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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

Anyone here with experience with a Taifun GT? Looking for a bigger tank than the Kayfun to match the bigass Panzer and the Taifun caught my eye with how nice it looks and its fill method (Would jump on the eXpromizer train since it sounds like the perfect tank but it looks ugly as hell and I'm a stickler for aesthetics ). Definitely looking for a more air-y draw compared to my KFL+.

Currently looking at http://www.fasttech.com/products/1632903


Whoa, just discovered this thread. I also just got my first e-cigarette in the hope of reducing and ultimately stopping smoking. Not sure which brand it was, it's an Elego Twist (1000mah). I got some juices too, the nicotine level ranges from mild to light. Does anyone know how much that would be approx?
Whoa, just discovered this thread. I also just got my first e-cigarette in the hope of reducing and ultimately stopping smoking. Not sure which brand it was, it's an Elego Twist (1000mah). I got some juices too, the nicotine level ranges from mild to light. Does anyone know how much that would be approx?

Mid is 12mg.
Light is 6mg.

Give or take a few.

My Smoktech Magneto

Loving this thing. Button is silky smooth. Hits very hard.

What I also love about it is that the button is magnetic and not a spring. On my other telescopes you have the crank the spring down very tight to avoid shaft wobble. There is NO shaft wobble in this. You tighten the shaft down tight then let the magnets do the work.
Saw it on ECF. Pretty dumb tbh.

Bought a ZNA yesterday. Probably getting rid of the last provari (v2) as well.

Been wrapping crazier coils lately. Got the Aqua to .6 ohms with triple twisted 32 gauge and the taifun gt with twisted 30


Want to try E cig , so i bought myself a pair of ego5s , but i'm having a hard time to find many places with liquids to buy. Its' realy easy to find and import e cig or 0% nicotine liquids, but for some reaso its much harder to order nicotine ones. Would apreciate if anybody would share some good places or sites where to buy nicotine liquids, preferable central Europe.


Neo Member
Tomorrow marks 1 month of analog free, so I got myself some nice new things!


Ordered a Mini Protank 2 (Kangertech) and some Grant's Vanilla Custard with 12mg (SO GOOD!).

This is my setup fo'life! :p

Sidenote: Sorry for the sucky quality, phone camera sucks!
I am now on month 8. I think it can safely be said that I am free of regular cigs. Haven't even thought about one in months.

Also, I sometimes leave my e-cig laying about untouched for hours without even thinking about it. Which never would of happened with regular smokes unless I was at work or something.


So the 15 Dual Coil EVOD/Protank replacement heads I ordered from Fasttech finally arrived. I busted one out and they do look exactly like the pic on the site. I'll probably pull some of the wicking out as I did with the old heads.

Anyways these are 5 for $5 and change right now. EVODs have always been really good to me and I have quite a few! I'm excited to upgrade my EVODs! I'll report back with results.

EDIT- While Im posting, here are some recommended juice vendors for those asking earlier: Velvet Cloud Vapor, Ahlusion, The Plume Room
Got my EHPRO Atomic in last night, thing is beautifully crafted.

I'm new to building anything that isn't a Kayfun though so my build was a fail. I think I shorted and it burnt out one of the tails connected to the center post so it just all fell apart lol.

I couldn't find any basic tutorials on the Atomic but I'm assuming most RDAs are similar. What I did was

1. do 10 wraps on a small screw driver and squeezed the wraps together til everything was tight and touched

2. loosened my screws to insert the tails through it and then tightened the the screws down.

3. used my screwdriver to lift up the coil so it isn't touching the base or ...basically anything

4. cut off the coil tails on the other side and proceed to fire and see if it glowed red.

It glowed red and then when I tried again, it had a small spark and the center tail fell off. Is there an obvious step that I'm missing?


Can anyone recommend a vape I can get in Canada, preferably online. Not too concerned about setup cost, but would like to have an option that's economical to use once I have it. Nice hits, size isn't too important. Please keep in mind I don't know shit... Appreciate any help GAF!

