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The Official Bionic Commando Thread


Giant Bomb review excerpts:

The tutorial and the easy sections at the beginning of the game are a crucial time. It really feels like you'll either take a shine to the game's swinging, figure it out, and really enjoy the six-to-eight-hour adventure ahead of you, or you'll spend a lot more time standing on the ground than you should, and you'll probably hate everything that comes next. The game also has a challenge system that rewards you, both in achievements/trophies as well as in upgrades. Executing a set number of melee kills, taking down two enemies with one shotgun blast, executing properly timed consecutive swings, and killing guys by flinging objects in their direction are just some of the things that you'll be asked to accomplish. Some of these challenges just unlock more challenges when completed, but you'll also get better armor, faster reload times, and other helpful upgrades for playing along.

The structure of Bionic Commando is completely linear, with waypoints appearing to keep you focused on the next objective.

Bionic Commando is a great-looking game that creates a heavy atmosphere as you move from place to place. The bombed-out city is full of big craters, torn-up buildings, and debris. Underground, you'll hook onto stalactites, deal with tremors, and see some terrific subterranean cave areas. Spencer and the other characters in the game look pretty good, too, though I didn't really appreciate Spencer's "edgy guy with dreadlocks" look so much. If you want a classic feel, owners of Bionic Commando Rearmed can unlock a classic Rad model and use that, instead... but his shades and decidedly retro look stick out amongst the edgy tone the game attempts to hit.

In addition to the main campaign, which comes in three difficulty levels, Bionic Commando also has a pretty solid multiplayer mode that, again, depends on your ability with the arm. At its best, the game almost feels like dogfighting, with multiple players swinging around, launching through the air, attempting to grapple directly onto an enemy to slow him down for the kill. On some of the larger maps, though, the game sort of bogs down as players attempt to get the one-shot-kill sniper rifle or grab the Tarantula and launch lock-on missiles. It supports up to eight players and offers the standard trinity of multiplayer modes: deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag. While it probably won't replace your multiplayer shooter of choice, it's a fun diversion from the campaign that works better than it seems like it should. But it suffers a bit by being more combat-focused, putting more of an emphasis on the underwhelming weapons. The matching is pretty fully featured, containing a Halo-like party system, and it also has support for clan tags.

Bionic Commando goes back and forth between moments of great, navigation-based gameplay and a lot of little touches that don't work as well as you'd like. It makes the final product a little frustrating, because you can almost see a better game trying to bust its way out of its constraints. But more often than not, I was really taken by the game's rewarding swinging controls and terrific looks. If you consider yourself something of a swinger, I think you'll probably feel the same way.

In other words: Game is pretty good, learn how to swing and the rest is a breeze. Besides the swinging isnt THAT hard to master. Just up the sensitivity, and hold the LT/L2 button while in the air and looking for a close object to grapple. Keep thinking about picking up momentum.
GAF's release thread says today, Gamestop's website says shipping today, Everywhere else says the 19th. Has anyone actually purchased this at retail yet? If so, where?
Keyser Soze said:
Load times are always around 15 seconds or so (installed to HDD). They occur between locations, usually having you walk into a darkened tunnel to initiate the load. Load time are about the same when you die.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna wait for the PC version. Get some better frame rates and faster loading. (I hope) And the fact that this has been and will be a busy gaming month contributes to me not buying it for a console...

Seriously, in the next 2 weeks we get Punch Out, Cross X Edge, Bionic Commando, Steal Princess, Infamous, Damnation... This is just stupid. It's good and all to see that publishers want to release titles year round now but it feels like they're just getting stuck in the same weeks/days/months as other "big" titles. And no, this isn't a veiled, "MOAR GAEMZ IN DECEMBER" comment.


Can anyone comment on MP skins and models? Is it like Lost Planet where you can unlock different skins and models after doing a certain amount of stuff? Or does everyone look like power rangers forever :lol

Either way, still wasnt expecting clan tags.

EDIT: Crap, forgot that the official release keeps stating the 19th...maybe we'll get it in early like Klonoa.


Keyser Soze said:
Everything is offline only. Almost all the achievements are connected to challenges you are tasked with through the story. There is three for beating the game on each difficulty, although I cannot see how anyone can beat it on Commando (one hit kill snipers :().
And NOTHING carries over from game to game. If you want the achievements for completing all challenges and getting all collectibles, you have to do it in one single game, which is very stupid. I dunno if the difficulty achievements stack either.

Level select is a bit bizarre. You can jump to any chapter (even when you first boot up the game) and experience any part of the story, but you can get absolutely no achievements that way.
I love Capcom for making Rearmed and a completely new, full budget sequel, but I'm scared this is going to turn out to be such a money sink for them, like they've put too much marketing and money behind a product that just isn't going to have that huge an appeal.

