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The Official Bionic Commando Thread


HorribleJames said:
swinging is fun, gunplay is weak. some blood/gore woulda been nice, but that's a ymmv thing. graphics are a tad weak for a capcom game, but I guess it's not technically a capcom game (grin? wtf is grin?) I think an 8/10 is fair.

the swinging gameplay is fun, and it kinda begs to be put into slightly more open levels. I hope they address this with a sequel.

btw, I like how mr. muscle guy with his manly tough whiteguydreads can hold his breath under water for about 4 seconds before dying.

He's got a bionic arm with iron boots? Then again, he should be able to hold his breath longer :lol
you fall into water that looks to be about 7 or 8 foot deep and if you don't get out in 4 seconds, you die. even with his iron boots he should be able to walk a few feet at the bottom until he can bionic arm outta there.


HorribleJames said:
you fall into water that looks to be about 7 or 8 foot deep and if you don't get out in 4 seconds, you die. even with his iron boots he should be able to walk a few feet at the bottom until he can bionic arm outta there.

True. A longer oxygen meter would've been nice.


Teknoman said:
True. A longer oxygen meter would've been nice.

yes, i am sure a good game designer would have made it much longer so that you could enjoy having to witness Spencer hopelessly sink for entire minutes, with nothing you can do to save him.

The game gives you the time to look around for grappling spots (which is the only thing that can save you) while drowning, after which forcing you to wait for an inevitable death would just be silly,

edit: of course, giving you almost insta death when you accidentally walk into a 2 meters deep water puddle is silly too
I've died many times just trying to hook my way out, because the camera is under water, you can't really see where you're hooking or if you're hooking it. it's silly.

the game doesn't coddle players. most modern games don't let you die to silly little crap over and over. in bionic commando, you will. sometimes repeatedly. long series of jumps where if you mess up you fall into shallow water and die for some reason? and most players can and will mess up repeatedly? or maybe you have a part down but you die and have to start way back, then you keep accidently dying on the part you already had mastered, or thought you had mastered. just random tormenting of the player like that. that's old school. not everyone likes that MO, which is why I agree with the review I read that says bionic commando is sure to divide people into loving it or hating it.


Just did the first boss fight, holy shit that was a lot of fun. The caves were also a nice surprise. Felt like Gabe in Cliffhanger...but not really.

Buckethead said:
Retro outfit.....how do you get it?

Buy BC Rearmed.
Beat it this morning. Focusing on multiplayer now, which to me is where the real game is anyway. Overall I enjoyed it but wish it was a bit longer and a bit less


Anyone finding the online relally laggy?
Like other characters movement appear really jumpy and disjointed.


I wish I hadn't gotten this game. It's a total letdown. Swinging mechanics are great, and combat's decent. Everything else is sub-par or downright atrocious. Their design choices regarding checkpoints and collectibles are mindbogglingly nonsensical. The illusion of free roaming is just that, an illusion, with environments where getting off path result in a game over screen. If you're considering getting the game, my advice to you is to rent it first.

It's a real pity though, as the mechanics are there for the game to be great.
I'm really enjoying this game a lot.

To be honest I am a huge BC fan, so take that into account, but I'm really having a blast with the game. The swinging mechanics are really fun and are about the best I could hope for in 3D. I'm enjoying the combat and the rest of the game as well.

Yeah, there are a few annoying gameplay problems, and I'm not saying the game is for everybody, but nothing has bothered me that much and overall I'm enjoying myself a great deal.


i think its good, its a shame because it could have been great but its not polished enough.

some of the more open areas are really cool

its just occasionally you randomly die because of some stupidly positioned radiation. it even killed me once because one of the collectibles was in the radiation.. overall though it doesnt ruin the game for me.


Buckethead said:
How do you get the "original" skin/outfit? I rented it tonight but haven't had a chance yet.
Buy Rearmed, do something in it (I've forgotten what) and then enter the code (360) or just boot the BC3D game and go to Extras (PS3).


IJoel said:
I wish I hadn't gotten this game. It's a total letdown. Swinging mechanics are great, and combat's decent. Everything else is sub-par or downright atrocious. Their design choices regarding checkpoints and collectibles are mindbogglingly nonsensical. The illusion of free roaming is just that, an illusion, with environments where getting off path result in a game over screen. If you're considering getting the game, my advice to you is to rent it first.

