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The Official Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Thread


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
Plus launching a week after Gears is crazy

The reviews are going to do this game in. If they were all really good the game would have sold decently but with them being all over the place I don't think consumers have much confidence in the game, even at discount price. I love the game and hope I'm proven wrong though :(
Looks like this will be another Rare game I love but no-one buys. In a way I don't care, because frankly if you're the sort of person that wouldn't even give a demo a try because a game is cute / colourful I have no time for you anyway...

But in another way I'd love to see these games do well.

(Obviously people who try it and don't like it are fine in my book too. Broken, but fine. ;)
Fuck the reviews. Eventho I now feel that demo didnt exactly do the best job of presenting what the game is all about, download it and if you like it, chances are you'll like the full game. As a longtime Banjo fan and as someone who was skeptical on the Vehicle Creation part of the game originally, I couldnt be more happy with this title.


This game is great so far. Since I don't have my own 360 yet, I just rented it and I'm playing it at my sister's house. But I'll definitely buy my own copy once I get my own 360.

I played the game for about five hours straight, and probably would have kept playing if the system hadn't frozen. So I guess I gotta let it cool off for a bit. What's annoying is that my main goal was to get to Banjo Land, and the game decided to freeze right as I was going into it.

There's not much to say that hasn't been said. Vehicle creation is really fun, game looks great, writing is funny. I don't have any real gripes with the game yet. Well, I guess the challenges where you're not allowed to make your own vehicle aren't as fun as the ones where you can. Also, it would be nice if you could just pick up parts instead of having to bring them back to Mumbo. And there seems to be a split second of lag when controlling Banjo, though that might be the wireless controller. But those are really minor gripes.

I guess I can see where it might not appeal to a lot of people, but as an engineer at heart and someone who will take a good colorful cartoony art style over gritty realism any day, I find this game to be great fun.


For the people with the NXE already, does this game have any problems at all with being installed to the HDD (glitches, bugs)? Any improvements?


PSGames said:
The reviews are going to do this game in. If they were all really good the game would have sold decently but with them being all over the place I don't think consumers have much confidence in the game, even at discount price. I love the game and hope I'm proven wrong though :(

No one cares if a game has "all over the place" reviews. Have you seen the sales charts? :p


Man, I just spent well over an hour trying to design the perfect vehicle for one mission, basically so I could get the trophy with as little effort in the mission as possible. Wound up getting a pretty good score though. It was the Stoney Football mission in Banjoland, and I got 17 balls. I probably could have gotten 30 or close to it with my vehicle if I'd done it better, though.

This game is just brilliant. Screw the reviews.
The Game is amazing. I loved Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie(Both better than SM64). But for me is Banjo 360 only a Spinoff. I wait for a Jump'n'Run Next Gen! Pls Rare make this happen!

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
gnarkill bill said:
Fuck the reviews. Eventho I now feel that demo didnt exactly do the best job of presenting what the game is all about, download it and if you like it, chances are you'll like the full game. As a longtime Banjo fan and as someone who was skeptical on the Vehicle Creation part of the game originally, I couldnt be more happy with this title.

How close is the full game compared to the demo then?
I really hated the demo, couldn't even force myself to finish the 1st level, is the full game drastically different in level design & pace?
This game has so much style and humor for those who have played the older games. What's great is that it feels like they fixed many of the wacky physics that plagued the demo for me and the graphics are top notch from the water effects (which I especially liked) to the textures that give off the patchwerk feel in each level.

I like how no one knows what the inherit value of this game is like reviewers givings 9's as well as 8's, 7's, even a 6.7 from Gametrailers (ouch that hurt, I usually can appreciate their reviews). From what I played for the last 3 days, this game is just sheer fun you'll be in the vehicle editor/test-track for 20 minutes for a 5 minute mission and not feel unsatisfied at all. A very original game which could only be better with more platforming but the lack of shouldn't be a factor in your enjoyment; there is plenty of fun to be had in this game.
Based on the demo I actually figured I'd hate working on the cars... but when you know you can re-use them and keep building on them it suddenly becomes exciting when you get some snazzy new part.