But damn, Rearmed showed me that Grin really got it, and the multiplayer demo really clicked for me when I stopped focusing on the "pew pew pew" weapons and more about swinging and zipping all over the place (something the demo didn't prompt well). Other than Spencer's new look (and even then they were clever enough to put in a "Retro" look), everything in promotion of the new title has hit the mark for me, and even if the game tanks, I'm really happy that Ben Judd, Grin, and Capcom all got together and gave it their all on such a long-dead franchise.
Sectus said:
And NOTHING carries over from game to game. If you want the achievements for completing all challenges and getting all collectibles, you have to do it in one single game, which is very stupid. I dunno if the difficulty achievements stack either.

Level select is a bit bizarre. You can jump to any chapter (even when you first boot up the game) and experience any part of the story, but you can get absolutely no achievements that way.

Really? So I can skip right to the worm boss fight featured in the giant bomb quick look BEFORE doing anything else? Trial by fire for me

That is an awesome feature. More games should head this way IMO


What Capcom saves by using western studios to develop their games, they lose in terms of sales (as games end up bad/average compared to what they could have been if developed internally)
Or maybe they DO make more money that way :/
Giant Bomb review said:
One nice thing about the voice acting is that there are multiple takes for some lines, so if you die and have to see a part twice, sometimes you'll get a different line. Sometimes this is serious, and sometimes it's some kind of insane joke. For example, the default line when you first encounter a giant worm boss has Super Joe telling you that "you're just going to have to fight it." The second time, he said "you're just going to have to fuck it," resulting in a long "uhhhhhh" from both Spencer and myself.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Keyser Soze said:
Your second paragraph sums up the game.

Load times are always around 15 seconds or so (installed to HDD). They occur between locations, usually having you walk into a darkened tunnel to initiate the load. Load time are about the same when you die.

There are a few checkpoints that knock you back considerably (5 minutes at worst), but no matter where you die in each area the load times are about the same (it does not take into consideration where you were when you died to load less or more)
So it's that bad? Just how small are the areas? That sounds incredibly annoying and disappointing to me. Did you feel that it detracted heavily from the game?

Why the hell couldn't they get the PC version out at the same time? Rearmed and Wanted both hit the PC within the same time frame as the console versions. Why the delay? The PC version will likely solve ALL of these problems completely.

It's just a shame to me that a project that has been given a lot of time and effort would suffer from such a terrible flaw. Loading is an absolute killer these days. The fact that it has to reload the level when you die is even worse. They should have used MT Framework (though I suppose the non-Japanese documentation might be limited). Loading has been an issue with each game based on this GRIN engine. This kind of thing was barely acceptable 5 years ago (it really had a negative impact on Half-Life 2 for me), but in 2009, a game like this needs to move away from this sort of thing.

Anyone have video footage of typical loading in action on PS3? For some odd reason, the loading times in BCR were about twice as long on XBOX360 in comparison to the PS3 version. The file sizes were similar, so I can't image the 360 version was too compressed. However, I'd imagine that a lack of an installer on PS3 might increase loading times there as well. BCR was ultra quick on the PC, thankfully.

edit - OK, it seems even worse than I thought. :( I watched the Giant Bomb Quick Look EX for BC (which shows the 360 version with load screens). I'm hoping it's still an early build being shown, but I suspect the final isn't any different (would love to be wrong, though). It takes over 35 seconds to load a level. That's absolutely insane for an action game like this. If the majority of the level were streamed, it would be alright, but man, it's so slow. :(
Was planning on getting the PC version for this as i think it will be great fun with m&k controls. Will wait and see what others think regarding the controls first though!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Any more in-depth impressions on the multi player mode yet? Wasn't too thrilled with the 360 demo, but maybe it got improved.

Also have any reviews compared the two console versions? I have ReArmed on PS3, so I'd prefer the PS3 version this time around if the multi isn't going to be anything special.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lyte Edge said:
Any more in-depth impressions on the multi player mode yet? Wasn't too thrilled with the 360 demo, but maybe it got improved.

Also have any reviews compared the two console versions? I have ReArmed on PS3, so I'd prefer the PS3 version this time around if the multi isn't going to be anything special.
Well, we know the PS3 version has no tearing while all 360 vids have lots of it. The loading is the one sticking point. Other than that, they seem to be virtually the same.
dark10x said:
Meh, looks like the 360 version is right out. They haven't enabled vertical sync in the final game and there is constant tearing as a result. The PS3 footage looks better, but I'm still concerned about the load times.

Well taht looks unplayable to me.

What was the performance of the PC version of Wanted like? Just trying to gauge how decent the PC port will e now that it seems the 360 version is worthless to me.

