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The Official Daily Show Thread with Jon Stewart


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I don't think the majority of the audience knew what was coming with the CNN clips.
Good job Daily Show on rushing it to make the cut.


John Oliver you fucking beast, that was great.

Also a big WTF to the U.S senate to voting down the gun regulations, it makes me wish there was a possible way to clone Patton and put him in as a senator, each time someone says something as stupid as those people he bangs his fists and starts screaming obscenities at the guy. And then rams a tank through the wall.
John Oliver was great last night. I've never seen him get that close to being genuinely upset while doing one of his comedy interviews. You could tell how much he hated the that Philip guy. What a total fucking cunt.
John Oliver was great last night. I've never seen him get that close to being genuinely upset while doing one of his comedy interviews. You could tell how much he hated the that Philip guy. What a total fucking cunt.

I'm looking forward to him hosting the show in the summer. That segment was fantastic.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Jon Oliver is amazing his part 2 of the gun control bit was hilariously depressing. Give the man an Emmy
disappointed in stewart's characterization of obama's role in the stock act reversal. the only reason he signed it is because it was veto-proof, but he made it seem like obama supported the reversal.


Kills Photobucket
Stephen, you moron. That picture is from the Spirit Rover panorama and was taken 8 years ago...


I figured they'd know better than to not research something.

On behalf of space nuts everywhere.



Fox news making up for lost ground by having their commentators completely bury the pretty good journalism they did on Thursday/Friday via ridiculously moronic statements. Seriously? Arrest her for wearing a hijab? Go fuck yourselves.


Fox news making up for lost ground by having their commentators completely bury the pretty good journalism they did on Thursday/Friday via ridiculously moronic statements. Seriously? Arrest her for wearing a hijab? Go fuck yourselves.

Yeah, I actually was stunned when I heard her say that. Shocked and speechless. What the fuck is up with these people? They are hypochrisy incarnated in a stupid package, you are apparently to die by the constitution as long as it protects free speech and guns, your other rights however they should give or take whenever they please.


Fox news making up for lost ground by having their commentators completely bury the pretty good journalism they did on Thursday/Friday via ridiculously moronic statements. Seriously? Arrest her for wearing a hijab? Go fuck yourselves.

I just watched that segment... Holy shit, Fox is making it veeeery easy for Stewart and co.


So that series of gun control pieces was frankly amazing and I'm not just saying that because I'm Australian and therefore already disposed to anything John Oliver was going to say
I see an Emmy or Peabody coming to The Daily Show for that gun series. Again, it shows why the writers of The Daily Show prove why they're the best game in town.
John Oliver was great last night. I've never seen him get that close to being genuinely upset while doing one of his comedy interviews. You could tell how much he hated the that Philip guy. What a total fucking cunt.

That guy was a nutcase.

Saying that another nation on the same planet was not on Planet Earth.

When the thing he is saying that about is their gun control policy.

That works.

He fucking said that their gun control policy doesn't work because it does.

What the heck.


Yea, I am going to go against the grain here and say the Gun Special was pretty bloody awful, owing mainly to that fact that a rather glaring logical fallacy was never really addressed. At the end of the day Australia is a different nation, with a different history and more to the point a differing governmental structure. Australia has no Second Amendment that does grant firearm protections as interpreted by the Supreme Court and thus can enact whatever gun regulations it wants to, any notion of rights infringement is little more then hot air. I agree that the problem with firearms has gone beyond the point of sanity and gun control advocates have pushed too far over what should be sensible measures. Still, unless the interpretation of the second amendment changes or flat out repealed, it is a cornerstone of our law and gun control and gun safety is going to be a slower and more deliberate process.


Right, but the legalistic arguments weren't the focus, the thing was basically a searing hot poker to the arse of gun lobbyist arguments and politicians focusing on getting re-elected ahead of gun safety. It's the kind of anger that comes from America having had *checks wiki* 16 mass shootings in the last year alone and no major reforms coming out of it, with the gun lobby continually asserting the same logic that has proven false in an (at least superficially) substantially similar society.