I have a speed mobile with loads of gadgets on it just for exploring the game worlds. :D


I've started getting into the harder challenges and finding it alot less fun because I am having to either avoid the challenges because I cannot compete with my current parts, or spend ages tweaking vehicles.. I spent 20 minutes working on a "scooper" car to push totemblocks off a podium only to find that the back was too long to make the clearance up a ramp. If the vehicle editor wasnt so clunky with a controller it wouldnt have been too big a deal but i just turned the 360 off in annoyance.
painey said:
If the vehicle editor wasnt so clunky with a controller it wouldnt have been too big a deal but i just turned the 360 off in annoyance.
You find it clunky? I'm surprised with how well it's working for me. What's your particular difficulty? The only thing that's affected me so far is not finding places to fit my toys. :D
God I fucking love this game.

Five and a half hours straight.

17 jiggies.

I think the problem for some people might be not enjoying building vehicles for specific challenges. On the contrary, I love this. It's not really that frustrating considering I haven't found a spot yet where I'm down to one last Jiggie Challenge and no parts to make the car I need. And if I did, I'd just hunt around Showdown Town some more.

The notorious Eye Protection challenge from the demo is indeed FUCK HARD but I just tabled it for later when I have enough parts to build the right vehicle. There's certainly no shortage of other shit to do.

If you're really getting frustrated with something, put it off, try some other challenges. The only pro-tip: DO A GRUNTY CHALLENGE THE MOMENT IT COMES UP. They are critical to your advancement.

I haven't found a racing challenge that I hated yet, nor any other kind of challenge that was needlessly frustrating.

And flying. Holy shit. Once you get off the ground, it's really like a whole new game.

Structurally it's fair to say that this is more of a GTA4 than a traditional platformer. You don't fight enemies on the ground (I mean, you can, but, there's no reason to), you just go from challenge to challenge. I've found all of them fun, especially because I just plain LIKE tweaking my vehicles. It's fun to try different approaches and build different stuff, try it out, go back to the garage, tweak it a bit, etc.

And all of this is super easy to navigate to, and never takes too frustrating long in terms of loading or anything.

Graphically, I know there are probably other more impressive games out there, but I've never played one that captures this kind of art design in such amazing splendor. It's just a ridiculously good looking game.

And Showdown Town, the hub world, has plenty of puzzle solving and navigating to do if you want the most parts (and trust me you do).

Someone explain where in B&K the Stop And Swop part is, because I want every last damn possible part I can get.

Seriously, I absolutely love this game and it's $40 price tag is frankly insulting considering how much game is in it.

And note, I haven't even touched Multi, which has an obscene amount of potential for Battle Bots/Chromehound load out style fun.

Fucking amazing game.

Well done, LOG.
BenjaminBirdie said:
The only pro-tip: DO A GRUNTY CHALLENGE THE MOMENT IT COMES UP. They are critical to your advancement.
Why's that?

Oh, and yeah I agree... spend as much time as you can jumping around showdown town. There are soooooo many parts boxes to get there. :D
FTWer said:
How close is the full game compared to the demo then?
I really hated the demo, couldn't even force myself to finish the 1st level, is the full game drastically different in level design & pace?

Well no, its nothing drastically different but obviously you're limited to so much in the demo compared to the full game that its difficult to really grasp what the whole game is about just from playing the demo(atleast IMO). The more stuff you unlock(parts, worlds, blueprints, etc) the more and more interesting the game becomes. At the point of the game that im at now, Ive unlocked a ton of stuff that im able to create some pretty crazy vehicles. If you're a Banjo fan, I highly suggest you check it out because all of the charm and humor is still very much there but if you really hated the demo chances are you probably wont enjoy the full game.
I don't know if I'm going crazy, but the framerate seems to become worse when the game is installed on the harddrive. Especially in
The Terrarium of Terror
. Anybody else with the same problem?
I really really love this game.
Finished the arcade game and I'm up to about 36 trophies now. Yeesh I'm not even a quarter of the way through the game.

