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The MLB Thread

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Hollywood Square
Dear Astros Organization,
Thank you for acquiring Carlos Beltran, one of my outfielders in my Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball League in a recent trade with the Kansas City Royals. Ever since joining your lineup he has been awesome and a big reason why I'm just two points away from first place. Hopefully, he will bat .500 and dominate the NL for years to come.

God Bless,


Gagne comes in and strikes out the side for his 83rd save in a row.. giving us a much, much needed win.


Matrix made it known that he no-hit me in MVP baseball....With the great Roy Oswalt no less. Well I just no hit Mr. 'Trix with SIDNEY "ACTION" PONSON!

All 275+ pounds of pure pitching action.


Can ya feel the heat?


"Nope, not me...It must be your hitting that stinks"


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
:( The Brewers stink all kinds of @ss :( :(

Great game by Lard Ass.


Matrix said:
:( The Brewers stink all kinds of @ss :( :(

Great game by Lard Ass.

My name is not Lard Ass. I control Ponson like a wild beast tamer. That man is one of the last true power pitchers, and you felt his greatness firsthand. From this day forth I will only use Ponson to destroy you. There. Now we can go back to discussing the Asstros and the Baby Bears. :(


Hollywood Square
Ponson is the worst free agent acquisition by my beloved Orioles since Albert Belle. He's a fat piece of shit that couldn't pitch his way out of Milwaukee.


Why did you start that thread asking for us to find a team for you to root for if you already have your "beloved" O's. :(


Hollywood Square
Fifty said:
Why did you start that thread asking for us to find a team for you to root for if you already have your "beloved" O's. :(



Dammit! When I read your negative words about my boy Ponson I just saw red. I'm sorry. I realize now that it was an NBA thread, and that you had cheered for the Wizards. Some used to call Ponson "The Pitching Wizard" Oh to not have an ERA of 6.22...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fifty said:
My name is not Lard Ass. I control Ponson like a wild beast tamer. That man is one of the last true power pitchers, and you felt his greatness firsthand. From this day forth I will only use Ponson to destroy you. There. Now we can go back to discussing the Asstros and the Baby Bears. :(

Man if only I was using my Asstros,I would have wrecked fat boys shit up.


You need to root for the Expos.

Or maybe the Jays.

Give Canada some love! Their own country doesn't support these teams! Someone has to.

Man if only I was using my Asstros,I would have wrecked fat boys shit up.

Haha Asstros catching on! Behold the power of Jimmy.


The Jays have support! See, look at the lovely lady to my left. She's a fan, I'm a fan, we're all fans. Few people know this about Toronto, but 99.9% of the population is homeless, therefore they cannot attend baseball games. We really want to go, but it just doesn't fit into 99.9% of our budgets.


i cant get over jeters play, arods throw to home, and the fact that they tied and won the game in the bottom of the 13th with 2 outs. good god.

i forgot to mention when sheffield scared the shit out of pedro after he got drilled.


nomar traded to the dodgers? that would explain him not playing or even pinch hitting and looking pissed the entire game.

some random guy who has a "source" is saying:
red sox get: odalis perez and carlos delgado
bluejays get: cesar izturis and a minor-league pitcher
dodgers get: nomar and byung-hyun kim

nomar for matt clement???


lol. That trade makes no sense at all for the Jays. Trade away our best player and get an old player back (Izturis was a Jay)...especially one that plays a position that we have filled quite nicely, and a player that quite frankly (Izturis) isn't all that amazing. The other two teams get superstars and we get that shit. Uh huh.
why would the RedSox want Delgado and his giant contract when they already have David Ortiz? Two DH's disguised as 1st Baseman isn't gonna do much for their horrible defense. And then they would have to find a place for Kevin Millar (isn't he their best defensive 1st baseman anyway?) once Nixon comes back fulltime.

Dodgers would be giving up a lot too. A good left handed pitcher and possibly a very good prospect (if it really is Edwin Jackson) + arguably the best defensive SS in the national league for a guy who will be a FA next year and a chump like Kim? Doesn't seem like that great a deal. And considering their GM is a Billy Beane disciple, why would he want Nomar?
"i forgot to mention when sheffield scared the shit out of pedro after he got drilled."

Ah, bullshit. Pedro isn't scared of anyone, and that was definately intentional. If he was scared he wouldn't be drilling him on purpose. Pedro's too cocky to be afraid.

"And then they would have to find a place for Kevin Millar (isn't he their best defensive 1st baseman anyway?) once Nixon comes back fulltime."

OH GOD NO, anyone is better than Millar he is probably the worst player on the Redsox as of right now.

And I hope to GOD that that trade goes through. Delgado is pretty good, but Perez is a GREAT pitcher...

It won't happen, though.

And that was an amazing game, it had Game 7 ALCS written all over it. As usual, ended up in heartbreak for us Sox fans.

I'm glad we got swept, though, well I'm not glad, but when we swept the Yankees in April, they turned around and won 8 in a row...I'm hoping this sweep will be that kick in the ass that the team needs.

