Also, I guess the lady who tried to seduce Jim is gone with no notice, like that stupid sideplot.
I'm tying to remember who you're referring to, and it sounds familiar, but I just can't remember? What was this plot point from?
Remember the lady that tried to seduce Jim in Florida for like 3 episodes, and then nothing happened and there were no consequences and then she disappeared and then it was never mentioned again?
And, just for reference, I had the same issue with the exploding printers. Did anything ever come of that?
What's kind of the dividing line for season 4 with the writers strike? Is it Dinner Party?
The Erin and new guy thing sucks though.
The girl who tried to seduce Jim was temping for Pam, so she wasn't going to be around long anyway. What was the point behind testing Jim's commitment? Did anybody ever believe for a second that he might cheat on Pam? I didn't.
And they insinuated that a romance between Andy and Robert California's wife might take place and then it never happened. Then they brought in some other pointless love interest for Andy that went nowhere and only served to further stall his relationship with Erin. Seemed like they were desperately trying to recreate what they did with Jim and Pam the first few seasons with Andy and Erin and it just flopped. The cast has always been great but the writing has just gone downhill.
Dinner Party is one of my favorite episodes, but I know a lot of people hold seething hatred for that particular ep.What's kind of the dividing line for season 4 with the writers strike? Is it Dinner Party?
Please no, they can't. After going so far to set up Andy and Erin as the perfect match for eachother, bland mr. whoever the fuck is supposed to steal her heart away now? Unless they set up Andy to have become a totally different (worse) person by the end of the season, totally unfit to date Erin, I'm not buying it.I'm okay with it. Reminds me of Jim and Pam from the first 2 seasons, complete with douchebag boyfriend/fiancé Andy.
Dinner Party is one of my favorite episodes, but I know a lot of people hold seething hatred for that particular ep.
I also love Dinner Party.
Dinner Party Defense Force, assemble.
You can all fight against me. I found that to be one of the worst episodes ever. I also rank S4 with S2 of Heroes. GRRRRR
You can all fight against me. I found that to be one of the worst episodes ever. I also rank S4 with S2 of Heroes. GRRRRR
I usually just watch reruns on Netflix, but every once in a while I'll bust out one of my seasons on dvd and watch all of the deleted scenes. I've probably seen them as many times as the episodes themselves.
Good luck paying me back with your zero salary and zero benefits, babe.
That's a great line, but my favorite moment was just before that, with Michael yelling out in anger, "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" after Jan says "You're hardly my first." He was seething with such anger, yet he couldn't stop himself from making the joke. That gets me every time.
You can all fight against me. I found that to be one of the worst episodes ever. I also rank S4 with S2 of Heroes. GRRRRR
The hour-long episodes at the start of the seasonsave "Money"are a mess, and there's some duds in there, but "The Deposition" and "Dinner Party" are both excellent. You could see the seeds for the show's late season struggles in Season Four, but the episodes on either side of the strike got them headed in the right direction.
Kind of glad. I hate when they try to make it seem like Jim is going to have to convince Pam that he'd never cheat. They've established that Pam knows Jim would never in a million years do something like that and she trusts he is smart enough to think his way out of situations like that. Still... Wasn't she one of the people Robert fired when they fucked up the store opening? (Which he had planned to fail anyway) Remember, Nelly was on the team as was Dwight, but Jim was able to get Dwight to stay out of the spotlight and Nelly weaselled her way off the team leaving whatever nobodies were left in its wake. She was one of them I believe. So she's gone. Kaput. Fired. Left in Florida to rot... or find another job I guess.Remember the lady that tried to seduce Jim in Florida for like 3 episodes, and then nothing happened and there were no consequences and then she disappeared and then it was never mentioned again?
Jo explained it in the finale of that season that they knew about the problem and wanted to keep it a secret because they were already working on a software patch to keep the damage controlled, but Andy just had to bring it to the public. Would have been nice if Jo had let the employees in on the problem so they could, you know, handle the customer support end properly. It's really all Jo's fault. But I suspect it was just fixed with the patch like they said. Printergate probably lasted a short while just like the iPhone 4's Antennagate. It's how businesses work.And, just for reference, I had the same issue with the exploding printers. Did anything ever come of that?
Kind of glad. I hate when they try to make it seem like Jim is going to have to convince Pam that he'd never cheat. They've established that Pam knows Jim would never in a million years do something like that and she trusts he is smart enough to think his way out of situations like that. Still... Wasn't she one of the people Robert fired when they f***ed up the store opening? (Which he had planned to fail anyway) Remember, Nelly was on the team as was Dwight, but Jim was able to get Dwight to stay out of the spotlight and Nelly weaselled her way off the team leaving whatever nobodies were left in its wake. She was one of them I believe. So she's gone. Kaput. Fired. Left in Florida to rot... or find another job I guess.
He only fired who he saw in front of him. Also, he's Robert California. We don't try and figure him out. Would you want to be within viewing range of your boss when he's angry as hell? No, you want to be off somewhere he can't find you in the moment waiting for the moment to pass. He made it quite clear that he set the whole thing up to fail. And only fired the people still up there to look big to the stockholders. I dunno, it was all explained in a way.Why would she have been one of the ones fired, yet all of those others that were already employees at the office (Jim, Stanley, Ryan, Erin, etc) weren't? They didn't mention it. It only seemed that Robert was going to fire the lead people.
Where's David Wallace?
Wtf, Bryan Cranston's the director??
They've clearly just started writing Andy as Michael now.
You took me by the hand...