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The Official Bionic Commando Thread


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Ok, I'm sure this can be seen in videos but im at work (no vid access)and I never noticed it in videos before. Can you character jump with a jump button seperatly or is it still just the arm that gets you places?
I'm almost positive you can jump.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Ok, I'm sure this can be seen in videos but im at work (no vid access)and I never noticed it in videos before. Can you character jump with a jump button seperatly or is it still just the arm that gets you places?

You can jump.


LaneDS said:
Wow at the massive spoiler (or spoilers even) present in the Gametrailers review. How do people think that's even slightly ok?

That's the last time I visit Gametrailers. The people responsible for putting those videos together are laughing their ass off.
Haeleos said:
That's the last time I visit Gametrailers. The people responsible for putting those videos together are laughing their ass off.

You know I watched that review I guess half assed. I dont remember seeing any major spoiler. Can anyone hint at what it spoiled in a spoiler tag? lol


Llyranor said:
I didn't really even notice a huge spoiler.

Was it the
girl being punched in the face?
That was awesome.

It was and if you look at who does it you get spoilered pretty hard.
I knew I wasn't crazy when I thought the game ran a tad better on the PS3. Well that makes the decision easy if I decide to actually pick it up.

From all the videos it looks like an incredibly fun game, and I actually thought the multiplayer demo was decent (mainly because of the swinging).

I'll decide today if I'll run out and grab it for PS3.


Capcom store still hasn't charged my CC, let alone shipped my game. I'm going to be fucking pissed. I only reserved there to get the comic.
LaneDS said:
Wow at the massive spoiler (or spoilers even) present in the Gametrailers review. How do people think that's even slightly ok?
Because they're dumb. They put a gigantic fucking spoiler in the MGS4 review too. >:|
JdFoX187 said:
Capcom store still hasn't charged my CC, let alone shipped my game. I'm going to be fucking pissed. I only reserved there to get the comic.
Same with me. >:|


I AM JOHN! said:
Because they're dumb. They put a gigantic fucking spoiler in the MGS4 review too. >:|
They also showed all the enemies in Shadow of the Colossus. Pretty much all of the enemies and areas in Resident Evil 4. I do like how the mix in music from the game over the footage and have lots of varied footage in the reviews, but yeah, their reviews are a complete spoiler minefield.
Teknoman said:
Giant Bomb review excerpts:

The tutorial and the easy sections at the beginning of the game are a crucial time. It really feels like you'll either take a shine to the game's swinging, figure it out, and really enjoy the six-to-eight-hour adventure ahead of you, or you'll spend a lot more time standing on the ground than you should, and you'll probably hate everything that comes next.

"are a crucial time?" WTF is that supposed to mean? :lol How can I respect someone's opinion if they can't even use the word crucial in context? I don't even know what he was trying to say. And, I don't care to find out. If you're going to write reviews -- even casually -- do me a favor and read it over, at least once.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Superblatt said:
"are a crucial time?" WTF is that supposed to mean? :lol How can I respect someone's opinion if they can't even use the word crucial in context? I don't even know what he was trying to say. And, I don't care to find out. If you're going to write reviews -- even casually -- do me a favor and read it over, at least once.

It means that the time spent in the tutorial areas are important in getting the hang of the game play? That's how I took it.


Superblatt said:
"are a crucial time?" WTF is that supposed to mean? :lol How can I respect someone's opinion if they can't even use the word crucial in context? I don't even know what he was trying to say. And, I don't care to find out. If you're going to write reviews -- even casually -- do me a favor and read it over, at least once.

dictionary.com said:
1. involving an extremely important decision or result; decisive; critical: a crucial experiment.
2. severe; trying.
3. of the form of a cross; cross-shaped.

He goes on to discuss the decision and result that make it a "crucial" time. Makes perfect sense to me.

Nice try, Hitler.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OK, well, I decided to give the PS3 version a shot and I'm not disappointed thus far.

The Giant Bomb Quick Look REALLY turned me off, as noted before, due to the constant tearing and the 30+ second load times. The PS3 version, however, has NO tearing and levels (thus far) have all taken ~15-20 seconds to load.

