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The NFL's nightmare week continues: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse

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How many teams are in line for a child beater though? AP is just as much poison as Ray Rice. I mean lets look at this.

This is a man, with a smirk on his face, sat back talking about how he does not believe in Gay Marriage because of what god says while out screwing everything that moved. A guy who had a kid he didn't even know about, yet felt no issue soaking up all the media pity when the kid was killed. He is an A1 grade-A scumbag who has padded stats playing for a team that built themselves around him and still sucked.

Will the public give the Peterson case the same amount of attention as they've given Rice's? That's really why the NFL has reacted the way they have. Everything they've done so far has been a reaction to the public reaction. If the public doesn't react in a similar fashion to how they have with Rice's case, then neither will the NFL. If you want proof of that then look at Greg Hardy of the Panthers. He's actually been convicted of beating his girlfriend, yet the league nor his team are suspending him. There's no public attention being given to that case even though there's a conviction and the events that took place are even more violent than what went on in Rice's case.

That's one reason why people are calling for Goodell's job. He's doing a very poor job handling these cases. Rice should've received a much harsher suspension right from the start, Hardy should've received the same or more, and Peterson should as well. But it won't happen because Goodell doesn't really have any consistency.


what was on that twitter page? its gone now.

It's still showing up for me but here's a screencap:




wow it's real:

Roddy White Verified account ‏@roddywhiteTV

I'm probably going to lose my fantasy football matchup this week cause all day can't play Sunday for disciplining his child Jesus help us

And the reverberations from the Petersen suspension continue to be felt as fantasy league owners across the nation lament their shocking lost weekend...

The most surprising thing is that the prosecutor was able to find a grand jury in Texas that would indict someone for spanking, welts or not.


And the reverberations from the Petersen suspension continue to be felt as fantasy league owners across the nation lament their shocking lost weekend...

The most surprising thing is that the prosecutor was able to find a grand jury in Texas that would indict someone for spanking, welts or not.

This wasn't spanking. And it wasn't welts.


The most surprising thing is that the prosecutor was able to find a grand jury in Texas that would indict someone for spanking, welts or not.

Big difference between your average swat on the ass, and leaving a long series of welts on a 4 year old child's legs. Not surprised in the least they found a group that realized that.

And if even half the things being said are true, I will gladly wave goodbye as they ship his ass off somewhere else.
Big difference between your average swat on the ass, and leaving a long series of welts on a 4 year old child's legs. Not surprised in the least they found a group that realized that.

And if even half the things being said are true, I will gladly wave goodbye as they ship his ass off somewhere else.

Hopefully prison.


I feel like we are starting to watch the unraveling of the NFL before our eyes. It won't be taken down by another sport, but by rotting from the inside from horrific acts of its players and negligent disgusting behavior on the part of the owners towards the health of its players.


I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and i have no idea what they could possibly do to require a beating...what spill something, not pick up toys..what?

When they are 17 and 15 I'll probably have reasons, but I'll just take away their apple virtual reality iWorld or whatever it is that they have.
I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and i have no idea what they could possibly do to require a beating...what spill something, not pick up toys..what?

When they are 17 and 15 I'll probably have reasons, but I'll just take away their apple virtual reality iWorld or whatever it is that they have.

Time for another 5 kids and maybe you'll understand.


I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and i have no idea what they could possibly do to require a beating...what spill something, not pick up toys..what?

When they are 17 and 15 I'll probably have reasons, but I'll just take away their apple virtual reality iWorld or whatever it is that they have.

Same here except mine are 2 and 4.

I cannot imagine what could possibly drive a parent in the name of discipline to leave bleeding welts across a 4 year old child's back and legs like they had just gotten a beating from a slaveholder.

It turns my stomach.


As a lifetime Vikings fan this makes me sick. Damn you AP ... Poor kid. This is certainly a legal issue and he needs to pay for his crime. Football is such a distant worry right now.



Me either. It's sad.
I don't know why I always felt that someone disciplined enough to make it to the NFL would be disciplined and self-aware enough to know what they should and shouldn't be doing. But it doesn't seem like that's true at all.

They have had a higher rate of criminal activity than most other professional industries and organizations for a very long time.
Me either. It's sad.
I don't know why I always felt that someone disciplined enough to make it to the NFL would be disciplined and self-aware enough to know what they should and shouldn't be doing. But it doesn't seem like that's true at all.