The nice thing about the vehicle customization is that depending on the challenge I can go back to some of my other custom blueprints and add more power to them + fix whatever kinks that didn't work out.

Also got scuba gear for my towncar. It seems useless but all of those paths underwater with the red lights around them open up, which leads to more goodies.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Also got scuba gear for my towncar. It seems useless but all of those paths underwater with the red lights around them open up, which leads to more goodies.

Is there one for flying? I can't figure out how to get to the roofs around the Jiggoseum port area.
Yeah, it's a hard pill to swallow when other regions are getting it so cheap. If it wasn't for the fact I was buying BK XBLA anyway I would have waited.


This game is amazing, it's so thoroughly enjoyable. I love attempting a challenge, doing badly, then making a HUGE tray with walls around it, a jet, some big engines, propellers and some balloons... just to carry some nuts :D

It has completely obliterated all my expectations, which were high enough already. They've just put so much thought and care into this game, and it's so enjoyable to do everything and nothing. There's the occasional mission that's a bit crappy, but there seems to be quite a bit of variety due to the environments.

Seriously, without a doubt my game of the year so far. I still have yet to play Fallout 3 and Gears of War 2, but unless they're mind bogglingly epic and refined, they wont touch this for me.

Ok, enough of bumming the game. I found the yellow egg in Banjo Kazooie XBLA (herein after referred to as BKX) and booted up Nuts n Bolts. It showed me a clip of where the egg was, and i wasn't paying attention so i missed half of it. I did some looking around and found a painting on the wall of it, with some dude next to it going on about sirens... and i was leik "wtf son?"

RARE - charge twice as much for your next Banjo game, throw in a keyring and some art books and I will buy the hell out of that shit. Seriously <3
lol... the screen effects in the second world are going to scare the crap out of people that have been having 360 issues recently.
I think the best thing I can say about Nuts and Bolts is it displaced Fallout 3 mid-play through...that it saying something.

Awesome job Rare. *high five*

All I need to do now is find some jet engines...


I have one so far, no idea where I found it. I think it might have been high up in Banjo Land, i'm not sure.

The one I found is small and adds some insane power to stuff. Can only imagine how ridiculously fast the big ones will be.

What I really want to happen at the end is have an infinite number of the parts available to you, and the ability to modify your showdown town vehicle fully.
Psychotext said:
Looks like this will be another Rare game I love but no-one buys. In a way I don't care, because frankly if you're the sort of person that wouldn't even give a demo a try because a game is cute / colourful I have no time for you anyway...

But in another way I'd love to see these games do well.

(Obviously people who try it and don't like it are fine in my book too. Broken, but fine. ;)

I like Rare a lot. PDZ co-op was some of the most fun I've had with my 360, VP is gold and Kameo is a great, great game.

I do not like BKB&B what so ever. I absolutely hated the demo. I don't get why they felt they needed to use the Banjo name to create their type of game, and despite vouching for it when announced, I hate what I've played. I want to like it, but I don't.
jonnybryce said:
I do not like BKB&B what so ever. I absolutely hated the demo. I don't get why they felt they needed to use the Banjo name to create their type of game, and despite vouching for it when announced, I hate what I've played. I want to like it, but I don't.
But that's fine, at least you tried it.

Oddly enough I'm having about 6000x more fun with the full game than the demo. But then I didn't enjoy the demo because everything I did in it I'd have to do again in the full game.


I hate the double standards of Gametrailers and other reviews, tweaking a Smash Bros. level or LBP level till it finally works the way you want to is a 'feature' while tweaking your vehicle in Banjo is tedious.

I have to agree on one thing though. It's no classic Banjo, I love it but I can understand that people who're not into creative games or funracers aren't. I demand a vehicle builder in the next Mario Kart though:lol . I also get the feeling that we'll see a proper Banjo Threeie next year, like they did Viva Pinata and then Viva Pinata: TiP, although that's just fingers-crossed, wishful thinking on my part. I love this game, but I wouldn't complain if a sequel had a bit more platforming. But most of the time you have to find your own platforming in this game, stuff like climbing LOG's tower or finding your way through showdown Town.
[Nintex] said:
I hate the double standards of Gametrailers and other reviews, tweaking a Smash Bros. level or LBP level till it finally works the way you want to is a 'feature' while tweaking your vehicle in Banjo is tedious.

