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The Nintendo 64 Appreciation/Collecting/Emulation Thread.


I've been picking up a few N64 games from the local markets and car boots recently, some of which have been pretty grubby and require a good clean.
The games will usually take a few attempts to boot correctly, but once I've got them to boot the first time I find that they will boot every time after that.
Does anybody know if there is an actual reason why this happens or is it just my imagination?


I've been picking up a few N64 games from the local markets and car boots recently, some of which have been pretty grubby and require a good clean.
The games will usually take a few attempts to boot correctly, but once I've got them to boot the first time I find that they will boot every time after that.
Does anybody know if there is an actual reason why this happens or is it just my imagination?

Maybe inserting them a few times scraping metal on metal clears the contacts somewhat?


I loved my N64, particularly Goldeneye and Banjo Kazooie.

Anyway, I often have the urge to play it again, but on last attempt my TV didn't display it properly. About every second there would be a fuzzy line across the screen and it would make a fuzzy 'click' noise. Maybe something to do with displaying a 50hz output or something.

I don't know what the best way of remedying the situation is.

I could buy the right cables etc that my N64 needs and hook it up. Downsides to this are that I don't know if it will work, and also that I need to get a new controller that works.

Alternatively get an android box like a Kindle Fire TV, use my wired X360 controller and use emulation software. I'm guessing the picture would be a lot sharper. Downsides to this are that I'd need to get the ROM's, and also some maybe work a bit glitchy.

Any other ideas on the best way of doing this?


I loved my N64, particularly Goldeneye and Banjo Kazooie.

Anyway, I often have the urge to play it again, but on last attempt my TV didn't display it properly. About every second there would be a fuzzy line across the screen and it would make a fuzzy 'click' noise. Maybe something to do with displaying a 50hz output or something.

I don't know what the best way of remedying the situation is.

I could buy the right cables etc that my N64 needs and hook it up. Downsides to this are that I don't know if it will work, and also that I need to get a new controller that works.

Alternatively get an android box like a Kindle Fire TV, use my wired X360 controller and use emulation software. I'm guessing the picture would be a lot sharper. Downsides to this are that I'd need to get the ROM's, and also some maybe work a bit glitchy.

Any other ideas on the best way of doing this?

If you're using RF get decent cables it'll make a world of difference.

I got the S-video cable for a PAL N64 from here:

Also both Banjo Kazooie's and Perfect Dark have been ported to the Xbox 360, both Banjos run at 30FPS and Perfect Dark runs at 60FPS, they all support 16:9 widescreen, run at 1080p, which is by far the best way to play any of these games.

Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Perfect Dark


If you're using RF get decent cables it'll make a world of difference.

I got the S-video cable for a PAL N64 from here:

Also both Banjo Kazooie's and Perfect Dark have been ported to the Xbox 360 they all support 16:9 widescreen, and run at 1080p 60fps which is by far the best way to play any of these games.

Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Perfect Dark
Let me correct you, the Banjo games still run at 30 FPS because they were hard-locked to 30 FPS on N64. Perfect Dark does run at 60 FPS on 360 though.

In any case YES these are the best versions of the game. They are actual ports from N64 to Xbox 360, no emulation.


Neo Member
I've been out of the emulation world for a while, are there any new (or new versions of old) emulators for linux that are fast? I could ALMOST play on my old HTPC (atom 330, running ubuntu) last year (I was using mupen64plus), but since the CPU is so slow, the sound lags if to much is happening. I would love to be able to fire up some Mario 64, Zelda or Mario Kart without the need to fiddle with all the cables every time. I might end up upgrading the old HTPC just to make it work if no new fast emulators have arrived :)


Back in December, a friend knew I was collecting all the old Zelda games. He had Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask laying around, so he offered them to me. Upon learning I didn't have an N64, though, he decided to send a console with the games. I've been having so, so much fun with it. It's been years since I used original N64 hardware... and things just feel 'right'. I was never able to get used to a 'PS3' style controller while emulating.

Since then, I've picked up a handful of other titles: Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, and Conker's Bad Fur Day. There's a couple of other games I'm meaning to pick up, and I'll get to it eventually.

Anyway, as far as cleaning goes... please don't clean the game pins by placing them in and out of the console pins. All you're doing is getting the console pins dirty. Use alcohol on a cotton swab to cleanse the pins, and it's still dirty, try using Brasso... just be sure to clean again with alcohol to remove any Brasso residue left behind. Over an extended period of time, it can actually deteriorate the metal.

For the console pins themselves, use a card that's firm but thinner than a credit card. Pull a thin microfiber cloth tightly around an edge of the card... even an old thin undershirt will do. Dip the edge with cloth in alcohol, and blot it a little so it isn't dripping wet. Insert and remove from the cart slots 10 times or so.

