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The Metal Thread

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Hydranockz said:
Coheed and Cambria are pretty good alright. Saw 'em when they supported Linkin Park (Don't be hatin'. I went with my gf at the time. Since then I have met my current gf who enjoys metal to the fullest).

Blind Guardian, what are they like?

I want a nice relaxing metal band to listen to. I say relaxing, but melodic metal will do. Sonata Arctica, Ensiferum and Norther are generally what I like listening to. Apocalyptica are always in my playlist but they are not going in a great direction imo. I also like Rhapsody (of Fire) so what might MetalGaf recommend I seek out next?

They are like FUCKING AWESOME. They are the favorite band of several metal gaffers here (myself included). New album out this month too, first one in four goddam years, so its a good time to get into them. And if you like Sonata Arctica I'm not sure of any conceivable way that you wouldn't love Blind Guardian, as they are the masters of the genre

Imaginations From The Other Side
A Past and Future Secret
War of the Thrones

Listen to all of these now, thank us later


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Goddamn it I can't get over how much everyone EVERYWHERE creams their pants over Blind Guardian. Their albums are overproduced, devoid of riffs (hell the guitarwork is barely present) and Hansi's voice is abrasive and grating.


Unconfirmed Member
Phobophile said:
Goddamn it I can't get over how much everyone EVERYWHERE creams their pants over Blind Guardian. Their albums are overproduced, devoid of riffs (hell the guitarwork is barely present) and Hansi's voice is abrasive and grating.

I don't think they're very riff heavy throughout their entire discography. Imaginations from the Other Side is the heaviest in guitar to me. The single from the new album sounded great and reminded me of Imaginations.


Phobophile said:
Goddamn it I can't get over how much everyone EVERYWHERE creams their pants over Blind Guardian. Their albums are overproduced, devoid of riffs (hell the guitarwork is barely present) and Hansi's voice is abrasive and grating.

:lol I love it when you hate on Guardian

Overproduced? Sure, that's one way to look at it. It's an intentional style choice on their part though that some people appreciate. Devoid of riffs? Riffs are only one element of music. Yes, it's a staple of metal, but if a band doesn't want to go riff crazy it doesn't matter so long as what they have is still musically interesting (very much the case with Blind Guardian)

Abrasive and grating? :lol Couldn't disagree with you more. Hansi is one of the best fucking vocalists in metal. Hell, one of the best vocalists across ANY genre. Not only does it have such a unique, amazing sound to it (I describe his voice as "sounding like honey poured over thunder" :p) but he is insanely musically talented as well.

Blind Guardian isn't for everyone but there is no denying they are an incredibly talented group


Phobophile said:
Goddamn it I can't get over how much everyone EVERYWHERE creams their pants over Blind Guardian. Their albums are overproduced, devoid of riffs (hell the guitarwork is barely present) and Hansi's voice is abrasive and grating.

i'd agree with you, if we were talking about their discography nightfall on middle earth and on, but they started out as a fucking killer speed/power metal band and then devolved into something much worse....

i mean checkout Tokyo Tales, its an almost perfect live album if you skip the stupid Beach Boys cover at the end, it has the best tracks from battalions of fear, follow the blind, tales from the twilight world, and somewhere far beyond


yacobod said:
i'd agree with you, if we were talking about their discography nightfall on middle earth and on, but they started out as a fucking killer speed/power metal band and then devolved into something much worse....

i mean checkout Tokyo Tales, its an almost perfect live album if you skip the stupid Beach Boys cover at the end, it has the best tracks from battalions of fear, follow the blind, tales from the twilight world, and somewhere far beyond

Their live albums are both in-fucking-credible. I had two different people in my car once while I was playing it, and both were shocked when they heard the crowd clap at the end of a song. They couldn't believe it was live

Their newest album is going to have a few tracks in line with earlier BG stuff (like the single, but that has some new BG elements fused in as well). I can't wait though, because I fucking love Blind Guardian when they are playing fast and furious
EzLink said:
They are like FUCKING AWESOME. They are the favorite band of several metal gaffers here (myself included). New album out this month too, first one in four goddam years, so its a good time to get into them. And if you like Sonata Arctica I'm not sure of any conceivable way that you wouldn't love Blind Guardian, as they are the masters of the genre

Imaginations From The Other Side
A Past and Future Secret
War of the Thrones

Listen to all of these now, thank us later
I'm not even a minute into Nightfall and I can already tell this is gonna be just what I need ;)

And as a fan of Sonata Arctica, going from their last two albums I don't think I'll have any problems with bands that aren't riff heavy ;)


