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The NFL's nightmare week continues: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse

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Corporal punishment doesn't work in any other walk of life. Nobody whips their employees if they fuck up. A professor can't slap his student for not paying attention during a college lecture. But it's somehow okay for kids. Never got that. It always struck me as an archaic method of punishment rooted in ignorance.

Schools in the south still have the ability to paddle students who misbehave. (Not colleges mind you)

An employer expects you to behave like an adult. If you misbehave they will just punish you be firing you, taking pay, etc. Which is much more effective on someone who understands the importance of money.

A college professor can have you removed from the class. Makes it hard to graduate on time if you dont behave and keep getting dropped from classes. Also a waste of money if you/your parents are paying for it.

Are there other ways to punish children? Yes. Do they work? Yes. Do they always work? No. Spanking, to me, is more of a last resort no other punishment worked approach. Thats how it was for my parents raising my and my brother. My granny didnt jump up to whip us all the time either. It was always last resort when our hardheaded asses refused to listen.
Corporal punishment doesn't work in any other walk of life. Nobody whips their employees if they fuck up. A professor can't slap his student for not paying attention during a college lecture. But it's somehow okay for kids. Never got that. It always struck me as an archaic method of punishment rooted in ignorance.

I think it's rooted in "well my parents did it and I turned out okay" as if 1) it was the reason they turned out alright and 2) their parents are some sort of authority on the matter.
The best man I have ever known in my life was my father. He whooped me when I needed it, usually with a belt. At no point did I ever feel abused. I still loved my dad, but what the whoopings did do was make me think about what I was doing and the consequences of my actions. I loved him and feared him at the same time.

I am now a, IMO of course, a pretty well adjusted 35 year old man. I don't get in trouble with the law, I have a steady job, and a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. In that context, my father did a great job raising me by himself. And was not a child abuser I don't care what anyone says.

I'm with you Stormy. My grandmother was the best person ever put on this planet. I still think about her almost every day. She's in my soul. She basically raised me and my brothers from babies to teen-hood. It was rare, but she would spank me. It didn't hurt physically, but knowing she was angry enough to spank me hurt much more. I was a rambunctious little son of a bitch and deserved every spanking I got. I don't hold it against her one bit. If anything, she held off too much.

Your dad was a scumbag. The fact you live an adjusted life is an anomaly. He WAS a child abuser. Ray Rice IS a wife abuser. Check out her statements on getting knocked unconscious and then think about your own life. You tend to blame what you did for getting the shit kicked out of you right? Its victim blaming and you deserve better.
Holy shit you're being an ass.


I'm sorry the injuries were intentional for you, but mostly it's used to just inflict temporary pain not injure the kid. AP is a beast physically, probably doesn't know his own strength

No problem dude; I was just pointing out the not every parent who beats their kids with sticks doesn't intend injury.

It's part of the problem behind accepting the practice in general. In cultures of violence it's easy for people to get away with abuse under he guise of discipline.


And I say that as someone who was spanked/whipped himself, but to be honest even as a kid I never got anything out of it. All it does is instill unnecessary and momentary fear. The times I got spanked I don't remember what I did wrong, I don't remember learning any lessons. I just remember my parents being angry. From that aspect, my parents grounding me for a week or a month was a lot more effective.

It was the opposite for me. There was no greater deterrent for me doing dumb shit than the possibility of catching a smack from my pops.


I am just of the opinion that there is not one way to raise a child. Nobody should be able to tell them what is right or wrong because every child and every situation it's different. I knew guys that never got spankings, just grounded and are criminals these days. I have seen others that turned out good. Grounding would not have worked on me, but whoopings sure did. I paid attention.
Your dad was a scumbag. The fact you live an adjusted life is an anomaly. He WAS a child abuser. Ray Rice IS a wife abuser. Check out her statements on getting knocked unconscious and then think about your own life. You tend to blame what you did for getting the shit kicked out of you right? Its victim blaming and you deserve better.

