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The Official Daily Show Thread with Jon Stewart


No Scrubs
New Yorkers are obsessed with the idea that their pizza is the best evar and no one can compete. Which is what leads to freakouts when e.g. someone reviews some random place in California as having the best pizza in the country.

I don't really get it, it's not like the city doesn't have plenty of other claims to fame.

We just don't like it when other cities start thinking they're better than us when they so obviously aren't.


Sam Bee's been in New York too long.
It's a parody of the "1 woman off-off-off-broadway shows" that go on in the city. It was actually pretty tame considering what it was a parody of.
I was gonna add a couple more "offs" but this pretty much hits the nail on the head.
Oh god Samantha Bee was brilliant.


I'm so using this for the future:


Kills Photobucket
I wish Colbert had made some mention that the Mars rover that took those picture was not Curiosity, but Opportunity, which this Saturday will be celebrating it's 10th year on Mars despite only expecting a 90 day mission.


I love when Jon brings his old friends from his stand up days in the show, it feels like an episode of Comedians in Cars getting Coffee.
Was the Louis CK segment uncensored on tv or just the web version?

I always find it weird when they choose to do that, especially like last when it was just for one use of the word fuck in a throwaway fashion.

It should always be uncensored on the web, though, don't know why they bleep things on the internet.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
The part when Jon brought out the Double Gulp was so great, especially after he spent so much time talking about Bloomberg banning it.

And pizza is serious business!


Rachael Price from Lake Street Dive. Oh my.

Also liked how Colbert's mid-guest was someone whose views didn't completely align with the views of the show.


Jason Jones' Music Man/Monorail song would have been the best thing this week, but there's simply no beating Patrick "Jade Rabbit" Stewart.


Holy crap, Pussy Riot implied Putin was pedophile, you could see the moment Colbert flinches as if afraid for those girls. You can tell the brunette has seen some shit.
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