Hydranockz said:
I'm not even a minute into Nightfall and I can already tell this is gonna be just what I need ;)

And as a fan of Sonata Arctica, going from their last two albums I don't think I'll have any problems with bands that aren't riff heavy ;)

Excellent. Blind Guardian is pretty diverse and has gone through several "style" changes over the years, but it is all consistently awesome

If you want specific album recs let us know (hint: all of them, except maybe the first two if you aren't into speed metal)
EzLink said:
Excellent. Blind Guardian is pretty diverse and has gone through several "style" changes over the years, but it is all consistently awesome

If you want specific album recs let us know (hint: all of them, except maybe the first two if you aren't into speed metal)
You post that while I was trying to learn the intro solo of The Cage by SA :lol :lol My gf has most of their stuff me thinks so I will bug her to send me 'em when she can ;)


Aigis said:
Can someone recommend me some good black metal? My friend recommended me Peste Noire and I really like them. They seem different to other black metal bands that I've heard, they have more... depth. Variety in instruments and stuff like that.

I know nothing about the black metal scene but I like this stuff.

I've never heard of this band before and it's honestly awesome, now I want more. I really like black metal but I've never heard anything like this, I've been listening to the more known bands like emperor, immortal, darkthrone etc.


Cool free metal fest coming to L.A. 8/8/10

The Power of the Riff

The line-up:

Corrosion of Conformity III
From Ashes Rise
Trap Them
Black Breath
Righteous Fool
Night Horse
Eagle Twin
Early Graves
The Fucking Wrath
Semen Sundae
Rats Eyes
Spider Fever


CharliePants said:
If you like Peste Noire you'd probably like any bands Neige is/has been involved in - Alcest, Lantlos, Amesoeurs. Also check out Gris, Sombres Forêts, Miserere Luminis - all fairly similar stuff.

Though I gotta say Alcest, at least the records I have, are WAY more mellow than that really lo-fi Peste Noire stuff.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Flynn said:
Though I gotta say Alcest, at least the records I have, are WAY more mellow than that really lo-fi Peste Noire stuff.

Their newest album is a bit heavier than their debut. It even has traditional black metal vocals.


Seraphis Cain said:
Their newest album is a bit heavier than their debut. It even has traditional black metal vocals.

Interesting. Not that I didn't like that earlier Alcest record. It just wasn't quite what I was expecting after Peste Noire.


Seraphis Cain said:
Their newest album is a bit heavier than their debut. It even has traditional black metal vocals.
Yep, i love that. His second album is more what i expected, when i heard him described as black metal + shoegaze.
Random rant incoming. ;D I hate all the double bass abuse in some subgenres of metal.
5+ minutes of baddabaddabadda are one of the reasons I can't listen to that stuff. Why can't they actually use their drumkit for some variety? Even the gujitar work and production of most of today's metal sound too clean and artificial to me. I bet the musicians could be replaced and nobody would notice.
Metal clubs/bars play it nonstop. At least they still put some Metallica, Black Sabbath or Pantera in there. ;) I haven't found a new metal band I really like in months There's always old stuff, of course. I dig the early 90s Sepultura albums, for example.
So what is the best metal of the last 10 years, excluding death metal and black metal? ;D
TheLastCandle said:
Trying to jump head first into Virgin Steele right now as I sit at work.

I feel like I should be enjoying this more. A raw, epic US power metal band in a slightly similar style as early Manowar... but it doesn't seem to be clicking. We'll see what happens as I move forward in the discography. The band is clearly good, I'm just not going apeshit for it.
Along with Iron Maiden, Rage and Iced Earth, they are my favourite band. I was obsessed for more than a year with both House of Atreus and both Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Invictus is amazing too. VS clicked instantly for me to the point I was asking myself why I didn't listen to them earlier (this was 2006). I really like early Manowar too, but Virgin Steele are leagues beyond them as far as songwriting and overall feeling is concerned. Hope their new album finally comes out this fall (it was first supposed to be released in May 2009...).
EzLink said:
They are like FUCKING AWESOME. They are the favorite band of several metal gaffers here (myself included). New album out this month too, first one in four goddam years, so its a good time to get into them. And if you like Sonata Arctica I'm not sure of any conceivable way that you wouldn't love Blind Guardian, as they are the masters of the genre

Imaginations From The Other Side
A Past and Future Secret
War of the Thrones

Listen to all of these now, thank us later

I think Under The Ice is their best. Seems like they peaked with that album.


