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The Metal Thread

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Poet Centuriate
That's...pretty awesome. Where the hell are they going to play?

It...says right there?

I really don't get why the show needs to be transmitted like that.

I think it might be due to the cold. I'm not sure how certain amplifiers handle low temperatures, though this will be "summer" on King George Island (where the base is at) so expect mean temps just above freezing.

Or they just want to try something different, maybe, since it will be a small crowd.


Poet Centuriate
Eh, like what team you like.

One of the reasons why I don't watch Football all that much with people, because they can be damn rude about it.

Any way, did we rank our Top 10 Metal bands? I don't know if I would be able to do it.

The rivalries are fun. I'd rather the competitions be heated then just always "Eh. Good show, old chap!" Now, too rude, yes (though there are a ton of rude-towards-different-subgenre-fans metalheads in here. ;P).

And yeah we had a vote a while back.
The rivalries are fun. I'd rather the competitions be heated then just always "Eh. Good show, old chap!" Now, too rude, yes (though there are a ton of rude-towards-different-subgenre-fans metalheads in here. ;P).

And yeah we had a vote a while back.

Yes, that's very true. One reason why I'm so difficult to deal with when music ever comes up. Or when any body approaches me when listening to metal in public, Metal fan or an outsider aiming to insult you. Trust me, if I mistrust any one in any way, they get shit.
My man! Helloween was a huge influence on Blind Guardian, and Keeper parts I and II are seminal albums in the genre.

Also, what is the name of the new Dark Angel album? I just listened to Darkness Descends for the first time about a month ago and was blown away, but that's all I've heard from them. Black Prophecies is such a damn cool song.

I love the first 2 Helloween albums, then every time I hear this stupid song (Rise and Fall), it makes me want to throw that album out the window. It tarnishes my view on Power Metal in general. Every time I hear some new Power Metal band this song always comes back to haunt me because thats what new Blind Guardian, Alestorm, Kamelot, Rhapsody, Stratovarius sounds like to me. Stupid reason, but I can't get it out of my head.

The only dud off Forbidden Evil is probably "Off The Edge", the rest of the album is fucking awesome.

Through Eyes of Glass has got to be one of the few songs that can rival the intro to Holy Wars...


I just stumbled upon this band - Blessed Death. This is in the vein of Rigor Mortis. Just dirty straight forward thrash with amazing vocals.
Hell yeah, finally ordered Effigy of the Forgotten! Alongside Pierced From Within.

Any body else enjoy that one? Easily one of my favorite albums ever.

Effigy of the Forgotten is a classic. Steamrollin' death metal.


And I'm finally getting around to Enforcer - Death By Fire.

This shit was made in 2013! Sounds like fucking proper early Metallica, early Motley Crue, early Def Leppard, Judas Priest, Exciter, Anvil, Diamond Head and Iron Maiden.


Poet Centuriate
Oh, btw, here's the vote I was talking about.

List of (GAFfer) nominated bands up for voting: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=55293144&postcount=13283

Winning band: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=55669976&postcount=13410 (it was really only a 3-horse race. Sandman, did you ever post the list/who the top 3 were?)

Opeth are my third favorite, with Meshuggah coming in second and Death being first. Interesting, I guess, but crowning a best Metal band seems pointless to me. Usually, I just prefer having a "rank your personal favorite Metal Bands", and leave it at that. These lists just turn into people of all sides against one another, or at least cause some bad blood which entails baseless bashing amongst the community of the highest order.

In general, I only prefer lists such as "Most Influential or most important" bands, because that can be measured with a bit more definitive answers. I mean, I think most would argue that Black Sabbath is single handily the most important Metal Band in history, or at least close to it (I personally would pick them, no question). I would probably rank Judas Priest as the second most important, with maybe Iron Maiden being another good answer.


The danish band "Blood Eagle" has just announced their existence with a song called Death Sub Zero (fb bandpage-link).
And couldn't be more excited, the song absolutely rips, and the members are comprised of people from some of the best danish metal bands, Raunchy, Hatesphere, Illdisposed, Volbeat (the guy who quit after the good two first albums) and Mnemic. Really hope they take off, it's been a while since I've been excited by a new danish metal band.
I was thinking this morning...this year has been a pretty good year for discovering new metal artists, whether they be long time veterans I somehow missed or a new band bringing the metal.

