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The Metal Thread

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I read this book, but I don't recommend it:


The author is too biased towards metal and condescending towards other genres. I thought it was annoying to read.

I'll take your word for it. Doesn't sound very appealing.
Can someone explain to me what "filler" is in an album with an example or two? I never understood that term.

I get it for movies, and tv shows, but I don't get it for albums.


Usually I bring that up because I fucking hate power metal and when I say that I'm "not metal" anymore

What does this even mean?

Can someone explain to me what "filler" is in an album with an example or two? I never understood that term.

I get it for movies, and tv shows, but I don't get it for albums.

I usually see it as unnecessary tracks that don't really add anything to the album.
What does this even mean?

Best way to explain it is this. Pseudo-conversation based on real one that occurred.

Me: The new Lamb of God is pretty good. It's got some shit that really hammers you in the face.

Random Guy: Oh, Lamb of God? Shitty metalcore is shitty. You listen to Blind Guardian?

Me: No. I tried to get into it but, it isn't my thing.

Random Guy: Wait, you like Lamb of God but, not Blind Guardian? Clearly you're a hardcore metal wannabe.

Me: Whatever dude. I like aggressive stuff. Get over it.

In other words, I was using a metaphorical approach to describe douche bags who I've run into way too much for over 20 years of being a fan of metal. I then went on to say that rather than try to fight them, which is akin to banging my head off of a brick wall, I just give the de-facto, cookie cutter response of open minded whatever. At that point they can either just ignore it and move on or offer up some sort of explanation of why they're nuts are so big because of their choice of music. That, in turn, might lead to some actual worthwhile discussion at some point where I may end up learning something or finding something I didn't previously know about.
Can someone explain to me what "filler" is in an album with an example or two? I never understood that term.

I get it for movies, and tv shows, but I don't get it for albums.

I usually consider interludes to be filler. In metal it's usually in the form of folk/ambient pieces, they often feel out of place, are mostly aimless and detract from the overall experience of the album.

A great example for filler ruining an album would be De La Soul's 3 Feet High and Rising. There are great tracks on it, but they are buried in tons of unnecessary skits.

My memory is vague, but I recall Pain of Salvation - Be to have a lot of unnecessary nonsense as well, for a more metal oriented example.
I usually consider interludes to be filler. In metal it's usually in the form of folk/ambient pieces, they often feel out of place, are mostly aimless and detract from the overall experience of the album.

A great example for filler ruining an album would be De La Soul's 3 Feet High and Rising. There are great tracks on it, but they are buried in tons of unnecessary skits.

Hey, I love 3 Feet High and Rising!


Simply put, filler is something that doesn't add anything to an album. A song can be bad, but still be something unique to the album.

Filler on the other hand, is a song that just uses the typical formula from a band, such as an Amon Amarth song that overuses epic tremolo picked choruses that aren't even catchy. Or it could be one of those instrumental interludes, but only if they're typical. There are plenty of interesting atmospheric interludes that add to an album, like with The Lamb Dies Down On Broadway by Genesis.


Anyone else watch Metalocalypse : The Doomstar Requiem A Klok Opera?

If you like Metalocalypse, it's pretty much that in metal opera form....picking up where season 4 left off with Toki being abducted.

With Toki Wartooth's life in danger, his only salvation can come from the four most selfish human celebrities on earth-his bandmates, extreme metal band DETHKLOK. Will they be able to get past their own egos to help someone besides themselves?

Every part is sung except for a couple of lines, and they have worked with Gene Hoglan, Mike Keneally, Bryan Beller, George 'Corpsegrinder' Fisher, Thundercat, Mark Hamill, Malcolm McDowell, Victor Brandt, Raya Yarbrough, Jack Black and others....including a 50 piece orchestra.

The episode was on Adult Swim last night and is on Amazon Instant today....and the soundtrack is on Brendon Small's website.


Way too corny and pretentious, but from time to time i'll listen to the first album. 2nd album was half decent. The song "River Dancing" off the first album was the closest thing to Cynic until Cynic reformed.

On related note, Im a huge fan of Portal. NOT the shitty technical death metal Portal, but what basically Cynic became after they broke up.

so I take it that you're as excited as I am for Exivious - Liminal?