Halfway through the first Ensiferum album, its great so far. I think I'm going to spend the next few hours listening to their disco, then maybe finally get around to listening to wintersun later tonight :D


EzLink said:
Halfway through the first Ensiferum album, its great so far. I think I'm going to spend the next few hours listening to their disco, then maybe finally get around to listening to wintersun later tonight :D

i'd skip the rest tbh, their debut is the best by far and iron and victory songs are downgrades imo, just go get the wintersun album instead
yacobod said:
i'd skip the rest tbh, their debut is the best by far and iron and victory songs are downgrades imo, just go get the wintersun album instead

Their S/T is their best, but that's no reason to not check out the rest of their stuff. Iron and Victory Songs are very good albums.


DieNgamers said:
So what is the best metal of the last 10 years, excluding death metal and black metal? ;D

nothing really, just listen to Wheels of Confusion repeated to infinity, but if you must seek out something new..

the best thrash album released in the past decade was Torture Squad - Pandemonium (2003), if you really like Sepultura circa Beneath the Remains or Schizophrenia mixed in with some Pleasure to Kill era Kreator with a splash of Dark Angel Darkness fucking Descends, this is the album for you, but beware the death metal vocals may be a turn off, but when the riffs are this good, who cares

Exodus - Tempo of the Damned (2004) was a pretty good thrash comeback, but i think it was slightly overrated by the media and in reviews, but its solid, and if you've never heard Bonded By Blood obviously go get that asap, Paul Baloff \m/

Amon Amarth is pretty awesome, i guess they are death metal or melodic death metal, but you cant really go wrong with Once Sent from the Golden Halls, With Oden on Our Side, Twilight of the Thunder God, Fate of Norns, etc

Vektor - Black Future (2009) - released last year, pretty awesome technical or progressive trash, you will have this on repeat trying to decipher the insanity

if you like sabbath why not try out candlemass, Nightfall and Epicus are essential

and if you like thrash why not do some homework and discover all that was awesome in the 80s outside of the mainstream big 4 releases, the first 5 Kreator albums, Vio-lence, Dark Angel, Sodom, Destruction, Overkill, etc


DieH@rd said:
Agreed, Night at the Opera is a fantastic album. They didnt topped it... yet.
Night at the Opera > Nightfall in Middle Earth? I really enjoy NatO, but NiME is on another planet of awesome. Minus all of the narrative songs on NiME, all of the songs on that album are great. My two personal favorites, A Dark Passage and The Curse of Feanor, are better than anything on NaTO (minus The Soulforged. But this is just a matter of opinion.
DieNgamers said:
So what is the best metal of the last 10 years, excluding death metal and black metal? ;D

Arghoslent, but it's excellent original death metal. Not your overproduced wankery shit like Job For A Cowboy or Necrophagist.
immy said:
Bring me the horizon

@Giantrobot & yacobot: I will check out some of the stuff you mentioned. ;D
At a family gathering with the girlfriend. Kid with acoustic guitar stated both that "Slayer is not metal." and "All metal is anymore is screaming."

He's in a band called Skyscrapers Walk Among Us. They fucking suck. I want to punch him in the dick.

He's on her side of the family.
Odious Tea said:
At a family gathering with the girlfriend. Kid with acoustic guitar stated both that "Slayer is not metal." and "All metal is anymore is screaming."

He's in a band called Skyscrapers Walk Among Us. They fucking suck. I want to punch him in the dick.

He's on her side of the family.
Everyone knows that Slayer is Beligian Progressive Jazz :p


Odious Tea said:
At a family gathering with the girlfriend. Kid with acoustic guitar stated both that "Slayer is not metal." and "All metal is anymore is screaming."

He's in a band called Skyscrapers Walk Among Us. They fucking suck. I want to punch him in the dick.

He's on her side of the family.

This is your sign. Run away as fast as possible. :D
Yeah i have heard these bands dipshit. You can name off all the ABM bands you want and it doesnt make them different from the next. Leviathan and Absu are probably the only standouts and Xasthur releases a lot that is complete garbage. Don't call me out if you have no knowledge of the nature of my answers.
Daddy'sGun said:
Yeah i have heard these bands dipshit. You can name off all the ABM bands you want and it doesnt make them different from the next. Leviathan and Absu are probably the only standouts and Xasthur releases a lot that is complete garbage. Don't call me out if you have no knowledge of the nature of my answers.
Where is the context here like?

Blind Guardian, thank you MetalGaf. That is all.


hello there MetalGaf :D

I am very picky about Metal (i dont really know whats good or bad) but i do know that i dont listen to a whole lot of songs, i like power/progressive metal (i have listened to a bunch of bands and most i dont like) I also like disturbed & Rhapsody Of Fire if that helps. With this bit of info, could you guys gimme some songs to listen to?

here are some songs i like:

SABATON- coat of arms

Sonata Arctica - Dream Thieves

Conquest - Frozen Sky
yencid said:
hello there MetalGaf :D

I am very picky about Metal (i dont really know whats good or bad)

Just listen to what you think sounds good.