Edit: Oh, seems there's a demo of Wanted for the PC available, guess I'll use that to gauge the likely performance of Bionic Commando then, downloading now.


Is tearing less noticeable when set at 1080p, because I havent really noticed any in the demo.

Also nothing at gamestop today.


I've been playing the retail X360 version in 720p (on a 1080p set, forgot to change res) and I haven't really thought about tearing. I'm not sensible to it, and I didn't try to look for it now, but I did see it in RE5.


Manager said:
I've been playing the retail X360 version in 720p (on a 1080p set, forgot to change res) and I haven't really thought about tearing. I'm not sensible to it, and I didn't try to look for it now, but I did see it in RE5.
Put that TV of yours in 1080p and give it a whirl and see if you can see any tearing. I would love to get the 360 version because i prefer the controller and achievements but if there is excessive amounts of tearing i'll get the PS3 version.


It's been an incredibly long time since Nathan Spencer swung onto a console, and for the most part, his return is a solid one. Bionic Commando provides an updated adventure for the classic hero, sending him as a one man army against daunting odds to save the world once again. If you can look past the replayability issues that crop up due to the linear play, you'll find an enjoyable adventure that easily re-establishes the franchise for Capcom. You've been out of duty for way too long, Spencer – Hopefully you'll come back sooner than later.

- IGN US review closing


Video review is up too.
Teknoman said:
It's been an incredibly long time since Nathan Spencer swung onto a console, and for the most part, his return is a solid one. Bionic Commando provides an updated adventure for the classic hero, sending him as a one man army against daunting odds to save the world once again. If you can look past the replayability issues that crop up due to the linear play, you'll find an enjoyable adventure that easily re-establishes the franchise for Capcom. You've been out of duty for way too long, Spencer – Hopefully you'll come back sooner than later.

- IGN US review closing


Video review is up too.

it's kinda funny it was a 360 video review with (at least some) ps3 footage. At least it looks decent in motion.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well, the IGN footage is mostly PS3 footage and no tearing is present. The GT review was all 360 footage and, as with all other footage and the demo, there was constant tearing. :\

I really hate when technical flaws crop up like this.

Still waiting to see if anyone can chime in on the loadtimes on PS3. If they are decent (like 15 seconds or less per level), I might just grab that version as the game looks so damn fun to me right now. If it's too slow, though, I'll just write it off until the PC version hits.


EagleEyes said:
Put that TV of yours in 1080p and give it a whirl and see if you can see any tearing.
There is no noticeable tearing. I'm playing at 1080p and around 4 hours in and haven't noticed anything.


The GT review was actually pretty positive. Game looks like a lot of fun. I'll wait for more impressions, but this is probably a bargain bin for me. Demo was good fun, but didn't completely wow me, and I'm usually a co-op player. CTF looks like it'd be the most interesting PvP mode, though.


JdFoX187 said:
Holy shit, MAJOR plot spoilers toward the end of the GameTrailers review. Figured I would point that out for you guys.

Yeah that was pretty bad. What the hell were they thinking? :lol

Oh well all the reviews just confirmed that this game will be a rnt or bargain bin purchase after all. Kind asad, I had high hopes for the title.


Xater said:
Yeah that was pretty bad. What the hell were they thinking? :lol

Oh well all the reviews just confirmed that this game will be a rnt or bargain bin purchase after all. Kind asad, I had high hopes for the title.

How is that? Unless im thinking of bargain bin in the wrong way.


I picked this up last night....played for a few hours. I really like it so far, but here's my brief "review." :lol

While it's not the prettiest game in the graphics department....it is fun.
The Swing Mechanic DOES take some getting used to and will take you around 5-10 minutes to learn. Once you get it down, you'll want to swing around as much as you can.

I thought this was going to be just a Lost Planet type swing mechanic...but it's not. It's very "loose" and not stiff as the grappling hook in LP.

The shooting....well...it sucks. There are some cool guns...but honestly, the whole thing sucks. It feels just like ReArmed, but in 3D. :lol

And the character movement is too loose for its own good; once you manage to swing yourself up to a high billboard to street sign...it's almost impossible to stand atop and check out the view because Spencer basically can't sit still. The slightest touch of L3 and you just fall or move to easily. I would have loved being able to just chill up there for a bit, and check out the view, rather than have to fight my way to a rooftop.

The enemies have the most precise aim EVER. :lol They can shoot you up with a machine gun from just about any distance...and if you try to grapple them with the arm for too long, you're in for a "shocking" surprise. :D

Also, there is some advertising in the game: Pepsi machines, Alienware billboards, Nvdia signs....oh, and this:

All in all, I like the game so far. But a $49 price tag would have been more appropriate here. Hopefully we get some DLC (would love to play as Frank West, MegaMan, etc..)

