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The Metal Thread

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Wrath2X said:
I've been trying my best to seek out bands I would love from the 00's, but I don't think I've been hard enough. I've found bands I like, but none I love. So anyone suggestions would be welcome.

Same boat. I can't stand the screaming and overly down tuned guitars of modern metal. Well, it's either that or power metal songs about vikings :p

I would suggest you give Iced Earth a try if you haven't already. OK their first album was in the 90s so they're hardly new, but they're the newest I can think of that I like. They sound like a cross between Iron Maiden and Metallica. Here's my two favourite songs of theirs:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM4CDLmDx_Y - this is when they had Tim Owens singing, formerly of Judas Priest, so you might appreciate that

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ_EGqAgRSg - riffs and chorus to die for


iced earth sucks outside of a few tracks

dante's inferno is pretty awesome, and there is some decent trash on self titled and night of the stormrider, but in general i'd avoid most of the Matt Barlowe (Paul Stanley moonlighting in a metal band) and Ripper Owens eras

yacobod said:
iced earth sucks outside of a few tracks
but in general i'd avoid most of the Matt Barlowe (Paul Stanley moonlighting in a metal band) and Ripper Owens eras


that's pretty much all ove Iced Earth, except the first album :lol
I can't listen to Iced Earth too long in one sitting (triplets, yep ;D) but some songs aren't too bad. Like the ones that were in Brutal Legend. Regarding"oldschool bands", that's not what I like either because in most cases some old bands did it better anyway. You can't really ask for something really new in metal, I guess. On the one hand I prefer older styles, on the other hand I don't want copycats. Oh no!!


It's funny to see so many people finding that Hammerfall video for the first time since it was made for the 2006 Winter Olympics. I hate Hammerfall and I remember the video from back then.


yacobod said:
iced earth sucks outside of a few tracks

dante's inferno is pretty awesome, and there is some decent trash on self titled and night of the stormrider, but in general i'd avoid most of the Matt Barlowe (Paul Stanley moonlighting in a metal band) and Ripper Owens eras


Weird that you'd like those first albums better, most people seem to dislike them because of the singers. Personally I think the early stuff is a bit too relentlessly thrashy... I mean I love me some thrash, but mix it up a bit, yknow!
What I like about the band in general is that they're a lot more 'songy' than a lot of metal, they know the value of a catchy chorus.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Formless said:
The Sword is pretty old school.

No. They've simply rehashed old Sabbath riffs with modern hooks and fills money shotted on top. That said, Age of Winters was good but their follow-up was god awful. They blew their load on the debut.
DieNgamers said:
You can't really ask for something really new in metal, I guess. On the one hand I prefer older styles, on the other hand I don't want copycats. Oh no!!

if you like death metal in any sense, then try Arghoslent. I still can't find a comparable sound to them. Unique sound with a hint of old school feeling that i can't pinpoint. If you can look past their themes and lyrical content, they are fucking amazing.


Decado said:
I know it is borderline blasphemy, but I strongly prefer the Dio Black Sabbath albums over the rest (I don't see the fuss about the Ozzie albums, but for a few songs and that they were quite original at the time...which doesn't count for much now, IMO). Everything after Mob Rules is crap, though, regardless of the singer.

Is it blasphemy? I seriously doubt that.

And you are wrong too, Headless Cross and TYR with Tony Martin are at least on par with Mob Rules and Heaven and Hell.


Phobophile said:
No. They've simply rehashed old Sabbath riffs with modern hooks and fills money shotted on top. That said, Age of Winters was good but their follow-up was god awful. They blew their load on the debut.

I'm always a little befuddled by The Sword hate. I kinda dug the first record. Maybe listened to the second one once or twice. But, yeah. They really squandered the opportunity and momentum of that strong first record. By all rights they should have parlayed their Guitar Hero appearance into something much greater.


fappenmeister said:
You know who have great sets of pipes? D.C Cooper and Roy Khan from Conception and Kamelot. They belt those notes out so well.
I love khan. Seeing kamelot in September, really fucking stoked. And I think a new album is supposed to drop this year but I haven't heard anything about it for a while


Phobophile said:
No. They've simply rehashed old Sabbath riffs with modern hooks and fills money shotted on top. That said, Age of Winters was good but their follow-up was god awful. They blew their load on the debut.
Fucking agreed, I heard some one compare them to Sabbath and I was like OK I'll check em out.

