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The MLB Thread

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Sosa said he will be in the home run derby. Maybe Miguel can catch one of his balls beyond the train tracks. It will also be funny to see if the little kids in the outfield trip over the hill. Or field better than Biggio.


Sox lose Eminem cry.

Best the Sox can do is tie the season series! But lets not let that happen! Get the sweep!!

Before you start making some rainout excuses, remember that the Sox had 6 frames to score while the Cubs only had 5! So now you can't use that excuse. :D


goddamit, Griese!
wow what a shitty game to go to.

and see, unlike you cubbies who made excuses when we beat your ass last week, i'm not gonna make any excuses. Diaz had one bad inning, and we couldn't hit until it was too late. things would have been different if the whole game was played obviously, since both bullpens are suspect. i'll take our offense over your bullpen any fucking day. but oh well, the game got called. that's the way it goes.

we should even up the series tomorrow with Mark going for us. after 4 straight series losses, it's about time you guys got one.

hey, at least we're still in first place though. weak division BLAH BLAH BLAH. if you guys were that good you'd be in first too.

but yeah, at least one chicago team will be entering tomorrow in first place.


Fuzzy math once more by our resident Sox fan! Cubs won 2 out of 3 against Houston! So this is two series victories in a row! Woo! Cubs are 14-7 in their June/July death march! Playing nothing but above .500 teams for the entire months of June and July. This is going to toughen them up for their inevitable World Series victory in October 2004!

hey, at least we're still in first place though. weak division BLAH BLAH BLAH. if you guys were that good you'd be in first too.

but yeah, at least one chicago team will be entering tomorrow in first place.

The Pirates would be in first place if they played in the AL Central all year!


Buehrle is gonna get rocked before a national audience tommorrow night!

Should be a good game. Buehrle and Rusch has the exact same ERA (4.33)!


Eminem said:
wow what a shitty game to go to.

and see, unlike you cubbies who made excuses when we beat your ass last week, i'm not gonna make any excuses. Diaz had one bad inning, and we couldn't hit until it was too late. things would have been different if the whole game was played obviously, since both bullpens are suspect. i'll take our offense over your bullpen any fucking day. but oh well, the game got called. that's the way it goes.

we should even up the series tomorrow with Mark going for us. after 4 straight series losses, it's about time you guys got one.

hey, at least we're still in first place though. weak division BLAH BLAH BLAH. if you guys were that good you'd be in first too.

but yeah, at least one chicago team will be entering tomorrow in first place.

i see a whole lot of excuses


Eminem said:
gonna comment on the fuzzy math any more? or just ignore your own numbskullery?


What is to comment on? Your original comment wasn't concise but you clarified it in your next post.

i see a whole lot of excuses

Yup. Sox hitters would have got to the Cubs bullpen. Just like yesterday, huh? :D Sox had six frames to score to the Cubs five. In the top of the 6th it was harder on the fielders than the hitters and the umps gave the Sox every opportunity to steal the game. Sammy came up with a hell of a catch to win it!


goddamit, Griese!
lol, whatever. where did i make any excuses? we had no clutch hitting, Diaz got rocked in the first, by fucking ordonez for god sake. there's no excuse for that. sox were outplayed, and the only time we showed any life was when it was too late.

but please, do tell me what excuses i've made.


goddamit, Griese!
Mrbob said:

What is to comment on? Your original comment wasn't concise but you clarified it in your next post.

sorry, i assumed cub fans would know how lackluster they've been against their crosstown rivals. but i guess you guys have short memories. remember last weekend for example? of course not.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ensberg hits a grand slam and lamb hits a 2 run single 7-6 stros!

:eek :eek


Eminem said:
sorry, i assumed cub fans would know how lackluster they've been against their crosstown rivals.

See, now you get to the crux of the difference between Sox and Cubs fans. I don't know if it is an inferiorty complex or what, but Sox fans obsess almost as much about the Cubs as they do the Sox. For the Cubs fan, while the series is a big one with the Sox, we don't nearly obsess as much with the south side as the south side fans do with the north side!

Ensberg hits a grand slam and lamb hits a 2 run single 7-6 stros!

:eek :eek

Damn. It was more furn when the Assssssstros were down 6-1! :(


goddamit, Griese!
Mrbob said:
See, now you get to the crux of the difference between Sox and Cubs fans. I don't know if it is an inferiorty complex or what, but Sox fans obsess almost as much about the Cubs as they do the Sox. For the Cubs fan, while the series is a big one with the Sox, we don't nearly obsess as much with the south side as the south side fans do with the north side!

um, excuse me? if that's the case, why are you talking so much more shit now than I did last weekend when we won 2? When we won all I said was general smack about beating the Cubs. I didn't make anything personal. yet now when the Cubs win, you come out and say "Sox lose Eminem cry" and tell me not to make excuses. If i knew you were gonna be a jerk-off about it I would have rubbed it in that much last week.

you're the one who made this personal, but it's a bigger deal to me? right.


