disagreed here. Destiny 2 is being dropped from last gen systems for a reason, many of those games would have severe downgrades that might compromize the vision too much. I think you are overstating how powerful it is. I play Zelda everyday and then turn on something on PS4, it's a big difference.Yeah that was kinda the joke haha
I disagree with that. The Switch's screen really isn't that small when you hold it near your body, so I don't see why a game like CoD would be any worse on that than on a TV. And power-wise I think you're greatly underselling it- I still don't see any evidence that there's a single multiplat out there that can't be ported to the Switch. Those games (RDR2/GTA) may miss the system but that won't be due to power, rather publisher interest or target audience composition.
The bottom line is there are plenty of people in this very thread who have said they haven't touched their PS4 or XB1 more than once or twice since the Switch launched, and that's because it allows one to play games a lot more easily, quickly, and in a way that fits their lifestyle. I don't know why that type of benefit changes for different types of games.
Obviously different people will want different things out of their hardware, but this will definitely replace traditional consoles for some people. It already has, really.
that's what I love about my Switch, how different it is. But that's just my opinion, it doesn't really replace my PS4 time anymore than I'm just obsessed with the latest game (Zelda) once I finish it, I'll be back to obsessing over P5 or something cuz that's what I'm currently playing.
Switch has a lot of issues and is super barebones, I'm not going to rave about the hardware just yet, it's really the games that are amazing imo.