Players in the NFL aren't there because of their brainpower.

"Should I go to medical school or the NFL?" This is a question that has probably been asked less than 5 times in the history of the NFL. I'm being overly generous with an estimate of 5.


A year ago:


He obviously doesn't think getting whooped by switch falls under abuse, so I don't think it's totally blatant hypocrisy, just extremely outmoded beliefs re: discipline. Probably why the indictment is for reckless/negligent abuse instead of something intentional.

Players in the NFL aren't there because of their brainpower.

"Should I go to medical school or the NFL?" This is a question that has probably been asked less than 5 times in the history of the NFL. I'm being overly generous with an estimate of 5.

I got Robert Smith (former Viking, current doctor I think) and that safety from FSU who was a Rhodes scholar (and I think was interested in neurology). So....two. And, not a doctor, but HOFer and former Viking Alan Page who is currently an associate justice for the MN Supreme Court.


Players in the NFL aren't there because of their brainpower.

"Should I go to medical school or the NFL?" This is a question that has probably been asked less than 5 times in the history of the NFL. I'm being overly generous with an estimate of 5.

Considering whats happening it may be time to go after more brain-power than physical-power. Whats happening is not normal for any business other than maybe a prison, that so many of its employees are either idiots or criminals with no comprehension. And its like they're getting dumber.


Wow, what the fuck is going on in the NFL.

Nothing complicated.

1500ish young men with moneybfor the first time in life, shit education, possible ped side effects, possible concussion side effects.

That said none of that seems to apply here.

For better and for worse this seems like a case of "my parents hit me with the switch so I'll do the same!" shitty american attitude possibly exacerbated by him being insanely strong.
He obviously doesn't think getting whooped by switch falls under abuse, so I don't think it's totally blatant hypocrisy, just extremely outmoded beliefs re: discipline. Probably why the indictment is for reckless/negligent abuse instead of something intentional.

I got Robert Smith (former Viking, current doctor I think) and that safety from FSU who was a Rhodes scholar (and I think was interested in neurology). So....two. And, not a doctor, but HOFer and former Viking Alan Page who is currently an associate justice for the MN Supreme Court.

I couldn't find anything about Robert Smith being an MD at this time. The guy from FSU lasted I believe one year in the league before he chose to leave, and during that year I don't think he played much anyways...I was actually thinking of him when creating the estimate of 5.


hide your water-based mammals
I'm going to give AP a little slack. My dad disciplined me in many ways. I'm not saying I use the same methods but I want to hear from him directly as he's a great person.

I don't even use a belt with my kids. But for me, discipline definitely worked. But my dad didn't go crazy on us and stopped doing that when he knew we knew better.


I couldn't find anything about Robert Smith being an MD at this time. The guy from FSU lasted I believe one year in the league before he chose to leave, and during that year I don't think he played much anyways...I was actually thinking of him when creating the estimate of 5.

Hmm...he must've planned to go to med school after retiring but never made it.


I'm going to give AP a little slack. My dad disciplined me in many ways. I'm not saying I use the same methods but I want to hear from him directly as he's a great person.

I don't even use a belt with my kids. But for me, discipline definitely worked. But my dad didn't go crazy on us and stopped doing that when he knew we knew better.
Sometimes people get caught up in the moment when spanking, and end up taking their anger/frustration out on the child.

That's horrible. I'm hoping this is the case and AP realizes his mistakes and learns from it.


The pictures are so damning, I get traditions and 'raising your kids' yada yada yada...but c'mon don't beat him till he bleeds like that. What an asshole.


hide your water-based mammals
Sometimes people get caught up in the moment when spanking, and end up taking their anger/frustration out on the child.

That's horrible. I'm hoping this is the case and AP realizes his mistakes and learns from it.
I know what you mean. Me or my dad never got out of hand and I never get frustrated and take things out on my kids.

That's why I'm compassionate towards AP and hope he learns from this.
more than a "whooping", have you seen the pictures? NO ONE should ever do that to their kids. EVER, and I don't understand how anyone can think assaulting a child is ok.

He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident. Without twitter & the talking heads at ESPN, they would have evaluated the situation & gave the punishment they felt instead of knee jerk reactions.

If anything more little misbehaving brats need a good spanking from their parents.
The worst type of people I meet in my life never have any disciple or punishment when they were kids. They just ran wild & grew up into the type of people they became.
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