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The Metal Thread

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some Doom metal essentials are:
Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Sleep - Holy Mountain
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Boris - Amplifier Worship

As for black, try
Ne Oblivisicaris - The Aurora Veil (progressive)
Krallice - Krallice (progressive)
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter (trash)
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising (thrash)
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (ambient-ish)

Black metal is a fairly large subgenre. So the best recommendations are on what exactly you're after; whether it is: klvt raw black metal, the new wave american stuff, or a lot of the cross genre stuff (eg blackened thrash).


Woffls said:
RIGHT. I'm moving on in metal, to either doom metal or black metal. Recently I've been listening to a fair amount of death, metalcore, prog and power metal, but I know these are two sub genres that I've missed out on so far. Looking at my last.fm profile if necessary, where would be a good place for me to start based on what I've just been listening to?

Either that, or just name some cool doom and black metal bands and I'll go youtubing. Thanks in advance ^_^

Definitely listen to ulver and emperor. (ulver is what got me into BM actually, their first and third album are all kind of awesome).

Some other recs that haven't been mentioned.

Darkthrone - A Blaze in the northern sky
Bathory - Blood fire, death
Immortal - At the heart of winter
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Agalloch - Pale folklore
Peste noire - La Sanie des Siécles: Panégyrique de la Dégénérescence
Wolves in the throne room - Diadem of 12 stars.
Sigh - Imaginary sonicscape
Deathspell omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

For doom my experience with the genre is sadly limited but

Boris - Amplifer worship (mix of doom / drone).
Eagle twin - The Unkindness of crows
My Dying bride - The angel and the dark river
Worship - Last Cd before doomsday.


Woffls said:
RIGHT. I'm moving on in metal, to either doom metal or black metal. Recently I've been listening to a fair amount of death, metalcore, prog and power metal, but I know these are two sub genres that I've missed out on so far. Looking at my last.fm profile if necessary, where would be a good place for me to start based on what I've just been listening to?

Either that, or just name some cool doom and black metal bands and I'll go youtubing. Thanks in advance ^_^

Not much into Doom really. However, Warning - Watching from a Distance is one of my favorite metal albums. Definitely check that out.

Black metal however is the only metal genre I still listen to on a regular basis. I don't listen to much early or classic black metal anymore so I'm not gonna recommend the "classics". Try checking out these bands:
Deathspell Omega (specifically the album Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice)
The Ruins of Beverast
Lurker of Chalice

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
For black metal, I'd recommend:

Wolves in the Throne Room
Imperium Dekadenz
Make a Change, Kill Yourself
Fell Voices
Altar of Plagues

Some of those might be straddling the line between black and blackened death, but hey.


Thanks guys! Looks like I'll start on black metal for now. Emperor are at the top of the list, then I'll listen to Ulver and Windir. Listening to some Dimmu Borgir because it was suggested in that other thread. last fm says it's black metal, and it's more or less what I was expecting so that's cool.

Seeing mostly different bands listed makes this feel a bit daunting :lol

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Woffls said:
RIGHT. I'm moving on in metal, to either doom metal or black metal. Recently I've been listening to a fair amount of death, metalcore, prog and power metal, but I know these are two sub genres that I've missed out on so far. Looking at my last.fm profile if necessary, where would be a good place for me to start based on what I've just been listening to?

Either that, or just name some cool doom and black metal bands and I'll go youtubing. Thanks in advance ^_^


Candlemass - Nightfall
The Obsessed - Lunar Womb
St Vitus - V
My Dying Bride - Turn Loose the Swans
Anathema - Serenades
Paradise Lost - Draconian Times
Type O Negative - October Rust
Cathedral - Caravan Beyond Redemption
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Pentagram - Review Your Choices

Black Metal:

Taake - Bjoergvin
The Meads of Asphodel - Exhuming the Grave of Yeshua
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscapes
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Solefald - Pills Against the Ageless Ills
Emperor - Prometheus: The Discipline Of Fire & Demise
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Sin Origin - Night Aeternal
Carpathian Forrest - Morbid Fascination of Death
Ihsahn - The Adversary
Bathory - Hammerheart
Enslaved - Below the Lights

