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The NFL's nightmare week continues: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse

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Now now... it's getting reduced. Josh Gordon - that dreaded pot smoker now car salesman - is only going to get suspended for 10 games. Not 16. See, that's much better! He'll be back by Week 12 when the Browns are already eliminated from playoff contention.

Called it. And the fact that it was his own son means he'll probably come back from this. The "don't judge my parenting" mindset is pretty strong. I expect a voluntary several game suspension, public apology tour and dignity/child raising training. Probably too small of a punishment but the news will get distracted by the Ray Rice situation or something else in short order.

Like the video with the Ray Rice incident, I wonder if the pictures in this case will change things. Even people who are for spanking have to cringe at seeing the kind of injuries inflicted on a FOUR year old child.


That people are getting mad at LeSean McCoy for tipping poorly this week is absolutely mind-boggling.
Really puts things in perspective how ludicrous that nonsense is compared to ADP & Rice.

In the meantime, Richie Incognito is still waiting for another team to give him a chance.
Doubt it'll be the Cowboys. I can't see Richie getting along with Michael Sam.
I was beaten with a switch among other things and received injuries..and the injuries were intentional and I was beaten again if I complained about them.

You shouldn't ever "speak on" anything by lumping everyone together.

It's not necessarily outside of the realm of belief that AP didn't intend injury.. also quite possible he did.. or didn't have much concern if he did.

He himself described the beating as not being anything exceptional didn't he? How can he say that and then claim he didn't intend to injur??

I'm sorry the injuries were intentional for you, but mostly it's used to just inflict temporary pain not injure the kid. AP is a beast physically, probably doesn't know his own strength


That people are getting mad at LeSean McCoy for tipping poorly this week is absolutely mind-boggling.

To be fair, tipping .20 cents does make you a jerk. It's just that being a jerk is several level below being a monster like Ray Rice and now AP.
Like the video with the Ray Rice incident, I wonder if the pictures in this case will change things. Even people who are for spanking have to cringe at seeing the kind of injuries inflicted on a FOUR year old child.

Yeah that's not constructive punishment. That's abuse. 1. you shouldn't have to use an object to spank your kid 2. if you do, at least do it lightly and only a couple times... He used a tree branch over 10 times on a 4 year old child to the point where he was bleeding. It would be one thing if he swatted him harder than he intended, but if he did it that many times, he had to have seen what was happening long before he finished. Of course none of this will matter and the NFL will continue to thrive as a business.
The child abuse defense force on this board is disgusting. If your parents/grandparents fucking WHIPPED YOU with sticks or belts they are not good people. The saddest part is you will repeat the behavior with your kids and think you are doing a good thing.

Gotta get lashes. Or else you think its ok to run around dept. Stores like your head is cut off.


The best man I have ever known in my life was my father. He whooped me when I needed it, usually with a belt. At no point did I ever feel abused. I still loved my dad, but what the whoopings did do was make me think about what I was doing and the consequences of my actions. I loved him and feared him at the same time.

I am now a, IMO of course, a pretty well adjusted 35 year old man. I don't get in trouble with the law, I have a steady job, and a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. In that context, my father did a great job raising me by himself. And was not a child abuser I don't care what anyone says.
So who will be the first NFL murder suspect this year?

If I had to pick I'd say Desean Jackson.

Repping the Crips on live tv, new contract and additional money in his pocket, suspected ties to gangs with his record label..Sort of similar to Aaron Hernandez...Running with the wrong crowd and gets in trouble.
Gotta get lashes. Or else you think its ok to run around dept. Stores like your head is cut off.

Let's see what studies show on this:


“It’s a very controversial area even though the research is extremely telling and very clear and consistent about the negative effects on children,” says Sandra Graham-Bermann, PhD, a psychology professor and principal investigator for the Child Violence and Trauma Laboratory at the University of Michigan. “People get frustrated and hit their kids. Maybe they don’t see there are other options.”

Many studies have shown that physical punishment — including spanking, hitting and other means of causing pain — can lead to increased aggression, antisocial behavior, physical injury and mental health problems for children. Americans’ acceptance of physical punishment has declined since the 1960s, yet surveys show that two-thirds of Americans still approve of parents spanking their kids.

But spanking doesn’t work, says Alan Kazdin, PhD, a Yale University psychology professor and director of the Yale Parenting Center and Child Conduct Clinic. “You cannot punish out these behaviors that you do not want,” says Kazdin, who served as APA president in 2008. “There is no need for corporal punishment based on the research. We are not giving up an effective technique. We are saying this is a horrible thing that does not work.”

Well, bit more clear-cut there.


The best man I have ever known in my life was my father. He whooped me when I needed it, usually with a belt. At no point did I ever feel abused. I still loved my dad, but what the whoopings did do was make me think about what I was doing and the consequences of my actions. I loved him and feared him at the same time.

I am now a, IMO of course, a pretty well adjusted 35 year old man. I don't get in trouble with the law, I have a steady job, and a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. In that context, my father did a great job raising me by himself. And was not a child abuser I don't care what anyone says.

