I have a question concerning Lightroom. Or rather a complaint? I'm not sure. So far I used Picasa to manage my images, it's fairly fast, works somewhat well with my approach of using windows explorer to transfer files from memory cards to computer and is rather easy to use.
Lightroom obviously offers more functionality which I would like. However, it seems incompatible with my way of doing things so far. (e.g.: Catalogs and having to import new folders manually instead of having watch folders that are automatically updated in LR). Also it does seem quite a bit slower than Picasa when starting the program itself or browsing through images. (Although to be fair, as of now I have all my 50.000+ pictures in one catalog and I might have saved the catalog file on an HDD instead of my SSD).
In summary I think I don't quite understand the concept of the Lightroom catalogs. And that frustrates me. I've read that you want multiple small catalogs for speed reasons, but I would like to be able to filter all my pictures for certain criteria now and then. That wouldn't work if I had different catalogs sorted by year or so, right?
You can have watch folders in LR.
You don't need to split up your catalogs unless your computer really sucks. Keep it all in one large one until things start to feel sluggish, then you can split it off if you need to.
When you want to import: Connect your memory card to the computer. Open up LR. Make a new folder within the folder structure on the left panel in Library mode. Right click -> import into this folder. LR should automatically know that you want to import from the card. Easy.
Increase the cache size in the preferences to help performance. When you want to browse your photos quickly, use Library mode. If you get lag in Library mode, that means you don't have all your previews created, so select all your photos and create standard previews.
SSDs are good and all, but for Lightroom, the
overwhelming factor in performance is CPU speed and multi core.