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The Official Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Thread


Fixed2BeBroken said:
ok, im stupid, where the heck do I get the second jiggy in the first world?

I don't see any guy with a jiggy over his head, and there seems to be no way to access a map to find out

Are you looking at your mini-map? Keep in mind that if the Jiggy has a red circle around it, he's below you, if it has a blue circle it's above you, and if it's green you're on the same level.

Waikis said:
Heh,I did that mission with a vehicle shaped like :

(topdown view)

No cart was involved : p.

edit: damn formatting, I cant draw the vehicle >< .

I just took a normal boat and added a big C-shaped thing on the front, and then made a cage around it that only kept the front open because balls kept jumping over the sides. Worked great, I could get two balls at a time and I got like 18 on my first try. I'd bet I could do it even better now with a bigger cup, better engines, and more floaters.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Smart. Herding instinct.

Here we go.

My vehicle for kill x missions,it shoots weapons at all directions:
(still WIP)


BenjaminBirdie said:


It's not too bad with 6-8 propellers pushing it :p.

This one weights a fuck ton though :


I use this for protect x missions. There's a turret on top of it. So usually I would place the object below the vehicle, go out and mount the turret to shoot incoming threats. :D
Waikis said:
It's not too bad with 6-8 propellers pushing it :p.

This one weights a fuck ton though :

I use this for protect x missions. There's a turret on top of it. So usually I would place the object below the vehicle, go out and mount the turret to shoot incoming threats. :D

Actually, I meant if it used Heavy or Light body parts.

That Protrectron 3000 looks fucking sick as does your Killeganatron 2500. Nice work.


Prine said:
Is there a photo mode like Halo 3?!

Yes, but the website functionality isn't up yet.

I just built my favorite vehicle, it's an all-purpose vehicle built more for navigating the worlds and looking for notes and getting from A to B than it is for missions. It's a modified Humba blueprint with a large tray in the middle for carrying shit, upward-lift propellers for getting airborne, forward-motion propellers for more speed in the air and underwater movement, deflatable flotation devices for sitting on the water, and wheels for easier ground movement. It's my go-to ride. :D


So, I dove in last night. Incredible. I got like, 6 jiggies, and like 3 TT's.

I made vehicles called "Collector", "Speed", and "Attack". I love them all like they are my own children. The workshop is PERFECT.

I don't get the hate on this game. I mean, I understand if someone just isn't into the gameplay, but I don't understand the hate. It's not like Rare tried to turn Banjo into something thats "hot" right now, like its not a cover based shooter. Its not some kind of lazy cash in, nothing like that.

Rare just thought it would be cool to take the game in this direction. I wouldn't even be surprised if we found out that it was a traditional Banjo game at first, but they wanted some vehicle challenges. Then they found out that the engine they wrote for the programmers/artists to make the vehicles WAS the most fun part of the game, so the re-tooled everything.

So yeah, to sum up...
This game is incredible and amazing, and I don't understand the hate! :D
Psychotext said:
How many other titles have that pulling power?
Oh come on. It could have been Adam the Aardvark and it still would have sold great. It wasn't a game that sold only due to the Mario character, it sold huge because it is a great game.
speculawyer said:
Oh come on. It could have been Adam the Aardvark and it still would have sold great. It wasn't a game that sold only due to the Mario character, it sold huge because it is a great game.

Oh come on. It sold huge because it was a Mario game and just happened to be great. Every Mario game puts up big numbers.
speculawyer said:
Oh come on. It could have been Adam the Aardvark and it still would have sold great. It wasn't a game that sold only due to the Mario character, it sold huge because it is a great game.

An "Adam The Aardvark" game wouldn't have been as hilariously witty. That's like making "Being John Malkovich", "Being Fictional Actor Stip Melwith".
Waikis said:

Btw, go watch the credits even if you havent finished the game. The credits showed some "vehicles" created by Rare .Some of them are pretty sick.

I'm fond of LOG Vehicle Challenges for this reason too. The Pizza Truck/Plane was really inspired.


speculawyer said:
Oh come on. It could have been Adam the Aardvark and it still would have sold great. It wasn't a game that sold only due to the Mario character, it sold huge because it is a great game.


Have you played Zack and Wiki, or Beyond Good and Evil? Great games without known characters are not a sure bet to sell well. Especially ones with whimsical cartoony graphics. Psychonauts anyone?

PS - Don't expect the photo thing to go live until after NXE. Live is incredibly wonky right now, I got the next-next-gen achievement last night, and it hasn't shown up on xbox.com yet, which shows me there are some serious LIVE issues at the moment.

In basically the first Challenge in Terrarium Act 1 (Humba's, you have to like find a viewing station for her research team?), you have this bizarre LOG vehicle that can hop and has four rows of sails. SOMETHING is mapped to 'B' but I can't figure out what it is. I just hear a click when I press it.

Please help.

Thank you.


It might be a gyroscope, I'm not sure. I did that mission today and only remember hopping :D I might go back and have a look.

Hold down B and turn the vehicle and see what happens.


goldenpp72 said:
psychonauts is a better example, pure platformer, great, amazing, sold like shit.

That's what this situation is reminding me of, Nuts & Bolts is like the Psychonauts of this generation. Some of the most clever humor, unique level designs and best cartoonish artwork since Psychonauts, yet it's met with a lukewarm critical and consumer response.

Eh, whatcha gonna do? That doesn't bother me so much, it's the people who blindly and constantly hate on Rare's shit because it's Microsoft's Rare now instead of Nintendo's Rare that need their nuts stepped on.
Woffls said:
It makes your vehicle do flips and stuff. I imagined they might use it for that vehicle so that you could angle your turns better.