Yea both of my parents spanked me. I don't think I ever once looked like that after a spanking though. Usually it ended up with me crying and later apologizing. Adrian beat that kid pretty hard. I still don't think stuff off of the field matters at all. His job is to get yards and make touchdowns.
We had the tipping thing and now the physical discipline of a child thing. I think NFL players are trolling GAF specifically. Next scandal is going to involve circumcision.

On topic - given that he has admitted this and I don't really have to worry about waiting for more evidence, I can say it: Adrian Peterson is a despicable piece of shit that needs serious long-term therapy before ever getting near his children unaccompanied again. And toss his ass out of the NFL immediately.
Corporal punishment doesn't work in any other walk of life. Nobody whips their employees if they fuck up. A professor can't slap his student for not paying attention during a college lecture. But it's somehow okay for kids. Never got that. It always struck me as an archaic method of punishment rooted in ignorance.


Super Sleuth
The best man I have ever known in my life was my father. He whooped me when I needed it, usually with a belt. At no point did I ever feel abused. I still loved my dad, but what the whoopings did do was make me think about what I was doing and the consequences of my actions. I loved him and feared him at the same time.

I am now a, IMO of course, a pretty well adjusted 35 year old man. I don't get in trouble with the law, I have a steady job, and a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. In that context, my father did a great job raising me by himself. And was not a child abuser I don't care what anyone says.

Would you hit your kids with a belt?
Corporal punishment doesn't work in any other walk of life. Nobody whips their employees if they fuck up. A professor can't slap his student for not paying attention during a college lecture. But it's somehow okay for kids. Never got that. It always struck me as an archaic method of punishment rooted in ignorance.

It was brought up as exactly that previously in the thread, but because it was brought up by people who got spanked, the words became invisible


The best man I have ever known in my life was my father. He whooped me when I needed it, usually with a belt. At no point did I ever feel abused. I still loved my dad, but what the whoopings did do was make me think about what I was doing and the consequences of my actions. I loved him and feared him at the same time.

I am now a, IMO of course, a pretty well adjusted 35 year old man. I don't get in trouble with the law, I have a steady job, and a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. In that context, my father did a great job raising me by himself. And was not a child abuser I don't care what anyone says.

Let's see what studies show on this:


Well, bit more clear-cut there.

Stormy you are an anomaly (and so am I apparently) that defies the study


Gold Member
Corporal punishment doesn't work in any other walk of life. Nobody whips their employees if they fuck up. A professor can't slap his student for not paying attention during a college lecture. But it's somehow okay for kids. Never got that. It always struck me as an archaic method of punishment rooted in ignorance.

I'm not against spanking but damn do you make an excellent point. Makes me think.
I'm not against spanking but damn do you make an excellent point. Makes me think.

And I say that as someone who was spanked/whipped himself, but to be honest even as a kid I never got anything out of it. All it does is instill unnecessary and momentary fear. The times I got spanked I don't remember what I did wrong, I don't remember learning any lessons. I just remember my parents being angry. From that aspect, my parents grounding me for a week or a month was a lot more effective.
People who say "I got hit and I learned from it and I'm fine" - what if your parents figured out how to teach you a lesson without hitting you? Wouldn't that be better? Same outcome, no violence or fear of pain caused by the people that love you the most.


Yea both of my parents spanked me. I don't think I ever once looked like that after a spanking though. Usually it ended up with me crying and later apologizing. Adrian beat that kid pretty hard. I still don't think stuff off of the field matters at all. His job is to get yards and make touchdowns.

I did. Had bruises, and welts too. Never drew blood thought that I can remember anyway. He felt bad everytime because he didn't want to do it, but when I didn't pay attention to his other methods that was the last straw. And it had to be hard enough to remember it, but not so hard it broke the skin. He walked that line perfectly. And he was a very strong man too. If he had not done those things, I would not be the man I am today. Would probably be in jail or dead.
Stormy you are an anomaly (and so am I apparently) that defies the study
Moderation is the key to everything in life. The line where spanking becomes abuse is a thin one, and it's quite likely you could have learned the same lessons faster and with longer lasting results than by spanking.


Boy, that gay football player has really ruined the NFL this year.

Remember when people were mad about Johnny Football going to Vegas?


mediocrity at its best
The best man I have ever known in my life was my father. He whooped me when I needed it, usually with a belt. At no point did I ever feel abused. I still loved my dad, but what the whoopings did do was make me think about what I was doing and the consequences of my actions. I loved him and feared him at the same time.

I am now a, IMO of course, a pretty well adjusted 35 year old man. I don't get in trouble with the law, I have a steady job, and a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. In that context, my father did a great job raising me by himself. And was not a child abuser I don't care what anyone says.

Your dad was a scumbag. The fact you live an adjusted life is an anomaly. He WAS a child abuser. Ray Rice IS a wife abuser. Check out her statements on getting knocked unconscious and then think about your own life. You tend to blame what you did for getting the shit kicked out of you right? Its victim blaming and you deserve better.
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