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The Official Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Thread

I thought I'd read somewhere or heard on a podcast that there was a way to view uploaded top 10 videos via the in-game leaderboards. I can't see how to do this though... am I 1) mistaken or 2) blind?
You're not mistaken! Select records, go to the proper world and act, select the race, and view the leaderboard. you should be able to press 'Y' and watch the movie of the best ten performances.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Mohonky said:
I have been going online to try and get some of the Ranked achievements but apparently it's only me online :(

¬_¬ how many points are at stake, perhaps we could organise something?


domlolz said:
I've not read the thread because I'm just starting but with regards to crate surfing(Half Life 2,man) do I avoid doing it as much as possible or is it something Rare built into the game and it doesn't really break anything(which I'm guessing isn't the case).I don't really want to ruin the game
Do ittttt, you know you want to :p Trolley surfing (to collect all the notes when I didn't have all the parts yet to reach them normally) was one of the funnest parts of the game for me.

What was this I heard about maybe getting DLC? I wonder what they'll add to the game if true.


Mojo said:
Do ittttt, you know you want to :p Trolley surfing (to collect all the notes when I didn't have all the parts yet to reach them normally) was one of the funnest parts of the game for me.

What was this I heard about maybe getting DLC? I wonder what they'll add to the game if true.
The DLC is vehicle creations from the community that won the competition they had. I think.



Rez>You said:
Avoid it! It fucks up a lot of the games balancing, and allows you to get lots of crates early. It totally destroys the awesome exploration in the hub-world element.


Do not listen to this man.

GhaleonEB said:
My kid is starting to realize what I'd already concluded: none of the jiggy games are any fun to do. So she's skipping as many as possible to just cruise around. RARE did a great job building large, beautiful words, but they sure fail at making anything fun to do in them.

Welcome to the club. Nuts & Bolts has so much wasted potential.
GhaleonEB said:
My kid is starting to realize what I'd already concluded: none of the jiggy games are any fun to do. So she's skipping as many as possible to just cruise around. RARE did a great job building large, beautiful words, but they sure fail at making anything fun to do in them.

This is what happened to me. I was very impressed initially, the hub world is fun to explore and the early challenges are pretty good, but it got to the point where I was finding myself bored midway through the events and frustrated at the physics. It's a shame, because the art design is easily the best Rare has ever had and they made a world I really liked being in.


McBradders said:
¬_¬ how many points are at stake, perhaps we could organise something?

Have a look at the achievement list, theres about 100pts before getting into the whole tournament stuff.

I knew this would likely happen with the game but I only just recently started picking up the Super parts. I figured most people would be using custom machines so I was waiting till I had some decent blueprints. Apparently, this took too long.

Boy is it going to take an age to get 131 jiggies. Terranium or whatever it is is like a brick wall of difficulty.


voltron said:
fucken achievement whores.
Dude, it's a new Banjo game, i'd like to show how i love Banjo games by achieving 1000/1000, but when software houses put online achievements in games that are obviously NOT GOING TO BE PLAYED ONLINE BY ANYONE... it's frustrating.

I agree with Mohonky


Wizpig said:
Dude, it's a new Banjo game, i'd like to show how i love Banjo games by achieving 1000/1000, but when software houses put online achievements in games that are obviously NOT GOING TO BE PLAYED ONLINE BY ANYONE... it's frustrating.

I agree with Mohonky

He's taking the piss because I give him crap about achievement whoring himself......should see his played games list :p


Gamertag= UraMallas if we are up for getting some of these online achievements tonight. Give me an add and I'll be on around 10PM est/9PM central.


UraMallas said:
Gamertag= UraMallas if we are up for getting some of these online achievements tonight. Give me an add and I'll be on around 10PM est/9PM central.

I'm in Australia mate, so I have no idea what time that is. We should try and organise a GAF Banjo night me thinks.

Anyway I tried to make an X-Wing tonight. I didn't want to use the actual wings but I figured it wouldn't fly if I didn't, whats the best way to sort of hide them? I would rather use panels for the shape of the wings, or does anyone know a better way?

Here it is atm, plus random jump. Game is so gorgeous to look at.





Wizpig said:
Dude, it's a new Banjo game, i'd like to show how i love Banjo games by achieving 1000/1000, but when software houses put online achievements in games that are obviously NOT GOING TO BE PLAYED ONLINE BY ANYONE... it's frustrating.

I agree with Mohonky

I was joking. Putting shit on Mohonkey cause I know him.

If you saw my GS youd be putting shit on me, not the other way around.

And yeah Ill be up for a Banjo game night. Im in Aus too though.


voltron said:
I was joking. Putting shit on Mohonkey cause I know him.

If you saw my GS youd be putting shit on me, not the other way around.

And yeah Ill be up for a Banjo game night. Im in Aus too though.


And yeah, i'd love to play some online Banjo matches, achievements or not.


I have a question: the LOG's choice race in Act 5 of Banjoland is bugged for me. After I go up and through the roundabout, the checkpoints on the bridge don't register as cleared after I pass through them. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so what do you do to fix this?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
DuckRacer said:
I have a question: the LOG's choice race in Act 5 of Banjoland is bugged for me. After I go up and through the roundabout, the checkpoints on the bridge don't register as cleared after I pass through them. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so what do you do to fix this?
I think that's the one where you have to be moving >= a certain speed for it to register.
This is the best looking game I've ever played. I swear, it actually looks better on my SD tv than my HD.

Anyways, I restarted this game to see if I wanted to keep it or hock it off. Only ever got 3-4 jiggies before I put it down originally, so I'm not repeating much. I must say that Rare really did revolutionize the platformer. Just... not having anything to do with the vehicles. It's all in the insane exploration possible in Showdown Town.

I don't know what's better, the "They couldn't possibly have designed it that way... could they?" jumps across rooftops that barely leave you grasping, or the "Fuck it, I'll make my own way up" way you can manipulate scenery into creating new platforms. I just got the stickyball thing outside of Logbox 720 by taking one of the prop bushes and cramming it against the wall to form a ramp. I could just waltz right up to the damn box after that.

But yea, amazing looking game. The building is wicked cool too.
Okay so...

I've done the first two Logboxes and three Nutties and half of the first Banjoland and...

This game is boring as hell.

I've never been this torn between wanting to advance so as to see more of the game and not wanting to actually play the game. The defend somebody games are terrible. Racing ones are okay but too reliant on making a decent vehicle or fighting the controls/environment. I can't believe I'm bored of these after only playing a dozen of em.


Son of Godzilla said:
Okay so...

I've done the first two Logboxes and three Nutties and half of the first Banjoland and...

This game is boring as hell.

I've never been this torn between wanting to advance so as to see more of the game and not wanting to actually play the game. The defend somebody games are terrible. Racing ones are okay but too reliant on making a decent vehicle or fighting the controls/environment. I can't believe I'm bored of these after only playing a dozen of em.

Yeah, this is one of the main criticisms. I still wonder how they managed to screw it up so badly. I mean, they’ve got this AAA IP, an awesome engine (it does look absolutely amazing) and a fresh concept, but then they waste it all on lazy, uninspiring gameplay design. What were they thinking?


formerly cjelly
bottles said:
Yeah, this is one of the main criticisms. I still wonder how they managed to screw it up so badly. I mean, they’ve got this AAA IP, an awesome engine (it does look absolutely amazing) and a fresh concept, but then they waste it all on lazy, uninspiring gameplay design. What were they thinking?
It's not like Kazooie and Tooie were huge excite-a-thons, either.

Small (by todays standard), open worlds: Collect the jiggies.

Rinse and repeat.


cjelly said:
It's not like Kazooie and Tooie were huge excite-a-thons, either.

Small (by todays standard), open worlds: Collect the jiggies.

Rinse and repeat.

Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie were hugely ambitious games for their time. Worlds like Treasure Trove Cove were enormous by 1998 standards. It’s no secret that BK and BT are collect-a-thons, but it’s how you collect the Jiggies that matters. You just run into Jiggy ‘challenges’ while exploring and platforming.

