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The Official Camera Equipment Megathread

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So I'm exhausting my 18-55mm kit lens pretty quickly now, and I'm looking for a new pick up to suit me. Another all round general purpose lens would be a bit unnecessary I think, so I was possibly looking at something a bit more specific.
Either a wide angle for landscape or something like a macro lens. Any suggestions on either? I'm looking for something around £300-400, for a Canon EOS 550D.
Completely open to recommendations!

*Edit* found the Canon 50mm: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb...ywords=CANON+EF+50mm&rh=i:aps,k:CANON+EF+50mm

Any experiences with this? What does it do well?


Übermatik;131884073 said:
So I'm exhausting my 18-55mm kit lens pretty quickly now, and I'm looking for a new pick up to suit me. Another all round general purpose lens would be a bit unnecessary I think, so I was possibly looking at something a bit more specific.
Either a wide angle for landscape or something like a macro lens. Any suggestions on either? I'm looking for something around £300-400, for a Canon EOS 550D.
Completely open to recommendations!

*Edit* found the Canon 50mm: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb...ywords=CANON+EF+50mm&rh=i:aps,k:CANON+EF+50mm

Any experiences with this? What does it do well?

The Canon 50mm 1.8 is amazing for the price and should be picked up anyway. It's a great low light lens and provides some cool looking bokeh. Probably best for either portraits, close-ups and maybe some street photography.
The Canon 50mm 1.8 is amazing for the price and should be picked up anyway. It's a great low light lens and provides some cool looking bokeh. Probably best for either portraits, close-ups and maybe some street photography.

It seems extremely cheap for the quality. Would be a nice addition I'm sure, thanks for the info! When you say 'close ups', you mean it gives a nice soft focus? Bokeh seems like a nice addition, something I can't currently achieve with my current kit.

Any other lenses that are interesting and maybe do something a bit different at the £300 price point?

*Edit* There's 2 versions on Amazon... f/1.4 USM and f/1.8 II. Which would you recommend? Big price difference.


Übermatik;131898980 said:
It seems extremely cheap for the quality. Would be a nice addition I'm sure, thanks for the info! When you say 'close ups', you mean it gives a nice soft focus? Bokeh seems like a nice addition, something I can't currently achieve with my current kit.

Any other lenses that are interesting and maybe do something a bit different at the £300 price point?

*Edit* There's 2 versions on Amazon... f/1.4 USM and f/1.8 II. Which would you recommend? Big price difference.

The 1.4 is definitely an upgrade from the 1.8. It's sharper and the bokeh is a lot more pleasing to the eyes. Haven't used it for photography but I personally won't buy it any time soon because of the price bump.

You could also try the lenses from Samyang. If you don't mind manual focus at least. The Samyang 85 1.5 is an amazing lens for the price. Incredible for portraits. The 35mm 1.4 seems to be an amazing lens as well. Great for video work.

Anyway, for landscapes the Sigma 30mm 1.4 ART might be something to look at. And I've had a lot of fun the the Tamron 90 2.8 Macro for them macro shots.

I'm not much of a photographer and do a whole lot more with video so I'm probably not your best source.


Übermatik;131884073 said:
So I'm exhausting my 18-55mm kit lens pretty quickly now, and I'm looking for a new pick up to suit me. Another all round general purpose lens would be a bit unnecessary I think, so I was possibly looking at something a bit more specific.
Either a wide angle for landscape or something like a macro lens. Any suggestions on either? I'm looking for something around £300-400, for a Canon EOS 550D.
Completely open to recommendations!

One annoying part about wide angle lenses for crop bodies is that 90% of the lenses are designed for full frame cameras and as lenses get a wider field of view the prices start to go up. With a crop sensor you end up paying for a lot of field of view that doesn't hit the sensor.
Not quite Apples to Apples, but you can see this with The 35mm f1.8 DX from Nikon. It is designed for crop sensors and because that field of view is cheap to render it is one third the price of the full frame version which has to render a wider field of view.

