I've got 3 games on Switch: Zelda, Blaster Master, and Puyo Puyo. I like the device a lot, and had a blast playing Zelda in particular on it, is still an infant system. I'm really curious what 2018 is going to look like for it. I want it to be my go-to Nintendo/Japan system. And until we start seeing solid release dates and broad support from Japanese third parties, I'm going to be nervous about the shape Switch will end up taking. Sure, think of it as a Nintendo device or take the noise from Japan as foretelling good support...but the Switch has so much potential to be both what the Japanese industry as a whole needs and what Nintendo needs. I really really want it to be both.
I also really enjoy Mario games, but they don't take up too much of my mindshare. Nintendo needs to give me a solid, positive look at, say, FE or a new Metroid to get me excited on that end. I think Switch is coming in with a very good slate of Nintendo titles this year. I just probably am not getting Splatoon, Arms, or Kart but that multiplayer content is going to push Switch in a big way. So I'm going to be a later bloomer for the system with regards to Nintendo software than most.
But I like the hardware. The hybrid functionality works well. It is a powerful handheld. It feels better in my hands than a 3DS. Etc.
IDK. It'll probably be my main gaming device in the future, but I'm still waiting for that to happen and am playing mostly on 3DS and PS4 atm.