I have to agree on one thing though. It's no classic Banjo, I love it but I can understand that people who're not into creative games or funracers aren't. I demand a vehicle builder in the next Mario Kart though:lol . I also get the feeling that we'll see a proper Banjo Threeie next year, like they did Viva Pinata and then Viva Pinata: TiP, although that's just fingers-crossed, wishful thinking on my part. I love this game, but I wouldn't complain if a sequel had a bit more platforming. But most of the time you have to find your own platforming in this game, stuff like climbing LOG's tower or finding your way through showdown Town.

Just thinking about going back to the BKX seems pretty boring to me, to be honest. This is a clearly different kind of game but one that's more to my liking. I've never been good at thos hyper precise kind of platforming games. This is so much more effortlessly fun to me. I haven't gotten very far in BKX, though, so I might be way off.
BenjaminBirdie said:

I think the problem for some people might be not enjoying building vehicles for specific challenges. On the contrary, I love this. It's not really that frustrating considering I haven't found a spot yet where I'm down to one last Jiggie Challenge and no parts to make the car I need. And if I did, I'd just hunt around Showdown Town some more.

Structurally it's fair to say that this is more of a GTA4 than a traditional platformer. You don't fight enemies on the ground (I mean, you can, but, there's no reason to), you just go from challenge to challenge. I've found all of them fun, especially because I just plain LIKE tweaking my vehicles. It's fun to try different approaches and build different stuff, try it out, go back to the garage, tweak it a bit, etc.

I agree with a lot of that, apart from the 720 level (which I like a lot for interesting design and humor) the whole game is made to experiment with. When you make the perfect vehicle for the mission at had and own the T.T. Trophy there is a sense of accomplishment.

A lot of the game rests on you using your imagination, if you're not up to the task or want the game to help you along it doesn't do much of baby-sitting which is not going to be particularly popular with little kids as this is too much work for them. But for the rest of us if you can get past that then you'll end up having an enjoyable experience, I can't wait to use some of my creations online.

[Nintex said:
]I hate the double standards of Gametrailers and other reviews, tweaking a Smash Bros. level or LBP level till it finally works the way you want to is a 'feature' while tweaking your vehicle in Banjo is tedious.
I also was particularly annoyed when they divided up all the tasks into 3 categories: racing, collecting, or fighting. Apart from the racing (which is as they say brainless but fun though building and tweaking the car is anything but) the other two are immensely different experiences based on the car/plane/helicopter/boats you make. IT makes it sound as if they used their trolley for each mission and didn't bother tweaking a vehicle for the right mission.

A lot of those fighting missions have alternates to them like defending an acorn from hordes of enemies for a timer in which I respond by making a fast helicopter that sticky balls the acorn and runs around the map till the timer is done with.

I can understand the frustration and like some others said if you hated the demo you are NOT going to like this game. I liked the demo though and it is pretty much what I expected. And it is a hell of a lot longer than Mirror's Edge (which I loved but the campaign was short).


LogBox 720 is my least favourite level so far, stuff everywhere so you cant fly with ease (especially how one knock takes about a minute to recover) and annoying things attacking you non stop. Nutty Acres is my favourite because its so vibrant and big.


Yeh I can't stand LogBox either, it's a really inventive level with some cool ideas in it, but it's a bit frustrating. Pretty hardcore actually now I think of it, especially considering it's the second level.

Nutty Acres is by far my favourite, but then I've only unlocked the first three levels :p

5th on that stupid oval race on LogBox chapter 6(?) :p
WOOO made it to the top of LOG's tower! Nice flashy parts at the top! And a special..."hack".


Fucking. Love. This. Game.

Wrongest reviewed game ever.
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