder' version -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4puradUR-Y0

I could think of a few other examples - Every time I listen to that band it sounds like I'm getting punched in the face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTX4lum-HIQ


Do you know any other songs or bands that sound particularly loud?
Revently I've heard the re-recording of a song by Dir en grey while I had headphones on and it was like my hears were assaulted by a wall of sound compared to the original version. I don't know if it's the instruments or mix or whatever but it sounded more powerful and definitely more loud.

Original -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB6yFZyKIcc

New, 'louder' version -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4puradUR-Y0

I could think of a few other examples - Every time I listen to that band it sounds like I'm getting punched in the face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTX4lum-HIQ


Do you know any other songs or bands that sound particularly loud?

Probably not your style, but the Napalm Death - Peel Sessions was recorded and mixed loud as fuck and in your face for the BBC Radio show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfPeYD49oY8

Steve Albini is known for producing a very "loud" sound for bands. One of my favorites, but not metal - Zeni Geva.
Adam Jarvis' cousin John Jarvis has joined Pig Destroyer as the band's first bass player. John will make his live debut at the bands appearance at the Housecore Film Festival curated by Phillip Anselmo in Austin, TX on October 27th at Antone's.

John commented:

"It's an honor to be a part of Pig Destroyer. I'm looking forward to making new music with the guys, as well as adding some "low end" to the older material live. After being able to see every incarnation of the band live in the past, I can honestly say that the guys are at the top of their game. See you at Big Phil's Housecore Horror Fest!!!"

Founding member and guitarist Scott Hull added:

"Having John come into the band adds the ability to expand musically into new territories that we haven't explored yet. For many years we haven't had a bass player or second guitarist because, as JR once put it; "mo people, mo problems". But a band is a living organism. Change is good. New blood. New energy. We've had great experiences adding Blake before Phantom Limb and Adam before Book Burner. Both additions to the family have had huge positive impacts on the band. We'd thought about adding a bassist for some time, but it always seemed like it would be more of a hassle than anything else. John has come in like a soldier and has mastered everything we've thrown his way. We're excited for you guys to hear how the older material sounds with an expanded low end and can't wait to get to work on new material."

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
So I had somebody ask me if Evanescence are Metal, and I was stumped honestly, considering I hate that shitty band. I understand he knows nothing about metal in general (he knows, like three bands), but what am I suppose to tell him?
They're not even close to being metal.

New Argus is pretty good. Might have to pick that up.
They're not even close to being metal.

I know, that was pretty much my assertion, but the average person who knows absolutely nothing about metal think bands like them, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Linkin Park, and others are Metal. I have a friend that has a bunch of friends who like Disturbed, and he has gone on record stating that he feels bands like them are "metal for those who don't like Metal". I'm inclined to agree.

Also, I think my dislike of them really does have to do with the fact that, at the end of the day, their music is just piss poor and just plain awful. The music, regardless of genre, is just bad.


Eh, sounds good enough. I guess I can just direct them towards better female fronted Metal bands, like Nightwish, Within Temptation, Therion, etc etc etc. I'm sure there are plenty of bands out there that I don't even know that exist, and they still would take a massive dump all over Evanescence. Doing them a favor I think would be what I'm doing, considering that the music itself is far more richer, lusher, and more creative than the backing band in fucking Evanescence. Seriously, they sound like Linkin Park, which is enough to put me to sleep.

There are plenty of quality metal bands out there that fuse Metal with female vocals, all of who deserve more attention than the media would give them credit for. Evanescence (who aren't even a metal band, any way) is certainly not one of them.

Speaking of which, I think Nightwish would be a perfect band to get my 12 year old sister into metal. If only I could bypass it pass my step mom, who's a Jesus freak of the highest order. If it doesn't have lyrics that. I mean, seriously, I'm sure she would object to the song Planet Hell because it has the world Hell. Seriously.

Well, have fun feeding my own sister shit like Selena Gomez for the rest of her life. Oh, that and fucking Christian Contemporary music.

Battle of Mice is one of the best metal bands with a female lead vocal I've come across.
her other project, Made out of Babies is pretty cool too.
Battle of Mice is one of the best metal bands with a female lead vocal I've come across.
her other project, Made out of Babies is pretty cool too.

Post-Metal supergroup? With female vocals? Sounds interesting. Either way, anything to get people away from some of the shit that's been shoved down people's throats by source material that is equally ignorant of the good stuff. I do wish more people would actually get a grasp of actual Metal in general and realize that Faux-Pau Fake Metal like the aforementioned Nu-Metal/radio rawk musicians are just awful.

Coming back right now from a Deafheaven concert which was just as good as I had hoped for. They played sunbathe from beginning to end even with some short versions of the album's several interludes and finished it off with unrequited from their previous one. They play again in just a couple of weeks and I'm already looking forward to it.

The drummer is fucking amazing, btw.
Coming back right now from a Deafheaven concert which was just as good as I had hoped for. They played sunbathe from beginning to end even with some short versions of the album's several interludes and finished it off with unrequited from their previous one. They play again in just a couple of weeks and I'm already looking forward to it.

The drummer is fucking amazing, btw.

Fuck, this band is still on my do wishlist. I must listen to like 10 different albums at once, not to mention I'm devoted to other genres as well. Glad you enjoyed the concert, what was the overall atmosphere like?
Fuck, this band is still on my do wishlist. I must listen to like 10 different albums at once, not to mention I'm devoted to other genres as well. Glad you enjoyed the concert, what was the overall atmosphere like?

Well, I think the band did a very good job, the singer has a lot of presence and the venue was just perfect for this kind of band, dark, small and with a very good sound. The public however was a bit too still, not too much headbanging, but well, whatever.

And yeah, you should definitely listen to Sunbather like NOW. Best record this year for me.
Great pic of the Deafheaven show. I would love to see them but they have yet to come close to me.

Prepare yourself as the singer worships the Depeche Mode/Morrissey dance moves and tries to physically rape you.

When I saw them a few weeks back the sound was great and they played tight.
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