I'm probably forgetting a tonne of awesome bands but this should get you started.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
It's pretty awesome how all of us who recommend black metal bands have completely different lists, save for a couple bands. Shows just how diverse black metal is. :D


More Doom suggestions:

Pagan Altar - Volume 1
Shrinebuilder - Shrinebuilder
Witchcraft - Firewood
Electric Wizard - Come my Fanatics
Warning - Watching from a Distance
Goatsnake - Volume 1 (more a sludge/doom metal but still classic)


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
heard the whole The Sword- Warp Riders album. It was fuckin shit. There's not one song that I found decent enough to hear. Overall, much better production than the last album Gods Of the Earth. However, Gods of the earth had some good songs to listen to. If there's any worth for this album, it should be a good stress reliever by smashing it to pieces.


Kind of a weird request, but can anyone tell me what metal albums are worth buying for five bucks on this list?:

Amazon's 100 metal albums for five bucks

I already have a few, Mastodon's Leviathan and Baroness's Blue, but I've been wanting to get into some more metal and am willing to try all of the subgenres. As is I mostly listen to thrash, doom, and prog.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
NGAMER9 said:
Kind of a weird request, but can anyone tell me what metal albums are worth buying for five bucks on this list?:

Amazon's 100 metal albums for five bucks

I already have a few, Mastodon's Leviathan and Baroness's Blue, but I've been wanting to get into some more metal and am willing to try all of the subgenres. As is I mostly listen to thrash, doom, and prog.

The Exodus, Paradise Lost and Candlemass albums are all good.


TheLastCandle said:
If you want to get into Black Metal, for the love of god try out Primordial's "The Gathering Wilderness" and "To the Nameless Dead".

Do it! :D
Admittedly the only black metal I've really heard is Burzum, which I do enjoy, so I probably should get into black metal soon. But I've got a five dollar Amazon MP3 credit so I figured I'd get something on the list now. I'll be sure to check out Primordial later though.


NGAMER9 said:
Kind of a weird request, but can anyone tell me what metal albums are worth buying for five bucks on this list?:

Amazon's 100 metal albums for five bucks

I already have a few, Mastodon's Leviathan and Baroness's Blue, but I've been wanting to get into some more metal and am willing to try all of the subgenres. As is I mostly listen to thrash, doom, and prog.

Master's Hammer - The Ritual is good. High on Fire - Death is This Communion is also worth getting. That selection is pretty terrible overall though.

edit: Didn't see that Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Part 1 was also in there. You should for sure pick that up. One of my favorite metal albums.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
NGAMER9 said:
Kind of a weird request, but can anyone tell me what metal albums are worth buying for five bucks on this list?:

Amazon's 100 metal albums for five bucks

I already have a few, Mastodon's Leviathan and Baroness's Blue, but I've been wanting to get into some more metal and am willing to try all of the subgenres. As is I mostly listen to thrash, doom, and prog.
Get everything already suggested, as well as possibly the Intronaut album; if you're into prog, you might like it. That Howl album is pretty good too, even with how stale that sound is getting.
NGAMER9 said:
Kind of a weird request, but can anyone tell me what metal albums are worth buying for five bucks on this list?:

Amazon's 100 metal albums for five bucks

I already have a few, Mastodon's Leviathan and Baroness's Blue, but I've been wanting to get into some more metal and am willing to try all of the subgenres. As is I mostly listen to thrash, doom, and prog.

I'll also suggest:
Halford - Resurrection


Just bought a bunch of suggestions.

Seconding or thirding Nachtmystium.

I really like Portal's Swarth, so Outre is worth looking into if you like brutal, experimental sounds.


