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The Metal Thread

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ACE 1991 said:
Hey Metal GAF, what to help me with an English project?

I'm trying to find a good song about blood lust that not only says something meaningful and true about it, but that I can critically analyze. Lust for power works too. Sexual lust has already been covered.

I post in this thread every now and again, but I can't think of a song that isn't either one-dimensional nor disgusting :lol

Too bad you already did sexual lust. Death's Flesh and the Power it Holds is awesome, and has got some great lyrics.

As for blood lust, you'd probably be best off with either cheese like Manowar (blood of my enemies!) or some really dark, sinister Black or Death.

I'd suggest checking out Bloodbath (particularly Weak Aside). Also, I think Nachtmystium's Assassin's (title track of the album) would be a great example of your average black metal elitism. Though I never took it literally.


I just came back from seeing Avantasia here in Mexico City. HOLY FUCKING SHIT, yeah, I'm a huge fan of german Power Metal, but all bias aside, this was my favorite concert in the whole year (and maybe my favorite in many years actually). Everything was perfect, the cast, the setlist, the audience, everything.

I'm also a huge fan of the late 80's/early 90's Helloween, so I was looking forward to the appearances of Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske, both were members of the golden age of the band. It was the first time ever for Kiske in Latin America and one of the first live shows he has ever had in more than 15 years after he was fired from Helloween. I was kinda nervous, he is my favorite singer ever but a bad show was a possibility after all those years inactive.

The setlist had a little bit from everything, fast and epic songs from the first "Metal Opera" albums; "Avantasia", "Reach out for the light" and "The Tower" are great examples. It also had great tunes from the newer "Scarecrow" saga; things like "Lost in space", "Dying for an angel" or "Shelter for the rain". More than 2.5 hours of pure win.

The singers?, well:

Tobias Sammett: Awesome, he has endless energy and a very powerful voice. His interaction with the audience was essential for the great experience I had.

Amanda Sommerville: She was doing mostly backing vocals, but had her moment at the lead of "Farewell". Sings better live than on her own records :lol

Jorn Lande: I already liked him, but I confirmed that he is a beast live. The only thing I can say right now is that he is like Dio on steroids.

Bob Catley: Veteran from the band Magnum. Still has a very strong voice but didn't have much activity. It was also his first time in Latin America.

Kai Hansen: Was very underused in my opinion. Made a very good job in the Alice Cooper parts of "The toy master". His highlight anyway was on guitar at the encore and fooling around with Kiske and Oliver Hartmann 80's style. He has lots of critics, but today I learned that most of them have not seen this man live, because his style might be different from your generic power metal vocalist, but has an undeniable power on his voice. He can really scream like Halford on his better days.

Michael Kiske (Warning, this paragraph may contain lots of irrational fanboy love :D ): Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, this man is not from this fucking world, period. He fucking sings perfectly note by note in "recording studio" quality. All my fears were unfounded, his '88 voice is untouched. Having seen both live in recent times, Kiske easily shits on current Bruce Dickinson and most of the classic "melodic Heavy Metal" singers; it's not even a contest. He took a risky job by singing the Klaus Meine parts of "Dying for an angel", because the Scorpions voice is very iconic and the song is pretty good. After he opened his mouth and sang 2 or 3 words, I was like "Klaus fucking who?".

He still has his frontman abilities intact; everytime he took the stage, everyone's eyes were at him, undeniably. He's still into making funny things, interacting with the crowd. I really felt I was in a "keeper era" Hellowen gig of the 80's anytime he went to Kai Hansen to see his solos. My faith is totally restored, all hail Lord Kiske-sama... :lol

Overall, an absolute blast. This and the fact that my brothers came from my hometown to see the gig with me, made december 10th one of the best days of my life. Depression begone! :)
-Eddman- said:

God, I'm so jealous of you. :lol

Sounds like a damn blast, man. That is a show I would love to see come anywhere on th east coast of the US. I'd definitely be there, not only because I love Ava, but my wife is totally crazy for anything Tobias Sammett does, be it this or Edguy.

And you got to see Kiske, truly one lucky mofo you are. :D


Any L.A. metal hipsters going to the Melvins residency in Spaceland?

I have tickets for the first show where they'll be playing Egg Nog, Lysol and Colossus of Destiny.

The purported point of these shows is that they're playing old material, which they purportedly never do.

I'm seriously considering going all four days just in case they stoop to playing Stoner Witch.
I saw The Sword last night in Detroit. I was a little disappointed by their set. I don't really know what I was expecting, but the sound was kinda muddy and they seemed to lack energy. The three opening bands were awesome though. Mean Mother, Mount Carmel, and Karma to Burn. They all played really really good sets. I recommend looking them up if you haven't heard of them.