There are zooms wider than your kit lens (like 10-18mm), but they're usually fairly slow and expensive. Zooms around 16-35 are typically designed for full frame which is why they are priced so much higher. One exception is the Sigma 18-35 f1.8 which is excellent, but probably too expensive for you. Canon is about to release a 24mm f2.8 pancake lens which could be handy if you want a smaller walkaround lens and will hopefully also perform well enough. 24mm isn't terribly wide though.

Samyang has some crop sensored wide angles like the 10mm f2.8 and the 16mm f2.0. They have a 14mm f2.8, but crop bodies will see a lot of barrel distortion and being full frame it is pretty much the same weight (like 10% lighter) as the faster 16mm f2.0 which according to DXOMark is quite a lot sharper.
You have to live with a fully manual lens though. Manual focus for landscape is perhaps the easiest focusing there is though, especially if the lens has a calibrated infinity lock. You just focus to infinity and never look back. Even wide open it can be hard to get stuff out of focus :p


Übermatik;131898980 said:
It seems extremely cheap for the quality. Would be a nice addition I'm sure, thanks for the info! When you say 'close ups', you mean it gives a nice soft focus? Bokeh seems like a nice addition, something I can't currently achieve with my current kit.

Any other lenses that are interesting and maybe do something a bit different at the £300 price point?

*Edit* There's 2 versions on Amazon... f/1.4 USM and f/1.8 II. Which would you recommend? Big price difference.
The 50mm F1.8 is a couple steps up in quality from the 18-55. It's The 50mm F1.4 Canon is a couple steps up from the 50mm F1.8. You could get a 50mm f1.4 which will be a huge upgrade, or you could get a 50mm F1.8 (which is still a big upgrade) and put that extra cash towards another lens. Either are great options.
One annoying part about wide angle lenses for crop bodies is that 90% of the lenses are designed for full frame cameras and as lenses get a wider field of view the prices start to go up. With a crop sensor you end up paying for a lot of field of view that doesn't hit the sensor.
Not quite Apples to Apples, but you can see this with The 35mm f1.8 DX from Nikon. It is designed for crop sensors and because that field of view is cheap to render it is one third the price of the full frame version which has to render a wider field of view.

There are zooms wider than your kit lens (like 10-18mm), but they're usually fairly slow and expensive. Zooms around 16-35 are typically designed for full frame which is why they are priced so much higher. One exception is the Sigma 18-35 f1.8 which is excellent, but probably too expensive for you. Canon is about to release a 24mm f2.8 pancake lens which could be handy if you want a smaller walkaround lens and will hopefully also perform well enough. 24mm isn't terribly wide though.

canon's new 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 is like $300. slow, sure, but sounds like a total bargain for anyone in the system.


canon's new 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 is like $300. slow, sure, but sounds like a total bargain for anyone in the system.
Thanks! I just remembered the 800 dollar ones.
Prices also differ where I live from US prices so sometimes 800 and 500 dollar lenses cost the same. One example are the Tokina APS-C ultrawides which for some reason are roughly the same price as the Sony FE 35mm here.


canon's new 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 is like $300. slow, sure, but sounds like a total bargain for anyone in the system.

It's reasonably sharp and has coverage comparable to full frame. I almost rented one today to help me shoot some wide angle cityscapes.

The 50mm F1.8 is a couple steps up in quality from the 18-55. It's The 50mm F1.4 Canon is a couple steps up from the 50mm F1.8. You could get a 50mm f1.4 which will be a huge upgrade, or you could get a 50mm F1.8 (which is still a big upgrade) and put that extra cash towards another lens. Either are great options.

The Canon 50mm f1.4 is only 2/3 stops brighter than the 1.8 and has questionable autofocus compared to more modern USM lenses. The only major IQ improvement is having more aperture blades for smoother bokeh when stopped down, apart from that it's really not a huge improvement from the f1.8.

