How heavy a camera can you carry and how much is the kit?
He said he is about $500 in from scratch (controller, motors, radios, frame) it can carry about 1lb. I think he said? Go-Pro is no problem but a DSLR might be too much. It runs on a custom arduino board, currently he just has GPS on it, supposed to be able to set waypoints and a flight path for it to follow but we didn't get that working all that well.
Here is the frame and motors he bought:
not sure where he got the flight controller and radios from.
We are still messing with the control board getting the flight and stuff smoothed out before attaching expensive cameras to it.
Test video we did today: lol
New gear is in!
After 4 years of using the high school's cameras, I finally have my own gear. Very excited! Camera is a Canon 60D, lens is a Sigma 17-70 f/2.8-4 DC Macro per recommendation of my former teacher.
Any suggestions on other things I need to pick up? I'm ordering a Tiffen UV filter and just a Canon 2400 gear bag as well.
Accross the chest strap, its amazing how much I take my camera out now that it doesnt murder my neck, get whatever you can afford from blackrapid or carry speed.
New gear is in!
After 4 years of using the high school's cameras, I finally have my own gear. Very excited! Camera is a Canon 60D, lens is a Sigma 17-70 f/2.8-4 DC Macro per recommendation of my former teacher.
Any suggestions on other things I need to pick up? I'm ordering a Tiffen UV filter and just a Canon 2400 gear bag as well.
Hey photoGAF, just got my first "real" camera a Panasonic DMC-G5KK from Amazon for $359. Did I do OK?
Heading to the Dominican Republic for vacation and I'm tired of cell phone pictures. I have zero experience with photography, last camera I bought was a point and shoot 4MP Olympus in 2005.
If you want a good lens in the m4/3 system with good size/weight/reach compromise check out the new Panasonic 14-140mm.
And that costs as much as your camera did
It is a great lens, I lusted after it for quite a while
Hey guys, my gf is looking for a cheap and fairly good DSLR/compact camera at around 250. Any suggestions? She was looking at the Nikon J1/J2, how are those if one can get one for cheaps?
Also, how much can you sell a Samsung PL150 for these days?
I have a Canon D600 (T3i) and am in need of two things:
-an excellent macro lens with great image quality. (on the cheap!)
- a good telephoto (something sharp even at maximum length)
Not looking to spend a boatload on either, but I want good IQ
Thanks for the insight mate. How do you think it would stack up against the J1? She says she can get that one for real cheap.I had the j2 from amazon. I really liked it as far as what it did. I just swapped it for a canon EOS M and the NEX-3n from amazon but still liked the j2 more. The video is really crisp and fast as hell focus on that cam for both video and pictures. It is only 10mp but I came from a D40 and it was the same if not better pictures from a very small camera. Here is a sample picture that I dont think I could have gotten from the D40.
Now I am a moron when it comes to camera settings but it was so easy to get these shots and never had anything like this from the D40. I was really impressed that her face was in focus and sharp but the light sticks had the blur to them. i think I was using flash for this with the night setting not sure.
Hey photoGAF, just got my first "real" camera a Panasonic DMC-G5KK from Amazon for $359. Did I do OK?
Heading to the Dominican Republic for vacation and I'm tired of cell phone pictures. I have zero experience with photography, last camera I bought was a point and shoot 4MP Olympus in 2005.
I had the j2 from amazon. I really liked it as far as what it did. I just swapped it for a canon EOS M and the NEX-3n from amazon but still liked the j2 more. The video is really crisp and fast as hell focus on that cam for both video and pictures. It is only 10mp but I came from a D40 and it was the same if not better pictures from a very small camera. Here is a sample picture that I dont think I could have gotten from the D40.
Now I am a moron when it comes to camera settings but it was so easy to get these shots and never had anything like this from the D40. I was really impressed that her face was in focus and sharp but the light sticks had the blur to them. i think I was using flash for this with the night setting not sure.
Yeah, your flash was definitely delayed due to a night + flash setting (or a slow flash setting, as in Olympus cameras). You could have done it with a D40, but obviously newer cameras do things better.
I have a Canon D600 (T3i) and am in need of two things:
-an excellent macro lens with great image quality. (on the cheap!)
- a good telephoto (something sharp even at maximum length)
Not looking to spend a boatload on either, but I want good IQ
Do you have the original files uploaded somewhere? Take a look in the meta data and see what setting the camera was operating at, then you can reproduce those with other cameras if you like.
lol @ dpreview exploding with their E-M1 preview.