Never again.


The new High on Fire album is out today. Anybody getting it? It's only $8 on iTunes, but I'm a little strapped for cash atm so it would be nice to hear what other GAFers think about it first

EDIT: Wow, all of the iTunes reviews are overwhelmingly positive, and all of the track previews sound great. Looks like I'll probably pick it up later

EDIT 2: And it comes with the Digi book on iTunes! I'm always a sucker for that. Fucking sold!


have anyone here follow and listen to the Theatre of Tragedy? they are comming to camden underworld on teh 14th of march, is anyone going there?

Dr. Strangelove

EzLink said:
The new High on Fire album is out today. Anybody getting it? It's only $8 on iTunes, but I'm a little strapped for cash atm so it would be nice to hear what other GAFers think about it first

EDIT: Wow, all of the iTunes reviews are overwhelmingly positive, and all of the track previews sound great. Looks like I'll probably pick it up later

EDIT 2: And it comes with the Digi book on iTunes! I'm always a sucker for that. Fucking sold!
The new High on Fire album is pretty damn good. It's way better than Death is This Communion. A lot of NWOBHM influence.

I absolutely love Roy Khan's voice. So silky smooth, he's like the chocolate mousse of metal singers.

And Iced Earth kick ass, or at least did from the S/T through half of the Glorious Burden. They need to get back to the straight up underproduced powerthrash style (won't happen).

Stormrider and Burnt Offerings are straight up dawg time.


Dr. Strangelove said:
The new High on Fire album is pretty damn good. It's way better than Death is This Communion. A lot of NWOBHM influence.


Really digging the album so far. Can't wait to listen to it straight through later tonight

TheLastCandle said:
And Iced Earth kick ass, or at least did from the S/T through half of the Glorious Burden. They need to either get back to the straight up underproduced powerthrash style (won't happen).

The guitarist just needs to hook up with Hansi again for some more Demons & Wizards goodness. First album was a fucking masterpiece, second one was a bit of a letdown. But I definately think they still have room to do some more great things
EzLink said:
The guitarist just needs to hook up with Hansi again for some more Demons & Wizards goodness. First album was a fucking masterpiece, second one was a bit of a letdown. But I definately think they still have room to do some more great things

LOVE the Demons and Wizards s/t album. One of my all time favorites for sure. I agree the second was a bit of a letdown, but it has it's moments. Would love to have a new one some time soon.


TheLastCandle said:
LOVE the Demons and Wizards s/t album. One of my all time favorites for sure. I agree the second was a bit of a letdown, but it has it's moments. Would love to have a new one some time soon.

Yeah the second one absolutely has some great tracks, but nothing that compares to fiddler or the three song epic about a god creating a universe, going insane, and then destroying it. So fucking awesome

Speaking of Hansi, does your name happen to be referring to the Guardian song The Last Candle?
EzLink said:
Speaking of Hansi, does your name happen to be referring to the Guardian song The Last Candle?

It absolutely does. :)

A personal favorite, off of a personal favorite album. But I can't pick just one BG album to be my favorite, as they are just so damn consistent.


TheLastCandle said:
It absolutely does. :)

A personal favorite, off of a personal favorite album. But I can't pick just one BG album to be my favorite, as they are just so damn consistent.

Adding to my friend list!