I've always felt that the Canon 85mm f1.8 (nearly same price as 50mm f1.4!) and the Sigma 30mm f1.4 ART were real upgrades for APS-C users who are trading up.
It's reasonably sharp and has coverage comparable to full frame. I almost rented one today to help me shoot some wide angle cityscapes.

yeah it appears to be basically the first really affordable modern ultrawide zoom for APS-C. makes me wonder why no-one's ever done one before!

though i wonder even more why canon doesn't have a cheap 35mm f/1.8.


Does anyone have any experience buying Tamron gear? I plan on getting the 70-200 2.8 VC from a South Korean seller on Amazon US (to Canada), and I'm wondering what the warranty experience is like.
Übermatik;131884073 said:
So I'm exhausting my 18-55mm kit lens pretty quickly now, and I'm looking for a new pick up to suit me. Another all round general purpose lens would be a bit unnecessary I think, so I was possibly looking at something a bit more specific.
Either a wide angle for landscape or something like a macro lens. Any suggestions on either? I'm looking for something around £300-400, for a Canon EOS 550D.
Completely open to recommendations!

*Edit* found the Canon 50mm: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb...ywords=CANON+EF+50mm&rh=i:aps,k:CANON+EF+50mm

Any experiences with this? What does it do well?

A good wide angle for the money is the Tokina 11-16 2.8. I've got one for my Nikon and it's quite nice. Built like a tank and worth the money.


Can also check B&H or Adorama for a lot of reviews on it.


A good wide angle for the money is the Tokina 11-16 2.8. I've got one for my Nikon and it's quite nice. Built like a tank and worth the money.


Can also check B&H or Adorama for a lot of reviews on it.

On this note I have the Tokina 12-28mm f/4 and am very pleased with it. I used my bosses 11-16 f/2.8 and found it a little restrictive with the narrow range but the 12-28 I've not found that with as much. Both are nice solid lenses with smooth rings. I'll likely stick with it as my wide angle until such time as I feel the need to move to FX which, while tempting with the D750, I really don't need right now.

Just a flickr search for Tokina 12-28

I got mine from DigitalRev in August, It arrived about 5 hours after all my camera gear was stolen when my house was burgled lol. I had that lens and a lens cap from a 50mm 1.8 as my entire collection!

Jessops Want £530 for it but Digital rev just £350.


I once dipped that Tokina 11-16 on salt water.

AF didn't work for about a week. Then it went back to its functioning condition after.


So, the countdown ends in 4 minutes.

Wonder what they'll announce...

Edit: Apparently this countdown is somehow time zone dependent. Which is stupid.

Yeah I clicked and it said 40 minutes. So I suddenly found myself in a time warp to Cairo and it just says 00:00:00.

I wonder what they'll announce since they only just did the 7dm2


It's just some marketing campaign. It was announcement from Canon USA to begin with so nothing too important in terms of hardware...



I am going thinking of turning the lonely empty room on my roof in a studio, but I don't really have much money to allocate to that project (as in barely any at all), but I have tools and can get wood and other materials for cheap, can anyone point me to some cool DIY tutorials?


That Canon Marketing campaign is stupid. They even hyped it up with a countdown.


I have decided that the D750 will be my jump to FX when that time comes, and for the first time ever I'm actually going to save up for it rather than just buying it lol.

I already have a 24-70 and 70-200 2.8 and a 105mm macro that are all FX, so the jump won't be as painful to my wallet as it might be for some.


I have decided that the D750 will be my jump to FX when that time comes, and for the first time ever I'm actually going to save up for it rather than just buying it lol.

I already have a 24-70 and 70-200 2.8 and a 105mm macro that are all FX, so the jump won't be as painful to my wallet as it might be for some.

What are you primary reasons for choosing the D750 over the D600/610? Just curious because I'm honestly considering abandoning Canon sometime within the next 2 years and making the switch. I love the aesthetics and lens selection of the Canon 6D but I'm just not sure it's worth upgrading to when Nikon's sensor tech absolutely blows away Canon's half-decade old tech. That combined with their recent PR blunders just discourages me from sticking with them when they clearly aren't interested in pursuing things that the market is actually asking for.

