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The Official Bionic Commando Thread


Teknoman said:
Ok. Bionic Commando is supposed to be challenging. Its NOT an open world game...so its going to be linear.

For the record, I agree with this. But if the challenge comes with checkpoints that are too spaced apart coupled with long load times, it's going to be frustrating.

I'm awaiting more GAF impressions, but the amount of negativity in these reviews is pretty worrying.


I still can't see what reviewers are so mad about except their own misconceptions. The game is too hard because of the swing mechanic? Play around in the tutorial and you'll get the hang of it. The game is too tough? Weren't they complaining about games like Prince of Persia recently being too easy? The original Bionic Commando was hard, as was Rearmed, and it was praised. Now, this is too hard? It's too linear? When was this game ever supposed to be open world? Besides, does every game need to be open world now? Sometimes, I actually enjoy a fairly narrow, linear game. There is plenty of room for Call of Duty and GTA in my gaming lifestyle.

Too many reviewers just hitting the bullet points and complaining because of misconceptions. Granted, I haven't played the final game yet, but I had a blast with the demo and the impressions from here seem fairly positive. Just another case of reviewrs themselves missing the point rather than the game.


Load times arent long at all, only after deaths, and when heading to a totally new area.

Waypoints arent far apart at all...and can be seen from a mile away. Shooting is pretty easy, and dispatching enemies with the arm works nicely.

As for radiation, you can tell which points arent accessible by an abundance of blueish mist. It'll be ALOT more than usual around an irradiated area. I dont like the fact that you cant go back and snag collectibles in earlier stages though.

You can complete weapon and ability challenges whenever though.


Alright, after dinner i'll try to put together some gameplay stuff and upload it on youtube.

Anything you guys want to see in particular? Not really that far...so all i've got is training areas and first area, but still better than nothing :lol
It's not perfect, but it's really fun. I think the reviews are pretty messed up for this one. It does what I want it to do, fun swinging with decent combat.

It would be nice for a more open world sequel, though.

Oh yeah i haven't noticed much tearing, i'm playing 360.

I have it installed and there is a odd glitch where it stutters while saving sometimes though. Anyone else getting that?


Sunk a bunch of time into the game, and I'm enjoying it a lot. But it certainly has its issues.

The controls are very good. I like exploring the levels and hunting for collectibles. The shooting, once you're used to zooming in, is pretty solid too.

Still, it's got some issues. A lot of the mech enemies are kinda annoying to fight, considering how jealously they guard their weak points. They also aren't particularly lethal (at least on normal), which makes battling them a sort of war of attrition. This gets compounded in the boss fight I just reached, which requires fighting off some polymechs. And since they tend to dodge their way off the edge of the map, if you get too relentless in pursuit of them, you can wind up plummeting to your death.

Also, the story is really bad. It's not bad in the campy way that most Capcom games are. It's just bad. It takes itself very seriously, but there's nothing worth taking seriously. It's like Gears of War, but even trashier.

Still not sure exactly how I feel, and I'm pretty early in. I'll have better impressions later.

EDIT: Also, the game is generally good about giving you warning and a chance to save yourself when it comes to radiation or water, but fire is instant death, which is really annoying the first time it happens.
I am really tempted to get this, but not sure which version.

I bought BCR on PS3 so I am leaning towards that way so I can just use super joe instead of the main character through the game. But I have a feeling the 360 version will be easier to find over here.


BudokaiMR2 said:
I am really tempted to get this, but not sure which version.

I bought BCR on PS3 so I am leaning towards that way so I can just use super joe instead of the main character through the game. But I have a feeling the 360 version will be easier to find over here.

Its just the "retro" Rad Spencer model. You still play as him in both games, just he looks different in this one. Super Joe is the guy you rescue in Rearmed, and take commands from now.
Teknoman said:
Its just the "retro" Rad Spencer model. You still play as him in both games, just he looks different in this one. Super Joe is the guy you rescue in Rearmed, and take commands from now.

Oh yeah I always get rad spencer and super joe mixed up. heh

Yeah but I just meant that since I have the BCR on PS3 I would be able to use the retro model, but not if I get it for 360.


BudokaiMR2 said:
Oh yeah I always get rad spencer and super joe mixed up. heh

Yeah but I just meant that since I have the BCR on PS3 I would be able to use the retro model, but not if I get it for 360.

Well theres the other thing, if you get it for 360, Rearmed just gives you a special code to put in at unlock screen. PS3 actually downloads the model itself....I think.


Teknoman said:
Its just the "retro" Rad Spencer model. You still play as him in both games, just he looks different in this one. Super Joe is the guy you rescue in Rearmed, and take commands from now.
And beats the shit out of women.

See Tokubetsu already on. Hopefully the USPS doesn't fuck up and actually delivers my copy to me tomorrow.
hmm....just started playing this and just passed the tutorial and holy shit the screen tearing.....does it get better (the tearing that is, outside of that I'm having fun)....


What do you guys think the bomba potential of this game is? I really want to play it, but i just bought UFC and I can't help but think that it will drop in price soon....


I imagine it'll bomba initially, but will eventually go on to sell around a million copies. I really don't think Capcom has tremendously high expectations for it considering it's based off a 20 year-old IP that hasn't seen the light of day in that time.
I am mostly looking forward to the MP. Can't wait to get more impressions about this. I won't be buying this day one though, i will probably rent it first. I hope its good because i have been looking forward to this.


SP is pretty fun, and the orchestral/big action movie versions of the classic themes are great. Leap of Faith especially. Sounded great 8bit, rearmed, and now here. Video uploading, should be finished soon.

Hasnt been frustrating at all...at least no more than the normal difficulty in rearmed.

EDIT: And for the record, i've been using retro rad. Guess you'll be able to see whatever tearing (or lack thereof) i'm experiencing on my end. Installed the game, system set to display at 1080p.

And yeah, we should try and get some games going this weekend.


I think I'm going to play through first with Nathan Spencer. Then I'll go back on my second playthrough with RAD Spencer.


Teknoman said:
Semi-spoilers or maybe I just didnt know this:

Some items found in Rearmed actually "help" you here.
The "Matrix" and something else, wasn't it? I can't remember entirely.

EDIT: BC Prototype Weapon + BC Purple Matrix


Well, just played it for 2 hours...(just came back from work)...

I ignroed mostly eveyrthing about this game, videos (aside the video that came with Rearmed which was what actually sold me this game), the usual pic here and there..heck the most I've read from this game, was from this same thread; either by the people that have been playing the game or the ones that read the full reviews or watched some video reviews..

I already had this preordered and paid in full..and after playing some, well..just like P.N.03..I'm glad I ignored reviews and overall impressions..because based on some of the..i don't know drama queens around here (OMG 35 seconds loading screens..!!! "OMG the controls are horrible!!...TEARING!!!)

Some notes:
-Loadings: Based on impressions around here, I was expecting this long-ass loading screen that were going to bore me to death. Reality:...loading screens that are like 15 seconds tops..some shorter, and still don't feel to long because you're usually shown something (like an interactive controller scheme).

-Visuals: Really cool, love the detail and the overall look of everything (yep, even Spencer's dreads..make him look cooler..to me). Oh, and no tearing or any other problems.

-Control/Swing: Easy, no problems with it. Aiming is just..right, nothings feels off. Plus the traning is basically mandatory and easy as hell, if by the end of the training you still have problems with the controller set-up ..you just suck. :p

Really liking the music, haven't touched multiplayer yet. Plus quickly unlocked the retro outfit.

So..glad I'm playing this. :)

Forgot...I'm playing the Xbox 360 version..not installed.


Haven't noticed any screen tearing thus far either. 720p here. Game is great so far! I hope we get an OST for this soon.


JdFoX187 said:
I imagine it'll bomba initially, but will eventually go on to sell around a million copies. I really don't think Capcom has tremendously high expectations for it considering it's based off a 20 year-old IP that hasn't seen the light of day in that time.

I'll be amazed if this does a million copies. I'd like it to, being a big fan of the original and ReArmed, but judging by the lukewarm reception (both in terms of reviews and even looking at this thread's activity) I don't think it's going to work out so hot for Capcom and Grin.

I probably would have picked it up day one if the MP demo wasn't so meh. It got fun after some time with it, but it by no means wowed me. Hearing the mixed reviews really sealed the deal for me.

