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The NFL's nightmare week continues: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse

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Lots of kids were molested and grew up okay too, why not just declare open season on children and get it over with?

let me get this straight so I don't misunderstand you. Since I am willing to spank my child if I decide its necessary, you are equating what I would do as a punishment to molesting a child?


let me get this straight so I don't misunderstand you. Since I am willing to spank my child if I decide its necessary, you are equating what I would do as a punishment to molesting a child?

Ever spank your wife? You know, if its necessary?



I only spank my significant other when she wants me to.

Seriously dude, stop being a jackass. Spanking a child does not equal molesting a child.

I'm out
They aren't equal at all, but just because spankings didn't effect you negatively does not make it okay. It's ultimately up to the parent as long as it isn't excessive, but it isn't something I'd agree with or do myself.
why do people still beat their kids? oh yeah, because smacking the undesired behavior out of a child is much easier than educating oneself about the how to correct the behavior through communication. i always get pissed when i see lazy ass parents spanking their kids, it reminds me of the lazy dog owners who never bothered to train a dog so they just hit it when it does wrong.
They aren't equal at all, but just because spankings didn't effect you negatively does not make it okay. It's ultimately up to the parent as long as it isn't excessive, but it isn't something I'd agree with or do myself.

Your opinion is too reasonable and respectful for this thread. Say something controversial from now on please


That's quite the jump. It's crazy how parenting styles will really get people heated.

For the record, I was spanked as a kid. I deserved it for being a dumb kid. Turned out to be your average tax paying citizen.

You never deserve to be physically assaulted by the person trusted in caring for you.
It definitely made me realize they were losers with shitty lives about a decade earlier than I would have otherwise. Anyone who's hitting a seven year old with belts and sticks has nothing to offer.

My parents seem to be much better people than you...

You can advocate against corporal punishment without attacking other posters and their parents.


The charged conduct involves using a switch to spank his son.

smh, I got spanked with a fucking switch, belt, shoe, spoon, phone, goddamn paddle with aerodynamic holes. Just based off of the Fox News report...this seems weak. Need more info

After reading some of the other reports...I would say he went overboard.
Did you get the stick of love?

I probably got a switch once, got belts and rulers a handful of times. Never got welts or anything, and I don't think it's effective parenting and won't do it with my children, but I'm also not so wrapped up in some online crusade that I can't understand how to talk to people.


One final post: number of children daycru has beaten: zero.

Number of children abuse justification GAF has beaten: substantially more than zero.

Number of children abused by GAF's hero parents: substantially more than zero.

I win, sorry.


I think it's rooted in "well my parents did it and I turned out okay"

The problem is that people are not the best judge of whether or not they "turned out okay."
I'm sure both Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice think they turned out okay.

Boy, that gay football player has really ruined the NFL this year.

Tony Dungy is worried he'll be a distraction from all the violent crimes committed by NFL players.


Gold Member
My mom would give me the wooden spoon of love. Usually I'd just laugh about it until she told me she was going to get my father. That's when shit got real and I'd start behaving right quick.


One final post: number of children daycru has beaten: zero.

Number of children abuse justification GAF has beaten: substantially more than zero.

Number of children abused by GAF's hero parents: substantially more than zero.

I win, sorry.

Congrats. We're all very proud of you.
One final post: number of children daycru has beaten: zero.

Number of children abuse justification GAF has beaten: substantially more than zero.

Number of children abused by GAF's hero parents: substantially more than zero.

I win, sorry.

The fuck is this a competition? You're being childish as hell right now dude


The pictures are what I expected. Adrian Peterson should NEVER be allowed to play in the NFL again. Fucking homophobic child beater scumbag.


One thing to keep in mind is he's not charged/indicted with child abuse, it's reckless child injury.

Dunno if that'll mean anything in the long run with his future in the league but he went way too far in disciplining his kid that's for sure.


There are links with pics in the thread. It's not pretty.

Yep, after my initial post, I found the other links with pictures, he went overboard. Still, getting whipped with a "switch" was pretty common where I grew up. I even had to go and cut my own to be used on me. My parents would be in prison if this were today.
And another one bites the dust. I wonder how long before we get another one. Again, you can civilly disagree with how to raise/punish a child without insulting others or their parents.


You know this thing called a "thread" that you just posted to

I did say based off of the "Fox News" report. Sorry I replied to the OP before reading the absolute entire fast moving thread. I did go back and find the other reports with pictures.
I did say based off of the "Fox News" report. Sorry I replied to the OP before reading the absolute entire fast moving thread. I did go back and find the other reports with pictures.

Local Fox News.

...Wait, how are you on the Internet? Why aren't you in jail?! DAMNIT DOG :p
And another one bites the dust. I wonder how long before we get another one. Again, you can civilly disagree with how to raise/punish a child without insulting others or their parents.

This. I don't necessarily agree that physical discipline is the most effective deterrent, but these high and mighty posters who don't understand in some cases cultural or systemic methods persist through ignorance and that parental education can work wonders annoy the shit out of me.
Yep, after my initial post, I found the other links with pictures, he went overboard. Still, getting whipped with a "switch" was pretty common where I grew up. I even had to go and cut my own to be used on me. My parents would be in prison if this were today.

that's ridiculous. parenting like that is not acceptable at any point in time. you dont physically and mentally abuse kids like that. i realize for some people since it's their parents they think its just their parents being parents, but thats definitely wrong to do to a child and not ok.
Yep, after my initial post, I found the other links with pictures, he went overboard. Still, getting whipped with a "switch" was pretty common where I grew up. I even had to go and cut my own to be used on me. My parents would be in prison if this were today.

All our parents would probably be in prison for something :)

Great I drafted a child beater.
lol. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine.


smh, I got spanked with a fucking switch, belt, shoe, spoon, phone, goddamn paddle with aerodynamic holes. Just based off of the Fox News report...this seems weak. Need more info

Congrats on getting beaten with a wide assortment of objects, what do you want, a medal?

Why do people come into these threads talking (almost bragging) about how they were hit by their parents and therefore it's not a big deal (and clearly this guy turned out just fine despite the beatings and is a well adjusted individual, which is why his username is WarMacheen).
Yet if someone were to say that makes those parents child abusers, they would be banned, as we've just seen in this thread.

If someone was assaulted, and people came into the thread and said "I got beat up once, no big deal" would that be acceptable?
For what other crimes is that an acceptable reaction?
Perhaps a mod can explain.
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