I'm willing to bet that the D600/610 will see some healthy price drops in the near future. Nikon seems like they're positioning the D750 in a way that makes it look like an outright replacement for the PR shitstorm that was the D600/610.


I'm willing to bet that the D600/610 will see some healthy price drops in the near future. Nikon seems like they're positioning the D750 in a way that makes it look like an outright replacement for the PR shitstorm that was the D600/610.
Maybe I was too late too the party, but I got sad when I realized the D600 wasn't very cheap despite the poor reputation. A decent price drop on the "entry level" FF cameras could hurt my financials.

The autofocus and metering improvements (should have face detection with the same sensor as the D810) are nice, but it feels so minor for the big jump in price. I'm a bit biased though because I'm not a professional and can take it slowly with manual metering and still subjects that don't need tracking AF (or AF for that matter :p ).


What are you primary reasons for choosing the D750 over the D600/610? Just curious because I'm honestly considering abandoning Canon sometime within the next 2 years and making the switch. I love the aesthetics and lens selection of the Canon 6D but I'm just not sure it's worth upgrading to when Nikon's sensor tech absolutely blows away Canon's half-decade old tech. That combined with their recent PR blunders just discourages me from sticking with them when they clearly aren't interested in pursuing things that the market is actually asking for.

I'm willing to bet that the D600/610 will see some healthy price drops in the near future. Nikon seems like they're positioning the D750 in a way that makes it look like an outright replacement for the PR shitstorm that was the D600/610.

To be honest, when the D600/D610 came out I wasn't looking at going FX. And I'm only just thinking about it now because of the D750.

But looking at them both as options this one page summed up a bunch of it well. In addition, the D750 takes a few more bits from the D4 which is always nice to see.

The biggest feature differences are faster and newer processor, 1 stop improvement in the native ISO range and the updated Multi-CAM 3500 FX II autofocus system used on the D750, with the ability to focus at -3 EV (compared to -1 EV on the D610), much better movie features, tilting LCD, built-in Wi-Fi, improved battery life and better body build using a combination of magnesium alloy and carbon fiber, instead of magnesium alloy and plastic.

Read more: http://photographylife.com/nikon-d750-vs-d610#ixzz3FrFHfwcY

And from DPreview

The 24MP D750 is Nikon's third full-frame DSLR this year, and for a lot of our readers, it might be the most significant. Sitting between the more affordable D610 and the pro-grade, high-resolution D810, the D750 borrows elements from both cameras. Impressively though - with the exception of its sensor - the D750's build quality, ergonomics and feature set have much more in common with the more expensive of the two.

The D750 offers faster continuous shooting than the D810 (6.5fps), an 'improved' version of the D810's 51-point AF system (more on that later), a 91,000-pixel RGB metering sensor, the same 3.2" RGBW LCD screen (but tilting), and the same OLED viewfinder display. The D750 also inherits the same video specification as the D810, which itself incorporated the refinements that Nikon has been adding with each successive DSLR release. In this instance, that means powered aperture control, the new 'Flat' picture control mode and the addition of zebra overexposure warnings (though no focus peaking yet).

I should add that since my post the other day about thinking about it, I'm now seriously thinking about it! I've about £800 worth of bits to trade in or sell and can get a D750 from Panamoz for £1273. I'm even contemplating chucking a 50mm 1.4 in there too!

Funds for the D750 have been allocated ;)


Well, my D750 has been ordered from Panamoz, £1263.50 all in. I'm excited! The first brand new camera I've paid for since the D80 when it launched!


I think this is the lowest price of the E-mount FE Zeiss 55mm lens i've seen


US $778.0


*gimme* -_-

I really wish i hadn't bought a NEX-6 and started a new hobby. After the last vacation i seriously want the SEL351.8 and other AF lenses but this shit is just too expensive atm for me. Only have the kit PZ, a Sigma 30mm 2.8 (which is good) and a MF Canon 50mm 1.8 which i never use (lack of AF). Pictures and videos are good but i know that they could be even better with proper lenses.
I have less problems with buying a PS4, new Notebook or a new fork for my mountainbike because they get way more use than the camera. Thought about selling all the camera stuff till i have more money but then i go to events/vacation and the pictures turn out really well. People are always suprised how good they are. But i need better low light performance.
Was right before buying a new lens because i had applied for job with 400 € /month more pay than i get now but it was already fixed for another person (learned about this right after) so plans for buying anything new are scratched.