This is in line with what we saw in BCR as the 360 version took twice as long to load and had tearing issues. What's odd is that the framerate in the PS3 version is still above 30 fps, but it feels a bit "off". I wish they would have just locked it down at 30 as it never seems to drop below it. Still, it's not bad and the game feels really good.

This game just feels better on PS3. The bumpers were not great in the demo, but the L1 button is more comfortable here.

edit - Alright, so things aren't quite as rosy as I had hoped. It seems that, once you really get outside, loading points are spaced very evenly. It's very obvious that GRINs engine is incapable of handling large, open worlds. They should have went with MT Framework (had it been available for speakers of English or Swedish). The loading isn't too bad (it reminds me somewhat of MGS3 and MGS4 in how it's broken up), but it still feels like it should be open. I mean, the first encounter outside if amazing as you take a massive leap of faith from a very high building. When you make it down to the ground, however, a couple blocks of the city immediately sends you into a tunnel with a loading screen. :\ At the very least, they should have attempted to hide it ala Mirror's Edge (elevators or something).

The mechanics are really fun, though.


I AM JOHN! said:
Because they're dumb. They put a gigantic fucking spoiler in the MGS4 review too. >:|

Same with me. >:|
Call them. I found out mine shipped on May 14 and will be here tomorrow :D
Well the PC demo of Wanted played at a constant 60fps at 1080p for me, not dropping a single frame, so it looks like that's going to be the way to go for Bionic Commando to me.

The port is pretty poor mind, something's off about the mouse control, and there's no AA or customisable options (outside of resolution) but obviously it still functions as a carbon copy of the 360 version just with no tearing and twice the framerate/resolution so all is good.

Seems bizzare them putting all the effort in getting the engine so optimised only to spend zzero time in all other aspects of the port, hopefully BC isn't the same.
Tomcat said:
i havent noticed any tearing with the xbox 360 version.

Some people just don't and certain displays show it up more than others. Its for this reason I only trust certain GAFers (like Dark) when it comes to technical aspects, I mean people were still trying to convince me there was basically zero tearing and no framedrops in Uncharted just the other day, something which is outright false. Its actually been measured to tear around 50% of its frames (see Beyond3D forums) though a lot of it is sneakily hidden in a corner, I can still notice it. Its just such an ugly and unbearable image artefact to my eyes, it drives me up the wall.

Now that I know Grin's engine is nicely optimised for the PC, I'll just wait for the cheaper PC release.
dark10x said:
OK, well, I decided to give the PS3 version a shot and I'm not disappointed thus far.

The Giant Bomb Quick Look REALLY turned me off, as noted before, due to the constant tearing and the 30+ second load times. The PS3 version, however, has NO tearing and levels (thus far) have all taken ~15-20 seconds to load.

This is in line with what we saw in BCR as the 360 version took twice as long to load and had tearing issues. What's odd is that the framerate in the PS3 version is still above 30 fps, but it feels a bit "off". I wish they would have just locked it down at 30 as it never seems to drop below it. Still, it's not bad and the game feels really good.

This game just feels better on PS3. The bumpers were not great in the demo, but the L1 button is more comfortable here.

edit - Alright, so things aren't quite as rosy as I had hoped. It seems that, once you really get outside, loading points are spaced very evenly. It's very obvious that GRINs engine is incapable of handling large, open worlds. They should have went with MT Framework (had it been available for speakers of English or Swedish). The loading isn't too bad (it reminds me somewhat of MGS3 and MGS4 in how it's broken up), but it still feels like it should be open. I mean, the first encounter outside if amazing as you take a massive leap of faith from a very high building. When you make it down to the ground, however, a couple blocks of the city immediately sends you into a tunnel with a loading screen. :\ At the very least, they should have attempted to hide it ala Mirror's Edge (elevators or something).

The mechanics are really fun, though.

Thanks for the impressions! I'm planning to grab the PS3 version tomorrow morning. The game just looks like tons of fun, and I love BC, so it's a no brainer.