It's just an E-M5 update and people are getting insecure or bitter.
After 4 years of using the high school's cameras, I finally have my own gear. Very excited! Camera is a Canon 60D, lens is a Sigma 17-70 f/2.8-4 DC Macro per recommendation of my former teacher.
lol @ dpreview exploding with their E-M1 preview.
It's just an E-M5 update and people are getting insecure or bitter.
Holy shit at the Pentax argument broke out in the preview comments.
This camera touches some old wounds. M43 haters and 4/3 glass holders coming out of woodwork.
You got to give Olympus credit for coming out with a high end body after all the financial troubles. Still, I hate how Transformer this body look.
It definitely has retro look but maybe too retro and not stylized like Fuji's offerings. I little too blocky really.
Flo, how is that 20mm 2.8 AI-S working for you?
I really like it. Although I might sell it on for a 35mm 1.4 ai when my 17-35 gets fixed.
It really shines on the d600 but oddly I ran a roll of fuji 400H through my film camera and got kinda meh results. Could of been an off day or really bad 1 hour photo processing IDK.
I'm getting a 35mm 1.4 pre ai, ai or ai-s.
Is there any difference in the optics or anything? I wont be metering with the lens. I have a Gossen.
Not sure. I usually go with ai-s as those are the newest versions and are generally better. Sometimes the ai version will have slightly more accurate but slower focusing, I haven't researched that lens to know if there are any differences. I do know the older versions have a slightly different barrel, but it may just be cosmetic.
I generally avoid pre-ai unless they are converted, even then I don't think the anti-reflective coating was as good (or maybe it has all worn off) on those lenses.
Good point here. I'll probably go with a used 35mm 1.4 ai-s off ebay. I've gotten good deals and clean glass off ebay when it comes to old manual lenses.
Do you think there is any interest in a discussion of the use of Thorium glass in Nikkor lenses? Nikon used Thorium glass in the early 35mm f/1.4 to attain higher refraction figures. This was a very common design option in the 1960s and very early 1970s (when the 35mm f/1.4 lens was designed). Evidence of this can be obtained either through the use of a Geiger counter to actually read the radioactivity emitted from the lens or by observing the yellowing of the glass from the aging of the element(s) that contain Thorium. The early versions of the 35mm f/1.4 Nikkor are now over 30 years old and as such they will appear yellow when you view a white piece of paper through them. Should you shoot color slides with such a lens you will get a definite yellow cast to the pictures. They say that the yellow can be bleached out over time by leaving the glass uncovered in bright sunlight for many weeks. (I cannot personally attest to that method). Maybe this could be integrated somewhere on the page that discusses the 35mm f/1.4 Nikkor lens. The current AIS version doesn't employ Thorium glass. Dan Lindsay Santa Barbara
Thanks for sharing. I currently read a lot of ken's stuff. Some of the stuff he says is a little crazy though and I feel like he doesn't approach all his reviews from an artist perspective which is how I shoot.I
I also like Ken Rockwell's site for lens info. He is a colossal troll with most of his articles but he has a lot of specs and good lens info. He points out the AI-s 35mm 1.4 has 9 aperture blades vs the older one with 7.
So yeah. AI-s version!
Looking for a 72mm UV filter - any brand suggestions? It's a Sigma lens, if that matters.
Also, what's the consensus on Battery Grips?
Looking for a 72mm UV filter - any brand suggestions? It's a Sigma lens, if that matters.
Also, what's the consensus on Battery Grips?
There are good quality point and shoots to look at. Canon G series, Fuji X20, and Panasonic LX7 are all really good cameras. I had and really liked the LX7 but it got stolen out of a checked bag. In looking for a replacement I still think its the best combination of price, size, and photo quality.I'm looking for a decent compact camera that would be able to fit inside of a travel bag. I'm trying to convince myself to jump on a lower end Sony NEX-3 but I'm worried the added bulk of a 16mm lens or an 18-55mm will defeat the compactness of it.
Third party battery grips are fine if you want to save some money and if you really want to get a UV filter ( I don't suggest it) go B+W. They are made of brass and have the best coatings.
Cheap: Tiffen, Good: Hoya or B+W. Don't buy other cheap brands.
Thanks. Why do you suggest against a UV filter?