For some reason Tales From the Twilight World has never quite grabbed me as much as other BG albums, but even my least favorite Guardian albums are still so much fucking better than almost anything else I've heard. The "worst" BG album is like being the "poorest" billionaire, if that makes any sense. I owe all of my musical tastes to BG, they are my favorite band, and I am SO FUCKING EXCITED TO FINALLY SEE THEM IN CONCERT! Late 2010/early 2011 is the current plan, if I'm not mistaken. And new album in September. Words cannot encapsulate my anticipation

EDIT: Shit, just saw you posted this:

TheLastCandle said:
And also today, Alestorm's "Captain Morgan's Revenge". I'm a HUGE fan of Running Wild, so any band that tries to do the pirate thing shall forever be compared to them, despite differences in genre. This band is good, but no Running Wild. They are very fun and the lyrics can be pretty damn hilarious at times, but it's so over the top it gets a little tiring after a while. I do like it though, don't get me wrong.

After BG, I think Alestorm was the second metal band I really got into (I was quite the newb two years ago). Now I can regocnize that they aren't as amazing as I first thought, but they are still a fucking blast to listen to. And they will forever hold a special place in my heard, as my first metal show ever was Alestorm/Tyr. I saw Alestorm again with Eluveitie in November, they were so piss drunk when they played :lol Their shows are fun as hell though. The crowd goes insane. It's just great music to rock out and let loose on. Plus I met a friend during Nancy the Tavern Wench and we still talk quite frequently :lol

As much as I love CMR, their second album, Black Sails at Midnight, is better. More refined, more musical ability showcased, etc. But by the time it came out I didn't like them quite as much so I haven't listened to it nearly as many times as their first.

Also both make excellent soundtracks for nights of drinking


Seems like Dark Tranquillity has released what I only concider a "decent" album. We are the Void can be streamed in full at the myspace.

The problem with this album is to much leaning on the keyboards to bring the melodies. Most of the riffs are boring rythmbased and typical gothenburg, but there are many short solos thrown around. However, the vocals are outstanding, both clean and growling. The atmosphere is also alot darker then previous albums, which is actually pretty interesting.

There is a tad much filler on this album, but songs worth checking out are:

Iridium (Dark and Epic. Outstanding track.)
The Grandest Accusation (Nice keyboards and excellent vocals.)
Arkhangelsk (The most evil DT song I've heard.)
Her Silent Language (Misery's Crown part two.)
EzLink said:
Adding to my friend list!

For some reason Tales From the Twilight World has never quite grabbed me as much as other BG albums, but even my least favorite Guardian albums are still so much fucking better than almost anything else I've heard. The "worst" BG album is like being the "poorest" billionaire, if that makes any sense. I owe all of my musical tastes to BG, they are my favorite band, and I am SO FUCKING EXCITED TO FINALLY SEE THEM IN CONCERT! Late 2010/early 2011 is the current plan, if I'm not mistaken. And new album in September. Words cannot encapsulate my anticipation

Ahhh this post warms my heart. BG are also my favorite band, and I basically feel exactly as you do. You can struggle to find even great bands with 2 amazing albums and I feel that BG have no less than 5 spectacular albums, all back to back. Insanity. You are going to love seeing them live, I got to see them on the TitM tour and it was epic. When they come back to the east coast of the US I'm there like white on rice.


Also, on Alestorm... I've been enjoying them more since then, I just think I expected something a bit different at first being a fan of Running Wild for so long. It's not terribly fair to compare them. I definitely bet they are an absolute blast live, and frankly if they aren't completely wasted when they play I would be disappointed. :lol


Hellcrow said:
Seems like Dark Tranquillity has released what I only concider a "decent" album. We are the Void can be streamed in full at the myspace.

The problem with this album is to much leaning on the keyboards to bring the melodies. Most of the riffs are boring rythmbased and typical gothenburg, but there are many short solos thrown around. However, the vocals are outstanding, both clean and growling. The atmosphere is also alot darker then previous albums, which is actually pretty interesting.

There is a tad much filler on this album, but songs worth checking out are:

Iridium (Dark and Epic. Outstanding track.)
The Grandest Accusation (Nice keyboards and excellent vocals.)
Arkhangelsk (The most evil DT song I've heard.)
Her Silent Language (Misery's Crown part two.)
loved, Fiction, Charcter and Damage Done. I am sure i will like this, i don't want to spoil my self with listening all the songs but will get the full album in 1 of march

can't wait, so stoked.

and Focus Shift is just great, i loved it and still love it. glad to see it again on this album.