Hahahaha. Personal? I'm just having some fun. Joking around. I've said this before but you still get all pissed in your posts. Sox are still in first. Cubs are in second. What do you have to fret about? :D

By the way I hope you got these ready for tommorrow:



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mrbob said:
See, now you get to the crux of the difference between Sox and Cubs fans. I don't know if it is an inferiorty complex or what, but Sox fans obsess almost as much about the Cubs as they do the Sox. For the Cubs fan, while the series is a big one with the Sox, we don't nearly obsess as much with the south side as the south side fans do with the north side!

Damn. It was more furn when the Assssssstros were down 6-1! :(

Nah its cooler that its 8-6 now.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cubsfan23 said:
I love it when Astro fans get their hopes dashed



You know, I used to like the Cubs, until I started reading this thread on a daily basis. You Cubs fans are a bunch of bitches, almost worse than Yankee fans. But at least the Yankees have something to back up their crap.

Go Houston!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Thaedolus said:
You know, I used to like the Cubs, until I started reading this thread on a daily basis. You Cubs fans are a bunch of bitches, almost worse than Yankee fans. But at least the Yankees have something to back up their crap.

Go Houston!

Best post ever.


Thaedolus said:
You know, I used to like the Cubs, until I started reading this thread on a daily basis. You Cubs fans are a bunch of bitches, almost worse than Yankee fans. But at least the Yankees have something to back up their crap.

Go Houston!

LOL. Love how you backed that up with GO HOUSTON! at the end. I see where your allegeance lies. Another Stros fan here to wallow in the disappointment known as the 2004 Houston Assssssssssssssstros!

You guys want to see real fuzzy math? Click on this link!


13 total runs in the 5th. Crazy!


I'm Oakland all the way, the Astros are playing the soon to be 2nd place Rangers tonight, however.

Therefore, GO HOUSTON!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Its kinda sick knowing Hidalgo has hit 6 HR'S since joining the Mets....astros hitting coach sucks ass.


Thaedolus said:
You know, I used to like the Cubs, until I started reading this thread on a daily basis. You Cubs fans are a bunch of bitches, almost worse than Yankee fans. But at least the Yankees have something to back up their crap.

Go Houston!



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
WOOT 10-8 Stros!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Woot Stros win! :)

Great comeback victory,about time they had one.

Ensberg has awoken...fear the stros! :p


Looking for Pants
I was at the Astros game tonight! Amazing game, easily the most exciting and weird one I've been to in a long time.

I said before the game, "Ensberg is going to hit another." Young is probably kicking himself for that error that caused 7 unearned runs to score.

Go 'stros.


-E Gagne relieved G Mota.
-Bottom of the 9th inning
-R Quinlan struck out swinging.
-A Kennedy struck out swinging.
-D Eckstein grounded out to shortstop.

Wam, bam, thank you ma'am! 84 in a row, w00t. Haha, Mota has won the last 3 games he's pitched in -- talk about a good timing.


The best part about the Jays playing the Expos in Puerto Rico is that the constant rain delays mean we get bonus coverage of actually good games.

Woot, Mets win! My boy Looper gets a save for me, my waiver pickup of Hidalgo looks more and more insanely good.


Yeah...I totally agree. We were able to watch the great Boston/Atlanta game instead of our sluggish play for a while. I have MLB extra innings, so it didn't matter to me, but everyone else got a nice treat :)



It all starts at the top for Astros
Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle

THEY'VE tried meetings and demotions and trades and lineup changes and most of the usual stuff baseball teams do when things go south.

I know they've tried almost everything because when I saw Astros owner Drayton McLane on Friday he asked if I had any suggestions.

I was going to mention that the Cleveland Indians burned incense during a recent batting slump, but I can't see McLane putting much faith in something like that.

I can maybe see him in a purple tie-dyed shirt, but when I tried to think of him gathering Brad Ausmus and Jeff Bagwell in a circle to burn incense and cleanse their auras, I came up blank.

Besides, one of the first rules of sportswriting is that when an owner asks for your ideas, he's hoping you'll be so full of yourself that you'll start talking and forget to ask when he's going to fire someone.