The Second Amendment may be a powerful legal obstacle and a rallying cry for the gun lobby, but the pieces was focused mainly on the logic or lack thereof behind those who argue against control in the first place.

I'd say they chose a strawman victim but that's how these pieces go... and they are intended to expose the ludicrous beliefs of real life people, I suppose


Yea, I am going to go against the grain here and say the Gun Special was pretty bloody awful, owing mainly to that fact that a rather glaring logical fallacy was never really addressed. At the end of the day Australia is a different nation, with a different history and more to the point a differing governmental structure. Australia has no Second Amendment that does grant firearm protections as interpreted by the Supreme Court and thus can enact whatever gun regulations it wants to, any notion of rights infringement is little more then hot air. I agree that the problem with firearms has gone beyond the point of sanity and gun control advocates have pushed too far over what should be sensible measures. Still, unless the interpretation of the second amendment changes or flat out repealed, it is a cornerstone of our law and gun control and gun safety is going to be a slower and more deliberate process.

This isn't so cut and dry. It wasn't until 2008 that the supreme court said that gun ownership was an individual right. Overruling gun control laws made in 1975.

(1) The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Pp. 2–53.

Now that public opinion has changed I think revisiting the case would reinterpret the second amendment closer to what was originally intended. It is the only way to put a steak in the heart of the NRA over gun control measures if we hope to make any progress.


This isn't so cut and dry. It wasn't until 2008 that the supreme court said that gun ownership was an individual right. Overruling gun control laws made in 1975.

(1) The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Pp. 2–53.

Now that public opinion has changed I think revisiting the case would reinterpret the second amendment closer to what was originally intended. It is the only way to put a steak in the heart of the NRA over gun control measures if we hope to make any progress.

Indeed hence my assertion that interpretations of the second amendment would have to change, because even if laws are enacted and signed, they can be struck down by the high courts. Once again, the logic displayed by the gun zealots is appalling and frightening, but applying the situation of other nations is not applicable over here because of differing rules and regulations and all that jazz.


Certainly it makes the legal implementation trickier, but I wouldn't say that you'd have to throw any possible comparison out the window. Australia, US, UK, Canada and New Zealand are probably the best possible societal comparisons available.


Certainly it makes the legal implementation trickier, but I wouldn't say that you'd have to throw any possible comparison out the window. Australia, US, UK, Canada and New Zealand are probably the best possible societal comparisons available.

When the piece was focusing on destroying the faulty logic of gun control not working it was pretty spot on but it still decided to pontificate over how gun control is so easy in Australia vs the United States is just logical hogwash.


I'd argue we would have to least attempt gun legislation and try and draw up another supreme court decision. Surely bare bones background checks wouldn't take guns away from law abiding citizens and as it is now guns are getting in the hands of people with no intention of lawful use. It seems like there would be some measures we could put in place that can get around the ruling. I am not gonna lie though, we are going to have to fight tooth and nail for it.
When the piece was focusing on destroying the faulty logic of gun control not working it was pretty spot on but it still decided to pontificate over how gun control is so easy in Australia vs the United States is just logical hogwash.

Laws are just made up things any society should be able to alter for its future health.

The second amendment is words on paper.


Laws are just made up things any society should be able to alter for its future health.

The second amendment is words on paper.

I do agree with you on this and the law can be altered. Saying the Second Amendment is just words on paper is doing it a disservice because while that is partially true, (The Constitutions is a parchment) it is part of the highest law of the land and changing that is not going to be easy.


Fox news making up for lost ground by having their commentators completely bury the pretty good journalism they did on Thursday/Friday via ridiculously moronic statements. Seriously? Arrest her for wearing a hijab? Go fuck yourselves.

Will be hard to put this in a non offensive manner, but how can you live in a country where "journalists" or "politicians" are allowed to say something like that without any consequences? The saddening part is, that woman(I don't know her) most likely will not get fired or anything for saying that.
I mean it's not like Fox News are only watched by a couple of hundred people.


Laws are just made up things any society should be able to alter for its future health.

The second amendment is words on paper.

So is the first, 4th, 5th...

It was good at first, but the John Oliver bit got really old around the 3rd day. We got it, you favor more strict gun control. Moving on...
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