What are everyone's favorite artists they've discovered this year?

For me, it's:
  • Thy Art is Murder
  • Skeletonwitch

I don't know how I missed out on Skeletonwitch until now but, better late then never. Thy Art is Murder just brings it. I love their latest release.
You guys weren't kidding about the new Warbringer.


Eh, like what team you like.

One of the reasons why I don't watch Football all that much with people, because they can be damn rude about it.

Any way, did we rank our Top 10 Metal bands? I don't know if I would be able to do it.

I hope you wherent referring to me, I was just joking around
seriously tho, being from Chicago the Bears are my boys

Seriously, the new Skeletonwitch.....fucking awesome.

I gotta listen to the rest of their discography before I listen to this one. But I have high hopes given how much I enjoyed Beyond the Permafrost


The new Ayreon album is fucking awesome as well.

This one starts a new story cycle too, so if you felt at all lost in their six album cycle, this is a good entry point.


Anyone listen to the new In Solitude album?

I'm digging it a lot right now. Change of pace from their previous album which was very much a Mercyful Fate worship album. I liked it but wasn't in love with it. This new one has a lot more goth influences. Perfect music for this time of year.

Edit: I've also been really enjoying the new Orannsi Pazuzu album. Very off the wall black metal. Great stuff.
This could get interesting, Killers be Killed, made of Max Cavalera, Greg Puciato, Troy Sanders, and Dave Elitch, their album should be out early next year on Nuclear.


Went to 3 TDEP shows the last weeks time, sadly the last show was kind of shitty with technical problems and a crowd that wasn't that into it, two others were great though.
I love the first 2 Helloween albums, then every time I hear this stupid song (Rise and Fall), it makes me want to throw that album out the window. It tarnishes my view on Power Metal in general. Every time I hear some new Power Metal band this song always comes back to haunt me because thats what new Blind Guardian, Alestorm, Kamelot, Rhapsody, Stratovarius sounds like to me. Stupid reason, but I can't get it out of my head.

It tarnishes your opinion on Power Metal AS A WHOLE? Damn man, that is some intense and burning disdain. Maybe the fact that it has inspired such a frothing hatred in your bones makes it the most metal song of all?

And man, if that is what new Blind Guardian sounds like to you you need to revisit, like, 70% of their later discography. In fact, I'm hard pressed to think of any modern BG tracks that aren't way better in both song-construction and technicality than "Rise and Fall".

Though I do love the slide whistle sound effect after this absurd verse:

"Romeo love his Juliet
Their parents told them stop
Then it all turned out peculiar
He couldn't get it up"

Lik dis if u chukle evry tiem
This could get interesting, Killers be Killed, made of Max Cavalera, Greg Puciato, Troy Sanders, and Dave Elitch, their album should be out early next year on Nuclear.

Went to 3 TDEP shows the last weeks time, sadly the last show was kind of shitty with technical problems and a crowd that wasn't that into it, two others were great though.

Whoa, that's quite a line up. I hated everything Sepultura did after Roots, but perhaps he'll redeem himself?
The danish band "Blood Eagle" has just announced their existence with a song called Death Sub Zero (fb bandpage-link).
And couldn't be more excited, the song absolutely rips, and the members are comprised of people from some of the best danish metal bands, Raunchy, Hatesphere, Illdisposed, Volbeat (the guy who quit after the good two first albums) and Mnemic. Really hope they take off, it's been a while since I've been excited by a new danish metal band.

damn, that was good. Can't wait to hear more!
Absolutely love it. The bonus track (linked above) is blowing my mind right now. Holy shit SO heavy

I guess it's a bit subjective, but I still believe it's the heaviest album I've ever heard, due to the MASSIVE guitar tone etc and overall composition emphasizing the crushing aspect of the music. It's not that fast, nor is it the most intense album I've ever heard, but it's absolutely one of the heaviest.
Shouting Mercyful Fate/King Diamond lyrics at random people sounds like great fun(in theory), you guys should try that :p

Thankfully, I never really did so in public, considering that I figure that would be a little too intrusive as far as I'm concerned. At home though, it was pretty much ours for the choosing.

Any way, any one else enjoy Fates Warning? Been listening to them lately.

Ah, that was a dumb question. Of course a lot of people here enjoy them.

Edit: They just cancelled my order for the Suffocation album.

What the fuck?
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