McLane learned the hard way that I'm a little too sharp for those tricks. As soon as he asked for my ideas, I asked when he was going to fire manager Jimy Williams.

"Not even a consideration," he said.

Caught off guard
I knew my question caught him unprepared because his answer was short and to the point.

His usual answers are like long, slow drives on a twisting country road, filled with references to Wal-Mart or Temple High School football. Problem is, when he's done, you're right back where you started.

I knew he wasn't going to give anyone up to me, so just to watch the man squirm, I asked about his role in this disappointing season.

Nothing makes an owner more nervous than to have someone imply he might be part of the problem. They don't mind you blaming the highest-paid player or the general manager, but for some reason they hate it when you imply they could have done more.

I learned later that McLane went down to the clubhouse after our chat and offered to play first base and let Jeff Bagwell own the team.

"Great idea," Bagwell told him. "I'm selling the team and catching the next plane to Cabo."

It's about leadership
McLane didn't mention playing first base when I spoke to him. I know Bagwell has had a tough time of it, but benching him for a 67-year-old team owner seems like a stretch.

Speaking of changes, don't you love all these stories predicting Mike Krzyzewski will fall on his face if he leaves Duke to coach the Los Angeles Lakers?

You'd think the poor guy won 694 games and three national championships without ever learning how to run a pick-and-roll.

Come on, the guy would have to tone down his style, but he probably has mellowed some over the years anyway.

He already has coached against most NBA players, and he brings star power to a city that loves it.

Besides, the Lakers are going to have plenty of salary-cap money to spend, and luring free agents has got to be easier than recruiting high school kids.

The real issue is why he'd want to, not if he's capable.

Back to McLane and the Astros.

When I asked about his role, he said it was fairly simple.

"I'm here to show leadership," he said.

That's when he finally gave me a good story.

"Leadership is one of the things I've studied my entire adult life," he said. "Look at FDR and those fireside chats. During one of the toughest times in our country's history, he made us feel good about ourselves with his words.

"That's how I see my role. I try to encourage people and tell them I have confidence in them."

That morning, he visited Jeff Kent and Jimy Williams. That night, he worked the clubhouse from one end to the other, shaking hands with players and coaches, telling them the winning streak was about to start.

I laughed at the idea that his words could really make much of a difference.

"You'd be surprised how much better people do their jobs when they know their leaders have confidence in them," McLane said.

He had me there, but I wasn't going to let him turn the conversation toward my employment issues.

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at him. I wanted to tell him professional athletes don't listen to stuff like that. I believe they try hard and do their best, but most of them roll their eyes at those rah-rah speeches.

Well, maybe not.

Hours after he'd whispered a few words to Morgan Ensberg and Bagwell and others, something remarkable happened.

McLane's pep talk was still ringing in their ears when the Astros twice rallied to defeat the Texas Rangers 7-5 on Friday.

Ensberg in particular must have been listening because his two-run home run in the eighth — his first of the season — won the game.

What could McLane have said to Ensberg?

"He told me, 'Good job,' " Ensberg said.

Before the game?


Is that what did it?

"I think I'd better say yes to that question," he said, showing wisdom beyond his 28 years.

I figured one game was such a small sampling it could have been a fluke.

But when I walked into the clubhouse Saturday afternoon, there was McLane back at work, sitting between Bagwell and Craig Biggio, telling stories, talking about a championship and shaking everyone's hands.

More magic followed.

A five-run deficit disappeared in the fifth. Four scored on Ensberg's grand slam. The Rangers tied it in the top of the sixth, but the Astros scored two in the bottom of the inning and won 10-8.

Afterward, there was talk of good vibes and a season finally regaining some normalcy.

I asked Bagwell if it started with the owner's personal fireside chats.

"Huh?" he asked.

His coy answer was the confirmation I'd been looking for. He knew the Astros had found their spark, and he didn't think I'd be smart enough to figure it out.

I mentioned this theory, and he played dumb again.

"I'm sorry — were you saying something?" he said.

Too late. He knows I know. He knows things have turned around. And he knows it all started with McLane's fireside chats.




goddamit, Griese!
Mrbob said:
Uh oh.

Twins tied the White Sox in first place!

By the end of tommorrow night the Chi Sox could be in 2nd!

Nope. Twins lost today. worst case scenario we're still tied for first =D


Eminem said:
wow what a shitty game to go to.

and see, unlike you cubbies who made excuses when we beat your ass last week, i'm not gonna make any excuses.
Cool man, that's big of you. :)
Eminem said:
Diaz had one bad inning, and we couldn't hit until it was too late. things would have been different if the whole game was played obviously...
Oh, nevermind then.
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