I'm sure that this has been answered a few times in this thread, so sorry if I'm repeating the same question.

Is it this easy?



Got my EHPRO Atomic in last night, thing is beautifully crafted.

I'm new to building anything that isn't a Kayfun though so my build was a fail. I think I shorted and it burnt out one of the tails connected to the center post so it just all fell apart lol.

I couldn't find any basic tutorials on the Atomic but I'm assuming most RDAs are similar. What I did was

1. do 10 wraps on a small screw driver and squeezed the wraps together til everything was tight and touched

2. loosened my screws to insert the tails through it and then tightened the the screws down.

3. used my screwdriver to lift up the coil so it isn't touching the base or ...basically anything

4. cut off the coil tails on the other side and proceed to fire and see if it glowed red.

It glowed red and then when I tried again, it had a small spark and the center tail fell off. Is there an obvious step that I'm missing?
What device are you using? You might be overloading your coil.
Anybody know of a two-post (single coil) RDA with airflow control? I'd rather have lots of space to work with and the ability to make a longer single coil than to have all my space taken up with 3-5 posts, which seems all the rage these days.


Can anyone recommend a vape I can get in Canada, preferably online. Not too concerned about setup cost, but would like to have an option that's economical to use once I have it. Nice hits, size isn't too important. Please keep in mind I don't know shit... Appreciate any help GAF!

I'm sure that this has been answered a few times in this thread, so sorry if I'm repeating the same question.

Is it this easy?

Hmmm...I'm not sure if got vapes ships to canada unfortunately.
Anybody know of a two-post (single coil) RDA with airflow control? I'd rather have lots of space to work with and the ability to make a longer single coil than to have all my space taken up with 3-5 posts, which seems all the rage these days.

Not sure of any with two posts.

But look into the Helios. It has PLENTY of room for wick/cotton.


Hmmm...I'm not sure if got vapes ships to canada unfortunately.

Meh, I gave it a crack and the order went through with international shipping. Who knows what happens next, I suppose worse case scenario I'm out $100.

Took a bottle of Vanilla Scream and Creamy Sicle, hopefully I didn't goof up.
I meant what battery. If you're firing too many volts into a low resistance coil, you're gonna blow it when you fire it up.

this is not true at all

if you wrap your own coil and know what you're doing, you can go down to .3Ω with a good 30 amp battery and have that thing last you over a month
Got my EHPRO Atomic in last night, thing is beautifully crafted.

I'm new to building anything that isn't a Kayfun though so my build was a fail. I think I shorted and it burnt out one of the tails connected to the center post so it just all fell apart lol.

I couldn't find any basic tutorials on the Atomic but I'm assuming most RDAs are similar. What I did was

1. do 10 wraps on a small screw driver and squeezed the wraps together til everything was tight and touched

2. loosened my screws to insert the tails through it and then tightened the the screws down.

3. used my screwdriver to lift up the coil so it isn't touching the base or ...basically anything

4. cut off the coil tails on the other side and proceed to fire and see if it glowed red.

It glowed red and then when I tried again, it had a small spark and the center tail fell off. Is there an obvious step that I'm missing?

couple things here...

what gauge wire were you using? did you check the resistance of the coil before you fired it? were you running in 18650 mode? what particular battery were you using?

if theres a spark, sounds like your leg was broken and the current jumped to the post.

all these questions are really important to be able to answer before you start wrapping coils on your mech mod
I don't deal in amps. I use a Provari. I just know that if I crank the voltage up, I can easily blow out a coil on one of my RDAs.

really depends on the quality of the coil and the gauge of the wire. if you wanted to go that low and that many amps, you should be using lower gauge wire.

the provari won't let you fire under 1Ω most of the time so it shouldn't come up much
couple things here...

what gauge wire were you using? did you check the resistance of the coil before you fired it? were you running in 18650 mode? what particular battery were you using?

if theres a spark, sounds like your leg was broken and the current jumped to the post.

all these questions are really important to be able to answer before you start wrapping coils on your mech mod

26g kanthal, couldn't check the coil resistance because I lack an ohm meter but I'm gonna order one from ebay or fast tech bc the whole time I wrapped more than I would like to to avoid any possible accidents. Running on a Sony VTC4 2100MAH on a 18650 Stingray.