It's a real pity though, as the mechanics are there for the game to be great.

I'm not trying to say you're wrong in your overall opinion, but the game was never pitched nor presented as a free roamer. I was always under the assumption that it, like the original, would be linear.

EDIT: I haven't played it yet.


Nemesis556 said:
Buy Rearmed, do something in it (I've forgotten what) and then enter the code (360) or just boot the BC3D game and go to Extras (PS3).
I don't think you need to do anything to get the Retro skin if you own a copy of Rearmed. It's unlocked from the start.

For the prototype weapon and Purple Matrix, you need to find them in game first.


Borg Artiste
I really enjoyed this game a lot. I was huge fan of the original and ReArmed. The radiation really is a complete non issue after the first area. The swinging is so much fun that I would just swing around most levels for the hell of it, even after I dispatched the area enemies.

I cant understand how anyone can say the game has bad graphics after the park level. I just dont get peoples expectations anymore it's ridiculous.


IJoel said:
I wish I hadn't gotten this game. It's a total letdown. Swinging mechanics are great, and combat's decent. Everything else is sub-par or downright atrocious. Their design choices regarding checkpoints and collectibles are mindbogglingly nonsensical. The illusion of free roaming is just that, an illusion, with environments where getting off path result in a game over screen. If you're considering getting the game, my advice to you is to rent it first.

It's a real pity though, as the mechanics are there for the game to be great.
*Looks at avatar* :lol And you're complaining about a game with good mechanics and bad game decisions.

As someone else already said, this was never supposed to be an open world game. And where are these complaints coming from anyway? I just got to the park area and my god, it's so beautiful and there are so many ways to take on the enemies. Judging by people like you, I'd venture to guess you couldn't move more than five feet in either direction. There is so much open space in this game, allowing you to take on encounters as you see fit. I applaud GRIN for doing such a great job.

There are some problems, but I'm really loving what GRIN has done. It has that old school Bionic Commando feel with the difficulty to accompany it and it's a shitload of fun.
Glad I rented this. I've only played for about an hour or so, but I'm just not feeling the combat or swinging mechanics at all thus far. The visuals and audio departments leave a lot to be desired as well. Shame, because I really loved BC: Rearmed. Also, when do you get the Purple Matrix and Prototype weapon?


Borg Artiste
MyEpitomeCliché said:
Glad I rented this. I've only played for about an hour or so, but I'm just not feeling the combat or swinging mechanics at all thus far. The visuals and audio departments leave a lot to be desired as well. Shame, because I really loved BC: Rearmed. Also, when do you get the Purple Matrix and Prototype weapon?

I found the game much better once you reach the fissure area. The first city area is really the worst in the game, certainly the most irritating


nathkenn said:
I cant understand how anyone can say the game has bad graphics after the park level. I just dont get peoples expectations anymore it's ridiculous.

The problem with the visuals are that the textures don't load completely before you enter a new area. Every time you turn your head, the screen goes blurry before the textures pop in. Kind of disorienting to me.


Zen said:
I'm not trying to say you're wrong in your overall opinion, but the game was never pitched nor presented as a free roamer. I was always under the assumption that it, like the original, would be linear.

EDIT: I haven't played it yet.

I know the game wasn't meant to be a 'free roamer', but the swinging mechanics can give an illusion of freedom that's later crushed once death happens. Frankly I wouldn't have cared if they just designed the area such that they limited movement towards a specific path. But they actively discourage exploration by killing the player once it moves to a perfectly reachable area that's off their pre-determined path. And then any collectible gathered since the last checkpoint is taken away. The collectibles are also a strange design choice. On one hand they discourage off-path exploration with the radiation areas, and on the other they place some of these collectibles in such areas. As I said, it seems to me pretty non-sensical. There are much better, and frankly, obvious ways to handle size limitations (this is the only reason I can think they do this for) than punishing the player.

I figure this is one of those either love or hate games.


