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The NFL's nightmare week continues: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse

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Master of the Google Search
Called it. And the fact that it was his own son means he'll probably come back from this. The "don't judge my parenting" mindset is pretty strong. I expect a voluntary several game suspension, public apology tour and dignity/child raising training. Probably too small of a punishment but the news will get distracted by the Ray Rice situation or something else in short order.


This makes me not want to wear his jersey.

This is really upsetting. I don't understand what a 3 year old could do to deserve that.
No, you misread. The grandparents of my grandparents.

Real talk, tho: my grandfather turns 91 tomorrow. So his grandparents were *definitely* slaves. And his parents probably were too. I don't know if I've ever asked him. Gonna have to do that tomorrow.

91 as a black man in America? That's the definition of, "I've seen some shit."

Ah, my mistake. My grandmother on my dad's side will be 90 in December. Though she never spanked me, shit now I gotta see if my uncles ever got whoopings. I know my mom's side was all about that.
I got the cane, steel ruler and the belt. And a conductors' baton. All in school. 1970s UK.

I got:

-Switch (hand-chosen by me with tears in eyes)
-Belt (of various shapes and sizes)
-Hand (with rings)
-5' tall Paddle (while pledging the fraternity in college...probably doesn't count?)
-...eh, that's all I remember.

I never had any welts or bruses of any kind. Just hurt pride and some temporary pain. I think of all the above, dad's hand hurt the most. Big football player hands. Fat fingers.
Can someone explain the reasoning behind using a weapon like a switch or a belt versus just using your hand if it isn't to increase the damage you cause?

A belt stings and isnt going to do any real damage. With your hands you would have to use alot of force and it would be more a blunt force than a "sting" and it would probably hurt your hand just as much as you are hurting the kid.

Looks like AD didn't realize how hard he was hitting him with it.


"Adrian never intended to harm his son and deeply regrets the unintentional injury."

How is an injury resulting from hitting a kid with a switch, when you intended to hit a kid with a switch, an "unintentional injury"?
Did the switch accidentally fall out of Peterson's hand and land on his son's legs?

good god. He hit him in the balls with it and bruised them?

Good fucking god.

Holy shit:

The beating allegedly resulted in numerous injuries to the child, including cuts and bruises to the child’s back, buttocks, ankles, legs and scrotum, along with defensive wounds to the child’s hands. Peterson then texted the boy’s mother, saying that one wound in particular would make her “mad at me about his leg. I got kinda good wit the tail end of the switch
A belt stings and isnt going to do any real damage. With your hands you would have to use alot of force and it would be more a blunt force than a "sting" and it would probably hurt your hand just as much as you are hurting the kid.

Looks like AD didn't realize how hard he was hitting him with it.

This is so untrue bruh. If my 10 year old self could show you the marks from his step dad, you'd erase this.


I thought everyone grew up with a switch tree out front. You have to go get the switch yourself. And don't come back with one of those all green fresh branch. I mostly was getting chased by my mom around the house. Swatting it back and forth between your legs while your running. Never left any bruises like that though.
good god. He hit him in the balls with it and bruised them?

Good fucking god.

I can only imagine. Athletes that size don't realize their own strength. Since a switch (a real one, off a tree) is quite flexible, if he caught him on the back of the leg near the end of the switch, it likely would have flexed around and hit the kid in the balls too. Unintentional and because he was probably swinging so rapidly, he didn't even realize he had done it.

"Adrian never intended to harm his son and deeply regrets the unintentional injury."

How is an injury resulting from hitting a kid with a switch, when you intended to hit a kid with a switch, an "unintentional injury"?
Did the switch accidentally fall out of Peterson's hand and land on his son's legs?
If I were to interpret (Iraq commander at microphone), it would be that he didn't mean to hit him hard enough to leave marks/wounds/welts. Clearly if that was his goal he fuckin failed.
"Adrian never intended to harm his son and deeply regrets the unintentional injury."

How is an injury resulting from hitting a kid with a switch, when you intended to hit a kid with a switch, an "unintentional injury"?
Did the switch accidentally fall out of Peterson's hand and land on his son's legs?

People who use don't intend to injure their kids, if you don't get that then you shouldn't speak of the culture that has used it for generations
I thought everyone grew up with a switch tree out front. You have to go get the switch yourself. And don't come back with one of those all green fresh branch. I mostly was getting chased by my mom around the house. Swatting it back and forth between your legs while your running. Never left any bruises like that though.

Shit, I used to have recurring dreams about switch time.


To those wondering how the kid got marks on his back and legs:

Growing up, my granny used switches on us, or belts. We were to stand there and take our licks while she whipped us and explained what we did wrong and why it was wrong.

