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The Official Daily Show Thread with Jon Stewart


Kills Photobucket
Hell yeah.



At first I was getting mad at how much Colbert is shilling the Great Gatsby. Then he pulled the Levar Burton card. Well played, Colbert. Well played.
That 'Blaft / Shaft' bit was so unfunny that I was pulling at my collar. Stewart wanted out so bad that he started reading Wilmore's lines to get things moving again. Oof.


That's actually not the first time Rob Ford was mentioned in TDS. Though, this is (probably) the first segment dedicated to him.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
O'Reilly seemed different last night than his usual appearances. Just outright hating Muslims felt more upfront than he's usual shtick.


The show's back on tonight, WITH Stewart.
Think Oliver's got the chops to take over for a couple of months? (on JUNE 10th)

Oliver, who has ample reserves of that British self-flagellation, says he will consider his eight weeks at Stewart’s anchor desk a success if he does not completely destroy the show. “When he gets back, I’m just trying to make sure this building is not on fire both physically and metaphorically,” says Oliver during a recent interview in his office at The Daily Show studios on the west side of Manhattan. “That is the aim, just to keep the show on the air for a few months.”
I'm pretty sure he'll be fine.


Looking forward to tonight's episode. I imagine Oliver will be kinda crappy the first couple nights, but he's creative and has really good timing so he should settle in fine.


I know it's super unlikely to happen but I hope we get some Andy Zaltsman at some point

Preferably as Senior British Correspondent


Oh, my bad!
I read the article and got the date wrong.

At least now I've got a Brian Williams interview to look forward to tomorrow.

Edited my initial post. I'm an idiot.


I know it's super unlikely to happen but I hope we get some Andy Zaltsman at some point

Preferably as Senior British Correspondent

And Chris can call in to truly make it a Bugle experience.
One pun... that's all I ask. At most, a 2 minute run.
I know it's super unlikely to happen but I hope we get some Andy Zaltsman at some point

Preferably as Senior British Correspondent

Zaltor the Merciless!

Yeah, that would be nice if he had Zaltzman do some remote stories from the UK. Just don't let him do his random made-up bullshit. I'd take a pun-run over that. Keep it news-based.



Is Williams at least picking it up for him?

/edit jesus he really was phoning it in. Which is weird because even his phoning in is really active and expressive but it's just... off

Williams did pick it up for him though. God, I love Williams


Looking forward to see the result of Stewart's work on the documentary movie, sounds like a story to hear about.

Also, next week is gonna be great, I am gonna miss Stewart but I am really excited about John Oliver.


Looking forward to see the result of Stewart's work on the documentary movie, sounds like a story to hear about.

Also, next week is gonna be great, I am gonna miss Stewart but I am really excited about John Oliver.

I don't think it's meant to be a documentary, is it?


I can't believe they redesigned the goddamn media player screen and it still fucking crashes and cuts out the video without the audio if you click on a different screen while it's buffering


Gonna miss Jon. Such an awesome guy. Loved that moment of zen :) Excited for John Oliver though considering him and Jason are my favorite correspondents.
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