Whoever did the dialogue for BCR should have been in charge for this one... that game was campy and hilarious in all the right ways. Making the retro model the default and trying to keep that tone would have set it apart from the hundreds of other super serious post-apocalyptic shooters on the market today. Loading the game with not so clever profanity is another design choice worth shaking my head at. Maybe the trailers give the wrong impression, but the amount of f-bombs dropped seems absurd.

Hopefully it'll sell enough to guarantee a sequel that'll address most of these issues.


LaneDS said:
I'll be amazed if this does a million copies. I'd like it to, being a big fan of the original and ReArmed, but judging by the lukewarm reception (both in terms of reviews and even looking at this thread's activity) I don't think it's going to work out so hot for Capcom and Grin.

I probably would have picked it up day one if the MP demo wasn't so meh. It got fun after some time with it, but it by no means wowed me. Hearing the mixed reviews really sealed the deal for me.

Whoever did the dialogue for BCR should have been in charge for this one... that game was campy and hilarious in all the right ways. Making the retro model the default and trying to keep that tone would have set it apart from the hundreds of other super serious post-apocalyptic shooters on the market today. Loading the game with not so clever profanity is another design choice worth shaking my head at. Maybe the trailers give the wrong impression, but the amount of f-bombs dropped seems absurd.

Hopefully it'll sell enough to guarantee a sequel that'll address most of these issues.

Trailers really gave the wrong impression. The voice acting is NOWHERE near as bad as the everyone and their moms is making out to be and how this is getting shit for it's dialog/writing/voice acting while Resident Evil 5 is so well accept is beyond me. Though things have definitely changed, I think it still has that original BC charm without being completely retro (which I'm grateful for...we got that with ReArmed, we don't need that here.)


That's encouraging at least, about the dialogue.

I'll personally be quite surprised if I end up preferring the tone (or dreads Spencer) over BCR, but I'll withhold judgement until I actually get to play it (a crazy thought around here, I know).
Following the scores for this in germany and the rest of the world really makes me wonder how accurate metacritic even is. The game is a lot better received by german reviewers. I have seen around a dozen reviews in the mid to high 80's by respected sources too like 4players.de. But the best score on metacritic is only an 82.

I always thought the metacritic score was at least somewhat reliable but it seems that it is very culture centric.


Tokubetsu said:
Trailers really gave the wrong impression. The voice acting is NOWHERE near as bad as the everyone and their moms is making out to be and how this is getting shit for it's dialog/writing/voice acting while Resident Evil 5 is so well accept is beyond me.

Dude, they're both horrible. I was literally cringing at some of the deliveries in Bionic Commando as I played it. Spencer has all the personality of a lead statue.


Phthisis said:
Dude, they're both horrible. I was literally cringing at some of the deliveries in Bionic Commando as I played it.
Looks like someone is new to singleplayer campaign.
So has it been proven that this will run better on PS3 just like BCR did? I am still debating which version I should get. I guess it will come down to which one they have at denden...


From all the game play videos and reviews it seems like the face button legend is always on screen.

Can it be turned off, I find it relatively huge-assed and blocky?


Phthisis said:
Dude, they're both horrible. I was literally cringing at some of the deliveries in Bionic Commando as I played it. Spencer has all the personality of a lead statue.

Yea, still not hearing it. What do you want Spencer to sound like? Solid Snake?


Reviews complaining about the game being too hard ?
i've played 2 hours straight yesterday and only died a few times towards the end of the session (couldn't find a way to get across the sea).
Main problems: small, short areas and long loading times, quite unpolished at times, shooting mechanics and feel are very basic, swinging mechanics don't quite work the way you'd expect (momentum feels off) but are fun once you get used to.

Still a different, fascinating, enjoyable game so far.