ACE 1991 said:
Hey Metal GAF, what to help me with an English project?

I'm trying to find a good song about blood lust that not only says something meaningful and true about it, but that I can critically analyze. Lust for power works too. Sexual lust has already been covered.

I post in this thread every now and again, but I can't think of a song that isn't either one-dimensional nor disgusting :lol
There's a moment of bloodlust in Opeth's "Serenity Painted Death" on Still Life. However, it's not just for the heck of it, and doesn't really meditate on what it is. Just really powerful, especially if you follow the story throughout the album.

Returned from a hibernal dream
Voices fell like marble
No longer by my side
Gone all that would linger

Ripped from my embrace
Melinda reflected in shafts
Red line round her neck
Met the earth in silence

White faced, haggard grin
This serenity painted death
With a halo of bitter disease
Black paragon in lingering breath

White faced, haggard grin
This serenity painted death
With a halo of bitter disease
Black paragon in lingering breath

Saw here fading, blank stare into me
Clenched fist from the beautiful pain

Darkness reared its head
Tearing within the reeling haze
Took control, claiming my flesh
Piercing rage, perfect tantrum
Each and every one would die at my hand
Choking in warm ponds of blood
At last, weak and torn, I went down
Drained from strength, flickering breath

Came with the moon
The wayward in concious state
Flanked and barred in destiny's end
Underneath with hope in laches
Swathed in filth, any would betoken
Starlit shadows on the wall
Finally there to collect me
From the bowels of sin


Captain Howdy said:
I saw The Sword last night in Detroit. I was a little disappointed by their set. I don't really know what I was expecting, but the sound was kinda muddy and they seemed to lack energy. The three opening bands were awesome though. Mean Mother, Mount Carmel, and Karma to Burn. They all played really really good sets. I recommend looking them up if you haven't heard of them.

I've heard more than a couple of luke-warm reviews of The Sword's live show. What's up with those dudes.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Flynn said:
I've heard more than a couple of luke-warm reviews of The Sword's live show. What's up with those dudes.

Uninspired studio artists play an uninspired live set? Consider me shocked an appalled.


Phobophile said:
Uninspired studio artists play an uninspired live set? Consider me shocked an appalled.

I suppose you're right. I thought Age of Winters had something going on, but have been increasingly unimpressed.


The new Agalloch is sooooo goooooood!! But only when I'm drunk or high haha. Ashes Against the Grain is definitely my favorite album purchase by faaaaaar.


What to give a black metal'er that has everything?

A "burn it yourself Stave church", modelled after the one Varg Vikernes (Count Grishnak etc.) burned down.



Redmond's Baby
Flynn said:
FYI: Judas Priest farewell tour in 2011.
Yes, they added dates for Czech Republic (28th June, Praga) and Austria (29th June, Vienna).

Also, i want that candle. Where can i buy one? :lol


DrM said:
Yes, they added dates for Czech Republic (28th June, Praga) and Austria (29th June, Vienna).

Also, i want that candle. Where can i buy one? :lol

http://epla.no/handlaget/produkter/124199/ couldn't find the page in English

First edition of 100 sold out, they're making a second batch now 666 candles. Preordering available bow and if the site is correct, there is only 65 of those still available
That candle is delightfully evil for home decor. :lol

Yesterday I was listening to the s/t debut album by Heljareyga, which is a side project of sorts by the frontman of Tyr. It actually sounds pretty similar to tyr, but the tempo is sped up and the songs have been made longer and more progressive. As a fan of Tyr, folk, power, and prog (to a lesser degree), this is basically everything I want in an album. :lol One of my favorite discoveries this year.

Edit: Here's a track of the album.



Kamelot will be touring the US again in Aug/Sep of 2011 but with Fabio Lione on vocals. I don't listen to Rhapsody much but I'm having a hard time imagining that pairing.

Simone Simons and Tommy Karevik will be making guest appearances throughout the tour.
Personally, I'm hoping that means Seventh Wonder will be their tour support
Ceres said:
Kamelot will be touring the US again in Aug/Sep of 2011 but with Fabio Lione on vocals. I don't listen to Rhapsody much but I'm having a hard time imagining that pairing.

Simone Simons and Tommy Karevik will be making guest appearances throughout the tour.
Personally, I'm hoping that means Seventh Wonder will be their tour support

Interesting news, to be sure. Are you sure that Fabio isn't just doing the Euro leg of this tour? The NA dates are a good deal of time away from happening.

I wouldn't mind seeing Fabio sing for Kamelot as I'm a big Rhapsody fan, but I agree it's hard to imagine the pairing.


