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The Official Daily Show Thread with Jon Stewart


Last night's was the first Daily Show ep that I only listened to, due to the new website being a piece of shit and not playing the video, only sound. Is it not working right for anyone else? Was still great, though. The CNN plane stuff, fucking hell.

Colombian here, its working just fine.


Samantha Bee just isn't that funny. That was a dumb bit.

Actually liked the new guy segment yesterday, he was pretty solid.


Samantha Bee just isn't that funny. That was a dumb bit.

Actually liked the new guy segment yesterday, he was pretty solid.

She and Jason can be hit or miss. When they're on point, it's amazing to watch. When they miss, oh boy do they.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
That Wall Street segment from Tuesday's show was quite the eye opener. I knew there was a bit of cross movement between the SEC and Wall Street, but to have over 200 staffers become high frequency traders, or lobbyist for high frequency trading in a span of three years...what kinda regulation are they even doing?


Was that Howard Rosen guy seriously agreeing with Hodgeman and his outrageous reasons to open a fund on Cook Islands?


Sam Jackson was so good, and so was his movie! Love how he just settled in after a few minutes and would just go off. Really entertaining.
The denial and mental gymnastics in regards to torture that Cheney and Rumsfeld pulled are appalling. But, the first segment of the Daily Show tonight was the hardest I have ever laughed at anything, culminating in Bush's paintings.


"But like with (torture) your internment camps, your slavery... America has a history of doing a tremendous amount of stuff that we don't do."



Oh god, my cheeks hurt so much, Denis Leary is the best guest ever on The Daily Show. Every single time, they show a clip with him, talk about it for 5 seconds and then forget all about it and just start having so much fun with each other. I love it. :D

Also that Noah bit was priceless, "Everyone lived happy ever after."


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I won't be surprised if TDS is extended to an hour. Certainly enough content to make it work.


It really was hilarious. I couldn't stop imagining a bunch of creepy 80+ year-old men being confused about whether they should be angry or slobbering.


I can't access any video on The Daily Show page here in Sweden. No full episodes, no clips, everything is now marked as "unavailable" for me. Neither the US or UK page works. :(


Doesn't work in Germany any more, either. Hope they'll soon allow it again.

Any other ways to stream this?

I can't access any video on The Daily Show page here in Sweden. No full episodes, no clips, everything is now marked as "unavailable" for me. Neither the US or UK page works. :(

Give this a go. I don't use it for Colbert/Stewart's CC sites, but I can watch them through Hulu no problem.

This woman's reaction last night was amazing.



I wonder if this will be Colbert's final appearance on The Daily Show or if Stewart will interview him once before he leaves.


I wonder if this will be Colbert's final appearance on The Daily Show or if Stewart will interview him once before he leaves.

There may never be a last appearance of Colbert on the Daily Show. I'm sure he will be back as a guest as the host of the Tonight Show
Sarah Palin, Jesus fucking christ. To think she got so close to becoming the vice-president of one of the most powerful countries in the world. Really scary stuff.
This thread is kind dead for some reason. What gives?

Anyway, the poet on Colbert last night was brilliant. Would love to see a show like that. I will admit I didn't understand him 100% of the time when he was talking really fast, though.


This thread is kind dead for some reason. What gives?

Anyway, the poet on Colbert last night was brilliant. Would love to see a show like that. I will admit I didn't understand him 100% of the time when he was talking really fast, though.

Had only heard of him from his collaboration with Trent Reznor on Year Zero/The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust, but he's quite good here


This thread is kind dead for some reason. What gives?
I'm all Benghazi'd out.
Plus I had recently watched the piece Stewart did LAST YEAR about Fox News and Benghazi, and it was a better segment with more energy.

Jay Sekulow said:
The consequences, of course, would be significant, including possible impeachment, if he lied.
Jon Stewart said:
And if dingleberries were diamonds, I could open a Kay Jewelers in my pants!
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