GAME just emailed me to say the UK date is apparently now this Friday and not next which is pretty awesome, means it won't be competing as much with Infamous on my week off :D


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
saunderez said:
There is no noticeable tearing. I'm playing at 1080p and around 4 hours in and haven't noticed anything.
I'm so baffled by this. A couple of people noted this within the thread, but every video suggests otherwise. What's the deal?

I picked this up last night....played for a few hours. I really like it so far, but here's my brief "review."
360 or PS3? Any comments on the loading?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Dizzle24 said:
Sorry, PS3. Loading is kind of long...20 seconds. But it's only between "chapters."
I know it seems picky, but if you get a chance, could you actually time the loading. :p I watched the Giant Bomb preview of the 360 version and it took upwards of 35 seconds to load an area. That's MUCH worse than 20 seconds. Is there an install option on PS3?

Also, are the chapters at least of decent length? I mean, it doesn't feel as if you are always moving through one small area before hitting another load screen, does it?


i counted last night...22 seconds roughly for 2 of the loading sections I paid attention to.
There is an install which happens automatically and it's only about 1.7gb.

And you are basically moving from one place to another, without the "you've reached the end of the chapter" crap. The areas are sort of large, but there are a lot of cut-off sections (which are explained) so it's linear and sort of open.


dark10x said:
I know it seems picky, but if you get a chance, could you actually time the loading. :p I watched the Giant Bomb preview of the 360 version and it took upwards of 35 seconds to load an area. That's MUCH worse than 20 seconds. Is there an install option on PS3?

Also, are the chapters at least of decent length? I mean, it doesn't feel as if you are always moving through one small area before hitting another load screen, does it?
Since tearing bothers you as much as me, the Teamxbox review just went up and said it had a lot of distracting tearing and long load times. So i will definitely be going the PS3 route this time, only the second time this gen i've gone PS3 with a multi-plat.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Dizzle24 said:
i counted last night...22 seconds roughly for 2 of the loading sections I paid attention to.
There is an install which happens automatically and it's only about 1.7gb.

And you are basically moving from one place to another, without the "you've reached the end of the chapter" crap. The areas are sort of large, but there are a lot of cut-off sections (which are explained) so it's linear and sort of open.
Hmm, that actually seems like an improvement over what I saw on the Giant Bomb quick look (a big improvement, actually).


Hopefully we'll get it in today.

EDIT: side note about Mirrors Edge, snagged it on steam a few days ago, and have no idea how people thought the game was frustrating. Just runner vision the first bad guy you need to kill, steal his weapon, blast the rest, keep running.


Wow at the massive spoiler (or spoilers even) present in the Gametrailers review. How do people think that's even slightly ok?


Ranger X said:
There's a demo for this out there? Is it on some PSN region?


The only demo I know of is the xbox 360 demo. It's the multiplayer demo. I don't think demo was release for psn.
The unlockables/challenges issue sounds like something that can and should be fixed with a Title Update. It almost sounds like a strange mistake, BC:R certainly wasn't that insane about it.

The advertising probably helped offset the big budget, so I doubt that'll be going away. It's interesting to see the Pepsi machines sporting what's an old logo on a game just released, that just tells you how long the dev cycle is and how late is too late to fix assets like that.


Kikizo gave it a nine.

Rental for me. Too hard, and I'm not convinced by the multiplayer. I think GRIN kind of shot themselves in the foot with that Live demo.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Teknoman said:
Hopefully we'll get it in today.

EDIT: side note about Mirrors Edge, snagged it on steam a few days ago, and have no idea how people thought the game was frustrating. Just runner vision the first bad guy you need to kill, steal his weapon, blast the rest, keep running.
Well, a lot of people tried to avoid using any weapons during their first playthrough (in order to earn a specific achievement). The thing is, the developers admitted that they made a mistake in creating this achievement simply because it results in players trying to do something that is best saved for a second or third playthrough.

The game definitely requires some skill and understanding before you can really master it. Once you understand this, it becomes much more realistic to make it through the levels without any significant encounters, but for the first playthrough, using guns is actually a good idea.


js2af said:
Kikizo gave it a nine.

Rental for me. Too hard, and I'm not convinced by the multiplayer. I think GRIN kind of shot themselves in the foot with that Live demo.

Yeah if they did a SP demo for both platforms maybe it would still be up on my radar. At least I would have been able to try out how much the stuff that is criticized in the reviews bother me.
Ok, I'm sure this can be seen in videos but im at work (no vid access)and I never noticed it in videos before. Can you character jump with a jump button seperatly or is it still just the arm that gets you places?
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