rofl @ Hitler Stewart
I love this picture:
Hard G gif...
Stewart is dead to me.
He's an old man with a younger man waiting to usurp his position.He's just seen THE TRUTH
Truthfact.I miss Mr. Show.
It's criminal that Colbert doesn't already have a 5S and 5C!"Selling a war is just like selling an iphone"
"You just tell them the new one is smaller and faster, and people will buy it. Even though they already own one and are still paying off another old one."
Perfect metaphor Colbert.
Wait, I remember hearing about those pork bullets months ago...
The Colbert Report won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Variety Series tonight, ending The Daily Show's ten-year run.
The Colbert Report won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Variety Series tonight, ending The Daily Show's ten-year run.
The Colbert Report won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Variety Series tonight, ending The Daily Show's ten-year run.
But giving it to one is kind of like giving it to the other.
Did not expect that but really appreciated it rather than another movie star selling their movie.I liked how the Hugh Jackman interview became them talking about politics!
That was a really good congratulations speech Jon had for Colbert.
Good god, when was the last time we saw the On Notice board?
I busted a gut when Stewart pulled the Executive Producer card.
Grats to Colbert.
I think it's more of a problem with the shitty player both shows have. I can stream HD movies on Netflix and watch HQ streams on other streaming sites like Youtube etc, but I regularly have trouble with these two shows. Stutters and pauses like crazy. Sometimes the sound will just completely cut out after it comes back from a commercial break cut or other times the timeline along the bottom starts flashing so you can't skip ahead or adjust the audio etc. Horrible players.
Jason Jones actually unable to keep character, lol. Great segment on the ACA.
I think it's more of a problem with the shitty player both shows have.