Voice acting is a bit over the top, but i really liked small things like Spencer chuckling when you pull a headshot with the sniper rifle :) or going "SHIT!" when he runs out of ammo.
So far, I'm enjoying the game very much despite some of the issues (short-ish areas between loads is my biggest beef). I'm not noticing any graphical weirdness or tremendous difficulty yet (360 version), and I'm definitely a huge fan of the swinging mechanic. I can't wait to play this online.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BudokaiMR2 said:
So has it been proven that this will run better on PS3 just like BCR did? I am still debating which version I should get. I guess it will come down to which one they have at denden...
Neither version runs great and have odd framerates (they should have limited it to 30 fps), but the PS3 version has no tearing with seemingly faster loading times.
Well played up until Act one end of chapter 2. Can anyone confirm that the levels get longer because as it stands the game only has me down for playing 52 minutes. Though I'm guessing it doesn't count your deaths on the timer. (I've played at least over a hour and a half if not more)

My overall impressions. Fun as hell. I really feel they pulled the classic gameplay of having to use your arm constantly, from swinging to pulling yourself up ledges almost flawlessly. Also I really appreciate the fact that I'm not running and hiding behind every spot I can find ala Gears of War. It seems tons of action games are trying to capitalize on this and it just screams copy cats. I'm glad Bionic doesn't do this. The game is fast paced and it really keeps you on your toes with almost constant swinging and action.

One minute your in a building fighting bad guys, then jumping from a huge skyscrapper swinging like spider man, deativating and using floating mines to your advantage, pulling cable trams onto unsuspecting victims,getting assaulted by snipers and having to stay on the move to make it alive in one peice. This is all within the first Act as well.
Awesome stuff guys. Granted I've yet to fight any bosses which is sorta sad. I'm hoping there are a few awesome epic battles.

As for the sound and music. Top notch. The classic sound of the robotic arm. The swaying musical score. I always get a massive hard on when I hear the original theme in its new updated awesomeness. *shivers* As for the voice acting, seems decent enough. I don't see whats exactly wrong with it. It seems to fit with the machismo hardcore "take me serious but I'm not that serious" vibe the game is going for. Its the only way I can really explain how it comes off to me. Also I must admit, hitting people with my sniper rifle miles away only to have the main guy snicker always ignites a chuckle from me.

Also as other reviews and people have stated. The sense of scale is awesome in this game. In some games your susposed to be in a huge run down city and yet, it just doesn't "FEEL" huge. Though the game is linear and keeps you in the areas it wants you in, still the illusion is there and I feel its pulled off rather well.

I will say when first started, I was having some slight issues with swinging and the momentum involved. I can say after my few hours of play (even though the time says 52 minuntes I know it was more then that) the issues have subsided. I know the mechanic now and it feels really, really nice.

Again I'm really pleased with what GRIN has done here, especially after hearing about how Wanted and Terminator turned out. The have managed to keep the classic gameplay intact and given us a sequel to a long dormant franchise. I only hope that the game isn't over too quickly and that there are some nice boss battles that await me. (if anyone can confirm this and how much bigger the later levels are that would be great.)
m0dus said:
You may be getting a bit ahead of yourself -- 3 to 4 people in this thread that have the 360 version, playing in both 720p and 1080p claim no tearing (or not enough for it to be extremely noticable). there is a question of whether or not it's the video of the build they have been recording, but I'd hold off until actual confirmation. I will be picking up the 360 version today, so we'll see.

Actually I can lay claim to that as well. I've barely seen any and I've def been paying attention since I thought there was going to be a shit ton from what I was hearing. Also for the framerate, If there is dips they must not happen very often or enough to be extremely noticable. So far the game has ran steady for me. I think I had one moment of slowdown that was at one part and that was it so far.


I want to try this but GRIN as been a horrible developer in my eyes so far with their retail releases. Reviews dont help much either. These are the types of games I try not to spend my money because of this huge barrier that it might not be worth my time.
jrricky said:
I want to try this but GRIN as been a horrible developer in my eyes so far with their retail releases. Reviews dont help much either. These are the types of games I try not to spend my money because of this huge barrier that it might not be worth my time.

This one deserve AT LEAST a rent. You might be pleasantly surprised.
As I did in the MP Demo thread, I'll once again chuck this out there: anyone who wants to play, let me know ("badrock jones" on Live, the space matters). Be warned: I fancy myself fairly skilled at this game!


Haeleos said:
Does the retro skin from BCR appear in the cutscenes?

Yeah, it really seems like a replacement model more than a skin. Also as far as momentum goes, for far distances, just wait till the blue indicator appears and let fly. Other than that, use your own judgment.
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