Maybe i should sell my stuff and buy a used RX10 so i never get tempted again by other lenses.

Edit: Haha just looked up the price of used RX10s ... around 700 € -_-. Would be lucky if i even get 350€ out of my gear.


*gimme* -_-

Quoting DXOMark numbers, but the cheap 50 f1.8 with OSS got 23 points on the NEX7 while the fe 55 f1.8 got 26.

With FF lenses for APS-C cameras you're paying an awful lot for glass that isn't used. A 36MP FF camera sounds like it will need an awfully sharp lens, but it has the same pixel size as a 16MP APS-C camera so a 20-24MP APS-C sensor will be even more sensitive to aberrations. While almost all lenses are sharpest in the middle a lot of lenses have poor performance in a band 2/3 from the center to help correct the edges which is counter productive when those are cut. The FE 55 got a pMP rating of 15 on DXOMark which is just two more than the much cheaper 50 OSS.

It's great if you're planning to get an FE camera in the future, but I think the value is really poor when used on a crop sensor especially without OSS. The only reason I can see otherwise is if you really hate vignetting and only shoot wide open or want to pay a big premium for better build quality and a little extra IQ.

MTF curve where you can see the "kink" just before the edge. APS-C edges are 14mm out from center (28mm diagonal).


I know it's for the A7 (although useable for NEX/APS-C e mount) but i played around with the A7 and Fuji's T1 for a bit and are in love with these bodies. But i don't have enough money for them or rather i'm to casual to really use their full potential and get my money worth. Never thought that i would find a more costly hobby than mountain biking and gaming.

I also don't really want to go bigger than NEX/A6000. NEX6 just fitted into a really small "fanny pack" so i could take it into the clubs at my last vacation (seven days drum and bass festival in sardinia/italy).
I just want to dig deeper into shooting and take photography curses but then i would have to heavily tone down my other expenses. There is also an addition to the family on the horizon and that will probably be the biggest roadblock to all of my hobbies :)

The SEL-35F1.8 and the SEL-1670Z would be enough for the next years but that is already a big pile of cash. But enough with my poor mans whining :)

There is the Festival of Lights going on in Berlin atm so i'm going out every day to take some nice pictures with longer exposure.


Yeah, I'm desperately trying to make it cheap without having to use crappy gear. That is why I have a cost saving solution to everything :p
The A7 tempted me because I could save a lot by getting older gear, but the upfront investment is still huge, I'd much rather have the much more expensive A7s and I'm tempted to buy lenses like the FE 35 and FE 55 which are really good for the price, but still very expensive...

Fixed lens cameras are getting much better now and have crossed my mind as well, but they just don't excite me because they can't specialize. Not very long or wide and neither fast nor macro.


Looks like the combo dropped, not the body only.

In the UK the body is £1800 everywhere, but ordered from Panamoz it can be yours for £1263, and I've just got a £50 refund because it won't have an English plug or manual in, no biggie!


Just bought the 50 mm 1.8 from Amazon

Should arrive on Friday. Can't wait to experience what all the hype is about.

I now got a fixed 50 mm lens, a tele 70-300 from Tamron. I want to get rid of my old kit lens (17-55) and (75-300). What should I get next? I am considering the Sigma 17-55. Heard many good things about it. I am taking the 50 mm on a trip to Bruges (Belgium) in a couple of weeks. Should be the perfect place to test it.


Just bought the 50 mm 1.8 from Amazon

Should arrive on Friday. Can't wait to experience what all the hype is about.

I now got a fixed 50 mm lens, a tele 70-300 from Tamron. I want to get rid of my old kit lens (17-55) and (75-300). What should I get next? I am considering the Sigma 17-55. Heard many good things about it. I am taking the 50 mm on a trip to Bruges (Belgium) in a couple of weeks. Should be the perfect place to test it.