And make sure not to place dirty carts in your consoles in the future, or your carts in dirty consoles, or you'll have to repeat the whole process.


Anyway, as far as cleaning goes... please don't clean the game pins by placing them in and out of the console pins. All you're doing is getting the console pins dirty. Use alcohol on a cotton swab to cleanse the pins, and it's still dirty, try using Brasso... just be sure to clean again with alcohol to remove any Brasso residue left behind. Over an extended period of time, it can actually deteriorate the metal.

Sorry I wasn't totally clear in my original post, I always give the contacts a clean on any new games before they even come near my console.
I was talking more about how it seems that cartridges which have been lying idle for years may take a few attempts to boot but once they have booted successfully they become a lot more reliable. I was wondering if this was actually a real thing or if it was just a coincidence.

Let me correct you, the Banjo games still run at 30 FPS because they were hard-locked to 30 FPS on N64. Perfect Dark does run at 60 FPS on 360 though.

Cheers, for that, I'll update my original post, haven't played the ports for years so I just assumed.
I love to piss my friends off with this console. They just don't understand there's a charm to the blurry mess some N64 games look like. I wish Smash wasn't so expensive... Want to play Smash 4? TOO BAD.

Oh man, loving playing Smash 64 right now. Going from 64 to Smash 4 really shows you how the game balance has evolved. 64 is super offensive and if you get stuck in a combo, you're pretty much dead. Smash 4 gives you opportunities to get out and defend yourself.


Next to my wrestling games these are my go to fighting games. Fighters Destiny is up there as one of my all time favs in regards to couch fun versus friends.


Neo Member
I owned a PlayStation during this generation, but the main reason I looked on with envy at the N64 is because it didn't need loading times for the games.


I wonder how much longer is GlideN64 going to take. N64 emulation will improve so damn much. Give me those accurate effects and visuals!

Ran Echelon

Neo Member
I wonder how much longer is GlideN64 going to take. N64 emulation will improve so damn much. Give me those accurate effects and visuals!

Me too! Should be great.

I've been having a hell of a time getting a nice emulator set up, can anyone recommend emu/plugins/settings for the following?:

(Mainly for OOT, and on Windows 7)

High resolutions
Widescreen hack
Save states
Works with a wired 360 controller, including rumble
Me too! Should be great.

I've been having a hell of a time getting a nice emulator set up, can anyone recommend emu/plugins/settings for the following?:

(Mainly for OOT, and on Windows 7)

High resolutions
Widescreen hack
Save states
Works with a wired 360 controller, including rumble

Project64 with Jabo's Direct3D8 graphics plugin (you have to turn on advanced options to force widescreen/1080p through the override aspect option but you can change the internal renderer size through the regular settings) does the first three, Project64 has save states anyway, and the N-Rage Input plugin will allow you to use your 360 controller (but I've never bothered with rumble so I dunno if that works)

I just got OoT and MM running at full 1920x1200 with 8xFSAA for the first time today and I must say, for N64 games they're straight up BEAUTIFUL. I'm gonna have to find the HD texture pack for OoT again and try it out. The AA and internal renderer upsize will work for all games but forcing aspect (meaning fullscreen 1080p) only works on some games without actual rom hacking.

Here are some screenshots, linked for big
OoT: http://abload.de/img/ootvcufx.png http://abload.de/img/oot2jgs2s.png
MM: http://abload.de/img/majorasmask0vuqj.png

Ran Echelon

Neo Member
They really do look good.

Thanks for the info, I've got it up and running ok now.
I'd like to make sure I'm using all the best settings, I don't suppose I could trouble you for screenshots of yours?
First thing's first, you want to go into Options > Settings and uncheck Hide Advanced Settings. This allows you to use the force aspect option. The second window is the list of plugins that I'm using. I didn't bother adjusting any settings as far as audio and whatever RSP is so I don't know if those are the best plugins but they work well for me.

Next, these are my graphics plugin settings.

On the Settings tab, you want your Windowed Resolution to be the largest size you can comfortably fit on your screen (I can technically *fit* 1600x1200 since my resolution is 1920x1200 but the window overlaps the taskbar so I went one size smaller) while Full Screen resolution is the native resolution of your screen, of course.
Dunno what Full Screen Sync is so I left it on the default.

I set Full Scene AA to 8x which removes the majority of the jaggies and makes the 3d models look really good. I left Anisotropic Filtering off because I honestly can't tell the difference between not having it at all and having it set on max. It doesn't impede gameplay on my end so if you think it'll help you, go ahead and turn that on.