Glad that some PS3 multi-platform games are finally shining.


I'm so on the fence with this game. I read and hear people talking about how tough the swing mechanic was.

Was that shit EVER easy? No.

I don't get the complaint.


The swing mechanics are NOT hard, unless they've somehow been fundamentally changed from the demo. It took me less than five min there to figure them out, and then I was already flying around doing all kinds of acrobatics.


_RT_ said:
I'm so on the fence with this game. I read and hear people talking about how tough the swing mechanic was.

Was that shit EVER easy? No.

I don't get the complaint.

They expected it to be easier.


Llyranor said:
The swing mechanics are NOT hard, unless they've somehow been fundamentally changed from the demo. It took me less than five min there to figure them out, and then I was already flying around doing all kinds of acrobatics.

People complained about it in the MP demo probably because they were getting killed everytime they tried to do so :lol

_RT_ said:
Should it have been 2D? Just asking.

Nope. Swing mechanic works just as you'd think it would translated into 3d. People just need to learn how to use it and gain momentum. Learning curve really isnt that high.


JSnake said:

Half of that review just goes on and on about how the story in the game sucks. I for one, don't give a shit. Otherwise, it looks like the same complaints we've read elsewhere. Too linear, generic shooting, and too much loading, with an extra dose of too hard.

I'm really disappointed with how this game has turned out. ReArmed was one of my favorite games last year. The game still warrants a purchase, if only for the awesome soundtrack. But now I'm probably waiting for a pricedrop/sale.

If what dark says is true, this might be the first multiplat I pick up on the PS3. Despite my dislike of the dual shock, I think the tearing and increased load times would annoy me more. Though I would miss out on the old school Spencer model... sigh.


vermadas said:
Half of that review just goes on and on about how the story in the game sucks. I for one, don't give a shit. Otherwise, it looks like the same complaints we've read elsewhere. Too linear, generic shooting, and too much loading, with an extra dose of too hard.

I'm really disappointed with how this game has turned out. ReArmed was one of my favorite games last year. The game still warrants a purchase, if only for the awesome soundtrack. But now I'm probably waiting for a pricedrop/sale.

If what dark says is true, this might be the first multiplat I pick up on the PS3. Despite my dislike of the dual shock, I think the tearing and increased load times would annoy me more. Though I would miss out on the old school Spencer model... sigh.

Ok. Bionic Commando is supposed to be challenging. Its NOT an open world game...so its going to be linear. Dunno why people are tripping over this. Its supposed to be like Lost Planet aka an old school action game except in 3d.
It's potentially a fair complaint. Granted I have no idea because I'm still waiting on my copy, but maybe the point is just that the mechanics would really work in a more open game, but are neutered and never live up to their full potential in an incredibly linear game such as this.


I AM JOHN! said:
It's potentially a fair complaint. Granted I have no idea because I'm still waiting on my copy, but maybe the point is just that the mechanics would really work in a more open game, but are neutered and never live up to their full potential in an incredibly linear game such as this.

Head meet nail.


Soundtrack is pretty good. Composed of remixed old BC themes. The training section looks like the training section in Rearmed.

Explains the swinging mechanic pretty nicely...


It's bizarre watching the outlets that were championing the glorious return of Bionic Commando are hating on the new game. The amount of press events the game had, the amount of interviews, the amount of Ben Juddness, you'd think they'd be able to air out their complaints before the game came out.


Rlan said:
It's bizarre watching the outlets that were championing the glorious return of Bionic Commando are hating on the new game. The amount of press events the game had, the amount of interviews, the amount of Ben Juddness, you'd think they'd be able to air out their complaints before the game came out.
This has happened many times before, I don't know why the press does this to games.....


Messing around in the tutorial area really improves your skills. That and just found out Death from above requires button mashing Y, not just pressing it once.


Synless said:
This has happened many times before, I don't know why the press does this to games.....

While the reviews are all over the place, it's Jeremy Parish's notion on the last Retronauts that the new game was "missing the point" that was the most jarring to me. He didn't want to "dignify" the new Bionic Commando with another podcast this week. Harsh words.
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