Why do you want rid of the kit 17-55 if you still want the focal range? Is is a poor lens?


Guys, I've asked a couple of times here so I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but I'm in the market for a new (main) camera, hopefully one that can use lenses but not be terribly bulky, and that will be used mostly for traveling and urban photography (Here's some pictures I took with my previous camera). My budget is around $1000.

I've had this in my Amazon cart for a while:

But I'm hesitant on pulling the trigger. I really could use some feedback.


Why do you want rid of the kit 17-55 if you still want the focal range? Is is a poor lens?

I would like to replace it with a better quality Sigma lens in the same focal range. The lens has done me very good though. I feel it is time to upgrade some. I've had this body (600D) for almost a year now, and I need to upgrade to make my photography move forward.


Guys, I've asked a couple of times here so I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but I'm in the market for a new (main) camera, hopefully one that can use lenses but not be terribly bulky, and that will be used mostly for traveling and urban photography (Here's some pictures I took with my previous camera). My budget is around $1000.

I've had this in my Amazon cart for a while:

But I'm hesitant on pulling the trigger. I really could use some feedback.

Just do it man.

A6000 would probably the best APS-C you'll be getting on these mirrorless anyway, the next step is full frame which is out of your budget anyway.
Guys, I've asked a couple of times here so I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but I'm in the market for a new (main) camera, hopefully one that can use lenses but not be terribly bulky, and that will be used mostly for traveling and urban photography (Here's some pictures I took with my previous camera). My budget is around $1000.

I've had this in my Amazon cart for a while:

But I'm hesitant on pulling the trigger. I really could use some feedback.

You haven't given enough information for us to give you advice either way. If you pick two different combos we will tell you the pros and cons of each option.

What kind of photography do you take, what kind do you want to take more etc etc?


You haven't given enough information for us to give you advice either way. If you pick two different combos we will tell you the pros and cons of each option.

What kind of photography do you take, what kind do you want to take more etc etc?

Well, the link I attached to my post should give you an idea of the kind of pictures I usually take. Most pictures I'm proud of I've taken while traveling: wide shots of city skylines 1 2 and big buildings 1 2 3. Other than those I also like up-close photos of stuff and shallow DoFs 1 2 3, specially because I like being able to capture interesting textures up-close, I guess. It definitely is nothing special.

I don't usually use my camera's zoom, so that's why I'm interested in a prime lens. I'll use it primarily for travel and urban photography as I said above, but I also don't want anything that will become useless in any other sort of environment. I also care about size and portability, and being able to take decent shots in low light situations. I've been reading up on the A6000 and its performance with that prime, and it sounds like it fulfills those requirements, so that's why I've been leaning towards that combination.
Well, the link I attached to my post should give you an idea of the kind of pictures I usually take. Most pictures I'm proud of I've taken while traveling: wide shots of city skylines 1 2 and big buildings 1 2 3. Other than those I also like up-close photos of stuff and shallow DoFs 1 2 3, specially because I like being able to capture interesting textures up-close, I guess. It definitely is nothing special.

I don't usually use my camera's zoom, so that's why I'm interested in a prime lens. I'll use it primarily for travel and urban photography as I said above, but I also don't want anything that will become useless in any other sort of environment. I also care about size and portability, and being able to take decent shots in low light situations. I've been reading up on the A6000 and its performance with that prime, and it sounds like it fulfills those requirements, so that's why I've been leaning towards that combination.

If an not a bad option. You can also consider the Fujifilm 35mm/1.4 for 600 new or around 400 for an used one. Body wise you can go with XM1/XA1 for around 300-400 or an used XE-1 for around 300.

If you like Sony better you can also consider NEX6. Both NEX6 and XE1 have better EVF than A6000 but slower AF speed.

Now about how to choose the right mount for you, image you will spend $500 on lens next year and another $500 the following year. Then you look at the options you can get from E XF, and m43 mounts, then you will know which one is right for you.

edit: all the photos you linked are wide angle landscape shots.


