Andrew Korenchkin
Yes! My copy of Edge of Sanity shipped! Crimson, here I come.
Metal Bros, help me out here... I've always had a very heated and intense Love/Hate relationship with Power Metal. On the one hand, I absolutely love Blind Guardian and Iced Earth for managing to make it work so well, but on the other I just can't stand the cheesy and overly pompous approach employed by most of the bands the genre has to offer... I've tried to listen to stuff like Helloween, Gamma Ray or Kamelot for countless times, but I've reached the conclusion that it's just not for me (I can't help but cringe the whole way through).
Which leads me to the issue at hand... toss some heavier Power Metal bands like BG and IE (or even stuff that uses Power Metal influences in a heavier context like Wintersun or Nevermore). The most important element to make sure I'll enjoy it is a voice that isn't "Helloween-ish" (completely clean)... I need a voice with a little edge to it.
I'm currently checking out Grave Digger's Tunes Of War... and while it isn't blowing my mind, it's quite enjoyable.
Oh forget it. I need some time to think this over.
No, you aren't a poser. Happy?
just do yourself a favor and don't try too hard to find meaning in all music. A lot of music, metal especially, just takes the piss out of itself for one reason or another. It's not all "art" that should be meticulously examined and critiqued
Metal Bros, help me out here...
What makes one a poser is if your a fan of false metal, and not the power of true metal.
Metal Bros, help me out here... I've always had a very heated and intense Love/Hate relationship with Power Metal. On the one hand, I absolutely love Blind Guardian and Iced Earth for managing to make it work so well, but on the other I just can't stand the cheesy and overly pompous approach employed by most of the bands the genre has to offer... I've tried to listen to stuff like Helloween, Gamma Ray or Kamelot for countless times, but I've reached the conclusion that it's just not for me (I can't help but cringe the whole way through).
Which leads me to the issue at hand... toss some heavier Power Metal bands like BG and IE (or even stuff that uses Power Metal influences in a heavier context like Wintersun or Nevermore). The most important element to make sure I'll enjoy it is a voice that isn't "Helloween-ish" (completely clean)... I need a voice with a little edge to it.
I'm currently checking out Grave Digger's Tunes Of War... and while it isn't blowing my mind, it's quite enjoyable.
Metal Bros, help me out here... I've always had a very heated and intense Love/Hate relationship with Power Metal. On the one hand, I absolutely love Blind Guardian and Iced Earth for managing to make it work so well, but on the other I just can't stand the cheesy and overly pompous approach employed by most of the bands the genre has to offer... I've tried to listen to stuff like Helloween, Gamma Ray or Kamelot for countless times, but I've reached the conclusion that it's just not for me (I can't help but cringe the whole way through).
Which leads me to the issue at hand... toss some heavier Power Metal bands like BG and IE (or even stuff that uses Power Metal influences in a heavier context like Wintersun or Nevermore). The most important element to make sure I'll enjoy it is a voice that isn't "Helloween-ish" (completely clean)... I need a voice with a little edge to it.
I've been skimping on metal this year, GAF, what should I check out? So far I've liked
Gris - À l'Âme Enflammée, l'Äme Constellée...
Gorguts - Colored Sands
Deafhaven - Sunbather
Altar of Plagues - Teethed Glory and Injury
Cult of Luna - Vertikal
Art of Burning Water - This Disgrace
Castevet - Obsian
Sink - The Holy Testament
LOL Skeletonwitch has a couple of songs on their new album that start out like they do a ballad?
I'm not the biggest fan of Power Metal either but, here's a few bands that might exhibit some of the qualities you're looking for:
Fracture - Dominate And Overload
Dominate And Overload
Sulphur Preacher
Manta Ray - Visions Of Towering Alchemy
Weapons - Reflections Of A Troubled Mind
Thinking you may dig some more 'traditional' & NWOBHM styled Metal too if you're at all into Priest and Maiden.
I made a similar post a couple pages back. I can't stand that pompous/cheery/sing-a-long stuff where riffs becomes an afterthought.
