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The OFFICIAL Fable thread

Just pre-ordered it today using the trade-in deal. Traded in MOH:RS, WR:BS, and Splinter Cell Xbox. No skin off my back. Looking forward to playing what could be the first decent RPG in 4 years.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i can't wait till you fuckers get to finally make up your own minds about this game. :)


got it today.. played it for a few hours.. 'meh, very meh' and good god is it ugly.

still, its not a bad game, its just not a great game.


Vark said:
got it today.. played it for a few hours.. 'meh, very meh' and good god is it ugly.

still, its not a bad game, its just not a great game.

You bought the wrong game. Take whatever you have back to EB and this time make sure you buy the box that say FABLE. Thats the letters F-A-B-L-E across the middle of the box. The art has a kid, you know, and an orangish background. Also, the case it green like your standard Xbox game. If you pick up something with a black case, its probably a PS2 game. Put that down, its not what youre looking for. Store employees will be glad to help you locate Fable if you are having trouble, dont be afraid to ask.

Then put 60 hours into it, come back to us, tell us what you think of it.


I'm only about an hour or two into it, but one thing is clear so far: Fable = Best voice acting and soundtrack in any game evar.

I've been wasting time just running around extracting random comments from people, because they're so amusing to listen to.

The soundtrack is brilliant. I was idly thinking, as I was running around listening to the soundtrack, that it sounded a lot like a Danny Elfman score. Then I remembered that it IS a Danny Elfman score.


Ohh yeah the music kicks all kinds of ass. Are they selling it on CD anywhere. It would be a definate buy for me, its great.


well not really...yet
Rhindle said:
I'm only about an hour or two into it, but one thing is clear so far: Fable = Best voice acting and soundtrack in any game evar.

I've been wasting time just running around extracting random comments from people, because they're so amusing to listen to.

The soundtrack is brilliant. I was idly thinking, as I was running around listening to the soundtrack, that it sounded a lot like a Danny Elfman score. Then I remembered that it IS a Danny Elfman score.
When I realised I was hearing spiderman, planet of the apes and countless other elfman scores all at once I realised it too. :p


"You bought the wrong game. Take whatever you have back to EB and this time make sure you buy the box that say FABLE. Thats the letters F-A-B-L-E across the middle of the box. The art has a kid, you know, and an orangish background. Also, the case it green like your standard Xbox game. If you pick up something with a black case, its probably a PS2 game. Put that down, its not what youre looking for. Store employees will be glad to help you locate Fable if you are having trouble, dont be afraid to ask.

Then put 60 hours into it, come back to us, tell us what you think of it."

Mmmmm nope, double checked, its the right game :p The same one that keeps randomly recalibrating my joystick so I can't run anymore, the same blurry ass low res texture jag fest (on a 55" HDTV running in progressive).

The voice acting is good when the people aren't repeating themselves, I like the music a lot and the combat is pretty fun.

I dunno, i'm not getting any real good sense of 'interactivity' that i didn't get in the sims or any other game thats come out between the last few years and when Fable finally released..

"OMFG i F4rted and teh ppls said ewww ROTFL LOLOLOLOLOL!!!111!"

I'm sure the game will pick up, it just hasn't grabbed me yet :p I'll let you know when it does there Aero, since you seem so concerned.


The Inside Track
Rhindle said:
The soundtrack is brilliant. I was idly thinking, as I was running around listening to the soundtrack, that it sounded a lot like a Danny Elfman score. Then I remembered that it IS a Danny Elfman score.
Actually only the main theme has been scored by Danny Elfman, everything else was done in house by BBB. And yes it rocks :)
I've been playing it for about 5 hours now and I fuckin love it. I am clearly on the path of the righteous man, I've wooed two women, married one, bought a house, furnished it, killed a giant monster that was terrorizing the townspeople, fended off bandits from raiding a small farm, escorted a couple of weak merchants through hell, did a couple of the side quests, and had one helluva time doing all of it. Its the most fun I've had with a single-player game in a long time. I have to go to work in 5 hours and I'm debating wether to sleep or just keep playing. I'm probably leaning towards playing. :D