Well it's (D750) finally arrived!

Initial impressions are great. The deeper grip over my D7100 is so comfortable, the camera is a small fraction wider, a little taller but only slightly heavier.

Not had a chance to look at any images yet but I've taken a few at high iso for comparisons.

Shutter has a much thicker clunk to it, the 6.5 fps felt nice and fast.

Looking forward to having a look at the images and getting out with it!

Also got the 50mm 1.8 with it.

Hey all!!! I am having a dilemma. A few months ago, I sold my Canon 60D DSLR out of having to pay a bill. I am kicking myself in the ass for it every day. Now that I have the money, I want to buy one again (I do people portraits, travel photography and pet portraits). I have noticed that I can pick up a 7D new for $850 in some places and wondering if the extra few hundred is worth it? I know the 7D has 19 AF points and 8fps continuous burt, but for someone wanting to travel and do professional work with Sigma 18-35 ART & Canon 100mm L Macro lenses, is it worth going to the 7D, or should I save money and go back to the 60D? I know these bodies are 4 years old, but I do not have enough for a Full-Frame at the moment.

As a follow-up question: Is it better to buy new or used bodies?


Shutter has a much thicker clunk to it, the 6.5 fps felt nice and fast.

Looking forward to having a look at the images and getting out with it!

Also got the 50mm 1.8 with it.

It might be too early to say, but have you found it a worthy improvement over the D600/610? Just trying to weigh my options before I make the move to full frame myself in about a year or so. Also, do you have a Flickr/500px account you upload your work to?

I sort of want to get a point and shoot camera for vacations and what not, but I'd be just as happy using my cell phone. I don't like carrying extra stuff. My cell phone is a Nokia 920 with a carl zeiss lense, which takes pretty good pictures. Would it be a HUGE difference if I started carrying around and using this -

http://www.bestbuy.com/site/sony-cy...8690261560&skuId=5755149&st=Sony RX&cp=1&lp=2

For that price plus tax, it'd be a hard justification for sure considering you're content with your current setup and don't like carrying excess gear. The primary benefits you'd get with a camera like the RX100 over your Nokia are improved low-light shots, improved reach and a slight improvement on depth of field. The decision's ultimately up to you, if you don't have issues in low light, don't require the longer focal length and don't like the aesthetic of having a thinner DOF then I'd give it a pass.

Hey all!!! I am having a dilemma. A few months ago, I sold my Canon 60D DSLR out of having to pay a bill. I am kicking myself in the ass for it every day. Now that I have the money, I want to buy one again (I do people portraits, travel photography and pet portraits). I have noticed that I can pick up a 7D new for $850 in some places and wondering if the extra few hundred is worth it? I know the 7D has 19 AF points and 8fps continuous burt, but for someone wanting to travel and do professional work with Sigma 18-35 ART & Canon 100mm L Macro lenses, is it worth going to the 7D, or should I save money and go back to the 60D? I know these bodies are 4 years old, but I do not have enough for a Full-Frame at the moment.

As a follow-up question: Is it better to buy new or used bodies?

If you don't have enough for full frame and generally shoot portraits, I'd stick with the 60D over the 7D. Most of the improvements in the 7D are the metal construction, improved AF for shooting action and the drive speed. Most of those improvements would benefit you more if you shot sports or high speed photography in a demanding environment. The high ISO isn't improved much and the only thing the 7D has over the 60D when it comes to portraits is a 100% coverage viewfinder in my opinion.

I also shoot portraits for work and I've had about 2 years experience with the 60D and 7 months with the 7D. If you're a portrait guy like me, I'd go with the 60D and invest the extra savings on lighting equipment for portraiture.


I got my Canon 50 mm 1.8 Monday after Amazon screwed up and my shipment got delay from Friday. This thing is amazing for its value. And don't even get me started on the video capabilities of this thing. I cannot wait to put it to the test.

Good thing I'm flying to Bruges tomorrow! Gonna have plenty of time to get used to this new lens.

Hopefully I can show some usable shots when I come back.
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