I think Sacred Steel is what you're after if you want heavier/faster stuff. Plus the music video for Maniacs of Speed fucking rules.
Sacred Steel - Open Wide The Gates
Sacred Steel - Maniacs Of Speed
lol, Sacred Steel? For serious? :\
Z, sounds like you need more USPM. Try Manilla Road (start with Crystal Logic, Mystification or The Deluge), Jag Panzer, Satan's Host, Pharaoh, or (not USPM but power metal with balls) very early Helloween (when Kai Hansen was still doing vocals, e.g. the s/t EP and Walls of Jericho).
Manowar? Manowar. Any of their first 5 albums.
I've been walking around town revisiting some classic Emperor... and I gotta say, Prometheus is sooooooooo fucking underrated. I guess I'm a bit of a fanboy when it comes to Emperor, but goddamnit, what's to dislike? As absurdly good as Eclipse and Anthems may be, I think Prometheus is right there beside them!
Am I alone, here? Why does everyone ignore this masterpiece? =/
Is it the prog elements? I guess the BM community was too kvlt to allow itself to enjoy such a "soiled" album.
It's...interesting. I have to say my favorite Emperor album has always been Nightside, as it's one of my all time favorite albums ever. Their later stuff just seemed to miss something, but perhaps I will listen to them yet again to see if they have the chance to grow on me a bit more. From what I gather, that album was pretty hard to swallow due to how dense it was.
For better or worse, I admire their thirst for new grounds to explore.
Metal Bros, help me out here... I've always had a very heated and intense Love/Hate relationship with Power Metal. On the one hand, I absolutely love Blind Guardian and Iced Earth for managing to make it work so well, but on the other I just can't stand the cheesy and overly pompous approach employed by most of the bands the genre has to offer... I've tried to listen to stuff like Helloween, Gamma Ray or Kamelot for countless times, but I've reached the conclusion that it's just not for me (I can't help but cringe the whole way through).
Which leads me to the issue at hand... toss some heavier Power Metal bands like BG and IE (or even stuff that uses Power Metal influences in a heavier context like Wintersun or Nevermore). The most important element to make sure I'll enjoy it is a voice that isn't "Helloween-ish" (completely clean)... I need a voice with a little edge to it.
I'm currently checking out Grave Digger's Tunes Of War... and while it isn't blowing my mind, it's quite enjoyable.
Metal Bros, help me out here... I've always had a very heated and intense Love/Hate relationship with Power Metal. On the one hand, I absolutely love Blind Guardian and Iced Earth for managing to make it work so well, but on the other I just can't stand the cheesy and overly pompous approach employed by most of the bands the genre has to offer... I've tried to listen to stuff like Helloween, Gamma Ray or Kamelot for countless times, but I've reached the conclusion that it's just not for me (I can't help but cringe the whole way through).
Which leads me to the issue at hand... toss some heavier Power Metal bands like BG and IE (or even stuff that uses Power Metal influences in a heavier context like Wintersun or Nevermore). The most important element to make sure I'll enjoy it is a voice that isn't "Helloween-ish" (completely clean)... I need a voice with a little edge to it.
I'm currently checking out Grave Digger's Tunes Of War... and while it isn't blowing my mind, it's quite enjoyable.
TI've been walking around town revisiting some classic Emperor... and I gotta say, Prometheus is sooooooooo fucking underrated. I guess I'm a bit of a fanboy when it comes to Emperor, but goddamnit, what's to dislike? As absurdly good as Eclipse and Anthems may be, I think Prometheus is right there beside them!
Am I alone, here? Why does everyone ignore this masterpiece? =/
Is it the prog elements? I guess the BM community was too kvlt to allow itself to enjoy such a "soiled" album.
Hell yes!
Yo dawg, I heard that you like heavier stuff in your power metal so I put some djent
These dudes brought their guitars, for work, to the shop where I taught guitar when I was younger. I helped our master luthier work on them at the time.
