>_< Damn it I got 3 lens adapters and a soft release sitting here and I still have no ship date in sight for mine.
How fast is the AF btw?
How about this ?
It's ridiculously good for it's price.
Thought about that, but always wonder if 28mm is sufficiently wider than the 35mm. Wondering whether I should just bite the bullet and go fisheye perhaps with a lens in the TeenMM range.
Now, what I need suggestions on are wider-angle lenses. Do people recommend I pick a wide-angle prime or is there a good limited range zoom that people recommend for FX?
hmmm http://www.nikonusa.com/en/Nikon-Pr....html#tab-ProductDetail-ProductTabs-TechSpecs
New nikon 70-200mm f/4
3rd gen VR! (5 stops supposedly O_O)
$1400 msrp*
*tripod collar sold separately for $300 lol
Hmm $1300 still a lot of money for me but it's a good deal, the tripod collar says $220 on the website, still ridiculous though.
You can use the 35mm 1.8DX on full frame but it vignettes pretty hard (and the corners are a blur mess) this is fine if you are OK with that, but it is a pain when photographing some subjects.
Wide angle FX = $$$, I have the 17-35mm 2.8 with my D600. It is awesome, but expensive (and HUGE) The 16-35 f4 is a little cheaper, but still not "cheap" and a bit slow.
The best bang for the buck is the 20mm 2.8D.
As for the D600 "oil" issue, I would not worry. Your sensor is going to get dirty and need cleaning eventually. http://www.lensrentals.com/blog/2012/10/d600-sensor-dust-issues it is most likely dust and not oil.
Not sure if this is the best thread for this, but have any of you guys made large prints of your photos to hang on walls? I recently did a canvas print through Costco's print center that turned out pretty well (best part is hassle free complete refunds if I didn't like it). I saw some acrylic prints at work that look super awesome... from my limited research, they seem prohibitively expensive though. Anybody have experience with acrylic prints and can recommend a reasonable place?
Not sure if this is the best thread for this, but have any of you guys made large prints of your photos to hang on walls? I recently did a canvas print through Costco's print center that turned out pretty well (best part is hassle free complete refunds if I didn't like it). I saw some acrylic prints at work that look super awesome... from my limited research, they seem prohibitively expensive though. Anybody have experience with acrylic prints and can recommend a reasonable place?
I'm studying abroad next Spring, and I'm looking to pick up a DSLR before I leave. I've been wanting one for a long time. I want to get one soon so I have enough time to play around with it before I leave.
Nikon D3100
Nikon D3200
Nikon D5100
Cool thanks.It's the old Canon FD mount.
Can people like zomgbbqftw please explain why you want/buy MLCs?
I understand the pros/cons of each so please don't give me a comparison.
I want to know why you, personally, want/have them as opposed to a DSLR. Is it merely a size issue?
It's smaller so I don't have to lug it around all without compromising on image quality, at least compared to APS-C DSLRs.
I'm with zomg on this. I'm in a Canon 550D and entirely happy with it, but mostly because I do a whole load of indoor/studio-type stuff - wouldn't necessarily want to cart it around everywhere unless on a purposeful trip (which is rare). Something you can drop in a large-ish pocket is bound to have significant advantages for actually being there when you want it.
Can people like zomgbbqftw please explain why you want/buy MLCs?
I understand the pros/cons of each so please don't give me a comparison.
I want to know why you, personally, want/have them as opposed to a DSLR. Is it merely a size issue?
Can people like zomgbbqftw please explain why you want/buy MLCs?
I understand the pros/cons of each so please don't give me a comparison.
I want to know why you, personally, want/have them as opposed to a DSLR. Is it merely a size issue?
Are there any big advantages the Canon 5d Mark 3 has over the 6d in terms of video capabilities?
Can people like zomgbbqftw please explain why you want/buy MLCs?
I understand the pros/cons of each so please don't give me a comparison.
I want to know why you, personally, want/have them as opposed to a DSLR. Is it merely a size issue?
Nice contrast and performance against the sun. What version and mount is this Zeiss 1.4/50. I don't see the chrome ring, I take it its an older variant.
Are you planning to use it as your main portrait lens?
I want to buy my Mom a camera for her birthday in about three weeks. Decided to get her a camera since she's going to travel to Europe for vacation on January. What's a good camera for general pictures? I'm looking to spend about $300-400.
Canon EF35mm F2 IS USM lens
- 10 elements in 8 groups, the lens structure is molded glass aspherical lens
- 8 blades circular aperture
- The effect of camera shake correction about four stages
- AF motor ring USM, full-time manual focus
- 67mm filter size
- 62.6mm length, 77.9mm maximum diameter, 335g weight
- Released in early December 2012
- Expected price shop around ¥ 74,000 (around $900)
- Released in December 2012