Rokinon 35mm F/1.4 Lens $369 + Free Shipping
Rokinon 35mm F/1.4 Lens $369 + Free Shipping
What wrong with the Nex 7 as I initially implied? I enjoy taking pics of people at gathering's and would like to pursue it as a money maker one day. Any good starter kits out there in terms of lighting and backdrops would like to set up a session for my family.
What wrong with the Nex 7 as I initially implied? I enjoy taking pics of people at gathering's and would like to pursue it as a money maker one day. Any good starter kits out there in terms of lighting and backdrops would like to set up a session for my family.
sorry the D600
I have one and love it. Third SLR body for me. I think it's a shit load of money for a beginner, but you're obviously in a different place than I was as a beginner. I also don't see the point of a mirrorless kit and an SLR (probably the only thing I will ever agree about with McLaren77).
As for the comment from the other poster that lenses were expensive, the only DX lens I got with my previous bodies was an 18-55 kit lens. Everything else was FX. I use prime lenses most of the time and there are a ton of great MF Nikkor primes to be had for cheap. You will spend more getting modern AF zooms for it compared to a DX Nikon or your NEX or whatever. Just be picky.
The out-of-box defaults will work well enough. Probably want to budget for a DAM and start shooting RAW as soon as you can, though. Fucking JPEGs*.
*I've been drinking, does it show?
Anyone have experience with the Canon 135/f2L?
As someone who loves sports (& sports photography), the weakness in my current gear is motion blur. (Note the baseball in the photo below.)
IMG_1201 by bjkrautk, on Flickr
I've looked at the 70-200L lenses as aspirational, but the idea of an f/2 lens (that costs a fraction of the 70-200/2.8L IS) seems intriguing. The lens is described as great for indoor / evening sports, and the reviews on Amazon are great.
My largest concern is the range I'll be shooting from; I can't really tell from the reviews if they are shooting at a high school gym or a massive stadium (like that shot from the upper deck at Miller Park, taken at 300 mm with a T3i). My two criteria for a lens are fast-enough AF to catch a play as it happens (my 70-300 IS can take a few seconds to focus; means I have to pick my moments to try for anything other than the plate / pitchers mound).
What say you GAF? Is this the lens I should lust after?
Has anyone here had any experience with the Luma Cinch strap?
I owned a 135 F2L. It was _razor_ sharp and one of the fastest focusing lenses you can buy, period. It also has a much smoother bokeh than the 70-200 F2.8L IS II (which is what I own now.)
The downside to the 135 F2L is that it's an oddball focal length. I think it works pretty well on a full frame body but it's kind of goofy on a crop.
My big Black Friday purchase has arrived from FedEx, which was a used Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 II:
Sadly probably won't do much with it until January, though...
Yep. I grabbed it not long after it came out. Best strap I've ever used.
How much did you pay for it? fucking expensive lens. I wish it was at least a $1000 dollars cheaper!
Anyone here have advice for a solid shoulder rig and follow focus system for DSLRs? Or cheaper quality alternatives to something like a pocket dolly? Not sure if that falls under "camera equipment" or if I should drop by the film thread.
Is the whole dust issue overblown?
Is the whole dust issue overblown?
Has anyone here had any experience with the Luma Cinch strap?
Yeah, same, was pretty much set on getting the Tamron up until that week. Pulled the trigger when I saw it for about $1900.
sweet, I've heard nothing but good things. They are sold out right now, I'm guessing the holidays, but I think I'll take the plunge.
I've got the previous Luma model, the Loop, and love it. Cinch looks even better.
Can anyone recommend me a tripod for under $500?
How about a good review site? I only know Ken Rockwell, and he's basically a professional troll ("Who needs tripods?" :lol)
Ken Rockwell, the man who said professionals use Nikons and athletes shoot with Canons.
Ken Rockwell, always on the ball.
Spot on.Ken Rockwell is the camera/lens critic equivalent of Roger Ebert. Occasionally relevant, but extremely out of touch.
Ken Rockwell is the camera/lens critic equivalent of Roger Ebert. Occasionally relevant, but extremely out of touch.
Anyone have experience with the Canon 135/f2L?
Can anyone recommend a camera for a Mom that will deliver real nice portrait shots with good depth-of-field effects?
My sister-in-law loves the way pictures from my DSLR with prime lens come out but a DSLR I think is too steep of a learning curve for her. She's interested in the depth-of-field effects not really photography in general.
Can anyone recommend a camera for a Mom that will deliver real nice portrait shots with good depth-of-field effects?
My sister-in-law loves the way pictures from my DSLR with prime lens come out but a DSLR I think is too steep of a learning curve for her. She's interested in the depth-of-field effects not really photography in general.
Can anyone recommend a camera for a Mom that will deliver real nice portrait shots with good depth-of-field effects?
My sister-in-law loves the way pictures from my DSLR with prime lens come out but a DSLR I think is too steep of a learning curve for her. She's interested in the depth-of-field effects not really photography in general.
My big Black Friday purchase has arrived from FedEx, which was a used Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 II:
Sadly probably won't do much with it until January, though...
I have an odd question. I just found some photos that I took in the 90s from an old 35mm camera. It has a date on the back but I'm quite sure the photos were taken a few months prior. Could this date be when they were developed or carry a different meaning?
Go for it. I don't even touch PS anymore unless I need to do some really heavy work. LR has it all and it's just much more efficient in terms of workflow.I have a workflow/software question, for those with experience in Lightroom and Photoshop. Currently I own Photoshop CS5, and I heard about some nice improvements in the latest version of Adobe's RAW processing engine. Then I compared the price between just the upgrade to PS CS6 ($200) with the full version of Lightroom 4 ($100). I had never used Lightroom before but I downloaded the trial version and it seems nice, especially the browsing and file loading seems more responsive than Bridge. So I'm thinking about getting Lightroom and keeping that up to date for the latest RAW processing instead of updating Photoshop. Has anyone else taken this approach? Are there any potential pitfalls I should be aware of?
Has anyone else taken this approach? Are there any potential pitfalls I should be aware of?
If you can live with manual the Rokinon 85 mm f/1.4 for Canon pretty decent?
right now I have a Sigma 50mm and Canon 17-40. I mainly do video and use a 5DII.
No still there for aps c.did Sigma discontinue the 30mm f/1.4?
NO! It totally doesn't feel or perform like any Sigma lens I have ever used. It is really on par with the Canon L lens or a Zeiss lens. The entire body is metal and almost 1.4 lbs!Very nice. Does it still have the same coating or Sigma change it?
Manual focus shouldn't be lived with it should be embraced
yea... mainly would be using it for video, so manual focus is fine.
I think I'm gonna pick it up. I need a new focal length.
is the Rokinon 85 mm f/1.4 for Canon pretty decent?
right now I have a Sigma 50mm and Canon 17-40. I mainly do video and use a 5DII.