Ah, glad to see a Blind Guardian - and Demons & Wizard - lovefest. I have a tremendous respect for Blind Guardian, started listening to them in 2000 after I heard The Bard Song (the hobbit) on the radio. Tried to get the song afterwards, but ended up with The Bard Song (in the forest) and wondered what the hell was going on. But hey, this acoustic is kinda cool too. Then I realised my mistake, and proceeded to buy Nightfall in Middle-Earth (a song with the name the hobbit should be on this album, right?). Well, no, but damn: what an album! Still my favourite Blind Guardian record, it just reeks of epic from start to finish. I'm not that into Batallion of Fear and Follow the Blind (and neither is the band), but I still love Majesty, Guardian of the Blind, Run for the night from BoF. And I do like the opening of FtB and, of course, Valhalla. But from Imagination and onward I’ve loved almost every single second. At first I didn't "get" A night at the Opera but now it’s probably my third favourite album, behind Nightfall and Imagination.

I managed to see them live (soooo good) on their A Twist in the Myth tour, but that particular album was somewhat of a disappointment, and time didn't make me love it as much as it did when it came to ANATO. But it still is a damn fine album, but compared to the discography it falls a little flat. Doesn't stop me from being really psyched about the next album, since they are recording with real orchestras now I think they're even putting more into this one. But we'll see, if it turns out to be a disappointment they always have their huge backlog.

Going to sing the bard song with them again in 8 months!

edit: and if one like Blind Guardian, chances are that you can get into Falconer too:

They come with a large amount of cheese, but the riffs are great - so is the vocalist.
So I had the chance to see a Vader gig in a local club today. Did I miss anything? :D I don't even know anything from the band and now it's too late :O ...almost. I could still go (it's only 13 bucks).


Loving the new Fear Factory. My kind of stuff.



Okay so I am just fucking LOVING the new High on Fire album. I thought it was pretty cool at first, but I've listened to it seven times in a row tonight! It just gets better and better with each listen. So fucking brutal, so fucking awesome.

Been enjoying some Primordial lately, almost exclusively The Gathering Wilderness and To the Nameless Dead. Great, emotional Black/Folk/Epic metal. I have to say that so far I like TGW more, and I think what edges it over TtND is the song "The Coffin Ships". That song is a frigging experience.


TheLastCandle said:
Been enjoying some Primordial lately, almost exclusively The Gathering Wilderness and To the Nameless Dead. Great, emotional Black/Folk/Epic metal. I have to say that so far I like TGW more, and I think what edges it over TtND is the song "The Coffin Ships". That song is a frigging experience.

Hot damn this Coffin Ships song's awesome! Will hafta listen to these doods more


Unconfirmed Member
TheLastCandle said:
Been enjoying some Primordial lately, almost exclusively The Gathering Wilderness and To the Nameless Dead. Great, emotional Black/Folk/Epic metal. I have to say that so far I like TGW more, and I think what edges it over TtND is the song "The Coffin Ships". That song is a frigging experience.

Have you seen them live? At Paganfest they were spectacular. The frontman looked so creepy. My favorite song is Empire Falls.
Diseased Yak said:
Stuff I've been listening to lately:

Dream Evil - In The Night Some really killer power metal. I can't stop listening to it!

Came here to post this.

Was amped when the new album was announced, been listening to it pretty regularly.

Love Immortal, Electric, and The Ballad. :lol

DE is pretty cheesy though, so I can understand why some folks may not dig it. Still, they have a great formula, although I wish they'd do some more sword and sorcery metal like Dragonslayer.

In Flames You Burn and By My Side are fucking amazing.

Looking forward to the new Rhapsody album next month! YES! YES! YES! ALL OVER MY FACE!