Fable is what I always wanted Zelda and Shenmue to be more like. Both two of my favorite games, but Fable is the evolution of those games and its fucking awesome.
Very cool so far... I just completed the introductory Guild training. One slightly disconcerting bit about the game so far is the use of invisible walls on what look to be completely traversable spots in the game's areas... For example, early on, there is a break in the fencing that lines a main road...it's appears to have more than ample room to cross through and into...but no. It's only purpose was to allow you to get a glimpse at the very pretty water on the other side...and to snipe bandits across the pretty water... Just a little gripe. Otherwise, it's a very, very nicely done game, so far.


A word to all you Americans, Stay up play all night and keep posting opinions (don’t worry about work). This will help keep us UK gamers whom are at work at this moment free from boredom.
OK, this shit is fucking great! Aside from the tiny bits of glitchiness...tiny, really...this game's fucking cool! I got to Bowerstone and proceeded to steal a bit of cash and then decided I'd get this chick drunk who was hanging around some stuff I wanted to get... Kept her busy spinning in place and buzzed while I rifled through the stuff in the place...I don't need those square-jawed guards wrecking my apprenticeship in thievery...

Great dialog, also! The interface is a little cluttered, but once you get the hang of it (not long, really), it's quite accessible and offers all sorts of ways to do cool shit. I've decided to make my first playthrough as a chaotic mage-thief. Having fun...and I'm only 3 or so hours in.

I'm quite irritated that my abuse of wandering fowl in my youth has followed me into my adulthood...resulting in the not-so-intimidating moniker of 'Chicken Chaser.' I'm seriously thinking of killing the next villager who says that.
Heh. The magic, or Will, as it's called in Fable, is really fun and bad-ass-looking. Also need to mention that, aside from some slight v-sync tearing and very minor frame-droppage, the game looks absolutely amazing! BBB really nailed the look and man, does it look gorgeous with the day-night system in full effect! Combat, so far, can be pretty lethal if you're not a big melee type...

Now, I'm trying...keyword: trying...to get with this chick in one of the shops in town...she definitely wants me, but I'm afraid I'll have to make things easier by impressing her with my +166 attractive tattoo...heh. Roses, chocolate boxes, and loads of alcohol only go so far. Love the atmosphere and, especially the music! Best soundtrack and could well be the strongest artistic design in a game this gen, IMO.

Bottom line (from playing only 5 hours or so): Fable rocks! Anyone interested in action-adventures/RPGs absolutely NEED this game!!
"Chicken Chaser" is my name too. Kind of a stupid name but oh well. I didn't feel like I really wandered too much in my youth either. And I only kicked 2 chickens all game.

Very awesome game though. Fantastic on so many levels.


I'm about 7 hours in and just now i'm starting to round out my character. I'm trying to get the plate armor suit but the torso section is hard to find. I wielding an awesome obsidian great sword with a fire and silver modifier. and an obsidian bow. I've gotten about 11 women to fall in love with me but i don't know how to get them to marry me. i already bought my house in bowerstone and decked it out to the max. i just want to get my character to lose his virginity already!!! But the game is freakin incredible. Easily top five I've played this year. Oh, and my nickname is deathbringer now!!
I love the way that people start muttering to themselves about being respectful to you after you've shown that you can kill with impunity. FUCKERS, DO NOT CALL ME CHICKEN CHASER!!1 Did those guards in real good...real good.

P.S. I'm positively evil at this point. If only they left me alone with the namecalling.

Musashi Wins!

MightyHedgehog said:
I love the way that people start muttering to themselves about being respectful to you after you've shown that you can kill with impunity. FUCKERS, DO NOT CALL ME CHICKEN CHASER!!1 Did those guards in real good...real good.