It certainly helps (with being terrible, that is).Is djent the reason why that band he posted is so terrible?
So MetalGAF, do you guys prefer consistent bands or bands that break away from their norm(whether its a completely different style or just evolution)?
Bands like AC/DC, Amon Amarth, Motorhead, etc have been pretty much release the same album for most of their careers, and I mean that in a good way. Sure there are some bad albums, but you know the band when you hear them and you know what to expect from a new album.
Personally I dig when bands evolve upon their style and show their growth as musicians in a technical way. I feel Warbringer is great at doing this. You can recognize their sound, but no two CDs have been the same. Or like Metallica, where they do from playing metal to hard rock to whatever St. Anger is. I feel this opens the path for new listeners who will eventually find their way deeper into the metal.
please don't dwell on the second to last sentence. We all know people here hate Metallica, I was using them as an example since that was the first band that came to mind
So MetalGAF, do you guys prefer consistent bands or bands that break away from their norm(whether its a completely different style or just evolution)?
Bands like AC/DC, Amon Amarth, Motorhead, etc have been pretty much release the same album for most of their careers, and I mean that in a good way. Sure there are some bad albums, but you know the band when you hear them and you know what to expect from a new album.
Personally I dig when bands evolve upon their style and show their growth as musicians in a technical way. I feel Warbringer is great at doing this. You can recognize their sound, but no two CDs have been the same. Or like Metallica, where they do from playing metal to hard rock to whatever St. Anger is. I feel this opens the path for new listeners who will eventually find their way deeper into the metal.
please don't dwell on the second to last sentence. We all know people here hate Metallica, I was using them as an example since that was the first band that came to mind
So MetalGAF, do you guys prefer consistent bands or bands that break away from their norm(whether its a completely different style or just evolution)?
Bands like AC/DC, Amon Amarth, Motorhead, etc have been pretty much release the same album for most of their careers, and I mean that in a good way. Sure there are some bad albums, but you know the band when you hear them and you know what to expect from a new album.
Personally I dig when bands evolve upon their style and show their growth as musicians in a technical way. I feel Warbringer is great at doing this. You can recognize their sound, but no two CDs have been the same. Or like Metallica, where they do from playing metal to hard rock to whatever St. Anger is. I feel this opens the path for new listeners who will eventually find their way deeper into the metal.
please don't dwell on the second to last sentence. We all know people here hate Metallica, I was using them as an example since that was the first band that came to mind
The new Rosetta album is pretty decent. It's no Galilean Satellites, but it's still a natural progression and evolution of their sound to make it sound worthwhile.
Anyone else listened to it yet? Doesn't seem like others have talked about it in this tread yet.
Didn't know they put out a new album. I'll have to go give it a listen, thanks!
Morrigan Targaryen
Because I'm sure this is just the band Mr. Targaryen would want to be included in the same post as, I'm going to go ahead and say I'm really enjoying the new Ayreon album. The lyrics are ham-fisted and the exact opposite of subtle, but the music itself is damn good.
This also got me to go back and check out Arjen's "Guilt Machine" project. Severely underrated, and makes the lyrics on his new album seem all the more egregious. That album demonstrates that he can pen some thoughtful stuff when he puts his mind to it.
Metal Dirt Sheets said:MetalGaf poster Morrigan Targaryen is reported to have been caught with a wellness violation. There is no word at the time of this posting as to a return date. MetalGaf wishes Morrigan Targaryen the best of luck in his future endeavors.
Because I'm sure this is just the band Mr. Targaryen
Since I'm listening to it all day, I'll ask. What's your favorite song on the immortal Rust in Peace?
Hangar 18. Maybe Tornado of Souls.Since I'm listening to it all day, I'll ask. What's your favorite song on the immortal Rust in Peace?
Either Hangar 18 or Tornado of Souls for sure; Tornado of Souls might be my favorite Megadeth song ever but I played Hangar 18 so many times on Guitar Hero II that I can't help but love it, too.