One thing I like about this game is that in Showdown Town, the game seems to actively encourage you to try and get to places you're not "supposed" to be to yet, via normal progression. Or maybe you are supposed to be there anyway, but it still feels like you're cheating when you find a way to jump across from one spot to another to get that elusive crate.
And then you take the crate to Mumbo and it's a small fuel tank and a passenger seat -_-
Half of me wishes the rest of the game was more like showdown town, and then they had another game with the vehicular stuff, but then again, I'd have far less incentive to get the crates if not to use them for the other stuff. I guess they did a pretty good job with it in that regard. The vehicular challenges give you the incentive needed to explore every nook and cranny of showdown town looking for the crates.
On a side note, Traveler's Tales should rip off the vehicle building from this game to breathe fresh life into their Lego games. Their formula has gotten a bit stale, and this game just screams Lego.