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The Official Final Fantasy XIII TRIAL VERSION Thread


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Amir0x said:
I mean I guess they did that in FFXII INTERNATIONAL version, but I didn't play that. While I agree with the basic complaints that it was too easy and too quick to master the entire board, I wish all my RPGs would allow the possibility of mastering every last ability and magic for all my characters. I want the option because I like freedom. :SALUTEUSA:

Yup I loved that in FFXII, I can get rid of all tedious grinding. I could actually have fun exploring dungeons because traveling wasn't a studder-step of crap, transitioning every two seconds into some lame generic battle that takes two seconds to complete and no strategy. In FFXII, gambits not only made buffs/debuffs extremely important (FINALLY), but it made all the basic tedious repetition to the backburner and allowed optimal freedom and tweaking as battles progressed. You COULD at any time "break into" the battle and edit a move if you needed to.

As anything, it wasn't flawless. It needed at least a good dozen more extremely specific gambit types to allow more micromanaging of certain tasks like stealing and then attacking (if enemy has no items, then attack).

But for my money it was the best Final Fantasy yet. People talk about the storyline as if it was bad (it certainly wasn't good!), but I guess they never played a Final Fantasy game yet since they're all unanimously atrocious. Have any of them tried playing through FFVIII today to experience the horror that is its storyline? The endless plotholes and bizarre senseless twists? Or FFVII? Or FFVI? At least FFXII waited until its final few hours to become "yet-another-Final-Fantasy storyline", and had the best localization and voice work of any (non-Paper Mario) jRPG to date.

Vagrant Story and BKO had great localizations. Same with the remake of FFT and DQVIII


HK-47 said:
Vagrant Story and BKO had great localizations. Same with the remake of FFT and DQVIII

Oh, I caught myself before responding on the FFT... yeah, the remake had a great localization. Anyway, nobody is saying no other game has had good localizations (although I notice a distinct trend with your choices ;)), just that FFXII is EASILY the top of jRPG class. Without peer. It is so many hundreds of times better than the next comparable jRPG in terms of localization - and voice localization in specific - that it's almost a shame to put it in the same category as any other jRPG. By contrast, FFX's localization came from LOLville in the great land of LOLtopia.

Dragon Quest VIII had a real good localization, though, liked what they did with that. Very british.


Zilch said:
It is frustrating, but do find solace in the fact that a lot of the whiners seem to be dissatisfied with FFXIII's battle system now too. They'll realize that they'll never get an old-fashioned FF ever again sooner or later.

So if we don't like FF XII's battle system we are a bunch of whiners?

And really, what do you care if we don't like it, why is it frustrating for you? Or for anyone, for that matter?

And why take solace is someone else's disappointment or wish they will never get their kind of battle system? Because they don't like your kind of battle system?

Grow up. We all have our own likes and dislikes. It's called an opinion. Just because someone doesn't like something, doesn't mean they are a 'whiner' or they are 'wrong' for not liking what you like.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Amir0x said:
I waited until its final few hours to become "yet-another-Final-Fantasy storyline", and had the best localization and voice work of any (non-Paper Mario) jRPG to date.

So true. So true. I loved every minute of it

I thought Baltheir was the HEART of final fantasy XII.


It was so nice to not feel like I was losing brain cells while hearing the voice work in the game. I think Sazh is a good indication I will be back to crazytown with FFXIII, I hope that's not ASSUMING too much. Dude has a chocobo in his afro and does a funky groove dance whenever he's idle. :JAPANRACISMROCK:
Amir0x said:
As long as the beer has HEART, I bet it will taste rad.

Oh... it'll give you so much HEART you'll have your manhood in any homely, sour-cream-and-onion smelling vagina in a Fort Worth, Texas line-dancing club you can imagine.

How's that for HEART, pancho?

I'll bring the camera.


i don't even need heart for all that man. i just need a penis.

unless that's where the heart is located?

oh god now everything makes sense
Amir0x said:
i don't even need heart for all that man. i just need a penis.



I watched the video thing from 1up. So much utter crap in that thing. Just full on blatant bullshit. And they complained about the levels being just straight lines and actually got lost like four times. They complained you can't die, that circle is the win button, and they died. Just moronic.

Great to see Milky though, not sure why he's never been a regular on any of their shows.


I really enjoyed the demo a lot. This was a build from 2008? Hot damn. Can't wait to see the final product. The battle system I really enjoyed as well. Kept battles at a good flow. Now the ultimate question is, do I import or wait for the US release. Hrmmmmmm.


I think people really feel that you can only assume positive things from demo, never negative things. Whenever someone infers something negative the commentary is "bullshit." When they assume something positive, it's butterflies and cream.


CcrooK said:
This was a build from 2008?

Amir0x said:
I think people really feel that you can only assume positive things from demo, never negative things. Whenever someone infers something negative the commentary is "bullshit." When they assume something positive, it's butterflies and cream.
If that is in anyway directed to me, no. I've been critical. The 'bullshit' I mentioned is factually inaccurate things they said, like ACC is region locked and won't play on US PS3s (stupid because it's not region locked, and if it was, it would still work on US PS3s), things like Nomura designed characters he didn't, and calling them typical of his work, even though he didn't do them and would be completely out of character of his work if he did.