Maybe I was a weird child, but I just took the licks and listened to what she said. I know, that while I didn't get spanked/whipped much in my childhood, when I did I deserved it since I was being a hardheaded asshole and not listening when being punished in other ways.

I know my little brother once tried to fall down to not get whipped and got hit on the back a few times while doing so and it left marks. It wasn't intentional, but it happened. He also had a bad habit of wanting to put his hands back there to try and stop the switch. He'd end up with marks there too. I did it once or twice myself until I learned not to move and just accept the punishment, listen to the reasons I was punished, and learn from it.

Edit: That said, there is a difference between my granny/mom spanking/whipping me and Adrian Peterson doing it. Less so than my dad doing it, but there is still a difference.

Edit 2: Just seen where all the injuries were. Looks like he went overboard and the switch wrapped around and got him in the middle of it too. There is a line with spanking, and that crossed it.
This is moderately irrelevant, but have they said what the kid did?
That's not relevant. He spanked a 4 year-old hard enough to leave a series of very large, very identifiable wounds across a fairly large portion of his body.

That's all you need to know.

Awaiting the joint press conference with Adrian Peterson and his 3 year old son.

Not until after Goddell interviews the child with AP present.
...I don't if know if this is satire or not.

Perhaps he was a bit over the top, but the point is right.

I know, spanking threads, blah blah blah, but I have yet to see anybody give a rational justification for violence against a child. And yes, if the intention of the punishment is to cause pain to the child as a means of deterrent, then it's violence. If someone disagrees I would also like to see the reasoning behind that conclusion.
All you have to consider is if you did this same thing against an adult, would it be considered assault/battery? If yes, you probably shouldn't do it. There are better methods of discipline than beating children.

Also, "It happened to me and I turned out fine" and "Well, it worked" are not valid arguments in this situation. Efficacy is not a measure of morality.


People who use don't intend to injure their kids, if you don't get that then you shouldn't speak of the culture that has used it for generations

This seems like moral relativism taken to an extreme and illogical conclusion. Should we also not judge beheadings by ISIS because within that group it is considered OK? I realize the two are not comparable, but the same logical thinking gets you to believe both if you take the following as truth:
They are a different culture
Who is to say what is right or wrong
All cultural values are equally valid

It's one thing to say you can understand why it might happen, but to say that it's wrong to say something against it sounds extreme.

Apparently my sarcasm meter is broken. There are people who make those same arguments without a hint of irony, however.


People who use don't intend to injure their kids, if you don't get that then you shouldn't speak of the culture that has used it for generations

I was beaten with a switch among other things and received injuries..and the injuries were intentional and I was beaten again if I complained about them.

You shouldn't ever "speak on" anything by lumping everyone together.

It's not necessarily outside of the realm of belief that AP didn't intend injury.. also quite possible he did.. or didn't have much concern if he did.

He himself described the beating as not being anything exceptional didn't he? How can he say that and then claim he didn't intend to injur??




According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that “there are a lot of belts in Daddy’s closet.” He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson “likes belts and switches” and “has a whooping room.”


mediocrity at its best
People who use don't intend to injure their kids, if you don't get that then you shouldn't speak of the culture that has used it for generations

Yeah, when I whip kids I totally don't expect to leave marks!. Are you kidding me? Generations of people have done lots of scummy things, that isn't an excuse.

It really seems like so many people in this thread don't want to accept their parents were assholes who hit them because they didn't know what else do.
Perhaps he was a bit over the top, but the point is right.

I know, spanking threads, blah blah blah, but I have yet to see anybody give a rational justification for violence against a child. And yes, if the intention of the punishment is to cause pain to the child as a means of deterrent, then it's violence. If someone disagrees I would also like to see the reasoning behind that conclusion.
All you have to consider is if you did this same thing against an adult, would it be considered assault/battery? If yes, you probably shouldn't do it. There are better methods of discipline than beating children.

Also, "It happened to me and I turned out fine" and "Well, it worked" are not valid arguments in this situation. Efficacy is not a measure of morality.

He didn't have a point, he was spewing and telling people who had been spanked that their parents were bad people and that we're doomed to be as well.

Other posters have broken spanking down at other places in the thread AS WELL AS talking about the unfortunate background.

Uh, see above


Super Sleuth
This seems like moral relativism taken to an extreme and illogical conclusion. Should we also not judge beheadings by ISIS because within that group it is considered OK? I realize the two are not comparable, but the same logical thinking gets you to believe both if you take the following as truth:
They are a different culture
Who is to say what is right or wrong
All cultural values are equally valid

It's one thing to say you can understand why it might happen, but to say that it's wrong to say something against it sounds extreme.

He is being sarcastic in this thread.