Stick it on a plane and it's easier to do loops and BARREL ROLLS and stuff.

It's actually really useful in a dog fight.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Am going to try make some cars from Wacky Racers, The Gruesome Twosome in the Creepy Coupe 02 :D

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I need to get my adapter back from my friend and hop online again. This game has been everything and more to me.
BenjaminBirdie said:

In basically the first Challenge in Terrarium Act 1 (Humba's, you have to like find a viewing station for her research team?), you have this bizarre LOG vehicle that can hop and has four rows of sails. SOMETHING is mapped to 'B' but I can't figure out what it is. I just hear a click when I press it.

Please help.

Thank you.

It's a headlight that is completely useless.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Wow! Death From Above!!!

Time to make the Photo/Vehicle Thread pretty soon, methinks.

Id say when the banjo-kazooie.com showroom is up and running.
Or is there another way to get photos you've taken online?
Eh, whatcha gonna do? That doesn't bother me so much, it's the people who blindly and constantly hate on Rare's shit because it's Microsoft's Rare now instead of Nintendo's Rare that need their nuts stepped on.
Rare's bad reputation was well deserved and I am pretty sure these bitter Nintendo fans are nothing but boogeymen. They were getting plenty of flak before the sale and they haven't done much on either Xbox to improve their rep.

Thankfully they seem to have gotten back on track, since VP and N&B are both fantastic.


formerly cjelly
I've been loving this game, played about 8 hours and only have a handful of Jiggies. Been spending way too long trying to get all of Mumbo's Crates in Showdown Town.

One thing pisses me off no end:


It's like Rare took the physics from GRID and PGR3, shoved them in a blender with a little bit of shit and then used whatever came out. It's absolutely awful. There are tiny bits of scenery laying around which causes your vehicle to spin wildly out of control like the afore-mentioned games, and trying to land your vehicle in anyway other than straight ends in an absolute disaster. Plus, the way you stick to enemy vehicles is fucking horrid. Someone patch this shit.

Other than that, it's my GOTY.
cjelly said:
There are tiny bits of scenery laying around which causes your vehicle to spin wildly out of control like the afore-mentioned games, and trying to land your vehicle in anyway other than straight ends in an absolute disaster. Plus, the way you stick to enemy vehicles is fucking horrid. Someone patch this shit.
You can fix all of that with custom designed vehicles (I appreciate it sucks for LOG's choice events though). Just add a couple of spoilers or weight for extra downforce, use the sticky tires and cover your wheels so they don't get caught on your competitors.

In other words, design it more like a stock car than an F1 car. :)
cjelly said:
It's like Rare took the physics from GRID and PGR3, shoved them in a blender with a little bit of shit and then used whatever came out. It's absolutely awful. There are tiny bits of scenery laying around which causes your vehicle to spin wildly out of control like the afore-mentioned games, and trying to land your vehicle in anyway other than straight ends in an absolute disaster. Plus, the way you stick to enemy vehicles is fucking horrid. Someone patch this shit.

You can build vehicles with better traction and, thus, a better handling and stability. Sticking to enemy vehicles though, yeah. Rough stuff, especially in planes. Cars, you can always just throw a spring or a retractable propeller to avoid those sorts of things.


So I just got this game (or rather, the demo....my copy isn't supposed to arrive till Thursday...sigh...) and I had some questions. They aren't about gameplay, but I'm sure those will come sometime in the future. This game might overwhelm me a bit so I'm sure I'll be back. Before I ask my questions though, some initial impressions of the demo:

-The production value is outstanding. Tons of polish and Banjo charm. The game is just gorgeous. Also nostalgia.

-I'm still a bit overwhelmed. The world is huge and the vehicle creator seems to be a bit complex. I'll have to study it and take my time with it for sure.

-Music is amazing.

-Clanker's challenge is uber hard. Although I have no idea what kind of vehicle I should make, but I'm sure there's one that will make it easy.

-Don't quite understand the get parts>build with them thing yet. You know, like Humba's shop and finding parts and just trivial questions that will be answered in time.

-I'm not too worried about any of these. Just wanted to share. I also don't want to spend too much time figuring it out because I don't want to play the demo too much before I get the actual game. I'm funny about that.

Okay, onto my questions. As a huge Banjo fan, I want to be able to get the most out of the game. Here they are:

1.) The text scrolling too fast is a major concern of mine. I'm no amateur subtitle reader; I watch a lot of anime, but this is quite ridiculous. If I don't have control over the text, it will scroll away before I read it 90 percent of the time. I don't want to miss any of the jokes or gameplay information. (This isn't really a question....but I want input).

2.) I saw someone post something in here about holding LB to slow it down, but it didn't work for me. Why is this? Remember, I have the demo...could that be it?

3.) I also know that Rare is releasing a patch for SD users to more easily read the text, right? Will this also affect players who use HD televisions? I can read the text decently, but it's still really small. They should only have had two lines of text in the speech bubbles instead of three. Not to, again, mention the too-fast-scrolling speed. It's sad. I spend more time trying to beat the clock with the text instead of enjoying the cinematic or whatever.

4.) When is this patch going to be released, if not already?

5.) Will this patch just address text size, and not speed? I have little hope for my problem being fixed, because they would have to change cinematics and stuff to fit the slower text speed. Or am I wrong and should be hopeful? :)

I think that's all. Can't wait to join you guys in the discussions. I'm trying to stay pretty spoiler free so I haven't read TOO much, but what I see I like. I want to make vehicles plz. :)
LB only works in the full game. The patch will fix the size of the text, and there's no word on if it will fix anything else.

Also, the demo is kind of bad once you have the game ; the game is much more friendly and a lot less overwhelming.
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