Filler to me is songs that a band records to fill time on a record. If they get all they want done, but a record company requires more, that is filler.

From a fan's perspective it can also mean songs that are just kinda there. You're never going to care about them, the band isn't likely ever going to perform them live. If you ever ask the band about them, they'll probably say they don't remember how to play it or something.


No not really. I feel some things should never be copied and left alone, in this case Cynic. It was only fitting that Tymon or whatever that dudes name from Exivious is, joined Cynic.
Tymon is so godlike tho.. and he's definitely pushing the "genre" in the direction I want it to go as opposed to cabron-based anatomy. Kind of helps that Robin Zielhorst left Cynic for Exivious too since he was probably the current best part of Cynic.

Last time I saw Cynic a few years ago I was actually surprised at how sloppy Paul was.

If you haven't checked it out (tho I'm assuming you have), the newest song deeply woven is actually fantastic.
Nice! That's such a kick-ass song. And you should do yourself a service and check out the full album, too. Phoenix Rising, Unchain the Wolves, Cold Steel... for an Iron Age and the Terror Abraxas EP are all absolutely awesome. I definitely recommend Phoenix Rising and Unchain the Wolves first, then move on to those other two after.

But seriously, I am kind of the opinion that if you don't like I Am the Wargod, you are not a metalhead. (See, that's probably narrow-minded... xD but I stand by it.)

I'm only familiar with that very same album (Phoenix Rising), but I'd recommend it. It's a very competent effort. I heard good things about Cold Steel, too, but have never listened to it.

Well, I consider it to be the best song of the album, along with Lone Wolf Winter. The rest of the album sadly isn't of the same quality, though it's still pretty good. So if you want something to start with, Phoenix Rising is a good start. I consider all their albums to be pretty good, nothing too special though.
Thanks for the information gentleman! It's a cleaning day for me, so some D666 (And Godflesh's Streetcleaner for good measure) seem like some good tunes to groove away the garbage.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
But there's no community in that thread that has been dead for over 3 years, sparing a few necrobumps.

I don't want to see posters pushed out of this thread for wanting to discuss subgenres of metal that aren't like by other members of the thread. I'm not trying to play the 'victim card,' but I just don't see why discussion of metalcore should be relegated to a long dead thread that has no hope of getting any reasonable level of community just because posting about some subgenres riles people up. Guys who are fans are already here and any newer members that are interested in discussion are more likely to find this thread, which is leaps and bounds more active and more diverse.

I don't care if people talk about metalcore here instead of that dead thread, but then they have to accept that many of us don't like it and (depending on the bands) don't consider it metal. So, they can talk about it if they want, but stop bitching about the mean narrow-minded elitists. Deal?


This thread has really devolved into people insulting each other over their taste and then those people bitching about it. I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit.
Just listen to Reign In Blood, 80% of it is filler material.

Not in my opinion. I enjoy Angel of Death, Alter of Sacrifice, Jesus Saves, Postmortem, and Raining Blood. To me, it's only 50% filler.

In general though filler from a fan's perspective are mostly songs they don't like on an album. From a band's perspective it's shit you had to put on for a specific reason.

This thread has really devolved into people insulting each other over their taste and then those people bitching about it. I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit.

It has to go one way or the other. Either we let people enjoy what they enjoy and don't give them shit about it or we all pull off our gloves and go barefisted into the center of the ring. I prefer the the first one but, even the second one is way better than this middle ground.


Poet Centuriate
This thread has really devolved into people insulting each other over their taste and then those people bitching about it. I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit.

Yeah, it's rather disheartening to see. This thread is great when people recommend stuff on good faith and simply ignore what they don't like. I understand we all have different tastes but that's no reason to insult other members or create a harsh atmosphere or start falling into victim complexes.

I usually consider interludes to be filler. In metal it's usually in the form of folk/ambient pieces, they often feel out of place, are mostly aimless and detract from the overall experience of the album.

A great example for filler ruining an album would be De La Soul's 3 Feet High and Rising. There are great tracks on it, but they are buried in tons of unnecessary skits.