TheLastCandle said:
Interesting news, to be sure. Are you sure that Fabio isn't just doing the Euro leg of this tour? The NA dates are a good deal of time away from happening.

I wouldn't mind seeing Fabio sing for Kamelot as I'm a big Rhapsody fan, but I agree it's hard to imagine the pairing.

It came from Enter the Vault which is a TM alternative for a bunch of tours. The guy who started it is the US booking agent for a lot of bands. He's been pretty reliable on other things. It seems like Khan is basically taking the entire year off.

Here's the exact e-mail.

Kamelot are announcing 2 shows as part of what will be a full US tour!
Aug 30 at the Grammercy Theater in New York City
Sept 2 at the Club Soda in Montreal , Quebec Canada

Kamelot will offer a special VIP ticket for these show. This will include a pre show meet/greet and an autographed poster commemorating the show
both shows go onsale today exclusively through Enterthevault.com
Unfortunately, we have been informed that, due to continuing medical and
personal issues, Roy Khan will not be able to finish the remaining
touring in support of Kamelot's album, "Poetry for the Poisoned".
However, we are pleased to announce that metal icon Fabio Lione lead singer of Rhapsody of Fire will be joining the tour and handling the
lead vocal duties. There will also be guest vocal appearances
throughout the tour by Simone Simons (Epica), Tommy Karevik (Seventh
Wonder), and many more surprise guests throughout this very special and rare


Agalloch played in L.A. tonight. I didn't make it because I didn't feel like driving three hours in the rain.

They play SF tomorrow and NYC the day after. Anybody going?


I don't know if anyone cares, but Blood Stained Child are coming up with a brand new album early next year.

Can't wait, although I really wanted them to go back to thier root of Symphonic Metal, but hey, beggers can't be choosers.


Unconfirmed Member
Blind Guardian was amazing again. They ended it with an extra song since it was the last night on tour. I never thought I'd get to hear Barbara Ann live. :D

This is the setlist from what I remember. It isn't in perfect order.

Sacred Worlds
Welcome to Dying
Born In A Mourning Hall
Time Stands Still (at The Iron Hill)
Punishment Divine
Lord of the Rings
Traveler in Time
A Voice in The Dark
And Then There Was Silence

Wheel of Time
The Bard's Song (In The Forest)
Mirror Mirror
Barbara Ann

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
faridmon said:
I don't know if anyone cares, but Blood Stained Child are coming up with a brand new album early next year.

Can't wait, although I really wanted them to go back to thier root of Symphonic Metal, but hey, beggers can't be choosers.

Awesome. If they keep up the quality of the last album, I'm sure it'll be great. Freedom is one of my favorite melodeath songs.
Flynn said:
Help me understand Neurosis. I saw them at that Scion Rock Fest and was a little bored. What is the proper entry point to the band -- and what bands should I listen to as groundwork for them. I'm completely befuddled by these guys, but they're worshiped by more than a few people I admire.

they've obviously inspired Isis, Rosetta, and Cult of Luna. If you're not a fan of those bands, then chances are you wont like Neurosis on record. I actually like those bands better than Neurosis. Really hard to say who inspired Neurosis before hand or who they sound like because they somewhat laid the groundwork for that post/sludge sound. I guess you can say Sabbath/Melvins.

Souls At Zero, Enemy Of The Sun, Through Silver And Blood, and Times Of Grace are probably their most known and better work.


Giant Robot said:
they've obviously inspired Isis, Rosetta, and Cult of Luna. If you're not a fan of those bands, then chances are you wont like Neurosis on record. I actually like those bands better than Neurosis. Really hard to say who inspired Neurosis before hand or who they sound like because they somewhat laid the groundwork for that post/sludge sound. I guess you can say Sabbath/Melvins.

Souls At Zero, Enemy Of The Sun, Through Silver And Blood, and Times Of Grace are probably their most known and better work.

I know Isis a little. Am I right in reading them as slightly proggy?


Seraphis Cain said:
Awesome. If they keep up the quality of the last album, I'm sure it'll be great. Freedom is one of my favorite melodeath songs.
if you haven't listened yet, listen to thier debut album. Its called ''Silence of Northern Hell''

Its really different and is really god quilty album.
depends on what your definition of prog is. I can see them being prog in terms of length and structures of their songs, but by no means anything technical, poly rhythm drumming, odd time signatures, or guitar wankery going on.


Giant Robot said:
depends on what your definition of prog is. I can see them being prog in terms of length and structures of their songs, but by no means anything technical, poly rhythm drumming, odd time signatures, or guitar wankery going on.

