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The Official Daily Show Thread with Jon Stewart


I love this picture:



Danger zone!


"Selling a war is just like selling an iphone"
"You just tell them the new one is smaller and faster, and people will buy it. Even though they already own one and are still paying off another old one."

Perfect metaphor Colbert.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Colbert's joke about searching the kid's afro was particularly funny to me because I have a friend with a huge afro and he actually got it searched at airport security once


Is there a way to force the video player on their website to a lower resolution? My laptop can't cope with streaming high resolutions and it's not very fun to watch the whole show stuttering like hell.
I think it's more of a problem with the shitty player both shows have. I can stream HD movies on Netflix and watch HQ streams on other streaming sites like Youtube etc, but I regularly have trouble with these two shows. Stutters and pauses like crazy. Sometimes the sound will just completely cut out after it comes back from a commercial break cut or other times the timeline along the bottom starts flashing so you can't skip ahead or adjust the audio etc. Horrible players.


I think it's more of a problem with the shitty player both shows have. I can stream HD movies on Netflix and watch HQ streams on other streaming sites like Youtube etc, but I regularly have trouble with these two shows. Stutters and pauses like crazy. Sometimes the sound will just completely cut out after it comes back from a commercial break cut or other times the timeline along the bottom starts flashing so you can't skip ahead or adjust the audio etc. Horrible players.

Agreed 100%


I think it's more of a problem with the shitty player both shows have.

I agree that the player is horrible, but it's also a problem of my laptop. It's a bit old. I can't really stream HD videos anywhere (YouTube etc. all stutter for me), but everywhere else I can just select a lower resolution. Usually I used my girlfriend's laptop to watch the shows, but that will be off for repairs for a while.
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