I have no issues with the things that are debatable being criticized. Just the things which are plain wrong.
Amir0x said:
I think people really feel that you can only assume positive things from demo, never negative things. Whenever someone infers something negative the commentary is "bullshit." When they assume something positive, it's butterflies and cream.
my issue with it, is that they didnt have a clue what they were talkin' about
when they're telling readers that the movie only works on JPN consoles etc, that kinda misinformation isn't very professional


I forgot to mention. Even though the last part of the Versus trailer was just dialog, the whole intro is fucking amazing. The music sets the tone for that and it makes my blood boil with excitement every time I heard it. I'm really looking forward to see what they do with Versus.
Amir0x said:
Dragon Quest VIII had a real good localization, though, liked what they did with that. Very british.

I'm pretty sure the VA on both DQVIII and FFXII were handled by the same company. I remember reading a profile about them in Edge, I can't remember what they were called though, they were British based. IIRC it was a bit of a reverse 8-4 situation, were they handled the VA and dabbled in the actual localisation.


mr_nothin said:
The hate against FFXII is retarded. :/
It's like nobody tried to dig into the gambit system.
I really hated it at 1st because I thought it took away control but after I figured out the gambit system it was GREAT.

So.. What's the right way to use the Gambit system?

I'm not trying to spark a huge argument, I'm just really, really curious, as it seems like I missed something while playing the game.


Rahxephon91 said:
The thing is FFXII is basically the same battle system of those older games without transisitons to other screens and semi real time.

You say you don't want to just watch the game play itself. Then turn off some gambits and have some do the tedious stuff, that way you still can make it turn based. Theres a lot of ways to actually play XII. You can actually make it to your liking.

The story of FFXII is fine it just needed a little more exposition.

At it's core FF XII was the same battle system. It also had menus, it also had the ATB system.

However, it felt completely different. The combat moved too smoothly for it's own good. There were no defined rounds or turns. All they really needed to do was have the menu pop up on it's own, like it did in prior FF's. But instead, you had to guess when each character's ATB gauge expired. It just was too awkward to input commands manually. The game was designed to use gambits and it showed.

I just did not like the real time, ATB turn-based mix.


BlazingDarkness said:
my issue with it, is that they didnt have a clue what they were talkin' about
when they're telling readers that the movie only works on JPN consoles etc, that kinda misinformation isn't very professional

Obviously they should have these facts right.

stubburns said:
If that is in anyway directed to me, no. I've been critical. The 'bullshit' I mentioned is factually inaccurate things they said, like ACC is region locked and won't play on US PS3s (stupid because it's not region locked, and if it was, it would still work on US PS3s), things like Nomura designed characters he didn't, and calling them typical of his work, even though he didn't do them and would be completely out of character of his work if he did.

Who designed the characters? I am almost 100% sure I read that Nomura designed Lightning and some of her companions. And I don't think it's untypical of his work at all. Some of them are so reminiscent of earlier Nomura designs that if it wasn't him designing them, the artist certainly was inspired BY him.


Hobbun said:
All they really needed to do was have the menu pop up on it's own, like it did in prior FF's.

Maybe my memory is fuzzy, but if you turned off gambits didn't the menu pop up? Well anyway...

Hobbun said:
But instead, you had to guess when each character's ATB gauge expired.

...I know this is wrong, at least.
bloodforge said:
All this FFXII talk is making me want to play through the game again.

I started a new game yesterday. Replaying the game I really think the story is quite good and the voice acting/writing is the best in the franchise so far. Unlike leveling up like a fucker like I did my first playthrough, I'm going to just plow through the game and try to get more into the story. First time through I spent so much time leveling up that I'd forget what was going on with the story. This time where I'm trucking through, I'm finding it more entertaining and challenging.

FFXII is awesome. Always was but the replay is making me like it even more than I already did. Do it.


Amir0x said:
Who designed the characters? I am almost 100% sure I read that Nomura designed Lightning and some of her companions. And I don't think it's untypical of his work at all. Some of them are so reminiscent of earlier Nomura designs that if it wasn't him designing them, the artist certainly was inspired BY him.
He did design Lightening, he didn't design the two AI party members from the second half of the demo who they were discussing. Snow and the others are very typical of Nomura indeed.


bloodforge said:
All this FFXII talk is making me want to play through the game again.
XII is the only mainline FF I've never finished. I should give it another go. I've played the XIII demo 562 times and it's going to be a loooong wait until fall for more FF.


stuburns said:
He did design Lightening, he didn't design the two AI party members from the second half of the demo who they were discussing. Snow and the others are very typical of Nomura indeed.

Well I will say this. The art style is fairly consistent in what we have seen in FFXIII so far. Therefore, we can infer that at the very least the artist was inspired by Nomura's art, which makes sense considering.

I don't think it is fair to say any of the work is UNTYPICAL of Nomura. I doubt any of them could name the obscure artist who handcrafted each and every individual character, of which there are presumably hundreds.


