How would you say the experience differs from the x100s? It sounds like the x100s with a few less of the intuitive features but with a slightly more general fexperience in what it's good at capturing. I want a light well built camera to carry around everywhere. My phone camera is starting to show its limits.I own a XE1, what do you want to know.
How would you say the experience differs from the x100s? It sounds like the x100s with a few less of the intuitive features but with a slightly more general fexperience in what it's good at capturing. I want a light well built camera to carry around everywhere. My phone camera is starting to show its limits.
XE1 is a system. x100/s is a self contain solution for people who don't have space for a system. If you travel alot (in bad places) like Evilore than x100s is better for you. They don't compete with each other. So if you are crossshopping x100 and xe1 that tells me you don't know what you want. You should cross shop x100/s with the Ricoh GR.
If you are not sure than go with XE1 since its more beginner friendly.
As far as the difference between X100 and X100s. They have slightly different color palettes so see them yourself on flickr. The s is also alot faster.
What camera gears do you currently have now?
Fuji just droped the price of XE1+18-55/2.8-4 to $1100. x100s is around the same price. However you get more camera with the XE1 kit than the X100s.
If street photography is your thing, only you can decide if a smaller package of the x100s is worth the extra money.
Check out this Strobist x100s review.
Your investment in Nikon is not too deep, you can sell your Nikon gears to fund the fuji. Keep in mind the XE1 is not going to AF as fast as the SLR.
Yup, that's my plan. I think I'm going to just get a x100s.
It's totally out of stock everywhere though and wont be in for another month it looks like. Guessing it's best to just backorder from amazon?
Is it safe buying a high demand camera that's supposedly new/unopened off ebay? Seems shady and I'm wondering if it's covered by fuji's warranty.
Anybody have experience with stuff like this?
If Fuji is not stocking the X100s, maybe the rumor is true. Supposedly a new NEX-5 class smaller Fuji body with debut the 27mm pancake.
The x100s seems to still be in high demand though. There are new factory sealed ones on ebay but they ship from like Hong Kong and Taiwan without a warranty. I don't get how a factory sealed product doesn't have an international warranty. All the ones with the standard international Fuji warranty are marked up by like $100+ msrp :
I am pretty sure they all have Japanese warrenty. Japan is devaluing the yen right now so things purchased in the Japan are a lot cheaper than 1 year ago. I may pick up a grey market 35mm/1.4
Does that mean I'm covered if I live in the states and my camera gets the rare aperture blade lock up?
Well, I just took delivery yesterday of my first two non-kit lenses (excepting the nifty 50 obviously). Got the Canon EF-S 10-22 and the Canon EF 100mm L macro, both secondhand from mpb photographic in the UK - who are every bit as good as they claim to be.
I'm bowled over by the sharpness and colour I'm getting out of both these lenses even without trying too hard (or even thinking too much - I've been able to spend only about a hour total so far). But wow. Just wow.
I take back every damn thing I said squillions of pages earlier about kit lenses being just fine. (Not really - they are just fine for starters, but not as fine as these things are).
Happy man.
Do you consider the 50 kit lens quality?
Ordered an x100s. The shop has their own one year warranty for it. Hope I'm in good hands ._.
Selling my Nikon D5100 with 35mm 1.8 DX lens, 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 zoom & SB-400 flash. If anybody is interested or looking.
Congrats you will love the camera but im hoping you dont miss the ability to zoom too much!
Anyone make the switch to M43? I just picked up one of the GX1 steals for 199$ along with a 14mm and the 45mm. Debating on getting the 9-18 or 7-14.
Anyone make the switch to M43? I just picked up one of the GX1 steals for 199$ along with a 14mm and the 45mm. Debating on getting the 9-18 or 7-14.
only think holding me back from a 4/3 camera is I like to shoot as shallow as possible, I dont know if I could go from Full framed and Cropped sensors to a 4/3 and be happy with the results. Anyone able to do good portraits on them with some fast lenses?
Anyone make the switch to M43? I just picked up one of the GX1 steals for 199$ along with a 14mm and the 45mm. Debating on getting the 9-18 or 7-14.
only think holding me back from a 4/3 camera is I like to shoot as shallow as possible, I dont know if I could go from Full framed and Cropped sensors to a 4/3 and be happy with the results. Anyone able to do good portraits on them with some fast lenses?
Yeah, I'm looking at the Nikon V1 and it's sensor can barely handle bokeh due to its size. The biggest issue for me is portability and access. I need a camera that's less bulky than my DSLR and more discrete for certain scenarios but also has a variety of lengths in lenses to try and capture a multitude of images. It's a give and take and price factors in too so...
Whats your most use focal range?
I know my way around cameras generally, and am familiar with how SLR's work and photography in general. Trouble is I don't know dick about digital cameras.
What's a good resource for reviews and stuff? What are the top two or three consumer-level DSLR's to consider? I guess I'd be looking for something a step above a totally entry-level model, but not into crazy money territory.
K-50 color choices...
Does the K-500 have fancy color options too?
Guess Pentax is finally re-introducing entry-level DSLR. Too bad the body shape is looking more like Canikon.
But what other entry level give you 100% pentaprism viewfinder, IBIS and dual dials?!
And slightly larger sensor version of Q.
I'm not in the market to replace my K-r just yet, but I hope they keep it up with all those color options, I'm tired of the boring old black.
edit: is there no way to get a custom body without the extra kit lens?
Yea Sigma is really on a roll lately. Sample images look pretty good thus far.
Most of those images were also from prototype lenses so seeing the final product should be interesting.
On a side note, I went to a Jessops today and got my hands on some mirrorless camera options. I was leaning towards the EPL5 but the GX1 felt better in my hands. The ideal would be a he x100s or OM-D but it's just too much for a new system. What are some people's opinions on the EPL5 vs GX1?
GX2 is rumor to come out soon-ish. You might as well wait for that at least. If anything, GX1 price would drop.
I've now gone crazy and am considering the x100s. When I started on DSLR's 3 years ago, I opted for entry level and in that time have upgraded cameras four times and gone through a variety of lenses. I feel like laying out the extra cash for x100s is the best option and just be happy with my first purchase. That also means maybe considering the OM-D but I like the portability of the x100s and also not have to worry about lenses as my DSLR has that covered. After looking at so many options today (D-Lux, x100, LX7, etc.) it's amazing the endless possibilities. blergh