You're a pretty disgusting person, you know that?

Edit: Thanks to whoever banned him. I very rarely use ad hominem insults, but attacking somebody's father like that is just uncalled for.


Your dad was a scumbag. The fact you live an adjusted life is an anomaly. He WAS a child abuser. Ray Rice IS a wife abuser. Check out her statements on getting knocked unconscious and then think about your own life. You tend to blame what you did for getting the shit kicked out of you right? Its victim blaming and you deserve better.

Dude.. its already been said to stop personally attacking people. There are millions/billions of normal people who were spanked/whipped as children. Just because a parent spanks a child does not make them a child abuser.

You obviously care a great deal about the topic, yet you go about discussing it in the worst possible way. You are being an abusive asshole to others by constantly attacking them and their families like this.
Your dad was a scumbag. The fact you live an adjusted life is an anomaly. He WAS a child abuser. Ray Rice IS a wife abuser. Check out her statements on getting knocked unconscious and then think about your own life. You tend to blame what you did for getting the shit kicked out of you right? Its victim blaming and you deserve better.

That tag is so perfect.


Moderation is the key to everything in life. The line where spanking becomes abuse is a thin one, and it's quite likely you could have learned the same lessons faster and with longer lasting results than by spanking.

Dreams, to be honest, I tended to listen well as a child. But, sometimes, I would just get stubborn and not want to listen and punishments like grounding, time-out, etc, just didn't faze me. I didn't get spanked often. I can probably count the number of times I got spanked on both hands and maybe one foot that I recall. I honestly usually deserved the spankings too because they would come after other approaches failed.
Hard to have a conversation when one side is shouting through a megaphone

My mom actually apologized for whooping me as a kid around the time I graduated from college, she said she was just lost sometimes and it was what she knew. I told her I knew her heart was in the right place and that I heard her cry sometimes after.

We're not all lost.


Super Sleuth
Dreams, to be honest, I tended to listen well as a child. But, sometimes, I would just get stubborn and not want to listen and punishments like grounding, time-out, etc, just didn't faze me. I didn't get spanked often. I can probably count the number of times I got spanked on both hands and maybe one foot that I recall. I honestly usually deserved the spankings too because they would come after other approaches failed.

Would you use a switch or paddle on your kids?
Your dad was a scumbag. The fact you live an adjusted life is an anomaly. He WAS a child abuser. Ray Rice IS a wife abuser. Check out her statements on getting knocked unconscious and then think about your own life. You tend to blame what you did for getting the shit kicked out of you right? Its victim blaming and you deserve better.

Have we really reached this spot that people will now say shit like this and not understand how foolish they look?

This shit should be bannable IMO...

EDIT: And now I see it is. Well then.


Super Sleuth
That shit was absolutely unacceptable, glad that got taken care of.

Back on track; how do we think this shakes out?

I would be surprised if he doesn't just serve whatever suspension he sees and continues on with his career. And I think that is what should happen.
Aaron Hernandez, Ben Roethlisberger, Ray Lewis, etc. etc.... what is wrong with NFL players.

Bad Brains can probably account for some of it. The league's foot dragging on CTE is literally growing an army of dangerously aggressive, brain-damaged thirtysomethings.

The rest is just a culture that never, ever punishes people who bring in money.


Your dad was a scumbag. The fact you live an adjusted life is an anomaly. He WAS a child abuser. Ray Rice IS a wife abuser. Check out her statements on getting knocked unconscious and then think about your own life. You tend to blame what you did for getting the shit kicked out of you right? Its victim blaming and you deserve better.

I don't know you personally, and you don't know me. You probably never met my father either. Who are you to judge other people you have never met? Talk to the man about about his reasons for doing the things he did? Don't you fucking dare presume to know someone you know next to nothing about. Every time he whooped me, it was purely my fault and I deserved it. Just because you believe in a different form of disciplining kids does not make that the only way. Get off your fucking high horse please.


I just got hit with a belt, and only a few times. Helped that I was a pretty quiet child and my mother was an incredibly intimidating woman.