According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that “there are a lot of belts in Daddy’s closet.” He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson “likes belts and switches” and “has a whooping room.”
He needs to be gone from the NFL and put in jail.
I always wonder how many people in jail would attest to being spanked a shit tom as a child. Maybe I'm wrong but I'd bet on a high amount. How can anyone swear on it being the most effective form of discipline?


Yeah, when I whip kids I totally don't expect to leave marks!. Are you kidding me? Generations of people have done lots of scummy things, that isn't an excuse.

It really seems like so many people in this thread don't want to accept their parents were assholes who hit them because they didn't know what else do.

You don't have to make it personal. Your position is strong enough just saying that hitting kids isn't something people should be doing.


Perhaps he was a bit over the top, but the point is right.

I know, spanking threads, blah blah blah, but I have yet to see anybody give a rational justification for violence against a child. And yes, if the intention of the punishment is to cause pain to the child as a means of deterrent, then it's violence. If someone disagrees I would also like to see the reasoning behind that conclusion.
All you have to consider is if you did this same thing against an adult, would it be considered assault/battery? If yes, you probably shouldn't do it. There are better methods of discipline than beating children.

Also, "It happened to me and I turned out fine" and "Well, it worked" are not valid arguments in this situation. Efficacy is not a measure of morality.

Spanking is ok.
Beating a child isn't ok.

You can't assault or batter a child. Nor could you really get away leaving bruises/black eyes on children historically. Popping someone the same way you might smack a gf on the ass isn't assaulting/battering a child. There is no rage behind it, and its usually your parents that are feeling more emotional about the whole thing than you are.

You have to keep one thing in mind. Caring parents, and amazing parents, are able to smack a child without killing them, or assault/battery charges. Just like parents are able to do it without spanking. Discipline in any moderation is fine. You don't need to go to the end-all opposite end of the spectrum for TimeOuts to = Cruel Isolation guantanamo like practices. Wanting to rush into the thread thinking people are condoning dragon punching babies is asinine. Spanking? Well. In moderation, and as long as its legal, serves a purpose for certain styles of parenting/behavioral issues.

In california:

Law not intended to prohibit the use of reasonable methods of parental discipline, or to prescribe a particular method of parenting. Serious physical harm does not include reasonable and age-appropriate spanking to the buttocks where there is no evidence of serious physical injury.
Welfare and Institutions Code § 300. [Civil Code]

Abuse includes unlawful corporal punishment or injury.
Penal Code § 11165.6. [Criminal Code]

"Unlawful corporal punishment or injury" is any person willfully inflicting upon a child any cruel or inhuman corporal punishment or injury resulting in a traumatic condition.
Penal Code § 11165.4. [Criminal Code]

Serious physical injury, or traumatic condition. This is not what = spanking.


mediocrity at its best
He didn't have a point, he was spewing and telling people who had been spanked that their parents were bad people and that we're doomed to be as well.

Other posters have broken spanking down at other places in the thread AS WELL AS talking about the unfortunate background.

Uh, see above

Yeah, your parents hit you out of love. Just like Ray Rice beat his fiance out of love. Act out get hit! Words to live by.

And abuse victims repeating the pattern isn't bullshit.


Nice league Goodell represents. But hey, at least the guys who smoke weed are getting suspended for almost a whole season.


Online Ho Champ

According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that “there are a lot of belts in Daddy’s closet.” He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson “likes belts and switches” and “has a whooping room.”

Why is he called Daddy Peterson.....how often does he get to see this kid is my first question ...


when i heard there were pics, i was expecting much worse I must confess. But even breaking the skin is too much.

When i was a kid, my mom used a switch on us or a wooden cooking spoon. but that was only ever on the ass and never to the point where it was breaking skin.


Ugh..ban him too...

I have been having this weird feeling about AP over the past few years that his head was getting messed up, his comments and justhis general self have seemed to change enough that it is noticeable...anyone else ever get that feeling?


Nice league Goodell represents. But hey, at least the guys who smoke weed are getting suspended for almost a whole season.
Now now... it's getting reduced. Josh Gordon - that dreaded pot smoker now car salesman - is only going to get suspended for 10 games. Not 16. See, that's much better! He'll be back by Week 12 when the Browns are already eliminated from playoff contention.


when i heard there were pics, i was expecting much worse I must confess. But even breaking the skin is too much.

When i was a kid, my mom used a switch on us or a wooden cooking spoon. but that was only ever on the ass and never to the point where it was breaking skin.

sounds like your mother might as well be a war criminal.


Yeah, your parents hit you out of love. Just like Ray Rice beat his fiance out of love. Act out get hit! Words to live by.

And abuse victims repeating the pattern isn't bullshit.

Dude, you can be spanked by people who love you as a form of punishment and them not be monsters. Spanking does not equal hitting someone in the face. Also, spanking does not equal abuse. You can be spanked and not be abused.

You need to calm down and stop attacking people personally. You're out of line.

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