The original Bionic Commando wasn't a free roam game. It was linear. Therefore, logically, one would guess its sequel would be linear in a similar fashion. I don't see how this is punishing the player. The radiation isn't instant kill. I've had plenty of times where I've wandered into radiation areas and have been warned, but haven't been killed. It's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be.


Radiation kill is totally inconsistent. There are times it kills me almost instantly (not enough time to get out of the area), and times it gives me plenty of time.

I just got through the caves, and it's not bad in there (barely any radiation).
Llyranor said:
Was there an uproar in BC:R when you died instantly if you landed in water???

This isn't even close to the same thing. The current BC lets you live in water for a few seconds even, I've grappled out every time so far without issue, so it's not meant to be instant kill to begin with. The radiation is worse because it can be virtually anywhere they don't want you to go, it's not always an obvious blue cloud.

But it's not that bad, it's just a little too unobvious and annoying early on.
man i went into this with really low expectations after the disappointing mp demo and i still find the game to rather bad.

the shitty checkpoints, crappy gunplay, and fucking horrible environmental limiters drag any decent parts of this game way down.

glad i didn't buy it.


IJoel said:
Their design choices regarding checkpoints and collectibles are mindbogglingly nonsensical.

I completely agree with this. I've gotten to the point where I just completely ignore the collectibles. I understand that most of them are difficult to get by design, and that would be fine if they didn't require you to get to the next checkpoint for them to count. Why would I risk all of the progress I've made and all of the upgrades I've earned since the last checkpoint just for a chance at unlocking some concept art? Throw in the punishing spacing of the checkpoints and the baffling decision to disable challenges, Achievements and collectibles during level select, and you have a game designed around needless frustration. Why the level select is handled the way it is just makes no sense to me.

There's a lot about this game that I really like, but some of the choices Grin made resulted in a good game that could have easily been great. The "old school/hardcore" angle they're using to justify these decisions is nonsense - it's manufactured difficulty for difficulty's sake.
Omg... so much frustration with this so far, but dammit, the grapple mechanic is finally starting to feel really good now. Took way too long to get the timing down for the vine swinging, and I keep feeling like there is super spotty lock-on for the arm. Especially with the shield mech guys. Hence my current frustration:

So, I just got the
heavy punch
skill, and I'm still inside the warehouse, fighting the
shield mech
that is right before the
2nd wall that you pound through
. I somehow got him to a state where I could lob crates on him and hurt him, but then died in the
goddam water outside
. Now I can't kill him for shit. Am I missing some trick to getting him to turn off his shield so I can sweetly pound him with crates from afar?
I'm basically just power dropping on him from the ledge/floor above, Crackdown-style, but this takes forever, as I cannot get my arm to lock on his weak-point so I can zip line his ass for massive damage.


The check points are the waypoints right? They really dont seem that far apart.

affableamerican said:
Omg... so much frustration with this so far, but dammit, the grapple mechanic is finally starting to feel really good now. Took way too long to get the timing down for the vine swinging, and I keep feeling like there is super spotty lock-on for the arm. Especially with the shield mech guys. Hence my current frustration:

So, I just got the
heavy punch
skill, and I'm still inside the warehouse, fighting the
shield mech
that is right before the
2nd wall that you pound through
. I somehow got him to a state where I could lob crates on him and hurt him, but then died in the
goddam water outside
. Now I can't kill him for shit. Am I missing some trick to getting him to turn off his shield so I can sweetly pound him with crates from afar?
I'm basically just power dropping on him from the ledge/floor above, Crackdown-style, but this takes forever, as I cannot get my arm to lock on his weak-point so I can zip line his ass for massive damage.

Just keep circling it. Shield mechs are really easy. Just lure em into propping up their shield and then circle around back. Zip kick in succession, and you've got a dead mech. Just hold the lock on button when you know you want to grapple something instead of waiting for the reticle to activate.


