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The Metal Thread

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Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Verano said:
back to basics for me right now...
I've been cutting deep into Metal for bands I've ignored/forgotten over time. One of them happens to be The Haunted. Back in '03, I heard One Kill Wonder and couldn't stop spinning the album. It was really heavy and catchy when I first heard it and still is now as im currently listening to the whole album. Im glad I've given the haunted another shot and I've yet to hear Versus.

Their debut is amazing; everything else ranges from ok to forgettable.
Mr. Paer said:
So I guess what I'm getting at is, what are some essential Symphony X albums?

V: The New Mythology Suite. This is the best IMO.

The older albums are more progish speed metal, while Paradise Lost is their heaviest more metal style to date.

Divine Wings of Tragedy, V, The Odyssey and Twilight in Olympus all have their best most known songs. The first album(self titled) has a different more cheesy sounding singer and the album is a bit meh.

"A Fools Paradise" off the V album

Speaking of Symphony X, they just released the cover art of the new album "Iconoclast."

Regular edition:

Special edition:

Jan 29th they were saying they were in post production and should have the album out in a couple of months and they said definitely late first quarter, early 2nd quarter 2011. Cant wait. :D

EDIT: Just did a little research and the new album is coming out June 17th in Europe and June 21st in North America.
Zero Hero said:
10 is ok.

It's only 3 songs but it's still a half hour of new music. :)

I actually really like the album in its entirety. I love the "Be careful what you're looking at" bit in Sex Tapes, which is track 10. I'll probably give a more in depth review of the album at some point in the future.

Yeah, 30 minutes is great. Listing it as three songs really undermines how much we're getting, doesn't it? Plus we all know the LP is coming as a follow up later this year.


I've recently picked up a bunch of metal and I am a relative newcomer to the scene. So far I really enjoy Parkway Drive, Darkest Hour, As I Lay Dying, and Killswitch Engage. Any recommendations as far as that type of metal goes? Also I find that even though I can't tell what the vocalist is saying 75% of the time, the style of singing does effect my enjoyment of it.

Also, Darkest Hour - The Eternal Return rules. It has this incredibly charred sound to it that makes it great. Deliver Us is also fantastic.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Paches-EJ- said:
I've recently picked up a bunch of metal and I am a relative newcomer to the scene. So far I really enjoy Parkway Drive, Darkest Hour, As I Lay Dying, and Killswitch Engage. Any recommendations as far as that type of metal goes? Also I find that even though I can't tell what the vocalist is saying 75% of the time, the style of singing does effect my enjoyment of it.

Also, Darkest Hour - The Eternal Return rules. It has this incredibly charred sound to it that makes it great. Deliver Us is also fantastic.

Septicflesh shall be your new gods then. Epic death metal!

Septicflesh- Lovecrafts Death

Septicflesh-Vampire From Nazareth


Loser slave of the system :(
corpserot said:
My second year going, last year was some of the most fun I've had in my life. Acid Witch/Marduk/Coroner? Couldn't miss it.

My band is playing this year. Be sure to check us out! (Creative Waste)


AgentWhiskersX said:
My band is playing this year. Be sure to check us out! (Creative Waste)
Right on man, I will for sure. Checked you guys out on myspace, and i'm stoked. See you there!

Was not aware there where any Saudi Arabian grindcore bands, thats pretty awesome.
I have been on the biggest Kreator kick lately. I have one method of determining whether or not a band is good enough for me to consider them among my favorites, and that is if once I discover them I can't listen to anything else for weeks and weeks. So far only Blind Guardian, Led Zeppelin, and early Metallica have ever done that for me. It's safe to say I've found another band to join the ranks

And I still haven't gotten around to Terrible Certainty, Pleasure to Kill, or Violent Revolution yet! I love it so fucking much when I get this pumped over a band, because it's so rare

I have been trying to get into Manowar lately too. Some of there stuff is hilariously awesome. Metal Warriors is amazing just because of how passionate the singer sounds the entire time. Some of the other stuff I've heard from them has been hit or miss, but since I've been listening to so much Kreator I've been in the mood for heavier and more raw stuff. I'll probably end up loving Manowar once I go through my next cheesy power metal phase

Also got all three Vio-Lence albums, but haven't gotten around to them yet. Looking forward to it though.