Some people don't know how easy that line from child rearing to abuse can be crossed.


Gold Member
I don't know you personally, and you don't know me. You probably never met my father either. Who are you to judge other people you have never met? Talk to the man about about his reasons for doing the things he did? Don't you fucking dare presume to know someone you know next to nothing about. Every time he whooped me, it was purely my fault and I deserved it. Just because you believe in a different form of disciplining kids does not make that the only way. Get off your fucking high horse please.

He's gone.
I would be surprised if he doesn't just serve whatever suspension he sees and continues on with his career. And I think that is what should happen.

This is my general idea too. I could see him getting suspended, but not for very long, and then it goes away.


I did. Had bruises, and welts too. Never drew blood thought that I can remember anyway. He felt bad everytime because he didn't want to do it, but when I didn't pay attention to his other methods that was the last straw. And it had to be hard enough to remember it, but not so hard it broke the skin. He walked that line perfectly. And he was a very strong man too. If he had not done those things, I would not be the man I am today. Would probably be in jail or dead.

I did do some really shitty stuff as a child and I don't think my parents ultimately liked doing the spanking. Personally, I don't really think people should discipline their children this way, but I don't have kids of my own so I don't know what I'd do in that situation. I know I'd never hit my kid like that where the mother of the child feels like pressing charges.
The Panthers organization is looking worse and worse by the day. They have someone that's already been convicted of beating a woman on their team, and they're still allowing him to play. Yet the Vikings immediately came out and said that they're sitting Peterson for this game at the very least.
Was listening to nick wright on 610 on way home and it sounded pretty bad. It will be interesting to see how rusty plays this, you don't hire him for a guilty plea, though I know he has represented Ap before.

I represented a guy on this type of charge before, it was emotionally draining where the def and his family had no ability to understand what he did was wrong, same wrap around testicle injury but worse photos in my case. I wanted to try the case as an intellectual exercise but the prosecutor caved to home detention and that was that. A good defense attorney can win a trial on these facts, you just need one person to hang the jury.


I don't know you personally, and you don't know me. You probably never met my father either. Who are you to judge other people you have never met? Talk to the man about about his reasons for doing the things he did? Don't you fucking dare presume to know someone you know next to nothing about. Every time he whooped me, it was purely my fault and I deserved it. Just because you believe in a different form of disciplining kids does not make that the only way. Get off your fucking high horse please.
"He beats me because he loves me."

Keep that circle of abuse spinning, AP has your back.
Rusty Hardin.

Is he a good defense attorney?

tldr version; Yes. He is very, very, very good.

long version: He's represented athletes and won before, and has been doing this for a very long time. I think AP straight up has him on retainer though, so who knows how far this goes.


Would you use a switch or paddle on your kids?

Yaboosh, I don't have kids currently. If I did, I would spank my child if other avenues failed, just like my parents and my granny did to me. I'd explain why they got a spanking as well.

I'd prefer to just use my hand. That's what my dad preferred if he punished me that way. But, yes, if I felt the need to use a switch, belt, or paddle, I would. Obviously I wouldn't leave marks or make them bleed, thats way over the line. But 3-5 swats while explaining why they are getting them without leaving marks? I don't see that as wrong.

Also, one thing my dad would do that I agree with and would do as well is he would send us to our rooms before punishing us with a spanking. He'd come in and punish us a half hour or hour later. Growing up, I didn't realize that he did that to ensure he didn't hit us harder than he meant to to punish us. Now, I understand it was his way of ensuring he didnt try to spank us while he was still upset and accidentally go over the line and hurt us.

edit: Now, I'll be driving and such for a while tonight so I won't be back in the thread, but I hope this helped you understand my point of view Yaboosh?


You want to be next to go on vacation or something

Take a look through the thread before you start dropping bullshit

I care more about kids not being beaten with sticks than my GAF account, sorry for having misplaced priorities :(


Gold Member
Eh...that's dependent on the court stuff, no? I could totally be wrong, of course, but I'm thinking 5-6 games, maybe?