My memory is vague, but I recall Pain of Salvation - Be to have a lot of unnecessary nonsense as well, for a more metal oriented example.

I agree with the probably the most out of the other reasons. Filler is, by definition, just there to take up space. Bad or interesting songs or songs forced on by labels are less 'filler' for me and just undesirable. Filler to me denotes even more lack of content/value to the point where the track is fighting to be called a 'song' in its own right.


I DO like the new Toxic Holocaust :p

Sounds so much better on disc than those streaming sites. Got it in today, ordered the Japanese Version from Relapse directly and it has an L7 cover of Wargasm :p
It's amazing that the public library has a sizable amount of Metal albums to check out. Burn em on your computer and return them! Seriously, check out your library, you find good music.


I finally got around to properly listening to the new Ruins of Beverast album. It's really spectacular. Might be his best yet. This is one of the rare black metal bands where I much prefer the cleaner production that his new material has over the low fi older material.
I finally got around to properly listening to the new Ruins of Beverast album. It's really spectacular. Might be his best yet. This is one of the rare black metal bands where I much prefer the cleaner production that his new material has over the low fi older material.

I'm also looking for good Black Metal, so I'll check it out. I'm actually more of a guy who leans towards a more polished Black Metal album, although certainly not overproduced. Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is a good example of my personal preference for production, alongside Far Away From the Sun and Storm of the Light's Bane.


I've been skimping on metal this year, GAF, what should I check out? So far I've liked
Gris - À l'Âme Enflammée, l'Äme Constellée...
Gorguts - Colored Sands
Deafhaven - Sunbather
Altar of Plagues - Teethed Glory and Injury
Cult of Luna - Vertikal
Art of Burning Water - This Disgrace
Castevet - Obsian
Sink - The Holy Testament
I've been skimping on metal this year, GAF, what should I check out? So far I've liked
Gris - À l'Âme Enflammée, l'Äme Constellée...
Gorguts - Colored Sands
Deafhaven - Sunbather
Altar of Plagues - Teethed Glory and Injury
Cult of Luna - Vertikal
Art of Burning Water - This Disgrace
Castevet - Obsian
Sink - The Holy Testament

Nice, all those that I've heard are fantastic (I haven't heard of Art of Burning Water or Sink before), but anyway, I'd also recommend:

Carcass-Surgical Steel
Nails-Abandon All Life
Scale the Summit-The Migration
The Ocean-Pelagial
Anciients-Heart of Oak
Grave Miasma-Odori Sepulcrorum
Ihsahn-Das Seelenbrechen (not even remotely as metal as his other stuff, but the metal moments are sweeeet)
I finally got around to properly listening to the new Ruins of Beverast album. It's really spectacular. Might be his best yet. This is one of the rare black metal bands where I much prefer the cleaner production that his new material has over the low fi older material.

It's really good. Feels like a natural continuation of the style found on Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite. Its more death doom, yet still retains a heavy atmospheric element. I really enjoy the recurring choirs and organ elements.

As for the rest of 2013:
The Monolith Deathcult - Tetragrammaton
Nails - Abandon All Life
Kvelertak - Meir
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death
Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn


Poet Centuriate
I've been skimping on metal this year, GAF, what should I check out? So far I've liked
Gris - À l'Âme Enflammée, l'Äme Constellée...
Gorguts - Colored Sands
Deafhaven - Sunbather
Altar of Plagues - Teethed Glory and Injury
Cult of Luna - Vertikal
Art of Burning Water - This Disgrace
Castevet - Obsian
Sink - The Holy Testament

Hollow Tongue - Godsnakes
Pelican - Forever Becoming
Jesu - Everyday I Get Close to Light From Which I Came
Distances - Ages
Cloudkicker - Subsume
Nails - Abandon All Life

I also personally enjoyed:
Plini - Other Things
Plini - Sweet Nothings
Tesseract - Altered State
Sithu Aye - 26
Kekal - Autonomy
Red Seas Fire - Exposition
Is kings of metal a good Manowar album? Found it abandoned under a dorm couch earlier in a binder of CDs that looked like it had been forsaken ages ago.
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