Agent Orange is also on my list to acquire soon

Basically this whole post is to say that I fucking love this thread. So many great albums and bands I never would have given a shot if not for you blokes

Lionheart1827 said:
V: The New Mythology Suite. This is the best IMO.

The older albums are more progish speed metal, while Paradise Lost is their heaviest more metal style to date.

Divine Wings of Tragedy, V, The Odyssey and Twilight in Olympus all have their best most known songs. The first album(self titled) has a different more cheesy sounding singer and the album is a bit meh.

"A Fools Paradise" off the V album

Those songs were ace, and you have great taste in prog metal. I'll put these on my list to check into more later. Thanks :D


I've always been more into electronic music (trance, D&B, electro, currently dubstep), but I occasionally love to rock out.

Was always a fan of Metallica growing up, got into Korn for a little while, and am currently a huge fan of everything Devin Townsend. I like most everything from Opeth too.

What can metalGAF recommend for a meager metal fan like me?
Toddler said:
I've always been more into electronic music (trance, D&B, electro, currently dubstep), but I occasionally love to rock out.

Was always a fan of Metallica growing up, got into Korn for a little while, and am currently a huge fan of everything Devin Townsend. I like most everything from Opeth too.

What can metalGAF recommend for a meager metal fan like me?

Heading on from Metallica:
Giant Robot's mandatory Thrash recommendations posted a few pages back: Post 1 and Post 2
Toxik - Think This
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Voivod - Nothingface
Aspid - Extravasation

If you enjoy Devin Townsend and Opeth; check out Cynic, Ne Obliviscaris, Ihsahn, and Klabautamann

Korranator said:
White Tomb is an awesome album. Stereogum are streaming a new track from their upcoming LP which sounds great


viewtifulsub said:
Heading on from Metallica:
Giant Robot's mandatory Thrash recommendations posted a few pages back: Post 1 and Post 2
Toxik - Think This
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Voivod - Nothingface
Aspid - Extravasation

If you enjoy Devin Townsend and Opeth; check out Cynic, Ne Obliviscaris, Ihsahn, and Klabautamann

White Tomb is an awesome album. Stereogum are streaming a new track from their upcoming LP which sounds great
Getting started with these now, thanks.

I saw Cynic with Devin Townsend, BTBAM and Scale The Summit @ HoB. Really good show.


Mr. Paer said:
Holy shit, Moofers is so metal he heard about Symphony X on GAF three years before GAF existed. GAF>Internet>GAF

After checking, I was off on my estimation of time because I was thinking I heard about SX shortly after Castlevania: SotN had come out which was in 1997. I guess it wasn't this board afterall.

So I guess what I'm getting at is, what are some essential Symphony X albums?

I think most SX fans will tell you its V: The Mythology Suite. That's the one I've always considered their best. I'm a huge fan of all their stuff, but runners up would probably be either Divine Wings of Tragedy or The Odyssey.


Lionheart1827 said:
Speaking of Symphony X, they just released the cover art of the new album "Iconoclast."

Regular edition:

Reminds me of Fear Factory. The whole man vs. machine thing, y'know? Been done to death by now, but Symphony X is about the only band I can think of who's take on that theme I'd still care to hear.


Loser slave of the system :(
corpserot said:
Right on man, I will for sure. Checked you guys out on myspace, and i'm stoked. See you there!

Was not aware there where any Saudi Arabian grindcore bands, thats pretty awesome.
Thanks a lot dude. We just released the first track from the album we plan on releasing at MDF. Check it out here.
I've recently been getting into some alternate type of metal genres. What does gaf recommend for a fan of bands like these:


I've heard this stuff called battle metal, viking metal, folk metal, etc.
Dogfacedgod said:
I've recently been getting into some alternate type of metal genres. What does gaf recommend for a fan of bands like these:


I've heard this stuff called battle metal, viking metal, folk metal, etc.

If you like those bands, I'll shoot a couple more in your direction.


Out of those, Skyclad, Dalriada, and Equilibrium are the more jaunty, dancy stuff. Moonsorrow and Primordial would be the more brooding, epic stuff.

On the topic of the new AA, I bought it on release day, and have spun it a few more times. I stand by what i said earlier in that it is still good, but not as good as their last two. It came with a dvd of them performing their first 4 albums in full, so it's worth a purchase regardless if you find the album itself disappointing.