I feel like with everything that's going on right now, the NFL will probably distance itself from players in situations like this more so than they have before since they're under the microscope right now. I'd be surprised if we saw him return this season.


tldr version; Yes. He is very, very, very good.

long version: He's represented athletes and won before, and has been doing this for a very long time. I think AP straight up has him on retainer though, so who knows how far this goes.

Eh, he hasn't really done it much lately. He is Rusty.

Yeah. He covered Roger Clemens and argued him out of a lot of charges right?


I did do some really shitty stuff as a child and I don't think my parents ultimately liked doing the spanking. Personally, I don't really think people should discipline their children this way, but I don't have kids of my own so I don't know what I'd do in that situation. I know I'd never hit my kid like that where the mother of the child feels like pressing charges.

I respect your opinion and how you feel is the best way to raise your children. I would not presume to know the best way to go about it. What works for you, works for you.

There is a line you can't cross when spanking a kid, and if you do, or punch then you should be in trouble. The goal of punishment should be to make you remember the consequences of the dumb thing you are about to do. My dad had one way of doing it that worked, others have theirs.


Put me in the camp that spanking did nothing for me. All it did was make me afraid and caused me pain.

The lesson here is, as always, that every child is different and needs to be dealt with differently. People assume that because something worked with them it will work on their kid, but your child isn't you. People need to think harder about how they approach raising their kids.

Hell, people need to think harder about having kids. Even if we're all built to do it physically, we aren't all meant to.
I feel like with everything that's going on right now, the NFL will probably distance itself from players in situations like this more so than they have before since they're under the microscope right now. I'd be surprised if we saw him return this season.

I wonder how that'd go, appeal wise. Because if they pop him for the whole season I'd expect at least some form of appeal.

Yeah. He covered Roger Clemens and argued him out of a lot of charges right?

Not only that, he got Enron out of charges.

I apologize to any child abuse advocates I've offended.

Can you apologize for being a jackass first?


Put me in the camp that spanking did nothing for me. All it did was make me afraid and caused me pain.
It definitely made me realize they were losers with shitty lives about a decade earlier than I would have otherwise. Anyone who's hitting a seven year old with belts and sticks has nothing to offer.


It definitely made me realize they were losers with shitty lives about a decade earlier than I would have otherwise. Anyone who's hitting a seven year old with belts and sticks has nothing to offer.

Then there are millions/billions of people around the world with nothing to offer... oh wait, there are alot of successful people who arent fucked up from being spanked and who lead normal, happy lives, as did alot of their parents.

stop being a jackass man. There are better ways to make your point other than doing that.

edit: Also, you must be Pelydr's alt.


On a comparative basis, males 18-36 making the kind of money professional athletes make, will rarely be convicted of the same crimes. Who makes that kind of money these days? Usually business owners, lawyers, doctors, executives, etc. These people often though are highly motivated, intelligent, skilled and more likely to be mindful of their actions. But it does happen.

Comparatively as has been stated, even though it seems like a lot, professional athletes get in trouble with the law, far less than the general populace. It's just the increased attention on them when they do. The next time you hear about an athlete convicted of drunk driving, sexual assault, drug offenses, assault and battery, think about how many normal people were probably arrested for the same thing nationwide.

You can make the argument players in the NFL get arrested/charged far more than other professional sports. Even going down to the college and high school level, anecdotally, football players, more than any other were always in trouble more than other athletes. Whether it's MLB, NBA, or NHL, NFL for some reason has had a much tougher time tackling their players getting in trouble with the law.  


Then there are millions/billions of people around the world with nothing to offer... oh wait, there are alot of successful people who arent fucked up from being spanked and who lead normal, happy lives, as did alot of their parents.

stop being a jackass man. There are better ways to make your point other than doing that.

Lots of kids were molested and grew up okay too, why not just declare open season on children and get it over with?
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