Watch, skip towards the end and you'll see what im talking about.


affableamerican said:
Omg... so much frustration with this so far, but dammit, the grapple mechanic is finally starting to feel really good now. Took way too long to get the timing down for the vine swinging, and I keep feeling like there is super spotty lock-on for the arm. Especially with the shield mech guys. Hence my current frustration:

So, I just got the
heavy punch
skill, and I'm still inside the warehouse, fighting the
shield mech
that is right before the
2nd wall that you pound through
. I somehow got him to a state where I could lob crates on him and hurt him, but then died in the
goddam water outside
. Now I can't kill him for shit. Am I missing some trick to getting him to turn off his shield so I can sweetly pound him with crates from afar?
I'm basically just power dropping on him from the ledge/floor above, Crackdown-style, but this takes forever, as I cannot get my arm to lock on his weak-point so I can zip line his ass for massive damage.

Do a heavy drop on them. Basically swing so that you end up above them and then heavy drop. This stuns them, and exposes their vulnerability. You can then circle around and grapple + attack it. Rinse and repeat.


Linkzg said:
alright game with an absolutely hilarious story

the ending :lol

Between the fact that Spencer's wife is his arm, and the sniper dude who shows up twice throughout the game for no reason, I think you mean hilariously bad.
I finished it today, I enjoyed it

I only figured out the easy way to beat the flying BioMech Sweepers really late in the game
(shoot their hand when their are building up their blast then jumps grapple kick)

like Spider-Man PS1/DC, the game grew on me the more skilled I was getting with the swinging and overall mechanics

the final final boss was a disappointment when contrasted with the ReArned final boss.

But none the less, the game is mondo fun, there are moments of frustration but when you learn how to beat those moments, they get incredibly easier

Can't wait for a sequel
Phthisis said:
Between the fact that Spencer's wife is his arm, and the sniper dude who shows up twice throughout the game for no reason, I think you mean hilariously bad.

Holy Shit. :lol I think I need to play this just to see the story.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
How do you do an adrenaline finish on a biomech? I saw it in the little video they showed when I unlocked adrenaline but I haven't been able to pull it off yet.
Did anyone else feel that the swinging mechanic took longer to get the hang of than the core mechanics of most games? I'm talking about learning to do things like timing when to detach, learning how far away a grab point can be before it's out of reach, identifying new grab points, etc. I'm still in the first few hours, but only just recently felt like I've gotten the hang of the controls.

I don't think the controls needed to be this challenging and, dare I say, unintuitive.

While the lack of an auto-lock while swinging allows me more freedom, it's also resulted in loads of dying
(the water in that 2nd stage is just ... ass; so hard to get out of it once you fall in, camera seems stuck under water, bizarre that I can't swim, yet I stay floating a few feet under)
or just falling (yes, there were times when I would just traverse over the ground). I could get into core design issues, but anyone who has played the game knows what I'm talking about.

What do you guys think -- unnecessarily tough to learn or I'm a little bitch who should go back to PoP?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
affableamerican said:
Did anyone else feel that the swinging mechanic took longer to get the hang of than the core mechanics of most games? I'm talking about learning to do things like timing when to detach, learning how far away a grab point can be before it's out of reach, identifying new grab points, etc. I'm still in the first few hours, but only just recently felt like I've gotten the hang of the controls.

I don't think the controls needed to be this challenging and, dare I say, unintuitive.

While the lack of an auto-lock while swinging allows me more freedom, it's also resulted in loads of dying
(the water in that 2nd stage is just ... ass; so hard to get out of it once you fall in, camera seems stuck under water, bizarre that I can't swim, yet I stay floating a few feet under)
or just falling (yes, there were times when I would just traverse over the ground). I could get into core design issues, but anyone who has played the game knows what I'm talking about.

What do you guys think -- unnecessarily tough to learn or I'm a little bitch who should go back to PoP?

The swinging was easy as hell to pick up, I had it by the end of the VR tutorial bit. It's just rudimentary physics.
This game is awesome. I really, really like it.
Hopefully I can finish it up this week before UP the game comes out. :p

chun li's thighs said:
I was waiting for Spencer to just scream out "

Holy shit who is in your avatar?


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Holy Shit. :lol I think I need to play this just to see the story.

If you like really, really bad stories, then I guess this will be... good?

I couldn't find much humor in it, sadly. The plot is a total mess that, for some reason, takes itself pretty damn seriously. Nothing about it is good.

I actually felt like Rearmed handled plot very competently, so seeing this thematic shift was pretty disappointing, even though Spencer's new character design should have indicated what was coming clearly enough.
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