Loser slave of the system :(
Not sure I'm supposed to talk about this yet but do any of you guys know (one of my absolute favorite drummers) Kevin Talley of Misery Index/Dying Fetus fame? Well, he loved our work and decided to work closely with us on our latest album. Aside from recording duties, he's also played and recorded two tracks for the album. This was an absolute dream come true for us and I can't wait for people to hear it. He's fucking phenomenal behind the set.


sazabirules said:
Iron Maiden is about to announce their US tour next Thursday. I can't wait. I've never seen them before so hopefully they play close to the DC area again.


Oh man, awesome. I feel like I should probably jump on this opportunity and see them while they are still around. They aren't my favorite band by any means... hell, I don't listen to them much at all. But there is a part of me that just loves going to see historical influential metal/hard rock acts. Respecting your roots and all that

Plus I'm sure they can put on a hell of a show

TheLastCandle said:
Been enjoying some Primordial lately, almost exclusively The Gathering Wilderness and To the Nameless Dead. Great, emotional Black/Folk/Epic metal. I have to say that so far I like TGW more, and I think what edges it over TtND is the song "The Coffin Ships". That song is a frigging experience.

Youtubed The Coffin Ships and Empire Falls. Holy shit, these guys are awesome. Are they considered Black metal though? They don't have the high shrill shriek vocals, which is what always keeps me away from any BM bands.

Regardless, next time I have some spare cash I'll have to pick up on of their albums
EzLink said:
Youtubed The Coffin Ships and Empire Falls. Holy shit, these guys are awesome. Are they considered Black metal though? They don't have the high shrill shriek vocals, which is what always keeps me away from any BM bands.

While high pitched shrieking vocals (like Burzum etc) tend to be a certain sign of a Black Metal-band, it's far from mandatory. Many BM bands use other vocal styles, at least intermittently.

Mayhem (with Attila) – demented satanic mongolian throat-singer
Skagos - death metal-styled growls

But if you dislike all kinds of growled/harsh vocals, you're probably out of luck. I myself tried finding some "clean vocaled black metal" after I heard a few prime examples (the songs Just for a Moment by Austere, A Looming Resonance by Wolves in the Throne room and Amesoeurs Heurt), but I had no such luck.

Judging by those Primordial songs you might be interested in Solstafír, though. At least Masterpiece of Bitterness and Köld (the former being slightly harsher and more "explicitly" black metal influenced).

PS: really gotta check out primordial, those songs kicked ass.


AgentWhiskersX said:
Not sure I'm supposed to talk about this yet but do any of you guys know (one of my absolute favorite drummers) Kevin Talley of Misery Index/Dying Fetus fame? Well, he loved our work and decided to work closely with us on our latest album. Aside from recording duties, he's also played and recorded two tracks for the album. This was an absolute dream come true for us and I can't wait for people to hear it. He's fucking phenomenal behind the set.

That's interesting, what group do you play in? Any links?


Didn't notice this thread before, but I just finished my last tune before I ship off to the Air Force, and figured I'd share it here. It's a remix of Final Fantasy 7's "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet", and is called "The Planet is Dead". Very metal, somewhat proggy. If you like what you hear, you can hear more of my remixes on youtube or my original music on youtube.


Now if only high gain stuff didn't clip when compressed by youtube...


i saw them 2 years ago when they were doing the Live After Death-esque live us tour and it was amazing, i've seen maiden 3 or 4 times live and they never disappoint

definitely one of the best live bands out there


TheLastCandle said:
It absolutely does. :)

A personal favorite, off of a personal favorite album. But I can't pick just one BG album to be my favorite, as they are just so damn consistent.

right on, i think tales is my favorite bg album, with my favorite tracks on it, traveller in time, lost in the twilight hall, and the last candle, i've never seen them stateside so i will have to check them out when they come back around

i generally prefer their older more speed metal influenced work, battalions of fear, follow the blind, tales from the twilight world, and somewhere far beyond capped off by the fantastic live album tokyo tales, imaginations from the other side is ok, but i really dislike a nightfall and opera
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