Dogfacedgod said:
I've recently been getting into some alternate type of metal genres. What does gaf recommend for a fan of bands like these:


I've heard this stuff called battle metal, viking metal, folk metal, etc.

You've pretty much mentioned the best of the best but here's some other stuff. And I wouldn't really call therion any of those genres. They're symphonic metal.

Haggard - Eppur Si Muove or Awaking the Centuries (most similar to Therion)
Týr - Ragnarok
Falkenbach - Magni Bladinn ok Megintiri
Cruachan - I only have Folk-Lore
TheLastCandle said:
On the topic of the new AA, I bought it on release day, and have spun it a few more times. I stand by what i said earlier in that it is still good, but not as good as their last two. It came with a dvd of them performing their first 4 albums in full, so it's worth a purchase regardless if you find the album itself disappointing.
:O really? Is that with every version or just the deluxe one (the one that comes with the action figure?)

The album has been growing on me, though only slightly. I still think overall it's a disappointment, but still a lot better than what most melodic death metal bands are capable of.

I'd love to hear other people's opinions on it. I'm hoping all the AA fans are too busy listening to it at the moment to share their thoughts yet


TheLastCandle said:
On the topic of the new AA, I bought it on release day, and have spun it a few more times. I stand by what i said earlier in that it is still good, but not as good as their last two. It came with a dvd of them performing their first 4 albums in full, so it's worth a purchase regardless if you find the album itself disappointing.
I'd say it's worth buying for the cover alone.
Well, it's a good album, but nowhere near TotTG. There is a couple of amazing songs, but there are also some very veeery weak ones (Tock's Taunt is very bad). Some of them grew on me and I definitely like it more now after listening through it a couple of times than I did at the beginning. Still, a solid album. With one hell of a cover art.


His screams are so grating. I'd rather listen to another Thomas Giles release.

And it's not a leak - it's a rip from the stream mentioned above.
I've always had a negative impression of BTBAM. I've never really listened to them, but for some reason have always lumped them in the same group with bands like Slipknot or Disturbed... a sort of mainstream, emo-ish type of metal. Guess I'll check out the stream of the new album and give them a fair shot
Why is it that Arch Enemy can release an album as good as Wages of Sin, then magically turn to ass for two albums (Anthems and Doomsday Machine, well, bits of Anthems, all of Doomsday Machine bar Nemesis), then magically turn good again, only to undo all of that and start creating songs which are just horrendously dull? I just don't understand.

On a better note, the new BtBam is incredibly good. Another hit.
glaringradio said:
Why is it that Arch Enemy can release an album as good as Wages of Sin, then magically turn to ass for two albums (Anthems and Doomsday Machine, well, bits of Anthems, all of Doomsday Machine bar Nemesis), then magically turn good again, only to undo all of that and start creating songs which are just horrendously dull? I just don't understand.

Arch Enemy are one of my favourite bands. There is some great stuff on every album. The problem they have is that for every positive change they make on a new album, they lose a feature of a previous album that made it great.

I'm actually hoping the new album has:

The harmonies and key changes pre-Wages of Sin.
The Brutality of Wages of Sin.
The hints of synth Anthems of Rebellion had with some of the breakdowns.
The blend of pacing Doomsday Machine had (minus the double tracked vocals).
The sheer amount of melody fused with brutality Rise of the Tyrant had.

I really enjoyed 'The Root of All evil'. They just don't make songs like 'Bridge of Destiny' and 'Silverwing' anymore. I actually prefer Angela to Johan too.

When Angela described Khaos Legions as 'going back to [their] roots, only better', I smiled.

Michael's other band 'Spiritual Beggars' and Chris's 'Armageddon' put out some quality stuff too. Arch Enemy albums need a perfect blend of Michaels emotive playing and Chris' superb technical playing to hit the spot.


Mr. Paer said:
I've always had a negative impression of BTBAM. I've never really listened to them, but for some reason have always lumped them in the same group with bands like Slipknot or Disturbed... a sort of mainstream, emo-ish type of metal. Guess I'll check out the stream of the new album and give them a fair shot
the fuck is this shit?

They're more talented than 99% of metal bands today.
corkscrewblow said:
the fuck is this shit?

They're more talented than 99% of metal bands today.
Well yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Don't remember how/why I formed that opinion, especially since I've never heard them. Maybe I mistook them for another band with a similar name or something and have had them mixed up ever since
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