Also man watching the 1up LIVE STREAM of FFXIII, I really can't believe how obnoxious Sazh's funky groove idle dance is. I don't know how that shit passed inspection, but it IS Japan.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I really wish they released FF12 International elsewhere..I think any FF12 haters would very quickly change their tune. I played FF12 when it came out and had the fortune of playing International when it came out here in Japan as well. Normally I won't even touch an RPG again for a few years, but the changes they implemented with the job system and added gambits made the game have an amazing Final Fantasy feel. My only complaint is that ridiculous random treasure chest system..or the bow on the airship..

Anyway in regards to FF13's battle system, I think the demo is severely limiting and people aren't thinking ahead. When you have 3 characters to control and you have to worry about queuing moves and linking moves for each, the true beauty of the system will be unlocked. The bar is going to be more than 3 slots as well, most likely 6. When I did my first juggle in the demo and the AI partners also attacked and kept the enemy in the air, it was really satisfying.


Amir0x said:
Maybe my memory is fuzzy, but if you turned off gambits didn't the menu pop up? Well anyway...

No, it didn't. You had to hit 'X' to bring it up.

Amir0x said:
...I know this is wrong, at least.

Ok, I'm sorry, I should have clarified (my fault). Yes, it does show the ATB meter, but it was pretty small and moved so quickly, so trying to watch the combat while also quickly looking down to see where the ATB meters were at felt like I was timing it. As I mentioned before, if the menu just popped up on it's own, it wouldn't have been as much as an issue.


Amir0x said:
Well I will say this. The art style is fairly consistent in what we have seen in FFXIII so far. Therefore, we can infer that at the very least the artist was inspired by Nomura's art, which makes sense considering.

I don't think it is fair to say any of the work is UNTYPICAL of Nomura. I doubt any of them could name the obscure artist who handcrafted each and every individual character, of which there are presumably hundreds.
I disagree, I would say she is untypical of Nomura's work.

Gadot less so though.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I <3 FFXII, regardless of HEART. Waiting for this demo to arrive still, the yesasia tracking code doesn't seem to be valid though :?

Amir0x said:
Also man watching the 1up LIVE STREAM of FFXIII, I really can't believe how obnoxious Sazh's funky groove idle dance is. I don't know how that shit passed inspection, but it IS Japan.
*awaits GIF


stuburns said:
He did design Lightening, he didn't design the two AI party members from the second half of the demo who they were discussing. Snow and the others are very typical of Nomura indeed.
Nomura's work on XIIIs characters and especially Versus is some of his best work, IMO.


rataven said:
Nomura's work on XIIIs characters and especially Versus is some of his best work, IMO.
I think it is his best. I wasn't slagging it off. Just saying it's very much in his style, I do think his work has greatly improved.

They're slick as hell.


stuburns said:
I think it is his best. I wasn't slagging it off. Just saying it's very much in his style, I do think his work has greatly improved.

They're slick as hell.
It's funny how obvious it is to see who Nomura did and didn't design from XIII. Lightning and Snow are so, so good, and Team Nora is so, so bad.
rataven said:
It's funny how obvious it is to see who Nomura did and didn't design from XIII. Lightning and Snow are so, so good, and Team Nora is so, so bad.

Seriously. The dude with the red hair is one of the very worst designs in FF history.


I like Lightning Snow and Sazh because they fit together. The rest is ridiculous, especially red-haired dude, mainly him actually.


It's weird because I grew up playing turn-based RPG's and loving them, FF's, Skies of Arcadia, heck even pokemon. After I played FFXII, and games like Kingdom Hearts, Tales of Symphonia I really struggle with turn-based games. In fact I can't remember the last turn based RPG that I could stay interested in.

I don't really get the hate for FFXII, but I can agree on many problems people think it had - it didn't feel like a great FF, but it was a good RPG. I really hope FFXIII brings back that FF feel.


rataven said:
It's funny how obvious it is to see who Nomura did and didn't design from XIII. Lightning and Snow are so, so good, and two of the three Team Nora are so, so bad.
fixed you bastard


Just got home and saw the UPS package sitting on the kitchen table....about to open this bad boy up and start playing! So glad my roommate was nice and didn't open it first and start playing it :lol


What I liked about Snow, Lightning and Sazh is they look like they are actually fighting. Osaka Whore and co. look like they are going to a cosplay party. You don't dress up to go shoot a rifle at PSYOPS. It looks dumb. Blargh.


I got mine copy today and got to play it for maybe 7 minutes. I can't say too much about it until I'm done with exams and have had time to play it several (hundred) times. From what I did play though it certainly is beautiful and plays pretty smooth. I can't wait to play more.
Kagari said:
ACC is amazing. Previous haters should really give it another chance.

Yeah, a few of us gushed about it some pages back. It really is quite amazing how a few extra scenes, extensions and exposition can actually make the movie better.


RoboPlato said:
I take it that means it's worth double dipping for the Blu-ray version if I own and enjoy AC already?
Yes, absolutely, even if you liked AC just a little.

ACC is the definitive version.
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