Unrelated but Sabbat's "Dreamweaver" album is relentless and fucking tits. Have fun keeping up with that album.


Giant Robot said:
Just listen to what you think sounds good.

Unrelated but Sabbat's "Dreamweaver" album is relentless and fucking tits. Have fun keeping up with that album.
well obviously i already do :lol

just want some new recommendations.


Unconfirmed Member
yencid said:
well obviously i already do :lol

just want some new recommendations.

Check out Lost Horizon. They're one of the best power metal bands out there.

Also check out

Dream Evil
EzLink said:
BTW listened to Andromeda Unchained today. Mother of god, it was fucking glorious!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! The more you listen the more little stuff you'll notice whether it be the riffs in the background or keyboard leads. I described it to my friend as a sci-fi/space soundtrack with vocals added to it. :D
yencid said:
hello there MetalGaf :D

I am very picky about Metal (i dont really know whats good or bad) but i do know that i dont listen to a whole lot of songs, i like power/progressive metal (i have listened to a bunch of bands and most i dont like) I also like disturbed & Rhapsody Of Fire if that helps. With this bit of info, could you guys gimme some songs to listen to?

here are some songs i like:

SABATON- coat of arms

Sonata Arctica - Dream Thieves

Conquest - Frozen Sky

First off, welcome!

As for recommendations, I'll throw a couple your way. I'm a huge power metal nerd along with quite a few folks here (although I love all metal, PM just strikes all the right chords for me), so here's some stuff I think you could enjoy.

Heavenly - Evil

Lost Horizon - Denial of Fate

Edguy - All the Clowns

Hibria - Defying the Rules

Cain's Offering - My Queen of Winter

Kamelot - Center of the Universe

Just a couple because I'm not good with lists. I tend to completely forget that certain bands exist until I see something that reminds me. :lol

I saw Blind Guardian mentioned earlier, and as always you can't go wrong there. I love all of their albums, although they did lose a little steam on the last one. The new one appears to be back to the A+ level of quality they are known for. The reason everyone creams over them is because of their consistency. They don't release stinkers , especially when compared to other bands who have been around as long as they have. Obviously not everyone feels that way, but they don't have a St Anger or a Risk that's for sure.
yacobod said:
i'd skip the rest tbh, their debut is the best by far and iron and victory songs are downgrades imo, just go get the wintersun album instead

Wintersun is great, but there's no reason that he shouldn't check out the rest of the Ensiferum discography. Even if the rest are "downgrades", that doesn't make them bad. Iron and Victory Songs have some great tunes on them.


TheLastCandle said:
Wintersun is great, but there's no reason that he shouldn't check out the rest of the Ensiferum discography. Even if the rest are "downgrades", that doesn't make them bad. Iron and Victory Songs have some great tunes on them.

I only managed getting through the first two albums yesterday because something came up, and I couldn't devote another two plus hours to devouring Victory Songs, From Afar, and the Wintersun album. I liked Ensiferum more than Iron, but Iron still was cool and I'm looking forward to listening through the albums again.

So, I'm really digging Angel Witch's self titled. Are any of their other albums essential?
EzLink said:
I only managed getting through the first two albums yesterday because something came up, and I couldn't devote another two plus hours to devouring Victory Songs, From Afar, and the Wintersun album. I liked Ensiferum more than Iron, but Iron still was cool and I'm looking forward to listening through the albums again.

So, I'm really digging Angel Witch's self titled. Are any of their other albums essential?
Angel Witch, I have their 25th Anniversary cd [Expanded Edition] lol. Some pretty gret tracks. AngelWitch is probably their best song imo but do not look up the rerelease or whatever the extra version of that song is. Devil's Tower and Dr.Phibes are cool tunes too.

I have been listening to some albums riht the way through for the last few nights. Started off with Sonata Arctica's Reckoning Night, followed by Ensiferum's From Afar. I went to listen to Norther's Death Unlimited album last night but my stupid mp3 player had 3 songs in their twice and was missing the last few songs.

Never heard of Dream Thieves or The Gun by SA either :p Single releases, no wonder so lol.
Hydranockz said:
Never heard of Dream Thieves or The Gun by SA either :p Single releases, no wonder so lol.

I think they were also on the import/japan versions. The one for Silence is called Respect the Wilderness. The best one of those extra songs is off Reckoning Night called Wrecking the Sphere. Epic song. :D
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