Woffls said:
Either that, or just name some cool doom and black metal bands and I'll go youtubing. Thanks in advance ^_^

Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
MayheM - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
Funeral Mist - Devilry
Dodheimsgard - Satanic Art
Deathspell Omega - Kénôse
Necromantia - Crossing the Fiery Path
Master's Hammer - The Jilemnice Occultist
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract
Samael - Worship Him (falls into doom metal category as well)
Gorgoroth - Pentagram
Behexen - My Soul for His Glory
Ofermod - Mystérion Tés Anomias
Old Wainds - Religion of Spiritual Violence
S.V.E.S.T. - Urfaust
Stillhet - Dømt At Have Sit Liv Forbrudt
Trelldom - Til Et Annet...
Jotunspor - Gleipnirs Smeder
Mütiilation - Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)
Sarcofago - INRI
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom
Havohej - Kembatinan Premaster
Abruptum - Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectére Me
Gnaw Their Tongues - An Epiphanic Vomiting of Blood

Highly recommended:
Nordic Metal - A Tribute to Euronymous compilation (Necropolis Records)

Thergothon - Stream from the Heavens
Sunn o))) - Monoliths & Dimensions
Black metal <3 I agree with a lot of recommendations, I especially love the following albums

Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

Some more that haven't been mentioned:
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane (melodic black)
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age
Negur&#259; Bunget- Om (atmospheric/folk)
Shining - V: Halmstad (depressive) Be aware there's another Shining, a Norwegian one that plays experimental/jazz.
Melechesh - Emissaries (black/thrash)
Anaal Nathrakh - Eschaton (black/grind)


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

Hey there metalbros! My longtime Gaf-lurker friends have put out a new album on StormSpell Records.It's semi-technical aggressive thrash metal, so any of you old-school guys ought to like this a lot.High-pitched vocals as well, (almost) none of that modern growl shit.

Check out http://stormspell.com/label/immaculate.html and http://www.myspace.com/immaculatethrash for some promo tracks!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So I just talked to Don Anderson (Agalloch's guitarist) a bit on Facebook, and he mentioned that he and Jason Walton (Agalloch's bassist) have another experimental black metal side-project called Self Spiller. I went over to their MySpace page to have a listen and holy shit.


"Therefore I Worship" is fucking AMAZING.


Giant Robot said:
listen to this man. Black metal list is excellent.

and fuck yes on Thergothon. I'll recommend Winter - Into Darkness

Thanks. I totally forgot Winter. It's been a while since I've listened to them, but I remember liking their material back in the day.


Seraphis Cain said:
So I just talked to Don Anderson (Agalloch's guitarist) a bit on Facebook, and he mentioned that he and Jason Walton (Agalloch's bassist) have another experimental black metal side-project called Self Spiller. I went over to their MySpace page to have a listen and holy shit.


"Therefore I Worship" is fucking AMAZING.

thank you thank you thank you


NGAMER9 said:
Kind of a weird request, but can anyone tell me what metal albums are worth buying for five bucks on this list?:

Amazon's 100 metal albums for five bucks

I already have a few, Mastodon's Leviathan and Baroness's Blue, but I've been wanting to get into some more metal and am willing to try all of the subgenres. As is I mostly listen to thrash, doom, and prog.

exodos - tempo of the damned is pretty good
Just got back from the Slayer/Megadeth/Testament concert. All three were badass. I was also lucky enough to snag a pick from each of the bands! I guess it pays to be tall sometimes...


There is some drama going on in Symphonic Black (not really) Metal land.

Yesterday, Snowy Shaw was announced as the new bassist for Dimmu Borgir. Which we've known since the beginning of July when he departed from Therion, so that was not really unexpected.

But... today he rejoins Therion, after one single day of officially being a Dimmu Borgir member? What the loving fuck.

"Just one day after confirming that he has been tapped by Norwegian symphonic black metallers DIMMU BORGIR to replace bassist/clean vocalist ICS Vortex on the band's upcoming ninth album, "Abrahadabra", and world tour, Swedish multi-instrumentalist Snowy Shaw (real name: Tommie Helgesson; THERION, DREAM EVIL, KING DIAMOND, MERCYFUL FATE, MEMENTO MORI, NOTRE DAME) has announced his departure from the group and return to Swedish progressive/experimental metallers THERION"

I do enjoy the new Dimmu Borgir single though, which sounds like a dark Rhapsody song.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
This just arrived this morning on vinyl:


Peacville have been releasing a hold swag of amazing Metal albums on limited-edition 180g coloured vinyl.