I guess I didn't want to utter the words, but I kinda felt like there was at least a few threads connecting them to Tool.
Listening to Cathedral nonstop for a week now. Reading through the internetz I was surprised how underground they still are after 20 years! I don't know anyone who's heard them in real life. What amazes me is the overall quality of their releases...Even their EPs own everything in the doom genre, imo Voyage of the homeless Sapien. :lol Or this track from Ethereal Mirror (my favourite Cathedral album) : Ashes you leave. I love that creepy humor and the atmosphere in their songs. Most song titles are absolutely ridiculous but it all makes sense when you listen to it! They aren't afraid to experiment, like on their really great 2010 "The Guessing Game". Just a little appreciation, here...as I get more and more into their discography! I guess the good thing with them being so underappreciated: none of their albums I bought was out of stock anywhere. :D Immediate delivery, yay!
DieNgamers said:
Listening to Cathedral nonstop for a week now. Reading through the internetz I was surprised how underground they still are after 20 years! I don't know anyone who's heard them in real life. What amazes me is the overall quality of their releases...Even their EPs own everything in the doom genre, imo Voyage of the homeless Sapien. :lol Or this track from Ethereal Mirror (my favourite Cathedral album) : Ashes you leave. I love that creepy humor and the atmosphere in their songs. Most song titles are absolutely ridiculous but it all makes sense when you listen to it! They aren't afraid to experiment, like on their really great 2010 "The Guessing Game". Just a little appreciation, here...as I get more and more into their discography! I guess the good thing with them being so underappreciated: none of their albums I bought was out of stock anywhere. :D Immediate delivery, yay!

I love everything up to Ethereal Mirror. Forest Of Equilibrium is fucking great when you're in that kind of mood. The complete 180 they did with the Soul Sacrifice EP afterwards is fucking amazing. I wish they went back and re-recorded Forest Of Equilibrium with the production off the Soul Sacrifice EP. Lee Dorrian is a fucking goofball. And seeing how he went from the world's fastest band all crusty/punk like to one of the slowest bands and hippied/stonered out. :lol

That motherfucker has the best hand gestures and goofiest dances, looks like he's always having a fun time.

:lol :lol :lol


I finally decided to give Marrow of the Spirit a shot and holy shit it's absolutely stunning. It's amazing and insanely atmospheric. Solely listening to this music I can imagine myself walking alone through a forest during winter as the night begins to fall. Like, seriously. I'm shocked by how I'm loving this album.

How are the previous Agalloch albums compared to this? Are they worth listening? And could someone recommend similar bands/albums?
CassSept said:
How are the previous Agalloch albums compared to this? Are they worth listening? And could someone recommend similar bands/albums?

Yeah, pretty much everything Agalloch has put out is worth listening to imo, all 4 albums are great and have a unique style, the acoustic White EP is a good listen too. As for similar bands, try Les Discrets, Alcest, Fen & Drudkh.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
CassSept said:
I finally decided to give Marrow of the Spirit a shot and holy shit it's absolutely stunning. It's amazing and insanely atmospheric. Solely listening to this music I can imagine myself walking alone through a forest during winter as the night begins to fall. Like, seriously. I'm shocked by how I'm loving this album.

How are the previous Agalloch albums compared to this? Are they worth listening? And could someone recommend similar bands/albums?

Listen to every Agalloch release ever (save for maybe The Grey EP), because they're all awesome. Best band ever.

As for similar stuff, there's not TOO much I can recommend. Try The Morningside, Gallowbraid, SIG:AR:TYR, and Alcest. Alcest isn't really that similar to Agalloch, but you'll like them if you like Agalloch.


Seraphis Cain said:
Listen to every Agalloch release ever (save for maybe The Grey EP), because they're all awesome. Best band ever.

Holy crap, I just listened to the first two albums and I'm blown away. This shit is crazy good.


Any Ludicra fans around here? I've known about them for a long time, but never really gave them a good shot. I'm sorry I waited so long, been spinning 'Fex Urbis Lex Orbis' and 'The Tenant' non-stop for the past month, good stuff!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Zozobra said:
Any Ludicra fans around here? I've known about them for a long time, but never really gave them a good shot. I'm sorry I waited so long, been spinning 'Fex Urbis Lex Orbis' and 'The Tenant' non-stop for the past month, good stuff!

Yeah, they're pretty good. Their drummer is in Agalloch, too.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Ialokin said:
I just purchased Communion like a week ago. It's awesome! They have such a uniquely evil sound. Definitely gonna check this single out.

you'll love it brah...I was amazed how awesome it was..when it came out last month..and I want MOAR!!! Sadly, we'll have to wait til mid-April for this behemoth to come out..
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