Sony evangelists should stay in their own threads, it's getting pretty tiring to read the same old arguments all the time. Don't you guys have anything better to do? Like playing your playstation? Oh, are you at work and don't have time? Buy a Switch and game during breaks! It works in school too!
This machine is the console for dads. If you have a small kid and you actually participate in his/her daily life you won't get lots of free time. Switch allows me to sneak some gaming time in between my son's needs, study, work, my damn wife needs attention too... Then I have to sleep and eat and buy food and make the food and... Oh, and I just can't get TV time, if I open the TV my son wants to watch something. Evenings are usually occupied with some series with wife. Switch allows me to play when the TV show is something woman-like, like Vain Elämää or something.
The laptop analogy that someone wrote fits the Switch pretty well. People use laptops because they are convenient and not set in one place. Like Switch. Laptop are weaker than desktops, like Switch is weaker than broconsoles.
But in the end laptop and Switch both have the same capabilities than their stronger relatives, they are just a tad weaker. But you can move them from place tLo place, and they are convenient. They don't need a dedicated place like a console or desktop does.
In my opinion that analogy sums up pretty well the success factors Switch has over others. Different strengths, suits the modern lifestyle.