I left the Game Preferences box at its default because I REALLY hate texture filters. I'd rather use an HD texture back than use that ugly HQ2x crap that makes stuff all muddy and disgusting.

On the advanced tab, I didn't touch any of that. You can ignore it.

On the Rom Settings tab, you want to leave all of this set to default except for the Override Aspect option. Unfortunately this doesn't work in every game (and will make certain games such as F-Zero X and Spider-Man unplayable because the camera flips out since the screen isn't 4:3 and you can't see what's going on) but you just have to turn it on and off in each game to see what works best for you. The Rom Settings tab is unique to each game so if you turn it on in OoT it'll stay on every time you load up OoT but if you load MM it won't be there until you go back in and turn it on.
Some games work great with Override Aspect turned on (Both zeldas, Mario 64 works but has some odd pop-in when things go out of the 4:3 game window, etc) but others don't like it too much so you'll have to play around with each game to find what works for you.

To use OA, just got into full screen.

Just to show what it changes, this is OA off: http://abload.de/img/oaoffk1bqb.png
and this is with it on: http://abload.de/img/oaone9x2h.png

Obviously with it off it just renders the default 4:3 window in your native screen size and with it on it ignores that and renders to the whole screen. Not every game shows the full screen even with it on though. Again, you'll just have to play around with it.

As far as controls, all you have to do is open the control box and check the Xinput box at the top left and then click Save and you're good to go.

...unfortunately though I have to turn Xinput on every time I load the emulator or change games and I'm not sure why. It doesn't save settings between games and I don't know if it's just a bad version or what but as long as the controls actually work it's not really a problem for me.


Are the Pokemon Stadium games worth getting? I have a Japanese console.

My only Pokemon GB game is the Japanese Blue, so if I got Stadium it would likely be the Japanese Stadium 2.

For my 64 I only have Shiren 2 so far as it's one of my favourite game series.

(Edit: the other option is the later Gold/Silver compatible version but I have no plans to get any GB games beyond Blue so I don't know if it'd be worth it - I can get Stadium 2 cheaper)
I have no reason to not talk about it here, and I might as well ask a few people here:
Anyone's interested on 64DD emulation?

Just saying, that's coming soon. I've been working on it but someone else eventually made something working, unlike me. At least I made a working dumper. :D

It took 15 years to dump all the disks (including the rare Super Mario 64 Disk Version that was made for demonstation purposes for Spaceworld '96), and finally emulate it. Happy?
I can say that all games are pretty much working (Mario Artist, SimCity 64... even Super Mario 64 Disk Version works).


I have no reason to not talk about it here, and I might as well ask a few people here:
Anyone's interested on 64DD emulation?

Just saying, that's coming soon. I've been working on it but someone else eventually made something working, unlike me. At least I made a working dumper. :D

It took 15 years to dump all the disks (including the rare Super Mario 64 Disk Version that was made for demonstation purposes for Spaceworld '96), and finally emulate it. Happy?
I can say that all games are pretty much working (Mario Artist, SimCity 64... even Super Mario 64 Disk Version works).

oooohhhh my goooodddd


more info plz

any links? website? blog? images of this shit running?

edit: awww yeaaah https://www.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/2rk6mt/64dd_support_is_in_the_works_for_cen64/
oooohhhh my goooodddd


more info plz

any links? website? blog? images of this shit running?

No links yet, it was only talked about on IRC yesterday. But I guess you should watch MESS' github because that's going to be there. Or I'll just say it here once it's out, and I'll probably make videos of it.

EDIT: No, not CEN64. I was just sucking at making it work. It's from a MESS developer called "Happy".

Soon, we'll finally play the early Wario Ware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FoB3n1kxrY
No links yet, it was only talked about on IRC yesterday. But I guess you should watch MESS' github because that's going to be there. Or I'll just say it here once it's out, and I'll probably make videos of it.

EDIT: No, not CEN64. I was just sucking at making it work. It's from a MESS developer called "Happy".

Soon, we'll finally play the early Wario Ware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FoB3n1kxrY
Wow, that's great! I saw your name mentioned by Kiddo Cabbusses a few times every now and then. Just wanted to drop by and say thank you for your effort! It means a lot for 64DD preservation.
Wow, that's great! I saw your name mentioned by Kiddo Cabbusses a few times every now and then. Just wanted to drop by and say thank you for your effort! It means a lot for 64DD preservation.
For someone who emulated Satellaview like me (is there a SNES appreciation thread..?):

64DD is insane. It took months for a failed try for a low level dumper, and then I went another way: And we dumped every games with it. I'm trying to make it work for blue disks (it does work, but the data is in the wrong order).