Rebuilt it today but I'm not getting nearly the flavor or vapor production I would like using 10 wraps on a 5/64 drill bit, single coil with cotton. Gonna go to the vape shop tomorrow for some advice and rebuilding, my Kayfun is still giving me much better flavor/vapor.

edit: added the second coil, much more vapor, flavor is still low.


Anybody know of a two-post (single coil) RDA with airflow control? I'd rather have lots of space to work with and the ability to make a longer single coil than to have all my space taken up with 3-5 posts, which seems all the rage these days.

I love the IGO-L. 2 posts, one coil, a piece of wick , and a properly sized/placed airhole gives you crazy flavor and vapor. The Igo-L is very easy to drill out to 1/16" like mine. Then build your coil and position your cap so the hole and coil are as close as possible when you put the cap on.
I dont know about this EVOD2.

1. Its a little longer than the original
2. Its MUCH heavier, but also feels better built.
3. The removeable drip tip does not fit snuggly on the top. It already looks cool, I dont need to change the tip.
4. The center air hole is so low in the tank that you cannot fill it up all way without juice dripping into the center airhole.

The performance is great. I left all the original wicks in and haven't had a dry hit ever. But I may just stick with the original EVODs going forward.
you absolutely need an ohm meter

Yeah, anyone rebuilding definitely needs to get one.

If you are on the fence about getting a specific cheap mod (like the MVP v2) that has it built in, just get it. Worth its weight in gold. You can find an MVP v2 on the ECF Classifieds for less than $30.

Also, myvaporstore.com has an ohm reader that also checks voltage. Good for those of us that have ego batteries and have no idea how much juice is left in them.


Neo Member
Just ordered some Evo Habanos Robust e-liquid and I'm really unhappy with it. The taste is decent but once I exhale, I get a plastic, synthetic sort of taste. This is my first time using 100% PG juice - is this just what is tastes like?
Just ordered some Evo Habanos Robust e-liquid and I'm really unhappy with it. The taste is decent but once I exhale, I get a plastic, synthetic sort of taste. This is my first time using 100% PG juice - is this just what is tastes like?

It may need to steep. Whenever I get a new juice and taste something "foreign" in there like metal, plastic, powder, etc. it means it needs to sit for a week or so.
Where's the best place to buy a reliable ohm meter? Not in a rush so I'm fine buying from Fasttech but there's like 20 there so I don't know which to get.


Old man was struggling to go cold turkey off the cigs, I've been suggesting e-cigs for a year or two. He got one a few months ago and he finds it great. These things are an amazing invention.
Haha I cracked one of the tanks on my EVOD LOL. Now I know about tank-cracker flavors! Thanks Internet!

Ordered a pyrex glass protank so I won't have to worry about that anymore.


Haha I cracked one of the tanks on my EVOD LOL. Now I know about tank-cracker flavors! Thanks Internet!

Ordered a pyrex glass protank so I won't have to worry about that anymore.


Next time you do something silly, come talk to us first!

I would have told you to buy the Aero tank instead. :)
i smoke about a pack a day. i have to quit this garbage. i have a blu ecig, but it does nothing for me. i tried scrolling through the pages, but couldn't find anything. if anyone can recommend a good kit, that would be great. thanks!


i smoke about a pack a day. i have to quit this garbage. i have a blu ecig, but it does nothing for me. i tried scrolling through the pages, but couldn't find anything. if anyone can recommend a good kit, that would be great. thanks!

You've come to the right place!! Throw that Blu shit away! Check the OP. What country do you live in?
You've come to the right place!! Throw that Blu shit away! Check the OP. What country do you live in?

lol thanks.. idk how i missed the big starter kit section. i guess ego twist for me. yea the blu thing is garbage. hopefully this thing kills my horrible habbit.
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