The details are:

This vinyl editon is numbered and limited to 2000 copies and comes on double 180gsm burgundy coloured vinyl, in a gatefold sleeve and printed inner sleeves and liner notes from the album's producer Simon Efemy.

I love this album. Not only does it stand as an amazing Doom Metal album but over the years it has made me consider it as one of my favourite albums of all time. On vinyl t simply sounds phenomenal, with gobs of detail and deep, deep bass.

Also, Gregor MacKintosh may be one of Metal's most underrated guitarists.

If you don't own this album then you owe it to yourself to buy a copy.


I haven't seen anybody talk about the new Angra album "Aqua". Not as good as Temple of Shadows, but I definitely like it more than Aurora Consurgens
Seraphis Cain said:
So I just talked to Don Anderson (Agalloch's guitarist) a bit on Facebook, and he mentioned that he and Jason Walton (Agalloch's bassist) have another experimental black metal side-project called Self Spiller. I went over to their MySpace page to have a listen and holy shit.


"Therefore I Worship" is fucking AMAZING.

Indeed amazing. Gives me a bit of a Sculptured vibe, though without the "clinically insane" drumming. Reminds me a lot of the Norwegian experimental metal bands like Fleurety, Manes and Solefald.

Great stuff, though. Debut can't come soon enough.

In completely unrelated news, I was facebooking on Lantlôs wall, and they mentioned that since signing to Prophecy, the new album wouldn't be as delayed as .neon was. Since the recordings are already done I'm thinking we might see the new Neige-ified Lantloôs album this year.

Which would be pretty brutal. .neon is my album of the year so far, it'd be pretty nice to have the follow up in the same year.
EzLink said:
I haven't seen anybody talk about the new Angra album "Aqua". Not as good as Temple of Shadows, but I definitely like it more than Aurora Consurgens

Heard the opening track off of this bad boy the other day, and rather enjoyed it. I'll have to check out the whole album very soon. I'm a very big fan of everything they have done from Rebirth on, and like a sizable chunk of the Matos stuff, even though that man could not possibly have a less ballsy voice. That Wuthering Heights cover is a never ending source of hilarity to me.

I've been checking out some new stuff (to me anyways) lately, and have come away with quite a few delightful discoveries.

First off, finally checked out the new Maiden in it's entirety. I fully expected to be disappointed as I wasn't particularly thrilled with the new single and video that came with it. However, the album is quite good! As long as you expect something in a similar vein of what they have been doing since Bruce came back, you should walk away happy. Maybe could have done with some of the songs being a bit shorter, but overall I'm pleased.

Second, I gave the newest Epica album a spin. Not what I was expecting at all, and in a very good way. I've tried getting into Epica multiple times, and it never clicked. Design Your Universe is a fantastic album. The riffing at times is straight up death metal, and the reverts back to sweeping orchestral power/gothic metal. And Simone sounds great, much better than on previous albums in my opinion. Honestly one of the better albums I've heard in a while.
Witchfinder General said:
This just arrived this morning on vinyl:


Peacville have been releasing a hold swag of amazing Metal albums on limited-edition 180g coloured vinyl.

The details are:

I love this album. Not only does it stand as an amazing Doom Metal album but over the years it has made me consider it as one of my favourite albums of all time. On vinyl t simply sounds phenomenal, with gobs of detail and deep, deep bass.

fuck yes. I wish they re-issued Gothic.

I'm going to order:
Autopsy first 2 and the new EP
Darkthrone- Blaze and Under A Funeral Moon
My Dying Bride - Turn Loose The Swans

how long did it take you to get?

EDIT: FUCK, nm. It's $50 to ship 6 albums to the US. Looks like Peaceville has no U.S. distributor :(

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Giant Robot said:
fuck yes. I wish they re-issued Gothic.

I'm going to order:
Autopsy first 2 and the new EP
Darkthrone- Blaze and Under A Funeral Moon
My Dying Bride - Turn Loose The Swans

how long did it take you to get?

