Real Talk: Combat Juggling totally looks like something I could enjoy watching.
Colbert just announced that Daft Punk will be his guests for his annual music festival. This year it's called "Colbchella '013: The Song of the Summer Of the Century".
Colbert missed out on a good joke with MTV not actually playing any music videos anymore and Daft Punk being on a channel that doesn't actually play music.
The last week with Oliver. I'm going to miss him. Just hope Jon doesn't lapse back into the Fox News Rebuttal Show.
Was Rand Paul interviewed tonight? And please tell me:
1. There was no shitty drone talk
2. Oliver destroyed him
It was mainly about the ACA, no drone talk. Oliver did the best to really dive into what they actually oppose about it. Paul is a tough sell though, he'll just bulldoze through with his answers.
John did get him on the UK health care though which was pretty funny.
Disappointed they just skipped out on Egypt in favour of a backpatting almost-clip show. TDS has tackled sombre stories before and would have liked to see their take on it vs the superficial reporting of the rest of the media. Now they'll probably use the break till September to skip it entirely.
I liked Oliver about as much as Stewart as host but Oliver brought in better guests.
Stewart would bring in people like JLo to promote a shit movie way too often. I skip about half of Stewart's interviews but have watched all of Oliver's.
Oliver didn't handle the political guests as well.
He is timid because he still needs to earn more respect in his profession.
Called it!I hope they do a compilation of all of the things Jon was doing instead of hosting (waiting to be born to the royal family, setting the world record for smashing watermelons with his head, etc.)
I am more looking forward to Colbert commenting on Daft Punk not performing at the MTV music awards.
Wait, they didn't?
What happened?
They showed up, stood there while someone else gave an award to Taylor Swift, then sat down in the audience. That's it.
And that's why they couldn't do Colbchella? He is going to be so pissed, I cannot wait to see the reaction.
Wait, Crossfire is coming back?
*sees hosts*
It's being hosted by Newt Gingrich and SE Cupp?
Wait, Crossfire is coming back?
*sees hosts*
It's being hosted by Newt Gingrich and SE Cupp?
Jon will never be allowed on that show.
Ooooh man, Jon is going to have to so much fun with this revival.
Hopefully CNN is not that dumb. Right? ..... Right?
Jon's going to wind up killing the same show twice isn't he?
EDIT: I still don't get how Kramer survived his thrashing. If I were him I'd have quit and moved to Siberia after that beat down.
Operation: Just the tip
Kramer bit seemed really staged. He knew exactly what he was getting into. He went into it knowing he was going to get a public shaming, and he pretty much sat and took it, then went back to work.
I suppose. Dude just took the bullet for everyone else.
I love this picture: