What is the specific reason for my kayfun lite+ getting hot after 5 or 6 vapes?
I did a build with the same juice that I could chain vape off forever with no noticeable heat problems. I built two after that and both are giving me heat issues. It can get really hot. Hot enough to thin my juice which causes flooding and almost too hot to touch. I still get decent vapor but once it gets really hot I get inconsistent hits, which makes me think juice flow in my cotton.
All 3 of my last builds are .8 ohm single microcoils. Airflow hasn't changed. I use organic cotton balls, 28g wire on a 1/16 bit. I'm slightly rolling the cotton and threading it through with little to no resistance. I fluff it up a bit and then wet it with juice. I'm careful to make sure the cotton is only touching the inside coil. After that I press it against the wall away from the juice channel but with a little cotton spreading out towards it. Never in the channel directly. I read that thin juice needs more cotton and the build I did that chain vaped with zero temp issues did have a fair amount of cotton it in. I tried less, still hot, and now I'm at the same amount as before and it's still getting hot.
I'm wondering if its an insulator issue or something non-build related. But I'd like to hope it's just my build. If anyone has some advice I'd appreciate it.
I did a build with the same juice that I could chain vape off forever with no noticeable heat problems. I built two after that and both are giving me heat issues. It can get really hot. Hot enough to thin my juice which causes flooding and almost too hot to touch. I still get decent vapor but once it gets really hot I get inconsistent hits, which makes me think juice flow in my cotton.
All 3 of my last builds are .8 ohm single microcoils. Airflow hasn't changed. I use organic cotton balls, 28g wire on a 1/16 bit. I'm slightly rolling the cotton and threading it through with little to no resistance. I fluff it up a bit and then wet it with juice. I'm careful to make sure the cotton is only touching the inside coil. After that I press it against the wall away from the juice channel but with a little cotton spreading out towards it. Never in the channel directly. I read that thin juice needs more cotton and the build I did that chain vaped with zero temp issues did have a fair amount of cotton it in. I tried less, still hot, and now I'm at the same amount as before and it's still getting hot.
I'm wondering if its an insulator issue or something non-build related. But I'd like to hope it's just my build. If anyone has some advice I'd appreciate it.