EDIT: FUCK, nm. It's $50 to ship 6 albums to the US. Looks like Peaceville has no U.S. distributor :(

Honestly, that's hardly anything for shipping and well worth it when you consider just how cheap the records are for what you get.

Also, I have the original pressing of Turn Loose the Swans and I'd be interested to hear how the new re-issue stacks up sonically.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol

Anyone else listening to the new SIG:AR:TYR album, Godsaga? I'd never heard of them before I checked out that "In Autumnal Fog" sampler someone linked to a few pages back, and now I love them. Normally I don't get into "viking" metal, but this is just too damn good.

Sleep of the Sword - Absolutely AMAZING song here.
Witchfinder General said:
Honestly, that's hardly anything for shipping and well worth it when you consider just how cheap the records are for what you get.

Also, I have the original pressing of Turn Loose the Swans and I'd be interested to hear how the new re-issue stacks up sonically.

ehhh, im used to paying $20-25 for 180g vinyl, especially from Southern Lord. From Peaceville, nearly $10 on top of each record to ship is kind of a bummer for me.


Seraphis Cain said:
Anyone else listening to the new SIG:AR:TYR album, Godsaga? I'd never heard of them before I checked out that "In Autumnal Fog" sampler someone linked to a few pages back, and now I love them. Normally I don't get into "viking" metal, but this is just too damn good.

Sleep of the Sword - Absolutely AMAZING song here.

wow I didn't even know SIG:AR:TYR was still active! I only heard Sailing the Seas of Fate and I thought it went on hiatus later, time to check out what he has been doing lately.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Heard the new Cephalic Carnage Misled By Certainty....not bad but not much variety is what I expected like from their previous album Xenosapien which was more straightforward death metal with a few melodic touches than grind/tech as heard from previous albums. Anyways, they went back to their techy/grind roots however it sounded too much like math/core garbage like Ion Dissonance which killed the new CC album,Misled By Certainty, for me. When you hear some catchy riff then it builds up and you think there's gonna be some kick ass solo or whatnot but suddenly there's some mathcore BS for about 2 minutes and the song ends. WTF!!!!!!!!

It's been what...about 4 years since they released Xenosapien and they still couldn't produce anything marginally better?? well fuck it, I need to see these guys live again and get high with them post-concert.
Just a quick bump for some news quite a few here will find interesting.

Blind Guardian to announce their North American tour dates Tomorrow! :D

Best case scenario for me would be Baltimore, but I know if they skip there (which they probably will) then they will surely hit Philly. And if they skip Philly well then I'll drive to the next closest venue they hit. Hell, if they hit Baltimore and Philly I'm going to both.

I'm rather excited.


Unconfirmed Member
TheLastCandle said:
Just a quick bump for some news quite a few here will find interesting.

Blind Guardian to announce their North American tour dates Tomorrow! :D

Best case scenario for me would be Baltimore, but I know if they skip there (which they probably will) then they will surely hit Philly. And if they skip Philly well then I'll drive to the next closest venue they hit. Hell, if they hit Baltimore and Philly I'm going to both.

I'm rather excited.

I'm hoping they hit Jaxx again which is close to Baltimore. That is where I saw them in 2006.
sazabirules said:
I'm hoping they hit Jaxx again which is close to Baltimore. That is where I saw them in 2006.

Yeah, that seems to be a very popular venue for metal in general. It's a bit father than the other two for me though, as I'm in Harrisburg. But if that were the only place they hit nearby, I would have to make the trek. I've heard good things of Jaxx, though.


Unconfirmed Member
TheLastCandle said:
Yeah, that seems to be a very popular venue for metal in general. It's a bit father than the other two for me though, as I'm in Harrisburg. But if that were the only place they hit nearby, I would have to make the trek. I've heard good things of Jaxx, though.

I wonder who else will be on the tour.


I'm nervous that BG is going to screw me over and tour near me during finals week or something :(

If they do though, oh well. I have my whole life to retake and subsequently pass whichever courses I flunk out of! \m/
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