P.S. I'm positively evil at this point. If only they left me alone with the namecalling.

lol, I've really had to force myself to be evil. Now I'm enjoying it, but I don't know what it is, when I have a choice in games it's hard not to take a more ethical path. Until there's money to be made in being baad :) Absolutely love the game, btw, my impressions are in the other thread.


Just put another 2 hrs into it and I guess I finally 'got it'. Does that change my opinions? Yes and no.

Yes in that the game is more enjoyable then my cranky rantings would let on.

No in that my points still stand in their validity. Where did this newfound enjoyment come from you say?

Well, I stopped playing the 'game'. That is i stopped doing quest things.. see silly me was doing what they told me to do.

Instead I should have been doing this:

So I went to the tavern and started hitting on everyone in site (and i do mean everyone). I then bought 10 tankards of beer. After getting two or three of the local ladies to dig me, I fed them beer until they stumbled around muttering incoherently. Then I hit on the bartender, the gambling dude in the corner, and a couple more girls that had walked in the door.

Now at this point i'm trying to figure out how to get laid, because there's a stat in the pause screen that says 'number of times you've had sex'.

So the alcohol isn't working, some guy walks in an i keep flirting with him, he keeps telling me i have a cousin he should meet, so i give him more beer. He never really warms up to me, but i persist anyway. That goes nowhere, I flirt with a girl until she asks for a wedding ring but alas, I have none.

So i did some trading stuff to build money to get a ring when i noticed the local school teacher (male) walks by with a heart over his head (signaling they want a shot of vitamin V) so i lay it on thick, he wants a ring, and long story short my night of drunken debauchery has ended with me buying a house in the suburbs with the local school teacher.

Now I have a new goal, preosition him in front of all the kids at school until he's 'in the mood'. A process which amounts to pressing the same button over and over again and hearing them cycle the same 4 canned responses until they're feeling friskey, then you hit the button, the screen turns black and you hear them make none sexual excalimatory noises.

Oh, then i went and killed some hobbes so i could afford better furniture and i bought back my parents house in oakvale so i could rent it out because the teacher bitch has expensive tastes.

(oh and to go with the husband i saved my head and got a handle-bar mustache) Judas Priest would be proud.

Quest what?

On the same tone as before though... dicking around with the villagers is fun for a short while, but the respones are so canned and predictable i think it'll get really old, really fast. but hey, thats me.

oh! and 11, my character has made sweet digital love 11 times. 8 of which were on the same day several minutes apart after i figured out the system for when it calculates how 'ready' your partner is.
Right now I'm playing the "good route" and I have a house in the slums and a wife that I stole from her former husband. Anytime I encounter him he's pretty pissy about the whole thing. :lol

It's going to be 10x more fun going through as evil and fucking everyone over as much as possible.

Pro Tip: Don't beat your wife in a drunken stupor, as she will probably divorce you.

Also: no matter how many beers you feed someone they don't seem to puke as you do.

It's funny when I go to the inn and I see all these big pink hearts over a number of women and then there's the (male) schoolteacher who also has the hots for the hero. :lol

Favourite sidequests so far:

Hand to hand "Fight Club" and the dude who tricks you into getting horribly ugly haircut and facial hair.

Yeah, I noticed that the male school teacher in Bowerstone is hot for you regardless... After killing many people in Oakvale -- I finally got tired of that, 'Chickenchaser! Oooh, look at him run!' shit -- I made ammends and still had problems with people in that town and a few others...including my new hometown of Bowerstone... Got a chick in Oakvale to marry -- actually she was ready to marry almost before I met her in the tavern there with the weird bard and the Coin Golf dude -- and bought the house for sale there... Havin' digital sex with her once a visit...and she repeats these ridiculously sappy lines and starts in with some high-pitched singing about trees and shit. My alignment is now sort of even, but towards the evil side of things...got to do more good deeds, I guess. This game sucks the time away, that much is certain.
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