Do you guys still feel that you're addicted? Right now I feel like I vape because I like it, not because I feel compelled too. The same kind of craving I get for chocolate or a coke, that I'd miss if it disappeared but I wouldn't suffer withdrawal. I went on holiday for two weeks late last year and I left my e-cig at home and I was completely fine. There were times of course where I thought "I'd love a vape right now", but I was completely fine. But I guess I was more a casual smoker before vaping, and have never had a nicotine addiction so maybe that's part of it.
I never considered myself addicted to nicotine either, just liked smoking cigarettes. Its the same now with vaping. If I have it by me I will take a few drags quite often. But if I am seperated from it for a few hours (battery died FML) then I'm completely fine.
Been reading some good reviews here and elsewhere for Good Life Vapor. Decided to give them a shot. I got a sampler pack with Deadly Sin, Pain Killa, Twilight Zone, and Zombie Blood.
I also rebought the iTaste VV 3.0 again. Pbusardo's review of the MVP really turned me off to it also don't like the big boxy size of it.
The version 1 or the version 2?
The only negative thing I can say about the version 2 is that the fire button is too hard to press and the connection is very finicky and sometimes requires a lot of cleaning and extra tightening down of the atomizer (or clearomizer) for it to fire.
But the MVP v1 is phenomenal in every way. The "boxyness" is quickly overlooked. It is much smaller in person than it appears to be on camera. You could get a version 1 for dirt cheap these days, I'd look into it. Unless you absolutely need variable wattage and an ohm reader than I'd go with the version 2. They have to of fixed the button issue by now. I've had mine for a while and it was an early batch.
OK I am so impressed with Apollo E-Liquid. Never switching to anything else. Guess that makes my shopping easier!
Listen, if you like them and are completely happy then stick with them. And they are cheap as all hell.
But..... I've tried Apollo and while they are good for the price, they are pretty much bottom of the barrel compared to other liquids I've tried. But trying juices from tons of vendors can also get very expensive. So I'd fine 2 or 3 flavors you like and stick with them.