Here’s a walkthrough of the Bubblegloop Swamp level from Banjo-Kazooie:


What you see here is the player exploring and simply running into ‘challenges’, all in a seamless world. There are no menus here.

By comparison, Nuts & Bolts’s worlds are vast empty spaces that don’t offer any worthwhile gameplay opportunities. You check your radar, fly from A to B, talk to an NPC, go through several menus and finally enter an ‘alternate reality’ with a challenge. That’s a lazy and contrived structure.
Yeah, BK is still fun today. The XBLA release backs me up on this (unless you're Eurogamer :lol ). Tooie I could never get into mainly because of the slowdown, but we'll see soon :D
SpokkX said:
well... I thought it was an amazing game and one of the top 3 last year

I guess opinions differ ;)

The majority of the people in the thread who've played it agree with you, such as myself. It was my 2008 GOTY.
Son of Godzilla said:
Okay so...

I've done the first two Logboxes and three Nutties and half of the first Banjoland and...

This game is boring as hell.

I've never been this torn between wanting to advance so as to see more of the game and not wanting to actually play the game. The defend somebody games are terrible. Racing ones are okay but too reliant on making a decent vehicle or fighting the controls/environment. I can't believe I'm bored of these after only playing a dozen of em.

Without sounding too "elite", you might not be playing it right. Check the leaderboards and look at the replay of the first spot to see how he did it ; chances are you did it the hard way.

The game was fun for me until the end, except most of Logbox and Terrarium. Jiggoseum was a breath of fresh air, it was so fucking awesome. BanjoLand was also pretty cool, except the Klungo ice racing, when I constantly got frame drop.

Other than that, the last 2 challenge with LOG and Grunty are awesome.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I love building vehicles in this game, I wonder what a game like Blast Corps would be like if you could build your own vehicles.


I'm done exploring the game and all, but I still turn it on frequently to play around with the vehicles. I'd also like to find some LIVE matches if anyone is down for some races.

Gamertag is Sydle

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
New Banjo DLC coming

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts – it's not over yet. We can't offer any specifics, but it wouldn't do to let your N&B disc gather dust. To whet your appetite for what's coming, a few words from L.O.G. himself...

"Am I addressing the fine minority of gamesplayers with taste, those who are still neck-deep in the customisable wonders of my latest title to feature that drooling bear and the shrieking hag I wish I'd never invented? And Gruntilda too, of course. Ah, the humorous bait-and-switch.

"As I put so much effort into hammering and sticky-taping together all those new worlds for Nuts & Bolts, I thought I'd reward the loyalty of its cadre of ardent players with a brief hint. So prick up your ears, soldiers: consider this an early warning that news on potential lifespan-lengthening activities will be incoming very soon. The game's lifespan, I mean, not your own. I may be a deity, but that's just unrealistic.

"If all goes well, you'll soon be able to experience a little something that I devised during a spare moment in exile from the Palace lounge as the Lady of Games watched some kind of dreadful house renovation show marathon. I have to say I'm quite pleased with the end result, apart from the section that Klungo insisted on contributing due to what he claimed was 'popular demand'. Well, that remains to be seen. I've even topped it off with a promotional logo to keep you interested, as I'm told it's all about the logos and PR and vertical marketing these days.

"That's all for now. Until the next time I randomly and irresponsibly decide to break the fourth wall, enjoy."

So there you go. Expect more info to be out there as soon as next week, but in the meantime rest assured that the Lord of Games is keeping the Nuts & Bolts dream alive.
Hooray! :D

Was waiting for some sort of announcement to be made after the teaser of something being revealed in February. I wonder if its;

a) New vehicle parts
b) New missions
c) New world
d) Nu Klungossssss adventuresssss
sounds like new levels for klungo's game as a side thing, but i wonder what the meat of this DLC is?

new level? new vehicle parts? more jiggies? more achievements?

any of that will do nicely for me! i just hope they do it soon.



George K, if you're around, is Banjo Tooie still slated for April on XBLA? With the announcement of Days Of Arcade swinging through most of April it kind of looks like it'll be a little delayed now.
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