And I tried to emulate it... but if you don't know Disk 101 it was certain to be not going anywhere. And someone else went into it, and now: It works. Code is still not pushed at this time, though. Maybe other emulators (like CEN64 and Project64, which is alive now) will get that to run as well once it's out.


Just picked up a N64 for $20. I need to find a av cable. I bought one at launch from Toys R Us. I remember the games being expensive.I think I'm going to get all of the wrestling games,Mario and Banjo and call it a day.


I'm posting this here as well as the BUY/SELL/TRADE thread because I think some of you N64 heads might be interested.

I'm calling this the Ultra N64 Japanese bundle. I had my fun with it but I ended up buying a Saturn and a couple games so I need to recoup my losses.

I'd very much prefer to sell this as a packaged deal and I think it would be beneficial for you to buy it that way if you are interested.

This bundle comes with:
-Japanese Ice Blue N64 console with power adapter (no AV cord included)
-Ice Blue N64 controller with refurbished joystick and included rumble pak (not pictured, includes fresh batteries)
-Complete boxed copies of the Japanese versions of Mischief Makers and Wave Race 64 (shindou version IE rumble supported)
-Sin & Punishment cartridge (easily my favorite N64 game)
-F-Zero X cartridge
-Gamecube controller adapter which was purchased here and works perfectly: (http://www.raphnet.net/electronique/gc_to_n64/index_en.php)
-And finally a screwdriver bit type that fits the back screws of cartridges so you can swap the backs to play American games

I'm asking $220 for all of that which includes shipping. I think that's a pretty good deal considering everything you'll be getting.

Here are some pictures of everything I just listed, if you'd like to see more pictures just ask me:






Ran Echelon

Neo Member

Hey thanks a lot, just what I needed!

I found a few things that might be of interest:

In OOT loading the pause menu is slow, but you can enter a cheat to speed it up, like so:

The actual code required depends on which version of the game you have, see this post on the pj64 forum.

Downsampling works well to clean up aliasing on fences, bushes etc. I'm playing at 4k with Nvidia DSR.

Rumble works with these settings:

For some reason the 'Test' button does nothing, but rumble works fine in the game.


Got Ridge Racer 64; love this game. Visuals blow away the PS1 Ridge Racer games, and the game is extravagantly fun to just race and control your car at high speeds through corners.


Been playing some DKR, I never played it fully back in the day. It is fun, but some parts the frame rate is a little too choppy. I usually adjust to N64 well, maybe it's the varying degrees throwing me off a bit.

Still quite playable though.


Dunno if this was mentioned before, but the guy who is doing the updated GlideN64 plugin to allow for much better emulation of N64 needs some more backers

  • Creative part of the development is finished. New GUI works well. FSAA works well.
  • Circa 25 emulation related issues closed since the New Year beta release.
  • Currently I'm working on frame buffer emulation issues. Proper frame/depth buffer emulation is hardest part for graphics plugin with hardware rendering. The work is very tiresome, the progress is slow. I have to reproduce the result of Glide64 which I reached for years of development in much shorter time. Of course, I'm not limited by target hardware as before, but crazy creative ways of working with FB which N64 games use still can drive me mad.
Again I have to state that I very underestimate the complexity of the task I set for that project. Funds run out and I'm afraid that I'll have to release an incomplete product. However, there is a good news: the Late Backer Access is open again. It will not be open for long, as the project can't last forever. If you want to help me to prolong active development for some time and fix remaining issues, you may do it now.

Some comparison pics he posted

Donating gives you access to beta releases to try out several games that could not be emulated properly in the past.

Late Backer Access
Has there been any progress getting Pokemon Snap to emulate? I know there was a big issue with taking pictures and it just wouldn't work. I love my cart but I'd also love to play it in higher definition.


Wow. There's still lots of problems with rendering orders and protocols. Some things that should be there, aren't there at all. Some things that shouldn't show up, do and clutter up the screen.


I might consider backing a little to help. It would be great to one day have almost perfect N64 emulation. 1080p N64 would be nice.
For someone who emulated Satellaview like me (is there a SNES appreciation thread..?):

64DD is insane. It took months for a failed try for a low level dumper, and then I went another way: And we dumped every games with it. I'm trying to make it work for blue disks (it does work, but the data is in the wrong order).

And I tried to emulate it... but if you don't know Disk 101 it was certain to be not going anywhere. And someone else went into it, and now: It works. Code is still not pushed at this time, though. Maybe other emulators (like CEN64 and Project64, which is alive now) will get that to run as well once it's out.
Sorry for the late reply!

Yes, there is a SNES collection/appreciation thread btw: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=511429

It is really exciting to read all this stuff around 64DD which is happening lately. Any news or updates regarding this stuff would be much appreciated. Again, thanks a lot for helping to make this possible!
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