There's still half a season to play, anything could happen.


goddamit, Griese!
Sox up 2-0 already. Zambrano is over 35 pitches after the first inning. He'll be gone after 4.

There's always next year to dream of beating us Cubbies.


reggieandTFE said:
What? I hope that's bullshit. Cubs have too many righty hitters as is and Clement has been solid this year despite his shit run support of late.

I wouldn't mind the trade, our shortstops are the worst in the league, and we have a lot of pitching depth. Plus, I think Clement isn't going to be re-signed anyway.


btw, another overrated Jeter play is being blown out of proportion. If he would have slid, like he's supposed to, he wouldnt have had cuts to his face.


no one knows that area better than jeter, im pretty sure he knows what he should have done. he knew he was running full force into a wall. and if you havent noticed, every single site, newspaper, and sports tv/radio hosts have called it an amazing play and probably play of the year so far.

even the people at the sons of sam horn board and the writers for the boston globe found that play to be amazing.

and slide? he was literally two steps away from the wall after catching the ball running full force. he slides, that play isnt made. great play from one of the games greatest players.


Eminem said:
Sox up 2-0 already. Zambrano is over 35 pitches after the first inning. He'll be gone after 4.

There's always next year to dream of beating us Cubbies.

What was that? Woooo hahahahah!

Cubs up 5-2 at the end of 6!

I'm happy I defeated the man who tried keeping me down from seeing this game! I just paid 3 bucks from mlbtv.com and am watching the rest of the game online! Yes! Worth it to see the Cubs pound the Sox!
Joe said:
bob brenly fired.

woah, thats kinda fucked up. I mean, the guy DID win a world series (albiet by piggybacking on what Showalter had already built, but still). They gutted their team for one player, Sexson, who hasn't even played. Did Arizona management expect him to do shit with the roster they handed him this season?


Oh shit.

I hope Zambrano isn't seriously hurt! Damn you Dusty he was at almost 120 pitches take him out!


LOL what was Uribe doing there? Cover first don't let Barrett get a bunt single! Defensive blunder Eminem CRY


Cubs win! Cubs win! Cubs win! Loiza gets pummelled!!!! You want to talk more smack about Zambrano Eminem? :D He shut down the Sox after the 1st!

Chip Carey said HE GAWN with the final out lol!!!

I hope Ramirez and Zambrano are ok!!!


goddamit, Griese!
I like how you guys only show up when the Cubs win. Where were you coward last weekend? That's right. Shut the fuck up if you're only gonna post when they win.

I am at least man enough to own up when my team gets their shit kicked in. We got destroyed today. Couldn't hit, played terrible defense...everything.

Now when we win the last two games again, you guys can run off and hide just like last week.


June BA's for some astros

Biggio= .278
Everett= .231
Berkman= .222
Kent= .256
Bagwell= .245
Ensberg= .261
Ausmus= .195
Chavez= .227
Lane= .232



Eminem said:
I like how you guys only show up when the Cubs win. Where were you coward last weekend? That's right. Shut the fuck up if you're only gonna post when they win.

I am at least man enough to own up when my team gets their shit kicked in. We got destroyed today. Couldn't hit, played terrible defense...everything.

Now when we win the last two games again, you guys can run off and hide just like last week.


Hahaha. No one hides anywhere. Nice excuse though! Can't wait to crush Diaz tommorrow!


goddamit, Griese!
Just like last week, right?

and bullshit. After game 1 cubsfan made maybe 1 post, if that. you came with your "HEY I'M COOL I WAS PAINTBALLING GLAD I MISSED IT LOLZ"


Last week is last week! Diaz got lucky and it won't happen twice! Give some props to Zambrano. He punked the shit out of your beloved offense!

and bullshit. After game 1 cubsfan made maybe 1 post, if that. you came with your "HEY I'M COOL I WAS PAINTBALLING GLAD I MISSED IT LOLZ"

Haha. Sour grapes. Whats your point? I don't live here 24/7.


keep your strippers out of my American football
As long as the Astros finish strong, I guess that is all that matters. I have seen in years prior the Astros be kicking ass in July and then in September fall apart.


Eminem said:
I like how you guys only show up when the Cubs win. Where were you coward last weekend? That's right. Shut the fuck up if you're only gonna post when they win.

I am at least man enough to own up when my team gets their shit kicked in. We got destroyed today. Couldn't hit, played terrible defense...everything.

Now when we win the last two games again, you guys can run off and hide just like last week.

lol i was in a hotel for 2 days with no internet, look up my lack of posts for those days.


goddamit, Griese!
Mrbob said:
Last week is last week! Diaz got lucky and it won't happen twice! Give some props to Zambrano. He punked the shit out of your beloved offense!

I believe I gave props to your entire team when I said we got destroyed in every aspect of the game. But hey, that's just me.


Cubsfan23 said:
If he would have slid, like he's supposed to, he wouldnt have had cuts to his face.

If he would have slid then he could have hurt his leg or ankle on the wall that he jumped over. Johnny Damon even said he did the smart thing and avoided the wall.


Heh, keep changing the subject. Its ok. Another beatdown tommorrow on the Chi Sox will do the soul good!
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