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The NFL's nightmare week continues: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
How did the first grand jury NOT indict him after seeing those pictures? HOW?


Yeah, Peterson is fucked looking at those pictures and reading that there were bruises on the back and hands.
Bad year for all of the stud running backs.

ADP's career is practically done.
Rice is done.
Charles has no offensive line and will continue to look awful.
McCoy tips bad.
Foster will get hurt again and land on the IR this week.
Trent Truck continues to be Trent Truck.

<glances over at Matt Forte> You're next buddy.

Avoid looking at the pictures.
He's good at avoiding looking at incriminating evidence. That's his specialty.



"How can we be sure the child didn't hit him first?"


What does Goodell now?

Usually they wait until after the court hearing but I think he'll make an example of him, especially given recent events. The whole punishment process is so subjective that it's impossible to say considering what's happened lately between "drug" charges and Ray Rice. I can't believe anyone would do that to a 4-year old though...Wow.

It's amazing how every news thread turns into lame Fox News jokes over and over again instead of the actual topic at hand. Give the cliche a rest. "Conservatives are racist!" shit gets old.
I know there'll be people on Fox News (maybe elsewhere) defending this as an appropriate disciplinary measure.

Fox will have to flip a coin on whether or not to defend him. On one hand, many upon many conservatives believe in corporal punishment. But on the other hand AP is black so they might not want to appear too defensive.

They'll probably defend it and at the same time condemn it. Then O'Reilly will talk about how bad black culture is that using a switch is a thing.


mediocrity at its best
The child abuse defense force on this board is disgusting. If your parents/grandparents fucking WHIPPED YOU with sticks or belts they are not good people. The saddest part is you will repeat the behavior with your kids and think you are doing a good thing.
This article says AP hit a 4-year-old with a branch from a tree.


With pictures.

I'm stunned that the first grand jury decided not to indict him. Look at those pics. The only reason he got indicted is because a second grand jury went ahead with it.

And yeah, AP is done. This is a career-ender. He's already 29 like I said. Goodell is going to come down hard after the Rice ordeal.
The child abuse defense force on this board is disgusting. If your parents/grandparents fucking WHIPPED YOU with sticks or belts they are not good people. The saddest part is you will repeat the behavior with your kids and think you are doing a good thing.

Where are the posts in support of child abuse

And where is your time device that allowed to see the futures of those posters


The child abuse defense force on this board is disgusting. If your parents/grandparents fucking WHIPPED YOU with sticks or belts they are not good people. The saddest part is you will repeat the behavior with your kids and think you are doing a good thing.

Why don't you quote who you're rage posting towards?


The child abuse defense force on this board is disgusting. If your parents/grandparents fucking WHIPPED YOU with sticks or belts they are not good people. The saddest part is you will repeat the behavior with your kids and think you are doing a good thing.

Its one thing to get whupped by your gramma, but to be whipped by one of the strongest people on the planet enhanced with god knows what kind of PEDs.


After looking at the pictures, that's 100% abuse. He deserves every bit of fallout from this and probably more.


Master of the Google Search
Not surprising. Even if I disagree with it, a lot of families use "whoopings" with switches as a form of punishment. The problem is that AP is a fucking NFL player, not someone's momma, so of course it was going to do a shit ton of damage to the kid. AP's a dumbass who will probably use the "that's what my momma did" excuse, but again, he's an NFL PLAYER.


After looking at the pictures, that's 100% abuse. He deserves every bit of fallout from this and probably more.

Yep. I only ever had maybe had skin redness, never bruising or skin breaking. There is no lesson being learned there, except for being terrified of their father. Thats just straight abuse.
I had honestly never heard of a "switch" before this.

It's uncommon outside of:

a.) The south (or Southern transplants).

b.) The US black community, where it finds its roots in the slavery experience (http://thegrio.com/2009/11/18/precious-the-new-movie-by/).

Every black kid I know and have ever known has been spanked by their grandparents with a switch. Because their grandparents (who were slaves) got spanked the same way. It was just culturally ingrained. It has been all but phased out now.
The child abuse defense force on this board is disgusting. If your parents/grandparents fucking WHIPPED YOU with sticks or belts they are not good people. The saddest part is you will repeat the behavior with your kids and think you are doing a good thing.

...I don't if know if this is satire or not.


AP's lawyer has released a statement:

“Adrian Peterson has been informed that he was indicted by a grand jury in Montgomery County, Texas for Injury to a Child. The charged conduct involves using a switch to spank his son. This indictment follows Adrian’s full cooperation with authorities who have been looking into this matter. Adrian is a loving father who used his judgment as a parent to discipline his son. He used the same kind of discipline with his child that he experienced as a child growing up in east Texas. Adrian has never hidden from what happened. He has cooperated fully with authorities and voluntarily testified before the grand jury for several hours. Adrian will address the charges with the same respect and responsiveness he has brought to this inquiry from its beginning. It is important to remember that Adrian never intended to harm his son and deeply regrets the unintentional injury.”



Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
"It is important to remember that Adrian never intended to harm his son and deeply regrets the unintentional injury."

Oh, that's ok then.
I've always wondered why minority groups were more likely to utilize corporal punishment. Asian Americans however are much less likely to use it than their parents and/or those from their native countries. At some point Korea needs to get off their ass and ban that shit from schools flat out though. Strong correlation between religion and corporal punishment; not to say that's causation since Japan is still kind of big on it despite no clear religious narrative.

It's uncommon outside of:

a.) The south (or Southern transplants).

b.) The US black community, where it finds its roots in the slavery experience (http://thegrio.com/2009/11/18/precious-the-new-movie-by/).

Every black kid I know and have ever known has been spanked by their grandparents with a switch. Because their grandparents (who were slaves) got spanked the same way. It was just culturally ingrained. It has been all but phased out now.

Fam, if your grandparents were slaves they must be immortal.

Right, he tripped and caught a switch as it was flying by, which then made repeated contact with the boy on the way down, hard enough to leave a shitload of marks

Fuck outta here
Fam, if your grandparents were slaves they must be immortal.

No, you misread. The grandparents of my grandparents.

Real talk, tho: my grandfather turns 91 tomorrow. So his grandparents were *definitely* slaves. And his parents probably were too. I don't know if I've ever asked him. Gonna have to do that tomorrow.

91 as a black man in America? That's the definition of, "I've seen some shit."

the whole point of spanking/whipping is to harm someone lol

Nah. It's to inflict discomfort for the purposes of correction; not harm. Not like that. And it doesn't work very well either (fear rarely provides lasting correction and all spanking does is create fear culture), but that's a different subject.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
The beating allegedly resulted in numerous injuries to the child, including cuts and bruises to the child&#8217;s back, buttocks, ankles, legs and scrotum, along with defensive wounds to the child&#8217;s hands. Peterson then texted the boy&#8217;s mother, saying that one wound in particular would make her &#8220;mad at me about his leg. I got kinda good wit the tail end of the switch.&#8221;

Peterson also allegedly said via text message to the child&#8217;s mother that he &#8220;felt bad after the fact when I notice the switch was wrapping around hitting I (sic) thigh&#8221; and also acknowledged the injury to the child&#8217;s scrotum in a text message, saying, &#8220;Got him in nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, n I&#8217;m all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N save the whooping for needed memories!&#8221; In further text messages, Peterson allegedly said, &#8220;Never do I go overboard! But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don&#8217;t play no games when it comes to acting right.&#8221;

According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that &#8220;Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.&#8221; The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that &#8220;there are a lot of belts in Daddy&#8217;s closet.&#8221; He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson &#8220;likes belts and switches&#8221; and &#8220;has a whooping room.&#8221;

When Peterson was asked how he felt about the incident, he said, &#8220;To be honest with you, I feel very confident with my actions because I know my intent.&#8221; He also described the incident as a &#8220;normal whooping&#8221; in regards to the &#8220;welps&#8221; on the child&#8217;s buttocks, but that he felt bad immediately when he saw the injuries on the child&#8217;s legs. Peterson estimated he &#8220;swatted&#8221; his son &#8220;10 to 15&#8221; times, but he&#8217;s not sure because he doesn&#8217;t &#8220;ever count how many pops I give my kids.&#8221;



Super Sleuth
Can someone explain the reasoning behind using a weapon like a switch or a belt versus just using your hand if it isn't to increase the damage you cause?


Seems like more of a south/midwest thing. When I was a kid it was just a belt or sandal.

I remember the Jackson 5 movie where Joe would send the kids out to pick their own switches off the tree.

lol sandal.

(eddie murphy whooshing noises)

Can someone explain the reasoning behind using a weapon like a switch or a belt versus just using your hand if it isn't to increase the damage you cause?

Bending down to smack people is often problematic. So, you either lift up and spank the rear (like my dad did) or you use a tool to smack. Which is what my mom did. She used her Sorority Paddle, as well as switches, belts, and electric cords. My catholic school used rulers to smack your hands.

My mom is not a good example of moderate spanking, at all.


Online Ho Champ
I guess he has a child with another woman not the child that died and he beat him with a switch. Kid got home and the Mom noticed the welps on his back then called the police/took him to get checked out.

No need to speculate, there will probably be a trial and that will be that. Last I heard he is cooperating with things so .....next week.

How many kids does AP have out of wedlock....thats not good man.


It's Texas. Can't he use the "Spare the rod and spoil the child" defense?

I hope they make an example of him. I'm very anti physical punishment for children
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